
Archive for 2018

Hi-Lux MTD30 Red Dot Turkey Scope

Sunday, March 18th, 2018

For Immediate Release – Wednesday, March 14, 2017

Don’t finish patterning your turkey load without a Hi-Lux MTD30 Red Dot Scope on your turkey gun.

Hi-Lux Max-Tac Dot

The MTD-30 is a zero-magnification (1x) electronic reflex type sight that is parallax free – allowing you to quickly get on the bird and quickly take the shot. 

Hi-Lux Max Tac controls

The brightness sensor will automatically adjust the brightness to ensure that the 4 MOA red dot is clearly visible in your sight picture without any starburst. The MTD-30 sight includes a solid picatinny mount machined right into the housing for quick and easy mounting to any Weaver-style one-piece base or picatinny rail. 

Hi-Lux Max-Tac flash kill

The Max Tac Red Dot comes with an anti-reflective flash-kill device that shields the objective lens from direct sunlight, eliminating the chance of the bird seeing any lens flare. Get a Hi-Lux MTD30 Red Dot Turkey Scope setup for your turkey gun today and save 25% – Use Promo Code: TURKEYFEVER18×30-mtd-30-red-dot-sight

For additional information on this or any other Hi-Lux Optics product, send us an e-mail at, call us at 888-445-8912 or visit us at

Hi-Lux Optics, based in Torrance, California designs and manufactures top-quality, feature-rich, rugged optics at affordable prices. Hi-Lux guarantees the workmanship and materials of their scopes for life because they’re rugged and reliable optics built for the demands of law enforcement, military, hunting and competitive shooting.

CCI Adds to Mini-Mag Product Line with Segmented Hollow Point

Sunday, March 18th, 2018

LEWISTON, Idaho – March 13, 2018 – CCI Ammunition is pleased to announce an addition to its popular Mini-Mag rimfire product line. New Mini-Mag Segmented Hollow Point combines all of what made the original a favorite with a bullet engineered to split into three equal-size parts on impact, creating three distinct wound channels that quickly take down small game and varmints. Shipments are being delivered to dealers.

Mini-Mag remains one of CCI’s most popular 22 LR lines, offering unbeatable accuracy, high velocities, flat trajectories and superior reliability. New Mini-Mag Segmented Hollow Point also features CCI’s extremely reliable priming and specialized powders for clean, consistent ignition.

Features & Benefits

• Segmented Hollow Point bullet

• Bullet design splits into three equal size parts on impact

• Flat shooting and highly accurate to maximize effective range

• Reliable feeding

• Clean-burning powder causes significantly less barrel fouling

• Consistent CCI priming

Part No. / Description / MSRP

36CC / Mini-Mag 22 LR 40-grain SHP / $9.95

CCI is a brand of Vista Outdoor Inc., an outdoor sports and recreation company. For more information on CCI Ammunition, go to

Corps Strength – Facing the Lion

Saturday, March 17th, 2018


The recent horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida made me recall something I learned from an international student of mine. Several years I ago in Sierra Leone, Africa training a large group of their senior NCO’s that were getting ready for a UN deployment to Sudan, as part of the ongoing peacekeeping mission there. These were mostly older guys, who had seen action as younger men during their civil war back in the 90’s. While they lacked a lot of formal training and education, they were tough, practical men who were good students, eager to learn. They were also an animated bunch, who liked to argue tactics and share experiences. Overall it was one of the best classes I’ve had since I joined the Intentional training rodeo. Our training was focused on basic stuff, troop leading, combat planning, etc. Land Navigation was also a primary subject as one guy told me, “When you fight in your village, you don’t need a map.” So, most of them had never used a compass before in their life, those were some interesting classes, to put it mildly.

So, one day we were discussing First Aid, Life-saving steps, etc. and I was telling them about the “Golden Hour” medical concept that we use. One student raised his hand and said, “We don’t have that here, and from what I’ve seen, most people that are shot, either die quick, or can hold on for a long time without care. Our mission is the most important and we can’t stay behind with the wounded.” I said. “Well, some lucky people do hold on for a long time, but in reality, seriously wounded people need trauma care ASAP.” “Yes”, he said. “But, I have myself have seen men survive very serious wounds with almost no care. My brother here, (pointing to a fellow student) survived all night, after being shot seven times.” I looked at the tall skinny man he was pointing too, who in response just shrugged his shoulders. I guess most of the class knowing him and his story, all laughed at his casual response.

At the next break, I went over to him, to hear his story. He told me he and some fellow soldiers were attempting to move on a group of rebels hold up in a local house, when they took some fire from another position. Two of his group were killed outright and our man was raked by automatic fire, hit seven times in the chest, arm, shoulder, with one round passing through his cheeks, taking a few teeth with it as it went. He showed me all the scars. His arm, shoulder and chest looked like someone had played connect the dots with a dull ax and he had a ragged quarter sized scar perfectly centered on each cheek. The rebels then fled and one of his buddies told him he was soon to be leaving this world for a better place, but they had to go on. So, he was propped up against a tree, his chest wound plugged with a bandana, they gave him a bottle of water, a half pack of smokes and left. They said they would be back in the morning to “collect him”. To their surprise when they returned the next morning, he was still alive and mad because he was out of cigarettes. How he was able to smoke with that wound to his face is beyond me? However, he was carried to a nearby hospital where he surprisingly recovered, even enough to stay in the Army.

So I asked him, how did he manage to stay alive all night? He said “We have a saying here. When you meet the Lion, you will always be alone, so prepare yourself. That night I met the Lion, but I was ready for him, so I lived. He smiled with a mostly toothless grin. I never forgot that story and my take away was that you never know when you may have to face the Lion. The Lion being something, or someone that wants to kill you. It could be a car wreck, an enemy solider, or some mental deranged kid in a high school. In any case, when the Lion comes you can bet it will be when you are least expecting it and probably alone.

I got to thinking about this again after the recent school shooting and all the second guessing about the police response, etc. It was obvious that some of the police weren’t ready to face the Lion, while some unarmed heroic students and teachers did, even thought they lost their lives in the process. They faced the Lion with courage and selfless action. They are beyond hero’s, IMO they’re warriors in every sense of the word.

I have to hope that if you, or I someday have to face the Lion, we will react as bravely as those who did in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. I hope that even if I’m unarmed that maybe, just maybe the fact that I have worked hard all my life to keep myself in decent physical condition, that I have a physical edge that could save my life, or the life of another person(s). It may be just a foolish thought, as no man is tougher than a bullet, but being in shape can’t hurt and it just might be the slight mental and physical advantage that can make the difference when you’re in a tough spot. The final point being that keeping yourself in good condition can mean a whole lot more than just looking good on the beach, or doing better on the football field, It could be the difference between life or death, Military, firefighters and LE know this because they’re professional Lion Tamers. However, in today’s world the Lions seem to be everywhere? Even in our schools. Something to keep in mind when you don’t want to go to the gym, or out for a run. The Lion is out there and he is ready. Are you?

Till next month: Be Safe Always, Be Good When You Can.

Semper Fi


Gunfighter Moment – Aaron Barruga

Saturday, March 17th, 2018

Now More Than Ever, Standards And Leadership Matter

The Taliban’s ambush kicked off with the standard barrage of RPGs and machine gun fire. After completing their “mad minute” of initiation fires, the surprise attack lulled and we maneuvered out of the kill zone to coordinate our response.

Unlike previous ambushes, the Taliban either through overconfidence or misreading of the terrain positioned themselves in a wadi. Clear of any civilian structures and risk of collateral damage, they were exposed to the full capacity of our small arms, mortars, and crew served machine guns.

It was the type of fight we begged for. An open engagement with what was an elusive enemy that preferred to fight from the homes of civilians, purposely using them as shields. With a hastily formed assault line of gun trucks, we suppressed Taliban fighting positions and dismounted personnel began prepping mortar fire to contain them.

Everything was textbook, flawless with execution, except one thing.

Prone behind his machine gun, a junior soldier attached to our team wasn’t shooting the Taliban positions.

“Why aren’t you shooting?”

“I can’t see them.”

He was lying, but he wasn’t a coward. He knew where the Taliban were. Everyone did because tracers from our heavy weapons directed fires at the Taliban’s skirmish line.

The fear of death wasn’t what scared the soldier from shooting. Instead, he was afraid of punishment. For doing something wrong and being made an example of by a higher headquarters that readily distributed career ending reprimands. The irony was painful. A highly trained—albeit junior—soldier failed to perform his mission critical task because he was afraid of our senior leadership, not the enemy.


Last month, the nation again revisited an uncomfortably familiar cycle of mourning, outrage, and finger pointing after the Parkland Florida school shooting. However, following this specific tragedy, the typical week long news cycle about gun control was pushed into the backseat as a nation cried out against the law enforcement officers that failed to enter the school and kill the gunman.

Civilians, soldiers, and cops took to social media with an unending supply of blame and ostracized the deputies that failed to perform their duties. And just as the outrage was beginning to subside, news surfaced about officers that were actually reprimanded for attempting to swarm the scene in an attempt to kill the shooter.

Despite all of the blame, meme generating, and “I would have run into the school” sound clips; we’re still left with a hard question to answer.

Why did this happen?

During the ambush in Afghanistan, I knew that the junior soldier on the machine gun was competent. He was not afraid, and despite it being a terrible decision, would charge blindly into a compound full of Taliban by himself if he knew he wouldn’t get in trouble.

However, I don’t know the deputies that failed to enter the school in Florida. In fact, few of us do. I don’t know if they were afraid, or confused due to lack of training. But what I do know is that organizations do not fail as a whole because of a single mission. Organizations fail throughout years in which a collection of small and insignificant events compound over time to produce a culture of complacency.

For tactical professionals, the hardest decision to make often isn’t running towards the sound of gunfire. Instead, it can be taking on the less heroic task of attempting to change complacent organizational culture.

As a trooper on the line you never get to choose your commander. As a commander, you do not get to choose which policies your predecessors establish. When an organization fails, the easy answer is for subordinates to blame weak leaders, and for leaders to blame rigid policy. However, pointing fingers  after mission failure tends to yield minimal results because the reality is that complacency must be challenged every day.

It’s in the small things:

-Every time we let a teammate skip out on training for non-urgent personal matters.

-Every time we bend the rules for those that fail to meet physical fitness standards.

-Every time we finger drill mission critical SOPs.

-Every time we ignore negligent discharges instead of enforcing punishment.

-Every time we reward promotions for precedence instead of ability.

-Every time we complain about the lack of quality with department training, but then fail to seek out better methods for acquiring skill.

-Every time we let a teammate improperly configure his equipment (e.g. tourniquet not easily accessible) so that he can instead have cooler looking kit with “do-nothing” pouches.

-Every time we let our ego say “But I’ve been (SWAT/SRT/Special Forces) for “X” years to compensate for performance failures.

During pre-deployment training for Afghanistan, a brand new Green Beret assigned to our company negligently discharged a simunition gun. He wasn’t in a shoot house or in a training scenario. He was just loading the trucks for movement to the day’s training area and got careless. Regardless, he was removed from the company and sent to a staff section as punishment.

Later, during a 2-month CQB train up, a seasoned Green Beret negligently discharged a pistol. Similarly, this wasn’t in the shoot house or during a course of fire on the range. It was while he was clearing his team’s weapons before they were transported back to the arms room. His failure with the ND was both because he finger drilled his checks, but also because a teammate had set him up for failure by lazily placing a loaded gun in an area that was designated only for cold weapons. That Green Beret was not reprimanded because “he’s a good guy.” But because he was not punished, the stigma of his reputation always beat him to his next assignment. A career debilitating black eye that he would not recover from.

Examples such as these exist in many forms. Whether its failing to meet physical fitness standards, or misuse of operational funds. Ultimately, if an organization fails to correct small issues, the problems compound and reach a tipping point. Typically, a commander will overly punish a minor infraction in an attempt to set an example for future decisions. Of course, this starts an organization down a path in which trust between subordinates and leadership is eroded.

Returning from our deployment to Afghanistan, we were not greeted by senior leadership that applauded us for a job well done (or for most, a job well endured, because hey, democracy is kind of a hard thing to spread). Instead, we were marched into the battalion classroom and told all the ways in which we would be kicked out of the unit for integrity violations.

As the infractions were explained, we all began shaking our heads and rolling our eyes. The individuals that were made examples of were known for their poor professional behavior. But in the past, instead of being punished, they had been allowed to fail upwards to their next assignment. Although they were finally reprimanded in the end, it was at the expense of establishing policy that impacted every soldier in the unit.


Attempting to change organizational policy is a monumental task, and often isn’t one accomplished through a single individual’s career. However, real professional growth occurs day-to-day, and in the grey areas where there are no strict guidelines or rules. In other words, it occurs both when someone is and isn’t watching you.

There is also a difference between rules and standards, and the two must not be considered the same. Rules declare limits, but must not be arbitrary otherwise they actually encourage individuals to subvert or bypass them. However, standards are meant to empower because their achievement indicates superior skill. Organizations that misunderstand these realities will use standards and rules synonymously. And instead of empowering individuals to achieve success, will actually deter them from trying for fear of a reprimand that accompanies failure.

My successes as a soldier weren’t because I possessed natural talent or superior skills. It was because I had direct supervisors that understood how to create a learning environment in which I wasn’t afraid to fail. This allowed me to grow as a noncommissioned officer because I understood the difference between punishment and professional critique. Organizations that fail to separate the two will create a zero sum environment in which troopers are afraid to do anything wrong. Consequently, this handicaps otherwise competent individuals from returning fire at enemy ambush lines, or running towards the sound of gunfire to save innocent lives.

Aaron Barruga is Special Forces veteran with deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Pacific Theater of Operations. He has trained foreign commandos, police officers, and militia fighters. He is the founder at Guerrilla Approach LLC, where he consults law enforcement officers on counter-terrorism and vehicle tactics.

Gunfighter Moment is a feature brought to you by Bravo Company USA. Bravo Company is home of the Gunfighters, and they bring us a different trainer to offer some words of wisdom.

Army Historical Foundation Calls for Stories of Women Soldiers

Saturday, March 17th, 2018

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Army Historical Foundation is calling for women Soldiers, or loved ones and friends on their behalf, to submit their stories of service to the Foundation’s Registry of the American Soldier. The Registry is a searchable online record of photos and Soldiers’ stories that will appear in the future National Museum of the United States Army, currently under construction at Fort Belvoir, Va. The Foundation is encouraging women to enter their stories to ensure the Registry reflects the diversity of the 30 million Americans who have served in the U.S. Army.

“The military community rightly commemorates Women’s History Month every March by highlighting the contributions of our women service members, but it’s important that these Soldiers also see their time in uniform permanently honored, year-round,” said retired Gen. Ann E. Dunwoody, Foundation board member and the first women to achieve the rank of four-star general. “The Registry of the American Soldier provides a way for all Soldiers to see their stories forever preserved in the nation’s future home for U.S. Army history.”

More than 117,000 Soldiers are currently entered in the Registry, which is already accessible online. Photos of Soldiers in uniform accompanying their stories are encouraged. There is no cost to submit a story. The Foundation also hosts a Registry for Army family members; Department of the Army Civilians (DAC); and other supporters of the Army; and a separate Registry for Army service animals.

To submit an entry for the Registry, visit and click “Registries.”

USAF OCP Transition Update

Friday, March 16th, 2018

As you know, Airmen have been wearing Operational Camouflage Pattern and MultiCam for years. Unfortunately, it’s been based on either duty position or command of assignment. Everyone else has been saddled with that travesty of a camouflage pattern, Digital Tigerstripe, since 2006. Lately, I’ve been hearing lots of chatter from industry that an announcement of an Air Force-wide transition to OCP was imminent. These slides discuss the issue.






It looks like the long pole in the tent remains buying the Legacy ABU inventory from Defense Logistics Agency. They still don’t know how much it will cost or how they’ll pay for it. This same issue held up transition from Woodland/Desert to Digital Tigerstripe.

An interesting aside is that Airmen call ACUs.”, “OCPs” because they don’t understand the pattern is OCP while the uniform is the Army Combat Uniform. I guess they’ll have to refer to it as the Airman Combat Uniform.

Briefing courtesy of

Combat FlipFlops – Limited Edition Black AK – 47

Friday, March 16th, 2018

With all the angst toward black guns, CFF remade of the classic AK-47 for the gun lovers and the not-so-gun lovers.   These noir beach cruisers are available in a limited run and deliver in April.

Available in Men’s Sizes 7 through 15 or Women’s Sizes 5 through 11


Combat Boot Rubber Out sole

EVA mid-layers

Cow Leather Deck

Cow Leather Upper

Embossed Poppies

Cast 7.62 x 39mm Casings

Made in Bogota, Colombia

Remember, purchase a pair and fund one Day of Secondary School for an Afghan Girl.

Samson Manufacturing Announces New and Improved Website

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Keene, NH –Samson Manufacturing, a leader in firearms accessories is pleased to announce their new and improved website.

Chief Operating Officer Tim Mulverhill explained the thought process which drove the update.

“Samson Manufacturing has long been an accessory provider to a number of well know OEMs and Distributors. As we increase our offerings to the public, updating our website was the next logical step. Our website is now more informative, easier to use and more secure than it has ever been before.”

The new website features:

• Faster Search Results

• Enhanced Security During the Checkout Process

• More Product Technical Information

• A Better Mobile Shopping Experience

To celebrate their new Website, Samson is offering website specials until 3/21/18.

View the new website here: