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Archive for the ‘Industry’ Category

Bawidamann Blades Updates Site

Thursday, December 15th, 2011


This is some great news for fans of Bawidamann Blades. They’ve completely revamped their website. In addition to their fantastic line of knives (yes I own a GUNNR SP, purchased at Blade Show earlier this year) they also offer the PALS Universal Platform as well as new t-shirts and morale patches. The PUP is great for attaching gear such as holsters and knife sheaths to MOLLE gear.

They are great folks who build great products. Support them as much as they support the troops.

Digital Concealment Systems Announcement Regarding US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

This statement was received this morning from Digital Concealment Systems

In advance of the US Army Camouflage Improvement effort down select due to take place on December 15th, we wish to inform our loyal supporters and partners that we will not be a part of the final down select. As the process moves forward we wish all of the finalists the best.

With regards to our pattern family submission, we set out to do something radically different from the accepted norm, based on our A-TACS concept, but wholly unique. The pattern submission was designed and specifically suited to meet the requirements set forth in the initial RFP. However, our patterns use more color and use it in a different way than most patterns, making them a challenge to evaluate using the pre-existing and outdated methodology for evaluation outlined in the RFP–the same methodology that produced the current UCP pattern. Often times, it is easier to take the path of least resistance than to raise the bar and develop new standards. After all, the end result is to offer the best possible concealment to our service men and women.

Now with the introduction of our new A-TACS FG Camo platform, Digital Concealment Systems will coninue to focus on it’s core mission. To provide new technology and the very best concealment options to Special Operations, Law Enforcement and Tactical Professionals worldwide. It is our firm belief that those individuals who lay their lives on the line each and every day in service, deserve nothing less.

Costa Launches Full Website

Monday, December 12th, 2011

As we reported last month, Chris Costa has established his own school and now there is a fully featured website to tell you all about it.

Chis Costa explains his training philosophy on the site:

Costa Ludus conducts training for the game of life, where the knowledge and skills learned in training may one day translate over to the streets or battlefield, determining life or death. We train others with the understanding that life is bigger than us. We understand the sacrifices that others make on a daily basis for our freedoms – that is why we take training so seriously.

The site does a great job of going over the various courses offered by Costa Ludus and offers a training schedule allowing you to register directly for each training iteration. Another handy feature is that the schedule offers links directly to host venues for course registrations not handled by Costa.

However, one of the most interesting sections of the website is entitled “Syndicate.” It covers the firearms and gear that Chris relies on and many fans will pour over this page looking for the items they have seen him use in classes.

Finally, they’ve got some pretty cool shirts in both long and short sleeve versions.

Overall, it’s a great looking site and certainly worth your time to explore, so head on over.

And Then They Were Known As Academi

Monday, December 12th, 2011

The company formerly known as Blackwater has once again changed its name. Prior to selling the company to its current owners, Erik Prince changed the name to the innocuous “Xe.” The point was to adopt a low profile name that didn’t stand for anything in particular in order to help soften public opinion of the company. It didn’t work.

The history of names used by Blackwater is monumental – Blackwater aka Blackwater USA aka Blackwater Worldwide aka Xe (services) aka US Training Center. There are a couple of other entities that are affiliated with Blackwater as well, like Paravant and Greystone.

But, the new owners have been working hard behind the scenes to change the lineup in the firm and how it does business. Their bid at a name change comes only after a lot of internal hard work. This new name is intended to signal to the world that this isn’t the same old Blackwater.

In a statement to CNN, CEO Ted Wright said, “The message here is not that we’re changing the name. The message is that we’re changing the company, and the name just reflects those changes. We have new owners, a new board of directors, a new management team, new location, new attitude on governance, new openness, new strategy – it’s a whole new company.

Their latest name? Academi.

ATS Tactical at SOMA

Monday, December 12th, 2011

ATS Tactical is on hand at this week’s Special Operations Medical Association annual conference. Here is a pic of their booth from their Facebook page. They’ve been doing quite a bit of new medical kit so if you’re on hand stop by and check it out.

Here is a little better look at the kit arrayed across the hood of the ATV courtesy of the AAC Blog.

Adidas Buys Five Ten

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

We are a little late reporting this one but last month Adidas purchased specialist outdoor footwear brand Five Ten for a cool $25 million. This is significant for two reasons. First, Adidas used to make THE assault boot, the GSG9. It was a very comfortable boot although it suffered from three issues. It was expensive, difficult to procure due to limited production, and didn’t last very long. (Un)fortunately, Adidas developed the so-called GSG9.2 in 2006 to improve the durability of the style and update it’s features but the resulting shoe leaves a lot to be desired.


The second significant issue with this buyout is that Five Ten has developed several tactical styles such as the Valor and seems to be on the path to do more and more. So, here’s to hoping that Adidas let’s 5.10 do what it does best.

Ronin Combat Strategies Visits FirstSpear

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

Training company Ronin Combat Strategies recently made a visit to the FirstSpear HQ and shot this video. It’s certainly worth a look if you want a peak behind the scenes.

OR Pro Deal Program

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Outdoor Research has recently updated their Pro Purchase Program. It is open for applications and all federal, state and military personnel are eligible. Previous enrollees will need to reapply.