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Archive for the ‘Industry’ Category

Operator Suppressor Systems Founder And President Russ Oliver Resigns

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Last Friday I received a phone call from Russ Oliver, the founder and (now former) President of Operator Suppressor Systems. I’ve known Russ for many years and it was great to hear from him. After we exchanged pleasantries, he asked if I would share a letter he had written, with SSD’s readers. I wasn’t sure what it was all about until I received a copy of this shocking news last night. He doesn’t pull any punches in his resignation but I cannot imagine that Russ Oliver came to this decision easily or rashly. It’s a major announcement that I am sure will result in some interesting effects across the suppressor market.

Russ looked at suppressor technology from a totally different direction, carrying this new concept’s fire for many years and making quite a splash at firearms industry events. Rather than the Maxim-style suppressors we are used to, Russ had a design that looked in cross-section like a jet engine turned inside out.

His departure from OSS makes me ponder what this means for the brand. Regardless, I wish Russ Olliver well in his new endeavor and continued success for the men and women of OSS. They sent him off right.

Friends and Patrons of OSS,

I cannot possibly articulate or properly convey the degree of gratitude the OSS team and myself have for the unwavering support we have received over the past few years. The resilience of everyone’s support, from operators, components, federal and local law enforcement, firearms manufacturers, fellow engineers and scientists, and patriotic gun users and enthusiasts nationwide has motivated our team’s relentless dedication in bringing flow through suppression from conception to reality. Together, I believe we have proven there is a new century of signature reduction possibilities that will in time, dominate weapon systems of the future. In that aspect, we have a Mission accomplished!

With this success has also come the apparent realities and evils of some particular corporate business philosophies. It is these philosophies, who unfortunately retain a majority ownership of OSS, which have forced my resignation as President of OSS and terminated my employment. As of February 18, 2016 I could no longer in good conscience be an executive or employee of the new OSS and immediately pursued and am currently pursuing the sale, at discount if necessary, of all of my interests/shares and ownership of OSS.

In complete contrast of multiple inferences falsely portrayed in a letter from the new OSS acting “President” and management posted on “the tactical” (in which I had no prior knowledge of nor were advised, consulted or quoted in regards too), I DO NOT support the new management direction of OSS in any way, nor do I believe it will be successful in the future to any degree that it would have been with its original team, purpose, concept and trajectory. The “success” spoken of in the new managements posted statement, is the direct result of exceptional personnel and their vision, capabilities, execution and dedication in combination with the financial support of several tremendously supportive and honorable minority owners.

The new OSS was built by and upon, but will not continue to flourish at the ignorant expense of exceptional men. Those men worked for and accomplished the impossible for purposes greater than themselves. The strength required to support the degree of dedication, sacrifice, and adversity that has been overcome in this endeavor can only come from true greater purpose and brotherhood, not personal wealth, greed or ego. The sum of the people who have willed OSS to success, has been and is the true strength and value of the company.

In addition to myself, over a dozen other primary and essential team members feel the same and have and will be leaving the company as soon as they are able. In my opinion, these personnel represent the whole of OSS’s sales (to include military, international, federal agencies, law enforcement and civilian sales), engineering, project management, testing/evaluation, and IT departments. These personnel represent exemplary experts from both military and civilian backgrounds to include, former military service ranks from CW 5 through Sgt. and civilian expertise from PhD of computer science through engineering.

Myself individually and as a group profoundly disagree and are unable to place our names and reputations upon the new managements business practices, treatment of employees, sales policies, product performance compromises, quality practices, priorities and production. In our opinion and interpretation, the “new” OSS Philosophies include among others; the military mentality will no longer be a part of OSS, a 20% return rate and ship now fix later philosophy is acceptable, and the weight of devices is the sole determining factor above ALL else moving forward. These new philosophies are the opposite of who we are as men and what we aspire to be, THE BEST!

Moving forward, my primary responsibility is to those individuals who have stood by me and through their examples made me who I am today, for which I am forever honored and grateful. In the initial interest of promoting these exceptional individuals, I have created a new company, the Organization of Strategic Sciences and

Within the following days and weeks, resumes of these exceptional gentlemen who have already left or intend to leave OSS, will be posted as they become available. I would give or take a bullet for each of these men without hesitation and ask of any potential employer in and out of the firearms industry who reads this article, please consider them for upcoming or current positions you may have available.

As far as myself, I will also be available in a variety of limited capacities through strategic sciences for the next 362 days. After that time, industry can certainly expect me back with an unrestricted vengeance, wielding the passion, vision and creativity that the original OSS was founded under.

Years ago, some real physicists nicknamed me “the caveman physicist”, I wear that nickname with pride! There is no doubt a million more caveman physicists, like myself, are creating new technologies in their garages right now. I’m sure they will all say as I would, even caveman physicists know there is more than one way to apply physics and science to solve any given problem! Knowledge, perspective and creativity WILL always find a way.

With sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have supported myself and my team,

Russ Oliver

Founder and former President of OSS

Yes,We Know EOtech Is Issuing Refund Checks

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

We told you about it a week ago. Here’s the link in case you missed it.

NRA First VP Pete Brownell Seeks Third Term on NRA Board

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016


Grinnell, Iowa (February 16, 2016) – NRA First Vice President and CEO of Brownells, Pete Brownell, announced today that he will seek a third term on the NRA’s Board of Directors. If re-elected, Brownell will likely become NRA President at the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia.

An NRA Life Member since birth, Brownell, 47, boasts proven NRA leadership experience and is a widely-recognized visionary in the firearm and outdoor industry. Brownell’s service to the NRA began in 2006 when he was nominated to serve on the NRA Membership Committee. Following his election to the board in 2010, Brownell began serving on numerous other committees, including:

President’s Committee on Advancement
Nominating Committee
Sport Shooting Committee
Finance Committee
Law Enforcement Committee
Meeting Site Selection Committee
Publications Policy Committee
Task Force on Industry Relations Committee
Investment Oversight Committee

Proving himself as an ardent defender of the Second Amendment and a powerful voice for the NRA, Brownell was elected the NRA Second Vice President in April 2013. Two years later in 2015, he was elected NRA First Vice President, an office he holds today.

“It’s a distinct honor and privilege to serve the five million members of the National Rifle Association of America,” said Brownell. “I’ve been an NRA member my entire life, literally from day one. I grew up with a passion for firearms and a deep desire to maintain and strengthen our Second Amendment.”

“Defending the Second Amendment rights of good, honest and responsible gun owners is synonymous with protecting the core values that make America great,” added Brownell. “These are the same values our founding fathers envisioned, the same values my grandfather and father fought to protect in the military, and the same values the NRA seeks to safeguard through unwavering support of an individual’s right to own and use firearms.”

“It is my promise to defend these rights to own and use firearms and advance the values of individualism and personal responsibility. I ask for your vote of support.”

Brownell is proud to have received support from prominent members of the firearm community, including host of “Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio,” Tom Gresham.

“It’s a privilege to endorse Pete Brownell for the NRA board,” said Gresham. “Pete brings to the board a lifetime of experience in firearms and business, and his perspective is something we need to help guide the organization in the coming years.”

Brownell has also earned the endorsement of the Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC), the leading pro-Second Amendment organization in his home state.

“I have enjoyed the unique position of witnessing first hand Pete Brownell’s tireless efforts, and the tremendous energy he expends, defending and advancing the Second Amendment rights of the good citizens of both Iowa and this country,” said Barry Snell, President of the IFC. “Pete’s work in the firearms community has been stellar, and there’s simply no question at all that Pete Brownell needs to be on the NRA board.”

To learn more about Pete Brownell, to get in touch with him or to read more endorsements, visit

Jon Hoerauf Announced As General Manager At Arc’teryx

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Jon Hoerauf, who joined Arc’teryx in 2012, will become General Manager of Arc’teryx, reporting directly to Heikki Takala, CEO of AMER Sports and replacing Vncent Wauters, who has resigned after four years as President and General Manager.

The 41-year-old Hoerauf came to Ar’teryx after 13 years at The North Face. Since moving the Arc’teryx, they’ve launched footwear and avalanche safety products as well as down garments and a major update to the venerable Alpha SV. To make these things happen, Horeauf oversaw improvements at the headquarters and manufacturing facility in North Vancouver, BC as well as brand retail shops.


Sunday, February 14th, 2016

Travis Haley Responds To NDgate

Friday, February 12th, 2016

Earlier this evening, Haley Strategic Partners posted this statement on their Facebook page in response to the week old disclosure of video taken by Panteao Productions depicting Travis Haley discussing an AK. During that video, the weapon fired. Panteao Productions issued their statement on Monday of this week.

Press Release Feb 11, 2016:

On approximately Thursday February 4th 2016, Panteao Productions released a video through poor accountability and security with its servers by one of their instructors according to the owner of Panteao Productions. How and why this happened is still unclear, however assumptions can certainly be made. 

This particular video was of me teaching a block of instruction on controversial Russian trigger finger/safety techniques, and why I personally don’t recommend them. During the filming, my AK was discharged inadvertently performing the demonstration. The range was set up for this demo, the weapon was intentionally off safe due to the block of instruction, and the barrel was oriented towards the target in the event the weapon fired as it did in this case.

Of course I take these matters seriously and if you know me or have been through any of our courses, you know our number one priority is safety. We pride ourselves on learning from our failure as it is our greatest opportunity and share those experiences with the people we serve.

There was also a communication issue with the inconsistent posts made on social media between the HSP team back in Scottsdale AZ and me being in Central America at the time the video was released. Now that I have seen the entire video (never seen by me before as it was in Panteao’s library), I have been able to review it and now share my thoughts. After reading a lot of comments, I think Pat Rogers said it best:

“One type causes injury/ death or comes close enough to warrant immediate measures to remove the person and his weapon. The other type is a down range ND, when the shot is discharged unintentionally, but into the target/ berm etc. These represent the majority of ND’s and this is where learning can occur. These are teaching/ learning points, and if handled correctly, will not likely happen again.” -Pat Rogers

I have had many failure points in my life (much greater than this)… I have ND’d. I have missed the mark countless times in my life even when it mattered most. I have zigged when I should have zagged. I’ve been impulsive and involved myself into fights without thinking of who’d it effect. My brothers have asked me for direction in combat and I was unable to answer. Hell, I have even taken life when it could have possibly been avoided… I have failed over and over in my life, yet I have been blessed with being accountable and educated by my shortcomings. This, in turn, allows my failures to continually become my greatest opportunities.

Travis Haley
Haley Strategic Partners

EOTech Update – The Checks Are In The Mail

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

Generally, when you hear “The check is in the mail” it’s about as reliable as “it’s only a cold sore” or “just the tip.” But this time, it’s true. Earlier today, those who sent in the earliest of the EOTech Holographic Weapon Sights for refund came home to an envelope containing a check. Who has received theirs?


Thanks NH!

TNVC Presents Night Fighters

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

Night Fighters is a new series of short films produced by TNVC, and directed by SilentR Productions. In their own words, Warfighters and Armed Professionals discuss the role of low-light / no-light operations on today’s and future battlefields as well as the importance of leading the fight and staying ahead of the opposition as technology evolves.
