The 45th Separate Guards Special Purpose Regiment is a Russian airborne outfit. The Russian Army often refers to them as a ‘Commando” Regiment.
The 45th Separate Guards Special Purpose Regiment is a Russian airborne outfit. The Russian Army often refers to them as a ‘Commando” Regiment.
One thing this excellent article fails to mention is the beard…you have to grow a big beard, and you should grow your hair at least until it touches the top of your ears (see #3, which is good but could be expanded imho).
How to look like you’re Special Forces
by Anonymous, courtesy of
1. First, go to EMS and buy the biggest watch you can find. A foreign special services officer asked me once whether we recruited guys based on the size of their watches or whether we bought everyone a big watch as a reward after training.
2. Cut the sleeves off your shirt. It’s hot in the Middle East, and guys would cut the sleeves off their operational uniforms. It makes sense in certain situations, but I had to tell my team, “Look, I know it’s hot, but I need you to meet safety parameters. You’re gonna get scratched.”
3. Make it your boss’s job to tell you to get a haircut and a shave.
4. Wear sunglasses. Everywhere. I’ll tell my team, “Hey, we’re inside. We can take off our sunglasses.” But they don’t.
5. Keep quiet. The baddest guys I know are also the quietest. The guy who’s talking about doing badass stuff? He’s probably not the biggest badass in the room. It’s a little like that guy on the football team who wears his letterman jacket all the time.
6. Never say “no.” Your first reaction has to be, “Yes, I can do that,” and then you figure out how. If the president asked me to go to the moon tomorrow, I’d say yes. Then I’d say, “I’ll need some training. And someone who can fly a rocket.” — As told to Brendan Greeley
Thanks to for the original article.
Three, maybe four different uniforms and all from one Wing. And unless the guy who is mostly hidden is wearing a Flight Suit, the ABU is the only authorized uniform there. Gotta love the SERE Specialist in his Crye Precision field uniform tho. He gets an ‘A’ for effort.
These are members of the 375th Wing going through Combat (in some units Continuation) Survival Training at the Illinois Army National Guard’s Sparta Training Area. Go check out the AF News article. It’s a lot better than the photos.
Shellback Tactical has teased us with news that they are working on a new super secret technology called Battle shell. What can it be?
Soldier Systems had a chance to talk to Caleb Johnson of Creative Tent International at Darley Defense Day last Thursday. We weren’t able to put hands on much of their product line, but we did get to look through their catalog and talk about their shelters a little bit. The Creative Tent International shelters, such as the “Shasta Shelter® product lines” are designed to be lightweight, rapidly deployable and easy to put in place (they can be used for full-time use as well as contingency operations, of course, but the expeditionary side of things is what initially caught our eye). Their shelters range in size from small personnel billeting to a monster you can park an Osprey in with some room to spare. The latter is the FTS 200; it can be accessorized with HVAC, lighting, flooring, insulating liners and other necessities.
Features of their big boy include:
For more information, contact Caleb Johnson at calebj(at) or Duffy Cavanaugh of Darley Defense at Duffy(at)
This video by BLACKHAWK! gives you a quick overview of the new products they unveiled at SHOT Show. Topics include women’s apparel, Sportster™ TraverseTrack™ Bipod, Bedside Holster, Day Planner Holster, Gideon™ Knives, and more. Cue the Serpa comments.