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Archive for the ‘Medical’ Category

Condition Gray – Gen 3 Sling Retainer Catch

Friday, November 12th, 2021

The Gen 3 Sling Retainer Catch is used for multiple applications such as sling retention and holster adaptation for tourniquet storage.

Condition Gray has added 2″ to the design in order to accommodate the entire Safariland holster lineup when used to add external load carriage to the holster.

For Sling Management, the SRC-3 will also accommodate larger railed rifles such as the HK 416/HK 417, SCAR 17, bolt action guns and machine guns currently in use by the US Military.

Offered in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Check the website for availability.


Tardigrade Tactical – Tourniquet Belt Pouch

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

The Tardigrade Tactical designed the Tourniquet Belt Pouch simple way to carry your C.A.T. Tourniquet on your duty or gunfighter belt.

Internal elastic webbing, protected and covered by 500D Cordura, secures the Tourniquet in the pouch.

The pull tabs makes it easy to insert the Tourniquet into the pouch.

The hook and loop flaps, that wraps around the belt, keeping the covered part of the belt, compatible with inner belts.


AXL Advanced – Medical Organizer Insert

Monday, November 8th, 2021

The Medical Organizer Insert is a rapidly removable, semi-rigid insert that is configurable by the user to fit most common medical supplies. The insert allows the user to remove the IFAK from it’s pouch or pocket and keep the contents secure and neatly organized. The MOI measures 7.75″ Wide and 5″ Tall when folded/inserted.


• User-Definable Organization
• Bottom Grid for Small Items (NPA, Needle-D, Gloves, Sharpie, etc)
• Unfolds for Ease of Use

Compatible with:

• Spiritus Systems MicroFight
• Stratagem Branch Burro


• (1) Insert
• (6) 16″ Pieces of 1/8″ Shockcord
• (1) 18″ Piece of Red Bumpcord

*Medical Supplies not included*


Velocity Systems New Stealth Trauma Aid Minimalist Pack

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

The new Velocity Systems Stealth Trauma Aid Minimalist Pack (STAMP) was designed to provide the necessary first aid equipment in low visibility situations. This compact trauma kit is moisture resistant, lightweight, and can be hooked directly to a duty belt with IWB (inside waist band) belt loop style connectors. The IWB belt loops will accommodate up to a 2” belt. The Stealth Trauma Aid Minimalist Pack is made with pack cloth, 4” elastic, IWB leather loops, fiber-filled padding, and an air mesh interior to increase airflow. The design includes three pockets. The two flank pockets have integrated shock cord loops that are attached to a piece of 1” webbing. The integrated loop/webbing system folds inside the pockets and allows the user to quickly deploy the contents when the loop is pulled. The center pocket was designed to hold a C-A-T® Tourniquet, the pocket has an open bottom and a hook and loop closure.

The Stealth Trauma Aid Minimalist Pack is available for purchase individually or with the Public Access Individual Bleeding Control Kit developed by North American Rescue. The Bleeding Control Kit contains 1x C-A-T® Tourniquet in black, 1x HyFin® Vent Compact Chest Seal Twin Pack, 1x Combat Gauze® W’ Hemostatic Bandage, and 1x Pair of Bear Claw Nitrile Gloves in size large. All hook and loop material used is color matching Velcro® Brand Fasteners. All materials and workmanship are 100% made in the USA.


TacMed Tuesday – The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad is Prepared for Combat Trauma

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

In every mission encountered by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad (EOD), there’s a possibility something could go wrong resulting in serious, potentially life-threatening injuries. With the help of Spencer Bottomley, a deputy at the department, the team upgraded their medical gear to better respond to these types of emergencies. Spencer was able to provide insight into the best gear for an EOD and ultimately, the team decided to add four new custom TacMed™ R-AID® Kits and place them in multiple vehicles. Now, these easily accessible kits enable team members to provide life-saving treatment until medics can access a safe scene.

The TacMed™ R-AID® Kit is packed full of life saving gear to treat multiple casualties. For the department, the kits were customized from their original packing list to include the specific medical gear needed for their missions, such as the Phantom® Litter to quickly and easily move casualties to a secure location.

After the kits were acquired, Spencer led a training course for the entire EOD team on the kits’ components and how to stage components inside the kits for rapid use during an emergency. In addition to the EOD team improving their tactical medical capabilities, each deputy at the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office is issued a tourniquet after completing first aid training. Typically, a deputy will carry the tourniquet on their duty belt or pocket for easy access during an emergency. “I carry a SOF® Tourniquet in my cargo pocket on duty every shift,” said Spencer. The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office continues to demonstrate how deputy and community safety is a top priority with each new initiative. Thanks to Spencer and the rest of the department, the bomb squad is better prepared than ever to handle life-threatening injuries on the job.

Sawyer Tap Water Filtration System

Monday, November 1st, 2021

Just because water is coming out of a tap doesn’t mean it is potable. Sawyer makes it easier to ensure you’ve got access to clean water with their Tap Water Filtration System which connects directly to the threads on spigots and faucets*.

It allows you to filter up to 500 gallons per day, with pores no larger than 0.1 Microns, removing 99.99999% of all bacteria (salmonella, cholera, and E. coli); 99.9999% of all protozoa (such as giardia and cryptosporidium); and 100% of microplastics.


*The inline filter fits tap size 17mm to 20mm (11/16″ to 3/4″); hose bibs (garden hose spigot); and some (not all) faucet aerators. Included with the Sawyer TAP filter is a backwash adapter, threaded spigot adapter, dual threaded adapter, tap gauge, and a 2-foot-long extension hose for use in a shallow sink.

Tactical Strike – A New Cleaner / Disinfectant Designed for Military and Public Safety Users

Friday, October 29th, 2021

Blue Force Gear is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Snee Chemical of Kenner, LA for exclusive distribution rights of a new groundbreaking quaternary disinfectant Tactical Strike to the military, law enforcement and public safety markets. This cleaner/disinfectant is EPA Registered to kill numerous bacteria and viruses to include COVID.

A partial list includes:

* SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, cause of COVID-19)
* Human Coronavirus
* SARS Associated Coronavirus (SARS)
* Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
* Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
* Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
* Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
* Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2
* HIV-1 (AIDS Virus)
* Influenza Virus Type A / Brazil (Influenza)
* Influenza Virus Type A / H3N2 (Influenza)
* 2013 Influenza A Virus (H7N9)

Tactical Strike can be used on soft and hard tactical gear, vehicle interiors, upholstery, hard surfaces, K9 equipment, kennels, etc. Importantly, and unlike its competitors, Tactical Strike was formulated with no dyes or perfumes that will stain, discolor or odorize your equipment.

Packaged in a Ready-To-Use (RTU) formulation that requires no mixing or prep, Tactical Strike is currently being offered for sale in pint and quart sizes with trigger sprayers. Just unwrap and use. The pint bottle was specifically selected for its sizing that allows storage in vehicle cup holders. Larger or smaller volumes and other packaging formats are available via special order.

Tactical Strike pints are priced at $9.95 and quarts for $14.95.

Available for individual purchase or in case quantities for agency purchase through www.blueforcegear.com/tactical-strike or by contacting BFG Customer Service at 877-430-2583.

CoTCCC Includes the AAJT-S by Compression Works for Junctional Hemorrhage Use

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

BIRMINGHAM, AL – Oct. 21, 2021 – The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) has recently included the Abdominal Aortic and Junctional Tourniquet-Stabilized (AAJT-S) by Compression Works for use in junctional hemorrhage bleeding for U.S. warfighters and our allied partners around the world.

The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) is the pre-hospital arm of the Joint Trauma System for the Department of Defense. The CoTCCC and the TCCC Working Group focus all of their efforts on providing the best recommendations for training and equipment for our individual service members, combat medics, corpsman, pararescue and med techs going into harm’s way.

The AAJT-S by Compression Works is used to treat non-compressible hemorrhages by U.S. special operations units, army units and allied special operations partners globally. It is the only device that has been proven to save lives in both upper and lower junctional (axilla and groin) bleeding conditions and to treat pelvic bleeding.

The AAJT-S is cleared by the FDA, meets the CoTCCC criteria, and has been vetted, studied and published by the Institute for Surgical Research (ISR) and the 59th Med Wing of the U.S. Air Force researchers in San Antonio, Texas. The Compression Works device is also featured in over 64 peer reviewed publications in the literature.

In two independent research studies, the U.S. military found that the AAJT-S was equivalent to Zone 3 REBOA (Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta), a resuscitation technique used by trauma surgeons in the hospital. The AAJT-S is the only device that has been shown to be equivalent to Zone 3 REBOA at the point of injury. The device is also able to be easily applied in the field by first responders, helping to stop bleeding and stabilize patients until they can reach definitive care. Whether used on the battlefield or in the pre-hospital EMS setting, the Compression Works device helps save lives by controlling difficult bleeding conditions.

“We are delighted to receive the support of the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care for the use of the AAJT-S for junctional hemorrhages and difficult bleeding situations,” said Scott Dodson, President and CEO, Compression Works, Inc. “This multi-functional life-saving device was designed for the military, has been battlefield tested, widely studied and is optimized for both military and civilian use applications to stop bleeding and save lives,” said Dodson. “We look forward to the AAJT-S becoming the standard of care for our warfighters and accident victims who would otherwise potentially bleed out from their injuries without this technology.”

The CoTCCC Committee chair explained in correspondence with Compression Works Inc., the manufacturer of the AAJT-S, that the device will be included and supported as products that are cleared by the FDA to treat non-compressible hemorrhages.

The AAJT-S by Compression Works is made in the United States of America and has thousands of devices in the market with U.S. special operations forces, allied special operations units and in the pre-hospital EMS segment around the world. For more information, visit or contact us at www.compressionworks.com.