USSOCOM is seeking sources within the national technology and industrial base for a Commecial Off The Shelf convertible caliber rifle which will serve as the replacement for the Precision Sniper Rifle system.
They are interested in:
-complete system to include all 3 caliber conversion kits
-any tools needed to complete the conversion
-a light/sound suppressor that can be attached to the system when needed
ASR System specifics: The system must be adaptable to fire the 7.62mm NATO, .300NM, and .338NM cartridges. The system must have total system weight, less suppressor and with unloaded magazine, not to exceed 17lbs (T), 13lbs (O). Length with stock extended, less suppressor, not to exceed 50″(T), 40″(O), length for transport, by means of folding or collapsing shall be 40″ (T), 36″ (O). Accuracy shall be:
Configuration Precision
7.62 mm 1.0 MOA (ES) at 328 yards (300 meters) (T) 0.5 MOA at 328 yards (300 meters) (O)
.300 NM 1.0 MOA (ES) at 328 yards (300 meters) (T) 0.5 MOA at 328 yards (300 meters) (O)
.338 NM 2.5 MOA (ES) at 328 yards (300 meters) (T) 1.5 MOA at 328 yards (300 meters) (O)
For thise of you unfamiliar, T means Threshold or the miminum acceptable performance, while O means Objective which is where they’d really like to be. As they haven’t specified a specific cartridge, the accuracy specifications at this point are much more subjective. They desire full systems, including suppressor, but SOCOM is simply looking for potential solutions for this emerging requirement at this stage in the game. Eventually, they’ll either specify cartridges they plan to use or open it up the various offers as part of the solicitation. However, the caliber choices are very interesting. Not only are the Norma Magnum cartridges not standard military fare, consider a single chassis that will accept 7.62 NATO along with .300 NM and .338NM.
Offerers have until 24 April, 2017 to provide information to USSOCOM, which isn’t much time at all.
Visit for more information.