
Archive for the ‘Industry’ Category

FireClean v. Fennel / Steel Shield Technologies Settled

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Just over a year ago, we reported that FireClean, LLC had sued George Fennell and Steel Shield Technologies in federal court for false advertising.  Now, they’ve settled.  As is so common in these cases, we’ll never know the details of the agreement, but considering FireClean released a statement first, I’d imagine that they are smiling a little bit more than “Dr” Fennell and Steel Shield Technologies.

FireClean LLC is pleased to announce, in connection with the George Fennell/Steel Shield litigation, that the dispute between the parties has been resolved to their mutual satisfaction.

Best of luck to all involved.

ASP Appoints Rampart International Exclusive Distributor for Canada

Friday, April 28th, 2017


Appleton, WI, April 26, 2017—Armament Systems and Procedures (ASP) has announced that Rampart International, based in Ottawa, Ontario, is the new Exclusive Distributor of ASP products for Canada.

Rampart will support ASP through direct agency sales, as well as through its dealer network.

“We are excited to join forces with Rampart to provide the best gear and unmatched training to our Canadian customers,” says Daryell Harmon, Law Enforcement Sales Manager for ASP.

Mike Klein, Rampart President says, “I am extremely excited to announce this partnership with ASP – their products have been continuously field proven and represent the industry standard in law enforcement technology. Rampart will not only be providing test and evaluation units to agencies, but also facilitating specialized training for teams across the country in the safe and effective use of ASP Batons, restraints and lighting products. We are eager to bring this brand to market and give it the exposure it deserves in Canada.”

Since 2010, Rampart International has dedicated itself to supplying the finest operational equipment to Canadian military, special forces, law enforcement and first responder operators. Its motto, “Advancing the Operator,” reflects Rampart’s mission to offer the finest equipment available, matched with unparalleled service and support.

LBT Inc Issues Statement Regarding Federal Investigation

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Earlier today, I saw on the local news that officers from the Department of Homeland Security and Defense Criminal Investigative Service served two writs on London Bridge Trading Company (LBT) at their headquarters and factory on London Bridge Road in nearby Virginia Beach. Immediately, the conjecture began on social media, but I decided to find out about what was going on before I wrote anything.

What apparently began as a show of force at about 9:00 AM, quickly dwindled to just a few officers as LBT’s employees cooperated with the investigation, clarifying how their business operates and who its customers are. LBT posted this to social media, in response to social media comments about the event.

As far as I know, no one was arrested, and nothing was seized in the “audit”. To be honest, I’m not quite sure how to refer to it. Raid seems too over the top and audit seems a bit optimistic considering the way it was initiated. It certainly didn’t end the way it started. In response, LBT issued this statement just awhile ago on social media.

From what I understand, the “audit” was part of an ongoing investigation, but so far, no one outside of the government knows exactly what that investigation entails. However, sources tell me that while federal agents knew that LBT manufactured goods in Peru, they had no idea about subsidiary LBX Tactical, nor that business’s purpose, to sell tactical products commercially to the public. It sounds like all they knew was LBT and military contracts. Naturally, this could cause some confusion to anyone who knows that the Berry Amendment requires that all textiles sold to the US military be completely of US origin, from base materials all the way to the finished item. However, many do not know that there are exceptions to this rule.

The governemnt has a lot of flexibility in how it buys the items it needs. The vehicle used to purchase items all depends on who is buying the items, how they are buying them, as well as the overall cost of the purchase. For example, Berry has a threshold of $150,000. This means that if the total procurement is less than $150k, Berry isn’t an issue. This generally applies to direct buys like Government Purchase Card purchases. However, anything purchased through DLA, including via Tailored Logistics System, must be Berry compliant. Another example of an exception to Berry is that if the item is purchased overseas and intended to only be used overseas, Berry requirements can be waived. Early in the war this was sometimes done to buy mountaineering boots.

In addition to Berry purchases, military units can buy through GSA, but this requires that the items be TAA or Trade Agreement compliant in origin. These are made in countries who are on the “good guy” list. Few countries aren’t on the list, but they include China, Vietnam and North Korea, amongst others. Interestingly, several of the countries who aren’t TAA compliant seem to be found in the textile good supply chain. Confused yet?

It can be even more confusing because elements of the national security infrastructure like the intelligence community as well as the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice are not bound to the rules of the Berry Amendment, despite their missions. They must apply other rules which will hopefully be cleared up a bit as the new “Buy American, Hire American” Executive Order, signed just last week by President Trump, is implemented.

Hopefully, for LBT and their employees, this is simply a case of confusion. But, until we know the ultimate outcome, LBT says they plan to continue to fill orders. We will keep you posted.

FightLite Announces Jesse James Firearms License Agreement

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

(Melbourne, FL) April 27, 2017 – FightLite® Industries, the small arms division of ARES Defense Systems® Inc. is pleased to announce that Jesse James Firearms Unlimited, LLC entered into a non-exclusive License Agreement with ARES Defense Systems, Inc. at the beginning of 2017 that grants Jesse James (JJFU) certain rights to manufacture firearms under a patent owned by ARES Defense.

Under the general terms of the Agreement, Jesse James is licensed and authorized by ARES Defense to manufacture and sell rifles that rely on some of the technology and the patent common to the ARES Defense and FightLite Industries SCR® (Sport Configurable Rifle).

Custom artist Jesse James on left with Geoffrey Herring, CEO of ARES Defense & FightLite® Industries holding a JJFU “Nomad Califas”.

“Jesse James has a very unique and creative style to his artwork and products whether they’re motorcycles, cutlery or firearms. So when he approached us with an interest in building rifles that rely on our patent and technology, we were very excited to see what custom models he would come up with and we haven’t been disappointed with the rifle that he calls the “Nomad Califas” first introduced at SHOT Show 2017” said Geoffrey Herring, President-CEO. “Jesse’s selection of materials, product styling and attention to detail is second to none in the custom firearms world as expressed by his many beautiful creations such as his “Skulls” Cisco Especial, “Kingdom of Shadows” Cisco 1911 and most recently his “Bishop” Cisco 1911 pistols set in their custom live edge presentation box. It will be exciting to watch the custom series of Nomad Califas rifles evolve from his imagination and into finished pieces of art that you can still take to the outdoors and shoot.”

MASF to Attend NRAAM in Atlanta, Georgia

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Modern American Shooting & Firearms Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Charity Nonprofit Education Organization, founded by Baraka Ulrich James, who is passionate about applying the Second Amendment in everyday life by promoting firearms education, safety, training and instilling the proper mindset to develop other responsibly armed citizens. MASF places particular emphasis on the fact that we as individual, law-abiding American citizens are endowed with our God-given right to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Making people aware that we are each responsible for our own lives and safety. The National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting is attended by members from all over the nation who share similar goals, making it a great place for MASF to conduct outreach at the grassroots level.

Founder Baraka James looks forward to meeting other gun owners in Atlanta and said, “I am excited to go and see other NRA members face to face and looking forward to seeing our sponsors and supporters in Atlanta this Saturday.”

Those interested in meeting with Baraka James or other MASF board members, should contact him at

For more information on MASF visit

Kyle Defoor Joins Russell Moccasin Co Prostaff

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Berlin, WI – Defoor Proformance Shooting announced today that VP and head instructor Kyle Defoor has joined the prostaff at Russell Moccasin Co. Defoor Proformance Shooting is an industry leader in contracted military shooting and tactics instruction, training over one thousand DOD personnel each year. In addition DPS conducts civilian shooting courses monthly throughout the U.S.

“I would like to welcome Kyle Defoor to our prostaff at the Russell Moccasin Co. He will be a strong addition to our already talented group of Professional Hunters here at Russell Moccasin. He will help us field test our boots and shoes in the pro shooting industry and in his running and motorcycle adventures” said Suzanne Fabricius, VP of Sales and Marketing for Russell Moccasin.

Russell Moccasin Co. is an over 100 year old family run business that hand makes each shoe and boot in Berlin,Wisconsin to perfectly fit the customer. Russell Moccasin got its start in the booming logging industry pre 1900 and has since made footwear for everyone from U.S. Presidents, to Kings, Generals, Professional Hunters and Outdoorsman the world over.

“I am humbled and very excited about being on the Russell Moccasin Prostaff. I spend 300 days a year outside in every condition imaginable. Footwear is beyond important for me. Over the years I grew tired of constantly traveling with multiple pairs of shoes and boots to meet the needs of that trip. I also didn’t like the fact that most shoes and boots I wore wouldn’t last more than a year and couldn’t be resoled or recrafted. Russell Moccasin footwear is warm, dry, lightweight, rebuildable, breathes and they can have dual or triple use. Everyone that knows me and gear will be excited to see the products from Russell Moccasin that I’ll be highlighting on my social media while shooting, running, hunting and riding motorcycles.”

For more information visit; or

USSOCOM To Host Small Business Roundtable

Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is hosting a Small Business Roundtable in Tampa, FL on 28 June 2017 from 2:00pm-4:00pm, with a no host social from 4:00pm-5:00pm. Government participants will be the Acquisition Executive, the Director of Procurement, and the Director of the Office of Small Business Programs. USSOCOM would like to have participation from all socio-economic categories and a variety of industries. Space is limited to 25 individuals; therefore, participation is restricted to one participant per small business.
If interested in participating, please send the following information to

Company Name
Company CAGE code or DUNS number
Predominant NAICS Code(s)
Socio-economic status
Name of Person attending
Contact Phone Number
Contact email

Responses are due by close of business on 19 May 2017. Responses received after the due date may not be considered. Invitations for those selected to attend will be sent out no later than close of business on 26 May 2017. If not selected for this event, your contact information will be saved in the event we hold future round tables.

Questions can be directed to Paul Ward,, (813)826-2279

The National Rifle Association Disinvites US Concealed Carry Association from Annual Meeting and Exhibits

Saturday, April 22nd, 2017

USCCA Will Continue to Support NRA’s Mission

West Bend, WI – The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) today announced that the National Rifle Association (NRA) has disinvited the organization from its 2017 Annual Meetings & Exhibits and the 2018 Great American Outdoor Show because of “concerns regarding its programs.”

The move shocked the leadership of the USCCA because they were given less than two weeks notice that they had been banned from the annual show, even though they had attended for the past several years. This decision also came as a surprise because over the past two months, the leadership from the NRA and the USCCA met twice to discuss the shared goal of the two organizations in support of the Second Amendment.

In a note sent to millions of USCCA supporters, Founder and President Tim Schmidt said that even though the NRA might be fearing the competition, USCCA will still support the NRA’s efforts to protect the Second Amendment.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little perplexed myself. The truth is, I don’t really know the motive behind the NRA’s move. I mean, the USCCA has ALWAYS had a great relationship with the NRA. And the way I see it, we’re all in this together,” Schmidt said.

“If I had to guess, I’d say that perhaps this is a strategic business maneuver,” added Schmidt. “I mean, the concealed carry market has really exploded over the last decade — just look at how long the USCCA has been around! Maybe the NRA recognizes us as the frontrunner in providing the absolute best education, training and self-defense insurance in the industry. And perhaps they’re starting to see us less as a partner and more as a competitor.”

“As much as it sort of stings that we got ‘booted’ from the NRA Show, I believe that this sort of competition is a good, healthy and even exciting thing — especially from a goliath like the NRA.”

“Whether or not the NRA supports us, we will continue to support them,” Schmidt said. “We will continue to believe in their mission. We will continue to respect the historical significance of what they have done to preserve and protect our God-given rights. And we will always support their legislative and lobbying efforts. I personally will continue to donate to the NRA as a proud Lifetime Member.”