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Archive for January, 2013

OR – Arc’teryx

Friday, January 25th, 2013

The big story for Arc’teryx this OR is Down. But these aren’t down garments as you have traditionally known them. As with most things, Arc’teryx took a long look at the issue and came with a couple of improvements. First, these garments have fewer pieces than others on the market meaning fewer stitches resulting in stronger garments. Next, they increased the durability of the shell of the garment to mitigate the abrasion that ruins so many down jackets. Finally, they placed Coreloft synthetic in areas of high compression and vapor transfer; the shoulders and cuffs. This feature eliminates cold spots. Currently, the garments run either 750 and 850 fill down.


Another innovation is the new hood design. Rather than traditional two direction hood adjustment, this new version brings the crown of the hood down over the top of your head and ears.


There are already 11 garments in the line (including models for both mean and women) including traditional jackets as well as hooded variants. They have also introduced a true hybrid with a Gore-tex shell and the insulation is the Down and Coreloft combo.

Look for these late Summer 2013.

OR – NEMO Equipment

Friday, January 25th, 2013


The Switchblade SE is a one man shelter designed for use with a GI cot. It includes a strap system to attach the four corners to the cot. As you can see it’s a full mesh top to keep the bugs out combined with a full bathtub bottom to keep you dry. There is also a fly to protect you from the elements.


The fly is a 2-point vestibule and includes a vent at the top of the zipper. This will give you plenty of room to change whether the shelter is in a cot or the ground. Fly options include Coyote, Alpha Green and MultiCam as well as custom colors for unit orders.

OR – Outdoor Research

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Woodland camo is back!


These Men’s Classic Mod Mitts are made by Holden Outerwear for OR.

Proposed Legislation – The Assault Weapons Ban of 2013

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Sen Feinstein (D-CA) didn’t pull any punches when she named the bill she introduced to the Senate yesterday. The Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 bill is a controversial piece of legislation that is sure to see opposition in the Senate including from members of her own party. Here’s some info on what she has in mind for America.

Assault Weapons Ban of 2013

Mass shootings in Newtown, Aurora, and Tucson have demonstrated all too clearly the need to regulate military-style assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines. These weapons allow a gunman to fire a large number of rounds quickly and without having to reload.

The legislation bans the sale, transfer, manufacturing and importation of:

All semiautomatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine and have at least one military feature: pistol grip; forward grip; folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; grenade launcher or rocket launcher; barrel shroud; or threaded barrel.

All semiautomatic pistols that can accept a detachable magazine and have at least one military feature: threaded barrel; second pistol grip; barrel shroud; capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip; or semiautomatic version of an automatic firearm.

All semiautomatic rifles and handguns that have a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.

All semiautomatic shotguns that have a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; pistol grip; fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 5 rounds; ability to accept a detachable magazine; forward grip; grenade launcher or rocket launcher; or shotgun with a revolving cylinder.

All ammunition feeding devices (magazines, strips, and drums) capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.

157 specifically-named firearms (listed at the end of this document).

The legislation excludes the following weapons from the bill:

Any weapon that is lawfully possessed at the date of the bill’s enactment;

Any firearm manually operated by a bolt, pump, lever or slide action;

Assault weapons used by military, law enforcement, and retired law enforcement; and

Antique weapons.

The legislation protects hunting and sporting firearms:

The bill excludes 2,258 legitimate hunting and sporting rifles and shotguns by specific make and model.

The legislation strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and state bans by:

Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test.

(The bill also makes the ban harder to evade by eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test.)

Banning dangerous after-market modifications and work-arounds.

Bump or slide fire stocks, which are modified stocks that enable semi-automatic weapons to fire at rates similar to fully automatic machine guns.

So-called “bullet buttons” that allow the rapid replacement of ammunition magazines, frequently used as a work-around to prohibitions on detachable magazines.

Thumbhole stocks, a type of stock that was created as a work-around to avoid prohibitions on pistol grips.

Adding a ban on the importation of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.

Eliminating the 10-year sunset that allowed the original federal ban to expire.

The legislation addresses the millions of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines currently in existence by:

Requiring a background check on all sales or transfers of a grandfathered assault weapon.

(This background check can be run through the FBI or, if a state chooses, initiated with a state agency, as with the existing background check system.)

Prohibiting the sale or transfer of large-capacity ammunition feeding devices lawfully possessed on the date of enactment of the bill.

Allowing states and localities to use federal Byrne JAG grant funds to conduct a voluntary buy-back program for grandfathered assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices.

Imposing a safe storage requirement for grandfathered firearms, to keep them away from prohibited persons.

Requiring that assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices manufactured after the date of the bill’s enactment be engraved with the serial number and date of manufacture of the weapon

Assault Weapon Bans Have Been Proven to Be Effective

The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban was effective at reducing crime and getting these military-style weapons off our streets. Since the ban expired, more than 350 people have been killed and more than 450 injured by these weapons.

A Justice Department study of the assault weapons ban found that it was responsible for a 6.7% decrease in total gun murders, holding all other factors equal.

Source: Jeffrey A. Roth & Christopher S. Koper, “Impact Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994,” (March 1997).

The same study also found that “Assault weapons are disproportionately involved in murders with multiple victims, multiple wounds per victim, and police officers as victims.”

The use of assault weapons in crime declined by more than two-thirds by about nine years after 1994 Assault Weapons Ban took effect.

Source: Christopher S. Koper, “An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003” (June 2004), University of Pennsylvania, Report to the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.

The percentage of firearms seized by police in Virginia that had high-capacity magazines dropped significantly during the ban. That figure has doubled since the ban expired.

Source: David S. Fallis and James V. Grimaldi, “In Virginia, high-yield clip seizures rise,” Washington Post, at

When Maryland imposed a more stringent ban on assault pistols and high-capacity magazines in 1994, it led to a 55% drop in assault pistols recovered by the Baltimore Police Department.

Source: Douglas S. Weil & Rebecca C. Knox, Letter to the Editor, The Maryland Ban on the Sale of Assault Pistols and High-Capacity Magazines: Estimating the Impact in Baltimore, 87 Am. J. of Public Health 2, Feb. 1997..

37% of police departments reported seeing a noticeable increase in criminals’ use of assault weapons since the 1994 federal ban expired.

Source: Police Executive Research Forum, Guns and Crime: Breaking New Ground by Focusing on the Local Impact (May 2010).

List of Firearms Prohibited by Name

Rifles: All AK types, including the following: AK, AK47, AK47S, AK–74, AKM, AKS, ARM, MAK90, MISR, NHM90, NHM91, Rock River Arms LAR–47, SA85, SA93, Vector Arms AK–47, VEPR, WASR–10, and WUM, IZHMASH Saiga AK, MAADI AK47 and ARM, Norinco 56S, 56S2, 84S, and 86S, Poly Technologies AK47 and AKS; All AR types, including the following: AR–10, AR–15, Armalite M15 22LR Carbine, Armalite M15–T, Barrett REC7, Beretta AR–70, Bushmaster ACR, Bushmaster Carbon 15, Bushmaster MOE series, Bushmaster XM15, Colt Match Target Rifles, DoubleStar AR rifles, DPMS Tactical Rifles, Heckler & Koch MR556, Olympic Arms, Remington R–15 rifles, Rock River Arms LAR–15, Sig Sauer SIG516 rifles, Smith & Wesson M&P15 Rifles, Stag Arms AR rifles, Sturm, Ruger & Co. SR556 rifles; Barrett M107A1; Barrett M82A1; Beretta CX4 Storm; Calico Liberty Series; CETME Sporter; Daewoo K–1, K–2, Max 1, Max 2, AR 100, and AR 110C; Fabrique Nationale/FN Herstal FAL, LAR, 22 FNC, 308 Match, L1A1 Sporter, PS90, SCAR, and FS2000; Feather Industries AT–9; Galil Model AR and Model ARM; Hi-Point Carbine; HK–91, HK–93, HK–94, HK–PSG–1 and HK USC; Kel-Tec Sub–2000, SU–16, and RFB; SIG AMT, SIG PE–57, Sig Sauer SG 550, and Sig Sauer SG 551; Springfield Armory SAR–48; Steyr AUG; Sturm, Ruger Mini-14 Tactical Rife M–14/20CF; All Thompson rifles, including the following: Thompson M1SB, Thompson T1100D, Thompson T150D, Thompson T1B, Thompson T1B100D, Thompson T1B50D, Thompson T1BSB, Thompson T1–C, Thompson T1D, Thompson T1SB, Thompson T5, Thompson T5100D, Thompson TM1, Thompson TM1C; UMAREX UZI Rifle; UZI Mini Carbine, UZI Model A Carbine, and UZI Model B Carbine; Valmet M62S, M71S, and M78; Vector Arms UZI Type; Weaver Arms Nighthawk; Wilkinson Arms Linda Carbine.

Pistols: All AK–47 types, including the following: Centurion 39 AK pistol, Draco AK–47 pistol, HCR AK–47 pistol, IO Inc. Hellpup AK–47 pistol, Krinkov pistol, Mini Draco AK–47 pistol, Yugo Krebs Krink pistol; All AR–15 types, including the following: American Spirit AR–15 pistol, Bushmaster Carbon 15 pistol, DoubleStar Corporation AR pistol, DPMS AR–15 pistol, Olympic Arms AR–15 pistol, Rock River Arms LAR 15 pistol; Calico Liberty pistols; DSA SA58 PKP FAL pistol; Encom MP–9 and MP–45; Heckler & Koch model SP-89 pistol; Intratec AB–10, TEC–22 Scorpion, TEC–9, and TEC–DC9; Kel-Tec PLR 16 pistol; The following MAC types: MAC–10, MAC–11; Masterpiece Arms MPA A930 Mini Pistol, MPA460 Pistol, MPA Tactical Pistol, and MPA Mini Tactical Pistol; Military Armament Corp. Ingram M–11, Velocity Arms VMAC; Sig Sauer P556 pistol; Sites Spectre; All Thompson types, including the following: Thompson TA510D, Thompson TA5; All UZI types, including: Micro-UZI.

Shotguns: Franchi LAW–12 and SPAS 12; All IZHMASH Saiga 12 types, including the following: IZHMASH Saiga 12, IZHMASH Saiga 12S, IZHMASH Saiga 12S EXP–01, IZHMASH Saiga 12K, IZHMASH Saiga 12K–030, IZHMASH Saiga 12K–040 Taktika; Streetsweeper; Striker 12.

Belt-fed semiautomatic firearms: All belt-fed semiautomatic firearms including TNW M2HB.

Source One CEO & President Mark Llano Joins Veterans’ Pathway Board of Directors

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Veterans’ Pathway to Business Success is a non-profit, entrepreneurial grant program for Florida’s Veterans who have served in Afghanistan or Iraq. They announced recently that highly decorated Marine veteran Mark Llano, President and CEO of Source One Distributors, has joined its Board of Directors. Mark served in the Gulf War and has been presented with many entrepreneurial awards during his time at Source One, including the National Veteran Owned Business Association’s Vetrepreneur® of the Year Award, the United States Small Business Administration’s Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year Award (Florida) and the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2011 Florida Award (Distribution & Manufacturing). According to Ernst & Young LLP, the award recognizes outstanding entrepreneurs who demonstrate excellence and extraordinary success in such areas as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities.

Recipients of grants from Veterans’ Pathway are Veteran entrepreneurs who are hoping to start their own business or who have an established business and are seeking funding for expansion. The main requirements for receiving funding are for Veterans who:

• have served in Afghanistan or Iraq after September 11, 2001;
• have, or are eligible for, an honorable discharge;
• reside in Florida and can provide proof of residency; and
• present a detailed business plan for eventual approval by the Veterans’ Pathway Board of Directors.

Major General Joe Taluto, US Army Retired and Vice President of the Veterans Pathway Board of Directors commented, “We believe Mark Llano will bring immense value to Veterans’ Pathway mission. Not only is he a highly respected and decorated Marine, he has achieved great professional success as an entrepreneur following his military service. Mark exemplifies the business leader we want our Veterans to become: Entrepreneurs with the vision, determination and leadership skills to succeed.” Major General Taluto went on to say that “I am greatly impressed by Mark’s life story, the adversity he overcame and the courage and skill it took to build a successful business. I have met many great leaders over my 44 years of military service. Mark’s character and integrity ranks with some of the best I have known.”

OR – UtilityFlame

Friday, January 25th, 2013

UtilityFlame was originally developed s a firestarter for the military. Unlike the old trioxane that was toxic, UtilityFlame is water soluble, non-hazmat, smokeless and odorless. It’s a gel format that burns hot (blue flame) and can boil water in as little as 3 minutes. Not only that, but it works up to 10,000′ and has a shelf life of 30 years.



OR – Darn Tough Vermont

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

Not only does Darn Tough Vermont make excellent socks in America but they also are offering Maple Creamies with Bacon!


I didn’t think you could make anything from Darn Tough Vermont any better until they added bacon.

OR – Rocky S2V

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

We first mentioned Rocky S2V during their soft launch at Summer OR. Now, in addition to a full brand launch, Rocky S2V has introduced a couple of new products. SSD readers will probably be most interested in the Agonic Prima-Flex softshell and Substratum XLD boot but there is also a new softshell and pant that we’ll cover soon.


The Agonic Prima-Flex is a hybrid performance piece combining 100g Primaloft insulation in a Teflon DWR coated rip stop nylon shell with VapourFlex compression side panels and cuffs. Like all other S2V garments it includes a mini-survival kit as well as a combination signal panel/goggle wipe. Additionally, the interior of the arms of the jacket are fluorescent red for use as signaling devices. Offered in Med – XL in Raven, Desert Khaki and Fire Ember.


The Substratum XLD is a 9″ full grain leather waterproof boot insulated with Aerotherm and PrimaLoft. Under the insole is a hidden cache containing a firestarter and wetcubes. Additionally, the Vibram sole is crampon and snowshoe compatible. The boot is topped off with 550 laces.