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Archive for the ‘Camo’ Category

New Primos Smokescreen and Hidesight Ground Blinds Now Available

Sunday, June 21st, 2020

FLORA, Mississippi – June 12, 2020 – Primos Hunting, a pioneer in game calls and hunting accessories, announced today that company’s new Smokescreen and Hidesight ground blinds are now shipping to retail locations. The two new options expand Primos’ line of high-quality ground blinds and provide even more options for hunters to use this fall season.

Designed to offer hunters with an affordable concealment option without sacrificing function, the Primos Smokescreen and Hidesight ground blinds are manufactured with a durable 300D Polyester low sheen fabric. This intuitive design allows hunters to perfectly blend into their surrounding thanks in part to the Ground Swat camouflage pattern, and each blind can easily accommodate up to three people.

Primos Smokescreen

The Smokescreen blind continues the company’s revolutionary see-through technology, allowing hunters the ability to see out while not allowing game to see in. The new blind offers 270 degrees of viewing capability that allows hunters to maximize their chances of success. With seven shoot through ports and a 56” x 56” floor space, the blind can easily accommodate bow, gun and crossbow hunters alike. Additional standard features include a triangular door for easy accessibility and aluminum hubs for reduced weight and portability into the field.

Primos Hidesight

For those hunters looking for an entry level ground blind that doesn’t fall short on capabilities, the Primos Hidesight is the perfect option. While the Ground Swat camouflage pattern allows it to easily disappear into any terrain, the blind offers additional concealment options through its Brush Deception™ holders. This simple yet effective design element allows owners to brush in stick, branches and other natural elements with ease. Four large triangular windows allow convenient access for viewing and with its spacious 56” x 56” floor space multiple hunters can stay close to the action.

To learn more about the Primos Smokescreen and Hidesight ground blinds, visit www.primos.com/ground-blinds.

Bushnell Named Official Optic of Realtree

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Bushnell to be the Exclusive Optic of Realtree Television and Digital Properties

OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – June 11, 2020 – Bushnell, an industry leader in performance optics, announced today that it has become the “Official Optic” of Realtree. This new agreement expands the partnership between two of the industry’s most iconic hunting brands, with Bushnell optics enjoying exclusive placement across all Realtree television, digital and social channels.

Fans of the Realtree TV and digital properties will have the ability to see the latest Bushnell products in action every week. As the Realtree prostaff sets off in search of every wild game imaginable, viewers will have a front row seat to all the action along with a first-hand account of why these hunters put their trust in Bushnell products. Throughout the season, viewers will get an inside look at Bushnell’s newest products, helpful tips and tricks plus other product insights from the company’s full breadth of optics including: riflescopes, binoculars, rangefinders, spotting scopes and night vision products.

“Hunters know great optics make all the difference for a lot of reasons. This partnership with Bushnell brings their quality optics in Realtree camo to hunters everywhere, and that will make for a lot of successful hunts,” said Realtree Designer and President Bill Jordan.

“At Bushnell, we have made it our primary mission to develop and bring to market quality, purpose-built products to improve our customers outdoor experience,” said Mark Bauman, Director of Optics for Bushnell. “Through our expanded partnership with Realtree, we’re excited that hunters will now have the opportunity to see how our products improve the hunting experience in real world situations across Realtee’s broad offering of quality outdoor programming.”

Bushnell will continue to sponsor both Realtree Outdoors® and Realtree Road Trips® TV in addition to extending its support to Realtree’s Monster Bucks® and across the Realtree 365 network. New video and digital series where viewers can now see Bushnell products include: Midwest Whitetail & Chasing November, Spring Thunder, Black Cloud, Whitetail TV, Pay Dirt, Hunt United, Grigsby and Sea Bucks.

Click here for more information regarding Bushnell’s full line of optics offered in Realtree patterns. 


Saturday, June 13th, 2020


The ideal environment, the camouflage suit sits great and fully camouflaged, he storms the building.

Does it really work that way? With good patterns, yes, sure. But it’s not just a matter of patterns. Each camouflage only works well in the right background. And we wanted to figure out the limits of this one for you: PHANTOMLEAF WASP II Z4 is presented as an originally urban pattern. We wanted to know how it works where and what are ist limitations to give you ideas to use it wisely: Good camouflage products work best with a skilled operator.

The uniform is from Leo Leo Köhler and we presented it HERE in the SPARTANAT review. It is autumn, we are outdoors. And Z4 doesn’t come too bad even at this location.

Where the pattern reaches its limits, which is why we do not want to export it to spring, is green. The moss alone kicks it out.

Who likes to compare. We photographed the green Z3A from PHANTOMLEAF at a different time of the year in the same place and in the same position: we could hardly be found. HERE is the field test with the green WASP II Z3A from PAHANTOMLEAF.

This pattern by PHANTOMLEAF likes what is stone and has shades.

This wall was not built after Z4 was built. Nevertheless, the pattern fits in fine.

Broken stones, soil in between, all of these come very well in line with the strongly structured patterns in gray and brown tones.

Gravel substrates are also ideal for using PHANTOMLEAF Z4. The strong structure fits here too.

The stone wall in the tunnel underneath literally “soaks up” the pattern.

The topic is more difficult with smooth concrete.

But as soon as there are any structures – it is wet on the ground, plus broken lines – this pattern from PHANTOMLEAF is immediately at home again.

You don’t always have to be in the foreground. Tree branches from a bush, urban environment. Good camouflage.

Let’s go out into nature with the pattern. Stack of wood, all wildly mixed up and many colors. We could hide well with Z4.

The tree trunk is the example where Z4 surprised us the most. It fits in perfectly despite it originally being intended for urban use.

It even disappears …

… because it is now placed at the foot of the tree and matches the light gray wood structure.

Autumn forest, lots of brown tones …

where the background becomes “monocolor”, the pattern does not feel comfortable. Here it suddenly looks pale because the leaves are so lively.

Urban without cover looks fine, because PHANTOMLEAF fits in well here.

Even if it sometimes appears bright, it “adopts” the surroundings well.

Taking cover in a gray-brown environment, Z4 likes that.

Where there is fighting, a lot is broken, which gives more cover. Here is a disappeared old building as a test site for the PHANTOMLEAF field test.

Plaster, brick, earth – the camouflage pattern disappears.

That is the main area the pattern is intended for.

If the surface becomes too dark, the pattern is again noticeable. On the other side: In real combat situation the suit will be covered in dust and will be wet and will become more adopted tot he surroundings by this. Just to mention: To make a suit more dark to adopt in the field is much easier to lighten it up.

Old house wall: put on the camouflage suit, sit down, nobody will recognize you.

Then someone left his jacket hanging and ran away. Must be cold: Z4 and winter is a hot topic. Especially where there is no closed snow cover.

Now a search picture: Find Z4! A little tip: in the front left. That is very impressive for an “urban pattern”.

CONCLUSION: At first glance an extreme camouflage pattern, which turns out to be very versatile if you pay attention to the surroundings. In addition to the urban environment and autumn forest areas, the pattern also plays a great role in a landscape with some snow and rock.

More pictures of the various PHANTOMLEAF patterns in the field can be found on Instagram at PHANTOMLEAFOFFICIAL.

HERE we interviewed the creators of PHANTOMLEAF.

The field blouse and combat trousers in PHANTOMLEAF by Leo Köhler are available from RECON COMPANY. The command field blouse costs 89.95, the combat trousers 109.95. The matching cap is available at 14.95.

PHANTOMLEAF on the Internet: www.phantomleaf.de

LEO KÖHLER on the Internet: www.leokoehler.com

The small leaf is the PHANTOMLEAF logo.

“Changing Stripes” (a Tiger Stripe History Teaser)

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020

Sunday, May 31st we ran a SCUBA Pro Sunday article celebrating the birthday of the US Navy SEALs. You probably noticed a couple of interesting gear modifications and iconic camouflage patterns in the last picture of that article.

You know, the one right before you learned that SEAL Team 2 is older than Team 1?

That picture features both tiger stripe and ERDL pattern cammies like those worn by Vietnam era New Zealand SAS soldiers, current OPFOR role-players, and others (including Philippine SOF units).

Recently freelance journalist (and militaria SME) Peter Suciu wrote an article for the Breach-Bang-Clear crew about the history and development of tiger stripe camouflage on their “House Morningwood” site. In it he addresses both historical and contemporary use of the pattern.

If you’re interested in that, check out,

Changing Stripes: a history of Tiger Stripe Camo.

And remember…you don’t wear tiger stripes in Japan.

By Dave Reeder, correspondent extraordinaire and magnificent bastard.


Monday, April 20th, 2020

Good morning and Happy MATBOCK Monday,

The Patent Pending MATBOCK Skins are a multi-layer adhesive/fabric laminate designed to give the user the ability to camouflage any surface desired. The Skins are waterproof and oil resistant, can be reused multiple times and are certified Near IR Compliant. Simply peel and place the MATBOCK Skins on the item you wish to camouflage, when the Skins are not needed peel them off and place on wax paper for later use. It’s that easy!


Team Wendy and Ops Core Helmet Skins

Peltor Skins

PVS – 31 Skins

Scuba Pro Skins

Don’t forget to tune in Monday at 4:30 PM EST for an interactive demonstration and Q&A!


ANR Design – Snake Plissken Camo Holsters

Sunday, April 5th, 2020

ANR Design is doing a limited run of their holsters and mag pouches in the famous camouflage pattern worn by Snake Plissken in “Escape from New York.”

You can build full covert and overt loadouts with the Builder. It allows you to pick an inside the waistband holster if you want, or the tactical Nidhogg which is their outside the waistband overt holster as well as mag pouches for pistol and rifle.

To use their Snake Plissken Camo Builder, visit www.anrdesignkydexholster.com/product/snake-plissken-camo-builder.

Arktis Introduces M90 Hit Pink

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

After many years of research & development It’s finally time to announce M90 HOT PINK.

An incredible development designed especially for Disco Night… Ops. With direct input and feedback from leading professionals. M90 HOT PINK is fully neon light treated with an anti-glitter coating. You can run, you can dance, but you definitely CAN NOT hide.

Shop now at – www.arktisoutdoor.co.uk/m90-hot-pink

Infantry Journal – February 1944

Monday, March 9th, 2020

Experimental camouflage.