
Archive for March, 2013

Do You Know How To Adjust Your Mystery Ranch Pack?

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

Fitting Your Pack from Mystery Ranch on Vimeo.

Cats and Dogs Living Together

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Cats and Dogs Living Together

TNVC mated a Team Wendy Cam-Fit suspension system to a Crye Precision AirFrame which illustrates the versatility of both.

Is the US Army’s Individual Carbine Program Doomed?

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Earlier today, in a statement by Ms. Lynne M. Halbrooks, Principal Deputy Inspector General, Department of Defense Inspector General before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform entitled, “Opportunities to Reduce Waste and Improve Efficiency at the Department of Defense and Other Federal Agencies,” she made a rather interesting comment about the US Army’s proposed replacement for the M4/M16 family.

In another example, we are auditing the Army’s acquisition of the individual carbine program, which is an acquisition the Department may want to re-evaluate. We expect to report concerns that DoD may not have an established need for this weapon nor developed performance requirements for the $1.8 billion acquisition. Currently, the Army is modifying its existing M4 rifle and, at the same time, seeking to develop a new rifle. However, key performance parameters such as accuracy, reliability, and lethality have not been established. In addition, it is unclear what additional capability this new rifle will have over the modified M4. Further, the Army is seeking to acquire more rifles during a time when their total force structure will be reduced. We expect to issue our draft report within the next two months that will further elaborate on these concerns and provide recommendations for the Department to increase efficiencies.

Considering the Army’s dual path strategy that is alluded to in the statement which concurrently improves the performance of existing M4A1 carbines while simultaneously working to acquire an entirely new weapon, it is no wonder that DoD is reconsidering the replacement half of the equation. Industry analysts have long questioned the notion that a new weapon would offer a dramatic increase in performance without first undertaking a caliber and associated ammunition change. The IC program does not adequately do this. And then there’s Sequestration…

Why Colorado HB 13-1224 Makes For Bad Law

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Last week, Jonathon M Anderson a partner at MagPul’s attorney Holland & Hart sent Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper this letter as an appeal that he veto House Bill 13-1224 which would outlaw magazines that hold more than 15 rounds or can be readily modified to do so. Their arguments against the ill-conceived legislation are reasonable. Oftentimes poorly researched and legislation results in unintended consequences particularly when they are rammed through with little consideration and based more on emotion than fact. This is certainly the case with this bill except that a multitude of experts spoke out against its passage as it made its way through the legislative process. You’d think that expert testimony might sway those truly interested in public safety and the rule of Constitutional law. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case. Please take a few minutes to read this well researched and articulated argument against this sweeping legislation which will most certainly be signed into law tomorrow.

MagPul's Appeal to Colorado Governor Hickenlooper Regarding HB 13-1224 by solsys

XGO to Introduce Flame Retardant Mesh to 2013 Line

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013


XGO is adding a new line of Flame Retardant Mesh to their 2013 collection. Featuring increased breathability and increased stretch as a result of the mesh construction, the line will initially consist of a short and long sleeve top, boxer brief, and neck pipe.

“The evolution of the FR mesh is a direct result of having so our warfighters tell us that, in their FR base layer, they needed something that would breathe and provide some air permeability under their other protective pieces,” says Sherry Lyons, Director of Global Sales for XGO. She goes on to explain, “while it meets the U.S. Military / Natick standards for FR, it also wicks and allows the flow of air for increased comfort.”

The FR Mesh line will be available April 2013 through select retailers and online at

Harris Situational Awareness Video Receiver

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Harris_SAVRAnalog and ROVER format friendly, the Situational Awareness Video Receiver (SAVR) from Harris is a portable, handheld ISR video receiver. It gives you access to over 95% of fielded downlinks from manned and unmanned secure air assets. In addition to acting as a stand-alone, handheld video receiver, the SAVR is compatible with other Harris multiband radios such as the AN/PRC-152A and the AN/PRC-117G. The 7800T can also inject streaming video into a tactical network. Additionally, it offers the JTRS compliant SCA 2.2 operating environment that keeps track emerging digital data link (DDL) and encryption standards through software-only upgrades. Planned upgrades include digital waveforms, streaming MPEG-4/H.264 over RNDIS USB Video, metadata output in CoT format and other useful visual augmentation of video feeds.


To learn more, visit

MagPul Responds to Colorado Governor’s Announcement Regarding Magazine Ban

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

MagPul has issued a statement regarding Colorado Gov Hickenlooper’s announcement that he will sign gun control legislation into law on Wednesday.

Apparently Gov Hickenlooper has announced that he will sign HB 1224 on Wednesday. We were asked for our reaction, and here is what we said:

We have said all along that based on the legal problems and uncertainties in the bill, as well as general principle, we will have no choice but to leave if the Governor signs this into law. We will start our transition out of the state almost immediately, and we will prioritize moving magazine manufacturing operations first. We expect the first PMAGs to be made outside CO within 30 days of the signing, with the rest to follow in phases. We will likely become a multi-state operation as a result of this move, and not all locations have been selected. We have made some initial contacts and evaluated a list of new potential locations for additional manufacturing and the new company headquarters, and we will begin talks with various state representatives in earnest if the Governor indeed signs this legislation. Although we are agile for a company of our size, it is still a significant footprint, and we will perform this move in a manner that is best for the company and our employees.

It is disappointing to us that money and a social agenda from outside the state have apparently penetrated the American West to control our legislature and Governor, but we feel confident that Colorado residents can still take the state back through recalls, ballot initiatives, and the 2014 election to undo these wrongs against responsible Citizens.

Colorado Governor To Sign Controversial Magazine Ban On Wednesday

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Earlier today, a spokesman for Colorado’s Democrat Governor John Hickenlooper stated that on Wednesday morning he will sign a bill into law that bans magazines that hold more than 15 rounds or can be converted to do so. The latter part of this legislation has become even more contentious as almost all magazines feature a removable floor plate for cleaning may also allow a magazine to be modified to accommodate more than 15 rounds of ammunition. This could essentially be used to ban virtually any magazine with a floor plate regardless of the number of bullets it is designed to contain. Additionally, it is believed the Governor will sign laws that require universal background checks for firearms transfers, a requirement that transferees pay for the background checks and banning online certification for concealed-carry permits.

This action on the part of the Government of Colorado will most assuredly result in MagPul Industries as well as its suppliers and subcontractors moving from the state taking with them more than $80 Million in revenue and over 700 jobs. Additionally, The Outdoor Channel has sworn to leave Colorado if such legislation becomes law.