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Archive for June, 2013

2014 Hot Shots Model Countdown – Holly Peers

Friday, June 7th, 2013

We are pleased to announce that Holly Peers will be modeling for the 2014 Hot Shots Calendar. Remember, 50% of proceeds from the sales of these calendars support various UK and US military charities including Help for Heroes and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. In addition, Hot Shots offers other morale items like T-shirts, playing cards, and badges. The models also donate their time by regularly visiting the troops. It’s a great cause and worthy of your support.

Hit the jump to see a photo of Ms Peers.

HASC Interested in PPE As Well As Camo

Friday, June 7th, 2013

It’s been a busy week at the House Armed Services Committee where they’ve been working on the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act. In fact, it passed out of committee with a vote of 59-2 and is expected on thd House floor next week. And while, we’ve been talking quite a bit about the Enyart Amendment that directs all of DoD to adopt a common camouflage combat uniform, there are plenty of other Soldier Systems items on their plate.

From the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee we’ve seen language that:

1) Creates budget line items for protective equipment. This will move money out of Operations and Maintenance accounts and into procurement accounts providing more visibility of funding to industry in the Military Department’s budgets.
2) Provision requiring DOD to contract with a Federally Funded Research Center to study the procurement methods used to for protective equipment
3) Provision requiring the DOD to report on their body armor strategy to increase innovation, reduce weight, etc.
4) Provision requiring report on plan to provide female specific clothing and equipment.

Additionally, from the Chairman’s mark there is:
1) Language requiring IG to audit Berry amendment compliance
2) Directive report language to evaluate the risks of use of Lowest Price Technically Acceptable Contracting and Reverse Auctions for critical safety items and protective equipment.

The HASC characterized the bill in summary press release available here but this how they refer to their work on warfighter equipment:.

“The bill facilitates the development of ever more functional, lighter, and more protective body armor by requiring each service to create a separate procurement budget line for personal protective equipment- thus making body armor a more traditional weapon system acquisition program that can build on successive generations of innovation and investment, rather than the ad hoc procedure now in place. The bill also requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a comprehensive study and assessment on ways to improve personal protective equipment for female service members.”

We asked our friends at the Warfighter Protection & Readiness Coalition for their thoughts on HR 1960 and they offered us this statement:

“The WPRC applauds all of these legislative steps by the House Armed Services Committee that support warfighter readiness and ensure equipping the individual warfighter is a continued priority. This bill recognizes that warfighter equipment acquisition reform is needed to sustain industry’s innovation investments and production capabilities to meet future force requirements.”

6/9-6/12 Sale at FirstSpear

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Appropriately enough, FirstSpear is holding a 6/9-6/12 sale.


From 6/9 – 6/12 get free shipping as well as a free “Just The Tip” T-shirt for all orders over $100.

Darley Defense Day

Friday, June 7th, 2013


Darley Defense Day is being held at the Wyndham Oceanfront in Virginia Beach, Virginia on June 11th, from 0930-1800. Industry brands including XGO, TEA |, T3 Gear, Wild Things Gear, and Team Wendy will be featured at the show. Soldier Systems Daily will be providing live coverage at the event. See you there, and if you see us on the show floor be sure to ask for a 5th anniversary SSD patch.

5th Annual Golf Tournament

Friday, June 7th, 2013


Each year, Tidewater Tactical sponsors a golf tournament to benefit various military charities. This year’s 5th Annual Golf Tournament will be June 28th, 2013 at the Red Wing Lake Golf Course in Va Beach. This year, the tourney will benefit the the EOD Warrior Foundation which is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that provides assistance to Wounded and Fallen EOD Warriors and their families.


In addition to the ability to participate as foursomes, there are other sponsorship opportunities.

Hole Sponsorship
Your Logo on Company Website
Banner (provided by sponsoring company) hung in main area of tournament

4 person team
Hole Sponsorship
Your Logo on Company Website
Banner (provided by sponsoring company) hung in main area of tournament

Contact Tidewater Tactical or call 757-318-6652 to register.

Recoil Issue 7 In Stores Now

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Recoil issue 7 is now in stores. With new editor Iain Harrison on board, the magazine maintains the high quality seen in previous issues. This issue features articles on Patriot Ordnance Factory P308, the Sphinx SDP compact pistol, the Tactical Solutions .22 conversion kit for Glock 17/22 and 19/23, assisted-opening knives, and plenty more. All this, plus a bonus ‘toy robot’ shooting target.


Recoil Editor Harrison came on board last issue and is a former British Armor Officer who emigrated to the US due to his support of the right to bear arms. You may remember him from Top Shot where he was winner. They’ve certainly done a lot to overcome the anti-2A perception that they suffered last summer. For example, the last issue discussed different NFA firearms.


They’ve also added Dave Reeder as a contributor. He brings a great deal of military and LE experience to their online staff. Learn more about Dave’s new assignment here.

The Camouflage Bubble – Will It Burst?

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Over the past 100 years thousands upon thousands of camouflage patterns have been developed and issued to various military, paramilitary, law enforcement and other groups around the world.


But, ever since the United States Marine Corps began fielding MARPAT in 2003, kicking off the US military camo wars, commercially produced patterns have been all the rage. Adding fuel to this explosive growth has been a multi-front war with troops looking for a better mouse trap as well as the US Army’s Camouflage Improvement Effort that looked to industry to fulfill their concealment needs into the 21st century.


It’s a bubble all right and we Americans love bubbles. Name an industry that hasn’t had one. Shoot, there wasn’t even a camouflage industry until about 10 years ago and it grew itself right into a bubble. The question is, if and when it will burst.

Between the Army’s upcoming announcement of a new family of camouflage and Congressional interest in forcing all of the US services to adopt the same pattern(s) an argument could be made that the market for camouflage is getting ready to stovepipe.

But I would make the opposite argument. The genie is out of the bottle. Aside from patterns that perform very well in virtually any environment imaginable as well as some really cool looking patterns, the age of the digital printer is upon us. Companies like HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp offer their Ghostex and Deceptex custom camouflage print on demand services. Additionally, Special Ops Apps offer a mobile device app called CamoScience that allow you to design you own camouflage for the environment you are in and can print the new pattern on demand.

In addition to the availability of these custom solutions, military, law enforcement and even tactical and outdoor enthusiasts offer a sophisticated consumer base that demands performance. And that’s not to mention the consumer market that wears camouflage just because it can.

Will the camo bubble burst? Not anytime soon.

Ares Armor Introduces Kydex

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Made in the United States of America, by Marines

Ares Armor has introduced a line of Kydex, that is, Made in America, by Marines. How can you top a line like that?


While they’ve got several stock items, including a cool Fast Dip Pouch, Ares Armor specializes in custom Kydex.

kydex dip pouch

Jerry is their go to guy to start designing your Custom Kydex Product. Ares promises that if Email him with what you are thinking about making (please include: Make, Model); they’ll have an appropriate quote back to you within 48 hours.

Custom Kydex: