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Archive for July, 2012

PIG Billowed Utility Pouch from SKD Tactical

Monday, July 23rd, 2012


The PIG Billowed Utility Pouch from SKD Tactical utilizes a tri-panel construction. The billowed pouch concept was pioneered by PIG’s lead designer Tyler Cigard, and based off the Eagle AFSOC bag of his design. It features a dual zipper opening, a drainage grommet and cord grab tabs to aide in zipper closure and to attach carabiner type accessories.


X-Small: H:5″ W:6″ D:1.75″
Small: H:5.5″ W:7.5″ D:1.75″
Medium: H:7″ W:7.5″ D:2.75″


Offered in 3 sizes, in Black, Coyote and MultiCam.


Send Me

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

From someone honoring the 27th Special Operations Wing comes this montage of AFSOC awesomeness set to “Send Me” by Max Impact.

I’m Not Sure What’s Going on in Chesterfield But Thus Far, I’m Not Impressed

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Early Friday morning a monster gunned down innocent moviegoers in Aurora, Colorado. You might ask what that has to do with Chesterfield, Missouri and normally so would we. But, Chesterfield, Missouri based TacticalGear.com thrust themselves into the middle of this act.

You see, the perpetrator of this heinous crime is said to have purchased a Blackhawk! vest, 2 pouches and a knife from them in early July, according to their records. In fact, that info is ALL over the news. It seems a bit off to make such a big deal over that. A vest, knife, and two pouches? This isn’t like it’s the weapon.

Already, it was starting to look like someone going beyond being a cooperative citizen to looking for some publicity. But then, it got worse.

We’ve been very supportive of TacticalGear.com in the past but the comments made by COO Andrew Hoefener during a recent interview by KMOV were pretty unimpressive. He started out the interview just fine, explaining that TacticalGear.com is proud to support Law Enforcement, but then it got weird. He said, “If any additional scrutiny needs to be paid, it’s probably to ammunition sourcing online and firearms and how those are purchased.” What the hell is he talking about? And, does he even have any idea what he means when he says that? What is this guy thinking?

Deceptex Hits 350 Pattern Mark

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corporation’s print on demand Deceptex program has hit the 350 pattern threshold by adding the new Love, Nan, Oboe and Peter series.

Look for sales to begin in August.


Sentinel Design GLOCK Magazine Well

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Sentinel Design has just finalized the design on their GLOCK Magazine Well. Aftermarket GLOCK magazine wells are nothing new, but this is the first design to the market that is easily concealable, allows you to strip a stuck factory magazine, and allows for use of the factory baseplates. Many popular designs do not allow the shooter to positively seat a magazine with factory GLOCK baseplates, they can add almost two inches of width and an inch of height to the base of the pistol, and many significantly increase the weight of the gun. These can be desirable for the competition arena, but Sentinel owner Clint Lynch wanted to develop a product for duty, tactical, and concealed carry use. Machined from solid aluminum and Type III hard anodized, the Sentinel mag well brings the benefits of larger, heavier versions to the user who carries their gun full-time. It is sized to fit full-size Gen 2/3 guns to include the 17, 22, 31, 34, 35, 24, and 17L. Variants for the GLOCK 19 and 23 as well as Gen 4 guns are in the design stage as well.

In addition to the flat factory GLOCK baseplates, Sentinel’s design is compatible with factory GLOCK +2 baseplates and copies, Arredondo +2 and +5 extensions, Magpul Speedplates, as well as Dawson Precision’s excellent extended tool-less magazine extensions and Ez-Off baseplates. Others may fit as well and ongoing testing is being conducted by Sentinel’s R&D staff. Pricing is still being finalized, look for them to hit the shelves at Austere Provisions Company and other fine retailers at the beginning of September.

Check out www.facebook.com/pages/Sentinel-Design-LLC on Facebook for updates.

Jon Canipe served on Active Duty with the US Army as a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant at 5th SFG(A) and was a Senior Instructor at the JFKSWCS, training SFQC students in planning, unconventional warfare, small unit tactics, CQB, and advanced marksmanship. He is a veteran of multiple combat tours, and still serves in the Army National Guard’s 20th SFG(A) in addition to working as an industry consultant and small arms instructor.

Caveat Emptor – Why Don’t You…Redux

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

This article was originally published just last November. An email I received the other day reminded me of it so I thought I’d share it again. The bottom line here is scientific method. It’s boring, and expensive and time consuming, but it’s how you test accurately. Now data interpretation is an entirely different ball of wax, but you’ve got to get there first.

We get email all of the time from readers asking why we don’t test this or that. There’s two simple reasons.

First, we do the news and we don’t have enough bandwidth to do proper test & evaluations which leads us to the second point. We don’t have the access to the right facilities and equipment to conduct proper tests.

We see folks all over the internet throwing products on their charcoal grills saying they are conducting burn tests or taking their latest gucciflauge out in the back yard to snap a couple of photos and saying they are testing camouflage or worse yet, shooting a ballistic material at a random range with some random gun. In all cases, they are wrong. All they are doing is making noise and, filling their reader’s heads full of nonsense that in some cases is libelous and in others downright dangerous.

Our editor actually conducted test & evaluation for DoD and later, after he retired from the military for commercial companies. Consequently, he knows how it is supposed to be done and, that is why you won’t see us doing it. If we aren’t going to do it right, we aren’t going to do it at all.

So, next time you see an internet “test” conducted by amateurs, ask them what qualifies them to conduct that test. Ask to see their test plan and their data collection schema. Ask them how many times they conducted the test and how they ensured that the tests were conducted properly and consistently. We could go on and on but quite frankly, question one will stump them.

Not only are there folks posting this nonsense on the internet but they are taking money from unsuspecting companies. Before you pay someone to conduct RDT&E for your company ask them what qualifies them to do this. There’s an old saying in SOCOM, “Don’t confuse enthusiasm with capability.” There are tons of former end-users out there but DoD’s T&E community isn’t very big. Verify credentials.

Forces Focus – USAF Special Tactics

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

We ran across this great B roll footage of Special Tactics Airmen training.

Project Honor Camo Stencil Kit from LBX Tactical Available for Pre-order

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Shipping August 20th is the Project Honor Camouflage Stencil Kit. The pattern was developed for the upcoming Electronic Arts title Medal of Honor Warfighter.


The kit includes –

4 4.5oz Aerosol Cans
1 LBX logo stencil
1 LBX digital logo stencil
6 Digital stencils
