
Archive for the ‘Air Force’ Category

Warrior East – Wild Things Tactical – USAF PPE Top

Friday, July 11th, 2014

Here is a final, production sample of the new PPE Top purchased as a non-FR version of the combat shirt for USAF Security Forces.


It is intended to be worn under the IOTV at home station and was procured under DFLCS. As you can see, the sleeve pockets are included in the production model.

Forces Focus – Pararescue in Iceland 2014

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Guardian Angel (GA) is a US Air Force, non-aircraft, equipment-based weapon system. GA is organized into nine specific capabilities: Prepare, Mission Plan, Insert, Movement, Actions on Objective, Medically Treat, Extract, Reintegrate, and Adapt.

These nine capabilities are supported by a family of nine acquisition systems: precision aerial insertion, information management, force application/personal protection, visual augmentation, maritime, ground mobility, technical rescue, medical, and Survival EvasionResistance and Escape (SERE). The sum of these capabilities and acquisitions support the PR execution tasks of report, locate, support, recover, and reintegrate.

This equipment-based weapons system is employed by Combat Rescue Officers, Pararescuemen, and SERE Specialists and enabled by uniquely trained combat support personnel.

Recently, a GAWS team deployed to Iceland. This is their experience.

USAF Establishes Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal

Thursday, May 29th, 2014



SUBJECT: Establishment of a Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal

After careful consideration, the proposal to create the Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal is approved. The medal’s intent and criteria support the recognition of Airmen dedicated to our nation’s strategic objectives in nuclear deterrence. The effective date of this medal is 27 May 2014. Eligibility for this medal will be made retroactive for currently serving active, guard, and reserve Airmen.

Signed, Deborah Lee James, SECAF

The Air Force’s nuclear deterrent community has been plagued with scandal. One of the remedies seems to be this new medal, authorized by the SECAF earlier this week. Check out the photos below for more info.

Hat tip to John Q Public.

Warrior West – Gould and Goodrich

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

About a month ago we told you about the ADS Inc contract new black duty gear from Gould and Goodrich for Air Force Security Forces.


Since G&G is on hand at Warrior Expo West we thought it would be good to show you what they are getting. Security Forces is getting the setup above with the exception of the flashlight pouch on the far right. These kits are being delivered now.

Final Draft of AFMAN for USAF Implementation of Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act

Monday, April 14th, 2014

The US Air Force has been rather slow to implement the provisions of Public Law 108-277 dated 22 July 2004, The Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA) as amended by Public Law 112-239 dated 2 January 2013, as well as specific instructions under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 and DoDI 5525.12, The Amended Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. That 2013 amendment told DoD that its LEOs were covered as well by the legislation because they weren’t quite sure before. But, this is going to happen guys.

You see, the LEOSA as it is commonly known, is a federal law, that allows two classes of persons; “qualified law enforcement officers” and “qualified retired law enforcement officers”, to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with certain exceptions. That is a pretty big privilege.

Why is taking the AF so long to comply with Federal Law? Probably because they’ve never had to face something like actually facilitating the concealed carry of firearms by current and former Airmen. I’ve said it before (while in uniform) and I’ll say it again; the Air Force is institutionally afraid of guns. That might make you understand their apprehension. That, and they haven’t let a contract to handle issuing credentials yet. Security Forces is the largest enlisted careerfield in the Air Force. It’s also going to be a bit of a mess dealing with Retired and those with 10 years cumulative experience as a Qualified LEO. Supposedly, this won’t happen until Fall, 2014.

I will go on record to say that I cannot support LEOSA because it creates a privileged class of gun owners who have rights that other citizens do not. It is my contention that legislation such as LEOSA divides the gun owning populace. Since current and retired LEOs may concealed carry virtually anywhere, they have effectively been removed from the pro-2A lobbying effort. Their concerns have been answered and there’s no reason for them to go to bat to help normalize concealed carry laws across the nation. At the federal level, it means that anyone who qualifies under LEOSA is not subject to the concealed carry laws of any state, with a couple of exceptions.

However, LEOSA is the law of the land and the military departments must comply, offering their current and “retired” LE personnel the credentials necessary for compliance with the law. That, I do support.

I’ve been told that this version has been signed but not issued yet so I’m calling it a final draft. The Air Force Manual lays out in its simplest terms what the Air Force is required to do in order to make this happen for current/former Airmen. Specifically, under LEOSA and this Manual, “individuals who have apprehension authority and are identified as qualified law enforcement officers, active, retired or separated with 10 or more years of aggregate service in a position as a qualified law enforcement officer, may carry privately owned weapons (POW) concealed while off duty and outside the boundary of the installation.” Notice that they still won’t be able to off-duty concealed carry on military installations or any other “gun free zones” for that matter.

There are a couple of interesting points in the draft of the AFMAN. I wonder how those made it past the legal review.

3.2. All personnel receiving a USAF SF LEOSA credential who choose to carry a concealed weapon should obtain concealed carry or self-defense insurance with civil and criminal defense coverage in the event they are involved in an off-duty LEOSA Use of Force incident. The Air Force has no liability and will not provide legal defense if an individual is involved in an off-duty LEOSA Use of Force incident. The USAF role is solely to determine that all requirements to carry under LEOSA are met; any action taken by the individual is their personal responsibility.

3.3. Personnel should also consider carrying a “grand jury kit.” A recommended grand jury kit consists of the AF Form 688D or E, weapons qualification documentation, driver’s license or state issued identification card, proof of ownership for the weapon carried, copies of DoDI 5525.15, this AFMAN and the LEOSA Act legislation.

While I have issues with the underlying law, I’m very glad to see that we will be welcoming a wide variety of new, serving and Veteran military LEOs to the concealed carrying public and I’m also glad to see the Air Force is finally making some headway with this.

Feel free to read the DRAFT AFMAN LEOSA.

ADS Inc Wins USAF Non-FR Combat Shirt Contract

Monday, April 7th, 2014

Last week, the Department of the Air Force awarded ADS Inc a contract for $1,908,872.41 to deliver non-FR Combat Shirts under the Defensor Fortis-Load Carrying System 2 program. Intended for use by AF Security Forces, these Combat Shirts differ from the Airman Battle Shirt by being manufactured from lightweight, non-FR materials yet like the ABS, incorporate a mock turtleneck and also sport the Digital Tigerstripe Pattern worn by all stateside Airmen. These are going to be worn by SF on gate duty when they wear body armor such as IBA or equivalent to increase comfort and are not intended to be worn in a deployed environment.

Here is a full description:

All fabric shall be lightweight, breathable, moisture wicking and odor resistant; long sleeve “over the head” style with a semi-tight fit that eliminates bunching or riding up under armor; right & left sleeves shall contain: Air Force Digital Tiger Stripe Camouflage Print, hook and loop cuff closures, anti-abrasion padded elbow patches, two-channel flapped pen pocket on both forearms secured by hook & loop fastener tape, zippered shoulder pockets with 6-1/4 inch opening for all sizes (opening toward front of arm); right shoulder pocket must accommodate hook & loop name tape and rank insignia; fastener tape dimensions: loop fastener for name tape shall be 1 inch wide x 5-1/2 inches long, loop fastener for the rank patch shall be 2 inches wide x 2 inches long; torso & mock turtle neck shall be AF Sage Green 1641 (match color in Tiger Stripe Green) or Army Foliage Green 504; modesty panel covering chest area. These will be available in X-Small through XXX-Large.

There is still no award on the load carriage portion of the solicitation.

Blast from the Past – Battlefield Airmen on the Job

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

Why? Because I just like this post from March, 2011 is why.

We like seeing official Air Force photos of Battlefield Airmen applying airmanship to the tasks at hand. In this case we see U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Stacy Maxey, a command air mobility liaison officer with Task Force CROM, giving a landing zone safety officer course U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and Romanian army personnel at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Lagman, Afghanistan.

You will note the combination of AF Digital Tigerstripe, Army UCP and Army OCP (MultiCam) clothing and equipment on the Airmen in the photo. Expect this to be the norm for at least the near future as deploying Airmen transition to OCP.

This Is What the Air Force Version of a CIF Looks Like

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Army guys know what a Central Issue Facility is. With a few exceptions, the Air Force does it drastically differently. Everything is pre-packaged as much as possible and on the shelf, ready to go. Referred to as Mobility Gear, it’s much of the same stuff you’ll see from an Army CIF, except many Airmen pick up their bag on the way out the door.


This photo was taken by USAF Senior Airman Daniel Hughes for Instagram @airmanmagazine. It depicts SSgt Chasity Davis, a Individual Protection Equipment Journeyman at the 628th LRS, Charleston AFB, SC, as she walks through a storage bay of mobility gear.