GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for the ‘ADS’ Category

New Balance System 7 ADS

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

New Balance has developed a 7 layer FR clothing system. That’s right, it’s a complete system from New Balance, it’s Berry Compliant, and it’s Fire Resistant. Designed from the outset to work together as a system, NBS7 offers two types of male T-shirts and drawers as well as sports bra and boy short options for the female user. Add to this lightweight and mid-weight long underwear, fleece jacket, wind jacket, and inclement weather shirt and you’ve got some serious layering options. New Balance has also integrated a Combat Shirt and Pants into the mix. They top it all off with both soft shell and hard shell jacket and trouser options.

A quick review of the materials and you will see that they are using tried and true fabrics such as Tencate’s Defender M found in both Army and Marine Corps issued FR garments in addition to layering materials from Cocona and Drifire. Sizing options are unmatched from XX-Small – XXXX-Large. Did we mention that NBS7 will be available in Coyote as well as MultiCam? Available this Fall, check out the entire system at www.ADSinc.com/NBS7. They have prepared an excellent page detailing all of NBS7’s finer points for each component.

Be sure to attend the ADS Warrior Expo July 15 & 16 at the Virginia Beach Civic Center and check out the NBS7.

Sleep Systems ADS

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

In conjunction with Bluewater Defense ADS offers three Berry compliant Sleep Systems; the Three-in-One Sleep System, the Three Season Sleep System, and our personal favorite the Combat Mobility Sleep System.

While the video does an excellent job of giving an overview of the bags, we thought we should point out a few things. The options available not only meet differing price points, but are designed for different applications, whether for use in a FOB or on an isolated mountain patrol.

Be sure to attend the ADS Warrior Expo July 15 & 16 at the Virginia Beach Civic Center and check them out or visit www.ADSinc.com/sleepsystems.

Decon Zone Sanitizing System

Monday, May 17th, 2010

This is another one of the gems I saw at the recent ADS Warrior Expo. Currently used in conjunction with London Bridge Trading’s High Gear brand, the Decon Zone Sanitizing System has also been adopted by military units as well as numerous professional and collegiate sports teams.

Developed by a former Navy diver, the system was initially envisioned to clean his son’s football equipment. It is a completely sealed, green system that produces no waste by-products but rather relies on ozone produced by a lightning-like spark. The ozone kills odor causing bacteria and it is converted back to oxygen at the end of the cycle. Ozone is more effective at killing bacteria than hydrogen peroxide, bleach, and iodine. Not only does bacteria make your equipment stink, it can make you ill. Staph infections and MRSA are becoming more common threats to health. For full details on all of the heebie jeebies that can kill you visit their blog; killbacterianow.com.

The Decon Zone Sanitizing System has already been purchased by a couple of Air Force squadrons and they continue to go strong. They aren’t just using it for armor. It is also being used for mess kits and canteen cups, search and rescue equipment, blankets, clothing, and medical products. The machine’s cycle is 12 minutes of exposure to ozone in addition to the time it takes to reduce the ozone at the end of the cycle meaning equipment isn’t down for maintenance for long. There is nothing to dry and no residual chemical hazards once the items are removed from the machine. An added benefit is that quality of life is improved. Personnel are more comfortable wearing armor and other equipment when it doesn’t smell, not to mention that there is less risk to their health.

So to sum all of the pluses up: Green technology, Developed by a Veteran, Keeps troops healthy, Improves morale. Not bad.


ADS Warrior Expo – West Recap ADS

Friday, May 14th, 2010

Last week’s Warrior Expo – West in San Diego was excellent. Naturally, I had a good time. The weather and food are both fantastic in San Diego, but the venue was the best. I had an opportunity to speak with vendors about new products, catch up with old friends, and make new ones.

ADS sponsors mini-shows almost weekly, bringing a tailored vendor list directly to bases preparing to deploy. That’s right, they bring it directly to you. On the other hand, the larger East and West coast Warrior Expos provide one stop access to a larger field of vendors as well as seminars by experts on capabilities such as Fire Resistance, Tentage and Shelters, and Escalation of Force. One of the things that really strikes me about both of these programs is that the vendors all have a proven track record and the gear on display is the best these companies have to offer. Almost all of it has already seen hard use by units engaged in the war, anything that hasn’t has been vetted and is in use with early adopters. It isn’t like heading to some of the major shows and wading through lots of “good ideas’ or outright junk on display to catch someone’s eye. Additionally, most of the equipment at the ADS shows is American made. And, unlike regular trade shows, ADS has a number of procurement options available to the organization that has a requirement to fulfill.

I have already started to share some of the products I ran across at Warrior-West but keep checking back for even more in the coming weeks. If you missed Warrior-West, you absolutely need to make it to Warrior-East!

NEMO Sleeping Pad and Pillow

Friday, April 30th, 2010

It turns out that NEMO is about more than just cool shelters with AirSupported Technology. They are all about the entire sleeping experience. In fact, their Fillo pillow and Cosmo sleeping pad are simply awesome.

The Fillo stuffs smaller than a 1 liter water bottle yet relies on a combination of a 3″ thick inflatable cell with engineered baffles and 1″ of memory foam to provide adjustable height and comfort. What’s more, the Fillo features an elastic cord laced along the back to attach an extra piece of clothing for additional height. The cover is made of a velvety-soft (literally) washable microfiber fabric with an integrated stuff sack. It’s light enough to at least take to the ISB at about 5 oz without the memory foam and just over 10 oz with it inserted.

The Cosmo is a horizontally baffled sleeping pad that is 3″ thick when inflated and 76″ long x 25″ wide. Take a look at the photo and notice that Gray bit at the bottom of the pad? That is a built-in foot pump to make setting up that much easier. The Cosmo can be combined with a Pillowtop to create the combo. The Pillowtop is a memory foam cover with a comfy microfiber outer that makes the whole she-bang 4″ thick!

NEMO Equipment - Pillow and Pad

On both products the microfiber covers feel like chamois and come in earth tones as you can see in the photo. I was able to give them a whirl at OR Winter market and I can say that they are certainly comfy. It’s like laying on a bed. You can see all of NEMO Equipment’s products online or visit the ADS Warrior Expo next week to see them in person.

ADS Warrior Expo West ADS

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

We have attended the last three ADS Warrior Expos and they are always the place to meet old friends, make new ones, and learn about the latest in tactical products and services. This year ADS has added a West Coast event to their schedule to be held next week May 5 and 6 in San Diego, California. It’s not only a great opportunity to visit with over 100 vendors but they will also be hosting a kick-ass Cinqo de Mayo Customer Appreciation reception on the evening of the 5th at the Hard Rock Cafe. If you are on the west coast this is an event that you will not want to miss. There are only two days left to register for this free show so don’t miss out. See you there!


Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition Members to Brief Congress on Need for Warfighter Equipment

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

WPRC LogoMembers of the Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition (WPRC) will meet this week with more than forty Congressional offices as part of their ongoing effort to educate Members and staff on Capitol Hill about the need to adequately fund Individual Equipment programs for America’s Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. This is an issue that is very dear to Soldier Systems Daily.

The WPRC is an industry-led coalition comprised of many of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of combat clothing and Individual Equipment for the American warfighter. The WPRC provides a unified voice for a key component of America’s domestic industrial base and is actively engaged in advocating for policies that ensure that our warfighters are outfitted with the clothing and equipment they require to ensure battlefield superiority. This week, the WPRC’s primary goal is to educate Congress and the Administration on the importance of meeting warfighter needs during times of war, as well as during times of relative peace.

Luke Hillier, the Chief Executive Officer of WPRC founding member ADS Inc., explained the WPRC’s mission, noting that “Operational readiness is not just a wartime concern. We need to make absolutely certain that when Congress stops providing supplemental appropriations to fund overseas conflict, our warfighters do not lose access to the best possible clothing and Individual Equipment available. Building the WPRC’s relationship with Congress is a critical step in raising awareness of the warfighters’ needs, and preventing a funding vacuum that our Armed Services and our country cannot afford.”

The founding members of the WPRC include ADS Inc., Darn Tough, Insight Technology, Integrated Wave Technologies, London Bridge Trading, Milliken, New Balance, Otis, Pelican, Sperian, Surefire, Wiley X and W. L. Gore. Additional leaders in the Individual Equipment industry are expected to join as this effort gains momentum. For more information on the Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition please visit www.warriorprotection.net.

Environmental Clothing Systems ADS Tactical

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

ADS Inc, lead system integrator for both ECWCS Gen III and FREE has just published a comprehensive look at both systems as well as SOCOM’s Protective Combat Uniform. It is a great resource for anyone looking to gain a basic understanding of these systems or their histories. Check it out at www.adsinc.com.