Tactical Tailor

Archive for July, 2012

Canipe Correspondence – What Are You Training For?

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Years ago, as I was getting into attending open enrollment training courses, I heard someone refer to these types of training events as “The New Golf.” That phrase stuck with me as a pretty accurate description based on what I had seen, and it holds true today as much as ever. The customers that fall into this category have worked hard for their money, and like all free Americans have the right to spend it however they wish. In fact it is very encouraging to see such a surge in responsible, law abiding citizens seeking firearms and self defense training today, and I hope the growth seen in the tactical training industry continues indefinitely. My friend Ken Hackathorn says “Just by showing up here you’re already in the 0.1%” Over the last decade I have been fortunate enough to take part in dozens of classes, both open enrollment and more specialized closed courses for military and law enforcement personnel. Having been on both sides of the class as a student and an instructor, I have seen a huge cross section of people in attendance. I’ve noticed some trends I’d like to highlight and hopefully assist some people into making more informed decisions regarding their training. Regardless of your background they can apply to formal classes or individual practice.

To truly make the most of your time, effort, and money, the student needs to be realistic about their needs. As I write this, nothing rings more true as Fox News is covering the massacre in a theater in Aurora, CO. 14 people gunned down and 50 plus injured by one active shooter in a theater. I have heard the mantra “performance on demand” my entire career. I try to live that, because as dozens of people found out in the early hours of July 20, 2012 you don’t always get to choose when you will be called to the plate.

“He pointed the gun right at my face. I didn’t know what to do, so I jumped into the isle, curled into a ball and waited for him to go away.” -Jennifer Seeger, attendee of Colorado “The Dark Night Rises” showing.

We all need to look in the mirror by ourselves and take some time. We need to figure out where our time, effort, and money is going. Are you a corporate family man who spends 8 hours a week at the mall with your daughters? Are you training on the weekend with a battle rifle, plate carrier, drop leg holster, and helmet then rolling out to said mall with a J-Frame in a pocket holster? If you fit that description and passed up a SouthNarc ECQC class for that week of helicopter-borne free-fall knife fighting and heavy machine gun shooting, I believe some soul searching is in order. If you have the time and resources to do it all, then the rest of us are envious. For us mere mortals, we need to make our training count for the fight we will be in. As we decide to become hunters among the sheep, we have a responsibility to be professional and proficient with our skills. Choose your training wisely.

There is a potentially dangerous assumption by some people that you get all you need from your formal training. As an instructor I cannot make a person a master of anything we teach. As a student I cannot master a skill in 2-3 days a few times a year. You have to be willing to put the time in. An instructor can show you the way forward for success (or failure in some cases). You buy a bright, shiny set of tools when you train with professionals, but it is up to you to use them. There’s no doubt that it is a significant investment to train for the fight as it takes thousands of dollars to enroll in a top-level trainer’s course, buy ammunition, take vacation days, cover travel costs, lodging, food, and countless other small expenses. This isn’t sustainable for most people on a regular basis, but using those tools regularly on your own pays huge dividends for very little financial output. Dry firing is free. Drawing in front of the mirror costs nothing. Making sure your family knows what to do in various emergencies only costs you a little time and effort. We’ve all heard the saying “You never rise to the occasion, you fall to your level of training.” Train constantly.

There is a factor of success when your skills are called to the test that is overlooked with alarming consistency. Physical fitness is one of the most underrated factors of human survival today. I watched a video highlighting numerous professional competition shooters a while back. I would be lucky to be 75% the shooter they are, and with other obligations in life it’s unrealistic to think I could compete on their level. One thing is for sure, if the stage was at the top of a flight of steps I’d pass a lot of them. In open enrollment classes I have seen an encouraging number of armed citizens who are fantastic shooters. Unfortunately, many of them could not be counted on to employ those skills due to their physical conditioning. How large is a Wal-Mart? Are your kids on the other side of it when shots ring out? Is your office on the fourth floor? If its on fire can you run down the steps to safety without passing out? Can you carry or drag another human being to safety in an emergency? In short, does your level of fitness make you an asset or a liability? Being trained and prepared means more than carrying a gun, plus fitness improves all aspects of life. Get in shape and stay in shape.

We live in a time where everyday life is seemingly more and more dangerous. When you decide to take up training for the fight as a profession or a hobby, I think there is an obligation to take it seriously as your life and those of others is on the line. By applying some common sense in your approach to choosing training, being serious about maintaining your skills, and being mentally and physically prepared you are choosing not to be a victim. These principles are not all inclusive, but should provide a solid foundation for serious students when developing training desires and goals.

Good luck and stay safe.

Jon Canipe served on Active Duty with the US Army as a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant at 5th SFG(A) and was a Senior Instructor at the JFKSWCS, training SFQC students in planning, unconventional warfare, small unit tactics, CQB, and advanced marksmanship. He is a veteran of multiple combat tours, and still serves in the Army National Guard’s 20th SFG(A) in addition to working as an industry consultant and small arms instructor.

Colt Officially Announces MARSOC CQB Pistol Contract Award

Saturday, July 21st, 2012


Yesterday Colt announced their award for the M45 Close Quarter Battle Pistol.

Colt Defense LLC has been awarded an Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity contract by the U.S. Marine Corps for up to 12,000 M45 Close Quarter Battle Pistols (CQBP), plus spares and logistical support. The new CQBP is a direct descendant of the iconic Colt M1911 adopted by the U.S. military in 1911 and carried as the primary sidearm through all the major conflicts of the 20th century.

The CQBP contract is for a five-year period and has a potential value of up to $22.5 million. The CQBP expands on a long history of MARCORSYSCOM re-building original Government-issue 1911s, primarily for use by Force Recon and MARSOC units.

“This is a truly gratifying contract award,” said Gerry Dinkel, President and CEO of Colt Defense. “To have the 1911 selected again for U.S. Forces 101 years after its initial introduction is just an incredible testament to the timeless design and effectiveness of the Colt 1911. Colt Defense looks forward to another great partnership with the Marine Corps as we renew industry production of the military 1911.”

The initial Delivery Order on the contract is for 4036 CQBP, plus spares. Deliveries will begin later this year.

US Army to Field 100 Female Cut Gen III IOTV for 101st Female Engagement Teams

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Early this Fall, the US Army will field 100 Female Cut Gen III IOTV for the 101st Airborne Division’s Female Engagement Teams serving in Afghanistan.

The female version features a slightly different cut to accommodate differences in body shapes.

Remington ACR Compact 2012 Model

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Courtesy of ‘The Firearms Guide‘ comes this video overview of the Remington Adaptive Combat Rifle Compact 2012 model.

Test Article Photos of MARSOC Winning Colt Rail Guns

Friday, July 20th, 2012

These rather interesting photos come from TEST REPORT FOR THE CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE PISTOL (CQBP) BID SAMPLES, PHASE II and are of Colt test articles from the CQB Pistol solicitation which was just awarded to Colt yesterday. They depict various frame cracks.

Guns 11, 12, 14 and 15 (1-10 were not fire tested) fired 12,000 rounds before being deadlined due to visible safety-critical cracks found in the slides. Each slide had cracks in the same location, but they varied in size.

One gun had its recoil spring bend enough to bind the slide to the point it no longer could be tested, it was withdrawn from testing.

Optimer Brands Announces CEO Search

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Optimer Brands, which includes DRIFIRE, makers of FR fabric technologies, is looking for a new CEO after Steven Scheyer recently announced his intent to step down.

Following continued significant growth in sales and product innovation over the past two and a half years, today Optimer Brands announced it has appointed a new Vice Chairman and is launching a search for a new Chief Executive Officer.

CEO Steven Scheyer has been named Vice Chairman, and continues as CEO during the search. After the new CEO joins, he remains as Vice Chairman and a key executive, owner and board member of the Company. This transition is part of the Company’s long-term succession plan that was put into place when Steven joined in 2010, and a strategic move to continue driving its growth and success into the company’s next phase.

Optimer Brands is the Company behind the DRIFIRE brand of flame resistant fabrics and flame resistant workwear, which has grown dramatically in the military and industrial sectors. Optimer has also achieved impressive growth with drirelease, patented fabric technology that enables brands to create unique apparel that dries four times faster than cotton, has everlasting wicking and odor control, and maintains the look and feel of natural fibers.

The Company has expanded beyond garments and fabrics into high performance finished goods. It has also developed broader reach beyond the military into the utility and the oil and gas sectors. Due to this complexity, Optimer aims to identify a CEO with a successful track record in operations and process.

“We have been very pleased with the Company’s growth over the past two and a half years, and are excited to be able to move to the next level in our growth plan. The current leadership team of CEO Steven Scheyer and Chairman Harvey Weinberg has grown Optimer Brands into the best financial position it has ever been in,” said Eric Becker, Senior Managing Director with private equity firm Sterling Partners. “With this new CEO, Sterling is reinvesting in the Company by bringing additional skills, experience and senior level expertise.”

“This focus on operations and process is the logical next step in the evolution of Optimer Brands,” said Scheyer. “We are confident this strategy is the right one for our continued future success.”

Weinberg added, “This transition has been planned since the beginning, and comes at a time of success and momentum for Optimer Brands. Our Company and our team have never been stronger.”

The search begins immediately, with the goal to secure the new CEO before the end of the year. Interested candidates should contact Nikki Bondi at executive search firm Advantage Partners.


Custom Mayflower Rig

Friday, July 20th, 2012


Mayflower produced this custom rig for a client. It includes a LiteLok APC (with custom mesh cummerbund), LiteLok Assault Back Panel, MRC Frag Pouches, MRC Double 7.62 Mag Pouch, Velocity SSE Pouch, custom MRC front panel and an Eagle 152 Radio Pouch.

What’s cool about this is that improvements and new products start out as custom items.


Panteao Productions Facebook Giveaway

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Panteao Productions Facebook fans can register to win Free DVDs from Panteao. Every Monday Panteao will be drawing a winner for a Make Ready instructional DVD as well as the Panteao Promo DVD that features Panteao trailers as well as Blooper videos. Once you enter the drawing for the first time, you are eligible to win on future drawings.

To enter, visit woobox.com/8x95ox.