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Archive for the ‘Spartanat’ Category

SPARTANAT – Thermal Clip-On TigIR from Andres Industries

Friday, June 25th, 2021

Currently different NATO-partners are introducing the new Thermal Clip-On TigIR from Andres Industries to their armed forces. The special feature of the TigIR (pronounced tiger) is its particularly short design. This makes it the only thermal Clip-On to date that can also fit on the short optical mounts of machine guns. With a recognition range of 3km and weighing only 500g, it is also very light.

With a length of only 6cm, the TILO-6MA is to date the smallest thermal imaging goggles in the world with a resolution of 640 pixels. It is sea water resistant and is therefore also used by naval units. It can also be used, for example, in front of the ELCAN-Specter as a Clip-On Thermal.

The NSN, also known as the „supply number“ to NATO-members, is used in trade between NATO member states to correctly identify ordered equipment – even across language barriers. Specifically, the numbers are 5855-12-416-6304 for the TigIR-6M and 5855-12-416-6303 for the TILO-6MA. Civilian variants of both devices also exist and are already available in the US.






Saturday, June 13th, 2020


The ideal environment, the camouflage suit sits great and fully camouflaged, he storms the building.

Does it really work that way? With good patterns, yes, sure. But it’s not just a matter of patterns. Each camouflage only works well in the right background. And we wanted to figure out the limits of this one for you: PHANTOMLEAF WASP II Z4 is presented as an originally urban pattern. We wanted to know how it works where and what are ist limitations to give you ideas to use it wisely: Good camouflage products work best with a skilled operator.

The uniform is from Leo Leo Köhler and we presented it HERE in the SPARTANAT review. It is autumn, we are outdoors. And Z4 doesn’t come too bad even at this location.

Where the pattern reaches its limits, which is why we do not want to export it to spring, is green. The moss alone kicks it out.

Who likes to compare. We photographed the green Z3A from PHANTOMLEAF at a different time of the year in the same place and in the same position: we could hardly be found. HERE is the field test with the green WASP II Z3A from PAHANTOMLEAF.

This pattern by PHANTOMLEAF likes what is stone and has shades.

This wall was not built after Z4 was built. Nevertheless, the pattern fits in fine.

Broken stones, soil in between, all of these come very well in line with the strongly structured patterns in gray and brown tones.

Gravel substrates are also ideal for using PHANTOMLEAF Z4. The strong structure fits here too.

The stone wall in the tunnel underneath literally “soaks up” the pattern.

The topic is more difficult with smooth concrete.

But as soon as there are any structures – it is wet on the ground, plus broken lines – this pattern from PHANTOMLEAF is immediately at home again.

You don’t always have to be in the foreground. Tree branches from a bush, urban environment. Good camouflage.

Let’s go out into nature with the pattern. Stack of wood, all wildly mixed up and many colors. We could hide well with Z4.

The tree trunk is the example where Z4 surprised us the most. It fits in perfectly despite it originally being intended for urban use.

It even disappears …

… because it is now placed at the foot of the tree and matches the light gray wood structure.

Autumn forest, lots of brown tones …

where the background becomes “monocolor”, the pattern does not feel comfortable. Here it suddenly looks pale because the leaves are so lively.

Urban without cover looks fine, because PHANTOMLEAF fits in well here.

Even if it sometimes appears bright, it “adopts” the surroundings well.

Taking cover in a gray-brown environment, Z4 likes that.

Where there is fighting, a lot is broken, which gives more cover. Here is a disappeared old building as a test site for the PHANTOMLEAF field test.

Plaster, brick, earth – the camouflage pattern disappears.

That is the main area the pattern is intended for.

If the surface becomes too dark, the pattern is again noticeable. On the other side: In real combat situation the suit will be covered in dust and will be wet and will become more adopted tot he surroundings by this. Just to mention: To make a suit more dark to adopt in the field is much easier to lighten it up.

Old house wall: put on the camouflage suit, sit down, nobody will recognize you.

Then someone left his jacket hanging and ran away. Must be cold: Z4 and winter is a hot topic. Especially where there is no closed snow cover.

Now a search picture: Find Z4! A little tip: in the front left. That is very impressive for an “urban pattern”.

CONCLUSION: At first glance an extreme camouflage pattern, which turns out to be very versatile if you pay attention to the surroundings. In addition to the urban environment and autumn forest areas, the pattern also plays a great role in a landscape with some snow and rock.

More pictures of the various PHANTOMLEAF patterns in the field can be found on Instagram at PHANTOMLEAFOFFICIAL.

HERE we interviewed the creators of PHANTOMLEAF.

The field blouse and combat trousers in PHANTOMLEAF by Leo Köhler are available from RECON COMPANY. The command field blouse costs 89.95, the combat trousers 109.95. The matching cap is available at 14.95.

PHANTOMLEAF on the Internet:

LEO KÖHLER on the Internet:

The small leaf is the PHANTOMLEAF logo.


Monday, October 14th, 2019

Phantomleaf Interview 1

PHANTOMLEAF is a new camouflage pattern on the market – we saw it first at Enforce Tac and IWA 2019. We have recently presented the first combat clothing in the camouflage pattern. HERE the review of the Leo Köhler set in PHANTOMLEAF. And we wanted to know what the Camo can do? HERE it goes to the first field test. Now we wanted to know who is behind PHANTOMLEAF. Florian Lenz tells us where PHANTOMLEAF comes from, what it can do and what is to come.

Phantomleaf Interview 2

SPARTANAT: PHANTOMLEAF has now presented its first civilian camouflage pattern. What can WASP II Z3a do? Who should use it?
PHANTOMLEAF: As you can see: It can do camouflage and deception. ? The background is simple: We received many inquiries about our patterns from the retail market. However, as we reserve some camouflage patterns to the authorities, what will not be changed in future, we have decided to develop a free-for-sale model for the civilian market. This took some time, but now the effect meets our quality standards. The area of ??application is the area defined in our system as zone “Z3a”: “Growth without snow cover”. This means high vegetation wich is transferred in a pattern with appropriate structure formation, light input as well as predominantly green tint. – see. our website:

Phantomleaf Interview 3

SPARTANAT: PHANTOMLEAF has been haunting the country for a long time, but you have been working very secretively for the public. What are you doing?
PHANTOMLEAF: In our understanding, this concept of confidentiality fits well with the needs of the special-forces units for which we work mainly. Our goal is to provide bespoke camouflage solutions for often very specific camouflaging problems on land, sea and in the air to meet the specific needs of our users. Most of it is confidential, which I ask for your understanding. This is where camouflage and our loyalty to our clients begin.

Phantomleaf Interview 4

SPARTANAT: What is the difference between a government and a civilian model? WASP II Z3a is marked with “CIV” in the logo.
PHANTOMLEAF: I would prefer to talk about systems for the government market and systems for the retail market. Both have different needs in detail. Examples include things such as deployment distance to the reconnoitering opposite, tactical behavior and threat situation called. These are reflected, e.g. in the geometry of the camouflage pattern or thermal camouflage properties, the material properties (e.g., flame retardancy) and friend-foe detection, as well as the cutting of the readymade items. In addition, our camouflage patterns marked CIV are freely negotiable. Patterns intended for authorities are only delivered to selected partner companies: The protection of our customers is important to us, so that we create both contractual and in the labeling (impression “CIV”) commitment with these partners. That clear handling easy for everyone.

Phantomleaf Interview 5

SPARTANAT: How did you come up with the idea of entering the camouflage industry in Germany?
PHANTOMLEAF: I have been in camouflage for about 30 years – primarily to solve a problem, not to use it economically. The trigger is a personal, unpleasant, which I will not go into here. In doing so, I discovered a general principle for pattern generation, which has since been patented. The camouflage patterns produced with this have the significant advantage over various backgrounds of significantly reducing the recognizability of the camouflaged object. Furthermore, they are tailored to the size and geometric relationships of this object. Of course, this clearly increases the flexibility of the user: on the one hand, when moving from different backgrounds to, on the other hand, when he is under threat of reconnaisance from different angles. The latter will, in my estimation, in future be increased by automation such as e.g. using drones. Due to the achievable, highly effective results with these algorithms, I founded the PHANTOMLEAF GmbH in 2008 in order to make this invention usable for the protection of persons for whom I wanted to do something. Meanwhile, this company acts as a development office and Mr. Ulrich Krätzschmar (RECON-COMPANY) and I have together founded the PHANTOMLEAF 4USE GmbH in order to optimally shape the growing production and distribution of the original PHANTOMLEAF products for our customers. We see ourselves as an international company – with “made in germany” roots. This is reflected by our numerous specialist dealers: These companies listed on our website also have a contractual obligation to strictly observe the market segmentation in authorities and retail markets for the protection of our government customers.

Phantomleaf Interview 6

SPARTANAT: How do you approach the planning of a pattern with PHANTOMLEAF? What demands do you place on you?
PHANTOMLEAF: The approach is very individual, depending on the client approaching us, the object to be camouflaged, and the tactical circumstances such as e.g. place and time of operation. In any case, the systemic approach is important to us: In our experience not only a camouflage pattern should be created, but a coherent overall concept right down to a totally and systemically product design optimized for camouflage: It begins with materials selection, goes over the camouflage pattern, up to cut management and other points to deal with. We have the experience, that such a consequent approach increases the performance of the camouflaged system compared to only dealing with the invention of a pure camouflage pattern. In the end, we definitely want to have a solution for our customers that meets their needs as close to 100% as possible. Since we mostly deal with complex systems at the end, we work together with our partners from the beginning of system development. Our main focus is the “soldier system”.

Phantomleaf Interview 7

SPARTANAT: WASP II Z3a is, so to speak, the “green” pattern in the new PHANTOMLEAF line. What else is there to do?
PHANTOMLEAF: Next, a “brown” version is planned: WASP II Z2. It is suitable for regions with low, especially semi-desert-like growth: But we have the experience that this colorit can also serve well in autumnal winter areas, for example in Central Europe. Also envisioned is a “gray” variant Z4 designed for urban / man made environments.

Phantomleaf Interview 8

SPARTANAT: Will there be all the gear in the new PHANTOMLEAF WASP II samples? What’s up?
PHANTOMLEAF: Thank you for asking this question. Already now many inquiries reach us. The answer is yes. There will be many articles in the near future, from head to toe, so to speak. Of course also suitable gear and bags.

Phantomleaf Interview 9

Florian Lenz, medical doctor, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy,
Managing Director of PHANTOMLEAF GmbH and together with Mr. Ulrich Krätzschmar of PHANTOMLEAF 4USE GmbH.

PHANTOMLEAF bei Recon Company:


Friday, September 13th, 2019

Phantomleaf Camo 1

PHANTOMLEAF from Germany is not new as a company, but this is the first camouflage pattern available in civilian use. Otherwise they work with authorities and provide them with specialized camouflage solutions. But together with Leo Koehler the first uniform has landed in PHANTOMLEAF.

Phantomleaf Camo 2

Close-up of WASP II Z3a pattern: This is quite green and has many spots and color gradations into dark brown. In the picture you can also see the  PHANTOMLEAF logo. The company produces camouflage patterns, all of which have so far been reserved for the authorities.



WASP II Z3a makes  PHANTOMLEAF available on the civil market for the first time. Therefore the logo is marked here also with “CIV”. The manufacturer comments: “We consistently use medical, psychiatric and neuropsychological expertise to optimally influence the complex interaction of measurable data and data processing. This enables us to achieve improved signature management.” The patented algorithms would configure the camouflage schemes in such a way that they could be used on a wide variety of objects: from personal clothing and equipment to the vehicle – on land, on water and in the air.  HERE you can find a full review of the new Leo Koehler Set consisting of Kommando Feldbluse and Einsatzkampfhose.

PHANTOMLEAF im Internet:
LEO KÖHLER im Internet:

SPARTANAT – Corvus Defensio puts Micro piggyback on Trijicon

Thursday, July 18th, 2019


The Corvus Defensio Aimpoint Micro assembly fulfills one of our long cherished wishes. With regard to optics systems for assault rifles and semi-automatic rifles, we have long been convinced by so-called “piggyback” solutions for many different reasons. Since nothing can replace a classic red dot sight without magnification – and parallax free at best – in close range and any lighting condition, modern rifles in sports and military are most likely seen with these kind of sights. But in both areas, these weapons can be used effectively up to 500 meters. Here (and in the area of target identification also at closer distances), however, magnifying optics are of greater advantage. One approach is to use variable magnification optics, which can typically be magnified from 1-3x up to 1-10x and used as a red dot sight at simple magnification. The disadvantage of these systems, however, is usually that even with 1x magnification it must be targeted through an optical lens system, including effects such as exit pupil, correct eye relief, sometimes slight distortions and the so-called “eye box” (the picture is only visible in a limited area). Furthermore, each time the magnification is to be adjusted, the support hand must be removed from the weapon to operate any kind of lever.


With piggyback systems one can combine the advantages of both “optics worlds”. But these solutions bring various disadvantages. In most cases, the height of the piggyback mounted red dot sights is too high to ensure a neat attack with at least the touch of the chin to the stock. In addition, the red dot sights used are almost exclusively mini red dots based on the principle of open construction (eg Docter Sight, RMR, MRDS, etc.). This makes them particularly susceptible to contamination, as even a small foreign body over the exit point of the light beam causes the point to be invisible.


Corvus Defensio now dares claim to have developed a solution for the most compact, elegant, robust and reliable Red Dot / Optic combination. For the first time it is possible to combine our personally favored optics of both worlds, namely a Trijicon TA33 Compact ACOG with an Aimpoint Micro (H and T models, version 1 and 2 as well as Holosun derivatives) with the lowest possible height. These advantages are particularly evident when this combination is used with a Steyr AUG with the special Corvus Defensio housing rails, as this further reduces the overall height.


The Corvus Defensio TA33 APM mount allows direct attachment of Aimpoint Micro and Holosun red dot sights to Compact ACOGs of the TA33 series with mounting bumpers originally designed for Trijicon’s RMR series. Attachment of an Aimpoint Micro still allows ACOG height adjustment control and can be fitted with a clear, hinged Aimpoint protective cover to prevent dirt from entering the assembly and obscuring the ACOG’s eyepiece. Like all our products, the assembly is made of high quality 7075 aluminum and is milled from solid and hard anodized.

This is a direct link to TA33 APM photo Montage from Corvus Defensio.


SPARTANAT: Outer-Limits EXPERIENCE WEEK For Combat Divers

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

The diving equipment company outer-limits is not only providing solutions for special forces they also lures them in to the mountains. There, at a lake, an international, professional clientele gathers to introduce the latest devices for working underwater. We were there last year and show you everything for Combat swimmers and amphibious forces.

Outer Limits 19 Logo

The EXPERIENCE WEEK of outer-limits usually pushes operators to their limits. At least as far as the weather is concerned. Traditionally, it is rather cold and rainy. Last year, due to climate change: warm and sunny. The dive center on the lake offers ideal working conditions, the container serves as material store, the tent as an exhibition hall for the latest diving equipment.

outerlimits 18 2

Who works, should keep it easy. Every gram counts. RolaTube masts are made of composite material and can be rolled up easily. It does not always has to be an antenna.

outerlimits 18 3

outer-limits designed adapters and grappling hooks for the top, as well as an ultra-light flexible fabric ladder to make the boarding if not a snap, but a pleasure.

outerlimits 18 4

Advanced Scuba Diving Solutions are offered by SHARK MARINE. With floating GPS antenna, so the connection does not break off, as well as with DNS function for navigation without any surface connection.

outerlimits 18 29

The outer-limits EXPERIENCE WEEK is also very popular among special forces because the latest equipment can not only be viewed, but also experienced. Here it goes with sharkmarine directly into the water.

outerlimits 18 16

Into the water, perfectly equipped by outer-limits: divers with SIELMIMANO MK4 rebreather, outer-limits RIPSTOP drysuit and outer-limits tarable and submersible backpack. The Ops-Core BUMP helmet, the SCUBAPRO diving goggles with the tactical HUD, in addition with the navigation aid DIVE TABLET 2 from SHARK MARINE. Perfectionists are using fins with the new, stick-on camouflage strips in Multicam by SCUBAPRO.

outerlimits 18 24

Breaching is not just on land. Here are the underwater chrushing and spreading tools from LIBERVIT. It is a hydraulic system that operates completely independently off the surface. LIBERVITis the only manufacturer worldwide that offers such a surface-independent system.

outerlimits 18 25

The whole thing is complemented with a classic set of crushing and spreading tools from LIBERVIT.

outerlimits 18 30

Everything is ready for your use on the peaceful lake: crushing and spreading tool from LIBERVIT.

outerlimits 18 31

Off to the water and try it out personally.

outerlimits 18 5

Indigo Tactical offers special fins for emergency responders. The shutter looks like a ski boot

outerlimits 18 11

or can work with Velcro. The upper part is screwed to the fin, which is available in different sizes. The lateral stiffening parts are available in different degrees of hardness.

outerlimits 18 6

Knowing where to dive is one of the key challenges. UWIS from Finland has a practical solution for it.

outerlimits 18 8

The GPS system, triangulates the position of the diver and can be used where to prepare the dive.

outerlimits 18 14

The UWIS transmitter floats in the water.

outerlimits 18 9

The UWIS Tablet shows the exact position of the diver.

outerlimits 18 7

The complete, practical system comes in a suitcase.

outerlimits 18 26

Combat swimmers do not always have to rely on their physical condition: SUEX offers a variety of DPV’s and DPD’s (Diver Propulsin Vehicles and Diver Propulsion Devices) and DTC (Dry Tube Containers). These devices allow approaches from up to 25km away.

outerlimits 18 15

Ready for use: In front of the water a dive container with 30 liters (there are also 40, 80 and 120 liters), which is moved by combat swimmers with DPVs. SUEX is the world leader in the design and manufacturer of these specialized military devices. outer-limits is Senior Consultant of SUEX and responsible for international authority business as well as for training and education. Incidentally, the diver wears SCUBAPRO scuba diving goggles with the tactical Galileo HUD (Heads-Up Dive Computer), a full dive computer with GPS.

outerlimits 18 13

This is “heavy duty”: a diver equipped with the DEEP SEA system returns ashore. The DEEP SEA helmet is made of carbon, thereforeit is much lighter than other models. The production takes place in Switzerland at COMPOSITE Beat Engel.

outerlimits 18 12

The camouflage pattern from outer-limits is called chameleon. outer-limits dry suits are the ideal, durable workwear for amphibious special forces. Some drysuit models are also FR / flame retardant and have a minimized IR signature.

outerlimits 18 18

Always ready for action: the rebreather Mk4 CSC TWIN from SIEL/OMG has also been tested extensive. SIEL / OMG offers, as well as others, A-MAG and LOW-MAG versions. Enclosed the outer-limits drysuit suit for special forces in NATO green.

outerlimits 18 end

Quiet activity at the mountain lake. All special equipment is thoroughly tested.

outerlimits 18 23

Special production of a weapons bag from outer-limits for an international special unit. The weapon with optics is packaged waterproof during the dive. In case of emergency, glove penetration guarantees that the operator can shoot from the shell.

outerlimits 18 28

If you go diving, you need rock boots. Altama OTB Maritime Assault have prevailed internationally for easier tasks. They are also available at outer-limits.

outerlimits 18 27

On the lake: SR TACTICAL from Germany. Produced in cooperation with outer-limits an amphibious plate carrier, and also a weapon light which is submersible.

outerlimits 18 21

At the end of an outer-limits EXPERIENCE WEEK day, it´s getting quiet on the lake.

outer-limits is the international distributor for all those companies who presented their products at EXPERIENCE WEEK. All the equipment shown and the corresponding training are available via outer-limits. Contact:

Outer limits on Internet:


SPARTANAT: Andres Industries TILO-3Z+ in use with Special Forces

Saturday, June 8th, 2019

The TILO-3Z+ thermal was tested in military operation in Afghanistan for 12 weeks. Although the TILO-3Z+ was used on an almost daily basis, no technical problems occurred. Also, there were only minor traces of usage. This shows the absolute ruggedness and first-class workmanship of this small thermal imaging device.

The TILO-3Z+ was used as observation instrument mounted on a helmet as well as attachment to a scope 1.5-6 x 24 on an assault rifle. It was unproblematic to mount the device on an OpsCore Fast Ballistic helmet using the adapter provided. With the 30 mm adapter from ACTinBlack the TILO-3Z+ could also be easily attach to the scope.

Mounted on Helmet

It is standard to perform night missions with a night vision enhancement device in combination with a red dot sight. In our case the GPNVG from L3 Insight Technology as well as the Argus goggles from Theon Sensors were used. By attaching the TILO-3Z+ to the helmet, thermal imaging technology could be deployed quickly. The small form factor of the device facilitated this task. The GPNVG tubes are made with green phosphor. Therefore TILO-3Z+ was used with thermal filter “Cold Green” CG.

TILO-3Z+ could be easily positioned in front of the eye. It was compatible with the image enhancing technology. Both devices complemented each other perfectly. This increased the spotting ability of the user. TILO-3Z+ was used almost daily as shown on below pictures.

Later, the TILO-3Z+ was combined with Argus goggles. The goggles were installed as a monocular. The operator used them in front of his right eye, while in front of his left eye the TILO-3Z+ was mounted. To assure that both eyes are exposed to green light, also in this case the thermal filter “Cold Green” CG was applied. A clear image was obtained by collimation. This combination allows the use of both night vision techniques simultaneously which presented an invaluable tactical advantage.

The LEDs were also not used with the GPNVG goggles. This reason is: LED lights are positioned on front of the TILO-3Z+. If folded up, they point into the direction of the helmet. If folded down, they could be used but the TILO-3Z+ would block the field of vision of one eye, which is not ideal.

In combination with the Argus goggles the IR LED could be used. But with the ITT Gen 3 tube it was found to work only in total darkness due to its modest brightness (see also IR LED test).

Attached to a Scope

The TILO-3Z+ was attached to a scope from “Schmidt und Bender” 1.5-6 x 24 on an assault rifle. This was easy with the 30 mm camera adapter from ACTinBlack. Following the instructions from the handbook, zeroing and collimation was unproblematic.

During the tests steel objects (30 x 40 cm) were targeted at distances between 100 and 350 m. After being heated up by the sun they could be identified very well from 50 m. At distances from 150 m the limitations of the TILO-3Z+ in combination with a scope became apparent, as a proper identification of the targets was no longer assured.

The resolution of the sensor (320 x 256 pixel @ 60 Hz) in combination with the small objective and the attached scope are probably the limiting factors. To benefit from tactical advantages at more than 150 m, the premium model with 640 x 512 pixel in combination with a 3x ancillary lens should be choose.

It could be also considered to develop the TILO-3 further to become a clip-on thermal sighting system. To such a standalone device an adjustable crosshair would need to be added as well as a mount for a Picatinny rail.

In conclusion, the TILO-3Z+ mounted on helmet is an essential tool in tactical scenarios. Its thermal imaging capabilities provide strong support on the battlefield. Due to its low weight it does not disturb the user. The TILO-3Z+ is suitable only to a limited extend attached to a scope, as in this application its strengths are not fully exploited.

IR LED Test:

The IR LED of TILO-3Z+ was tested with following 3 different Gen 3 tubes for image enhancement to evaluate its brightness:

Goggles GPNVG from L3 Insight Technology Gen 3 L3 tube (green phosphor)
Goggles FGE from L3 Insight Technology Gen 3 tube (white phosphor)
Goggles Argus Panoptes from Theon Sensors Gen 3 ITT tube (green phosphor)

First the brightness was tested with residual light in an urban environment. All 3 tubes were activated. The luminosity of the LED had no visible effect. An image analysis was not possible.

In a second trial a residential container was darkened out completely. A printed comic target was position in about 12 m distance. 3 pictures were taken with each tube: 1 without LED light, 1 with LED light at lowest setting and 1 with LED light at highest setting.

Goggles GPNVG from L3 Insight Technology Gen 3 L3 tube (green phosphor)




Lowest Setting


Highest Setting

Goggles FGE from L3 Insight Technology Gen 3 tube (white phosphor)




Lowest Setting


Highest Setting

Goggles Argus Panoptes from Theon Sensors Gen 3 ITT tube (green phosphor)




Lowest Setting


Highest Setting

Conclusion IR LED Test:

The IR LED of TILO-3Z+ works with the Gen 3 tubes of known US manufacturers. The paper target could be identified easily as well as the depicted weapon. Precondition is complete darkness and a relative short distance to the illuminated medium. The range of the IR LED of TILO-3Z+ in combination with the 3 image enhancement goggles is 20 to 30 m (Note: The real images are significantly better, than those captured on photo.).

Overall Conclusion: The TILO-3Z+ was found to be a felicitous thermal imaging device which has enormous strength in combination with night vision enhancement googles. This device is also a useful companion at hunting grounds.
It was a pleasure to carry and test the TILO-3Z+. Many thanks to Andres Industries for this opportunity.

Comment by Andres Industries regarding IR LED test:
The boost obtained with the American Gen 3 tubes was far less effective than it would have been with European tubes as those enhance much better the longwave light emitted by the IR LED.


Spartanat – First TILO – Andres Industries SHOT SHOW 19

Saturday, January 19th, 2019


The TILO series, the world’s smallest thermal imaging goggles, has enjoyed great popularity for around a year. With only 100g and 4cm length this device is by far without competition. The next larger device, the FLIR Breach, is twice as long and more than twice as heavy.Since the introduction of the TILO-6 with its 640×512 thermal sensor, Andres is also leading in the field of image resolution. Other devices in this range only have about 320×240 pixels.

But the development doesn’t stand still. Many users complained about the shorter range compared to larger thermal imaging devices, which is explained by the large field of view of the TILO. Since it was developed as thermal imaging goggles and therefore has to provide the user with a particularly good overview, the TILO only has a maximum detection range of 1000m.


The developers at Andres Industries have now faced this challenge and found a solution. They have developed an adapter with which a 3-fold afocal lens can be attached to the TILO within seconds. This connection is extraordinarily robust and so accurate that the TILO with attachment lens can even be used as an attachment to the ELCAN or short dot sights. Andres Industries does not sell suitable adapters to civilians, but these can be obtained from ACT in Luxembourg. By the way, the TILO is mounted upside down in front of the ZF. The screen font can be adapted for this purpose.


The only disadvantage is that the calibration by the flap of the TILO does not work anymore, because it has to be disassembled before. The calibration must now be started by pushing a button, then the device is directed to an even surface and the button is pushed again. Afterwards, one gets an excellent picture quality without any vignetting, as it is known from other devices with an 3x afocal lens. Here is a small video in which the function is explained.

TILO Catalog 2019:

For the first time Andres Industries will present the TILO system in the USA at the Shot Show at booth #15650.