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ABCs of Risk Assessment

Saturday, April 23rd, 2022

Seneca’s quote on anticipating the coming troubles can be interpreted in these challenging times means that you can stay ahead of the action-reaction power curve by taking proactive measures instead of being relegated to reactive measures that place you behind the curve. Of course, the granddaddy of all proactive measures is to do risk assessment and develop control measures to reduce the probability of an undesired event.

Referred to as risk assessment or RA by the professionals such as high-end protective services and security specialists. A potential threat area (home, office, etc.) or activity (vacation or business travel) risk assessment should include an examination of potential risks via identification of known threats or threat areas, consideration of the likelihood and severity of an unwanted event, and implementation of realistic control measures to reduce likely risk. The risk assessment process can be further broken down by the numbers:

  1. Identify potential threats and/ or significant threat areas
  2. Estimate the likelihood and impact of an unwanted event
  3. Implement realistic control measures

It’s important to define terminology before running the RA process on a potential threat or threat area. The four most used RA terms are risk, threat, vulnerability, and assessment. 

Devgru Risk Assessment

Risk is the measurement of the frequency, probability, and impact of loss from exposure to threats.


  1. Frequency
  2. Probability
  3. Impact

A threat is a serious, impending, or recurring undesired event that can result in loss which must be handled. In terms of residential or workplace violence, a threat can range anywhere from pre-operational activities (security probes, collection of sensitive information, etc.) to an active shooter.

threat can also refer to an individual or the observable concerning behavior of an individual. Vulnerability is the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed. Risk is the product of threat and vulnerability. The greater threat and/ or vulnerability, the greater the risk.

Risk = Threat x Vulnerability

Risk Assessment is a rational and orderly approach to problem identification and probability determination. As mentioned earlier, risk assessment is not a reactive approach but a proactive approach that should be part of any personal, home, or work security planning process. It involves figuring out the possible risks and how and when to control that risk should it become realized. 

An example of figuring out the possible risks and how and when to control that risk if it occurs is the design of a home invasion emergency action plan. Using a traditional residential security concept called ‘concentric rings of protection, ‘ multiple rings or layers of security are employed to create a 360-degree envelope of protection around your dwelling and its occupants. The concentric rings are like an onion of security wrapped around your home. 

The outermost ring is to deter – that is, remove any tools (hammers, screwdrivers, crowbars, etc.), ladders, and sporting equipment (baseball bats, etc.) from the yard. Have good lighting activated at night and some sort of gate or at least a fence or terrain barrier to help deter interest in your home. 

The next security ring is to detect – that is, use of any cameras or motion sensors to determine or observe a security breach. The next ring is to delay – be sure that there are good quality locking windows and doors installed to help keep an intruder at bay long enough for an appropriate response. 

The last of the four concentric rings of security is to deploy – that is, depending on which end of your home the attack initiates, what are your use of force deployment options? Have you established and reviewed a home protection emergency action plan with your family? 

When appropriately implemented, risk assessment promotes activity for reducing or eliminating long-term risk. The goal of effective risk assessment is sustained threat intervention.


Risk Assessment Examples

The very best example of RA is that of the commercial airline industry. Few industries have established such a quality risk assessment culture as that of the commercial airlines. The three most common guidelines utilized by the airlines and similar high-value security professionals are:

  1. Accept no unnecessary risk. Suppose you’re planning your vacation and know that a particular foreign country is under extreme civil unrest or worse. In that case, there’s no reason to accept the high probability risk of something bad happening to you or your family.
  2. Anticipate and manage risk by planning. Proactive measures assist you ahead of time and develop strategies that can be deployed in the event of an active threat. If you need to drive for a very long distance to a destination you’ve never been before, then looking at a map ahead of time to get your bearings and keeping your gas tank near full are two proactive measures that can help prevent you from needing roadside assistance or getting lost in an unknown or potentially high-threat area.
  3. Make appropriate risk decisions at the right awareness level. If you’re walking through a nasty part of town, then your personal security radar should be clicked up to a higher setting than when you’re locked in your car with the windows rolled up and driving at speeds around 65 MPH on a freeway. The worse decision you can make is to click to a lower level of situational awareness where and when you need it the most.


Top security professionals recommend following the ABCs of risk management – Assess, Balance and Communicate. 

Assess is applying your situational awareness to your immediate environment and continually evaluating what’s happening. Forewarned is forearmed and places you ahead of the action-reaction power curve. Taking in good information allows you better decision-making that will affect future outcomes.

Balance is your evaluation of a given situation. Applying your situational awareness and processing relevant information gleaned from your environment (assessment) allows you to weigh the pros and cons of a tactical decision like an accounting balance sheet in your head.

Communicate. If there are others with you, it’s recommended to timely and appropriately verbalize your plan. For example, “Hey kids, let’s get back to the car!” 

Risk is an expression of the probability and severity of an undesired event. It occurs at many levels (compromise of personal safety, making the decision to accept unwarranted risk, etc.) Risk is controlled by balancing the factors that might increase risk, decrease the potential of an undesired event, and increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Remember your ABCs – Assess, Balance, and Communicate. Follow the professional RA guidelines by accepting no unnecessary risk, anticipate and manage risk by planning and making appropriate risk decisions at the appropriate awareness level. The product of good risk assessment keeps you ahead of the action-reaction power curve by implementing proactive measures.

About the Author: 

Steve Tarani is a former full-time CIA protective programs employee, small arms and defensive tactics subject matter expert who served on POTUS 45 pre-election executive protection detail. He is the lead instructor for NRA’s non-ballistic weapons training program offered nationally and a widely recognized SME on matters of personal protection and urban survival. Tarani is also a DoD and FLETC-certified federal firearms instructor who has been on staff at Gunsite Academy (AZ) as a Rangemaster for over twenty years. Formerly sworn, he is also a former federal contractor and service provider for the US Defense Intelligence Community, US Naval Special Operations Command, and other government agencies. Additionally, Tarani serves on the National Sheriffs’ Association Committee for School Safety and Security.

Zeroing Your Rifle by Ken P Owens

Monday, April 18th, 2022

Army SF Veteran Kevin P Owens made quite a name for himself while serving in the military, but after retiring took on the position of Training Manager for FieldCraft Survival. He has created a great series of videos on a variety of topics. This is his latest.

Zeroing your rifle at 50 yards for a point blank zero of 200yards. BDC reticles are great but are only calibrated for one bullet and one density altitude

Welcome to the Jungle: Special Warfare Airmen Acclimate to Indo-Pacific Environment

Friday, April 15th, 2022

WAHIAWA, Hawaii (AFNS) —  

The 38th Rescue Squadron’s Blue Team traveled to Hawaii to conduct jungle warfare training, March 26 – April 10.

Moody Air Force Base’s pararescuemen are special warfare operators charged with the responsibility of rescuing personnel all around the world. As such, it’s vital they familiarize themselves with all types of environments.

In an effort to sharpen their capabilities in rescue operations throughout the Indo-Pacific region, Blue Team learned how to track personnel in the jungle.

“The jungle is a very unforgiving environment,” said Lt. Col. Michael Vins, 38th RQS commander. “There are areas in the jungle where you can only travel 100 meters in an entire day. We need to be ready for that kind of environment by training there, understanding how to survive there, using different equipment … everything is so different, so we need to get used to that kind of environment to be effective in (Indo-Pacific Command).”

Blue Team put their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) to the test in a climate they had never experienced before by performing a series of training scenarios to include team vs. team tracking and anti-tracking exercises.

“Over the last 20 years, we’ve gotten really good at desert warfare with the war in Afghanistan and Iraq,” said Staff Sgt. Evan Rogowski, 38th RQS Blue Team pararescueman. “With that kind of phasing away, and the new area of responsibility quickly becoming the INDOPACOM region, we’re really having to take a step back from some of the older TTPs that seemed to work well in the desert and figure out how to adapt to this environment, which is way more difficult to operate in.”

Upon arriving in the jungle, the team set up an outpost to conduct operations. Over the duration of five days and four nights, they survived with only the rucks on their backs and the knowledge they gained as special warfare operators in the Air Force. Rogowski said one of the biggest challenges they faced was the weather.

“It’s pretty unpredictable out here in the jungle,” Rogowski said. “It can be raining in the morning and then completely sunny in the afternoon, and back to rain. Outside of carrying the proper equipment, there’s not much we can do to control that.”

The unique experience tested their ability to adapt in an unforgiving environment. To combat the risks associated with sleeping on the ground, the team slept in enclosed hammocks.

Encounters with centipedes, spiders, steep inclines and thick foliage made it difficult to execute the mission. Despite the challenges, the team was able to effectively track their targets in the jungle. Using tactical formations and hand signals, they practiced combatting potential threats from simulated enemies and booby traps.

“As highly trained special warfare operators, we’re always thinking about modern-day warfare and high-tech weapon systems, but something so primitive like grenades that roll out of bamboo if you kick the wrong stick over is enough to wipe us all out,” said Staff Sgt. Evan Orth, 38th RQS Blue Team pararescueman. “Getting this training makes us more aware of threats we would have never expected in this environment, which could be the difference in saving not only our lives but the life of the person we’re trying to locate on the ground.”

Blue Team learned mostly through action, however instructors from the Tactical Tracking Operations School also provided an array of tips in a classroom setting before they ventured out into the jungle.

“They’ll sleep in the field for four nights to give them an opportunity to live in the environment, assess their gear, work out the little kinks or whatnot and make sure their sleeping systems are good,” said Pete Kerr, TTOS president and instructor. “The more time you spend out in the field, you start to hone those senses.”

Kerr expressed the importance of attention to detail. Whether tracking an adversary or a missing ally, such as a downed pilot, being able to notice subtle disturbances in the terrain is crucial to finding a target.

“What that’s doing is programming the subconscious mind to pick up on these indicators,” Kerr said.

TTOS provided detailed hands-on training enabling the special warfare operators to determine a person’s direction of travel and intent.

“That footprint is going to explain a story to you,” Rogowski said. “Where that person went, what they did, how fast they were moving, where they’re going to, are they paranoid? And I think that’s kind of hard to put into words unless you’ve actually been there.”

Using the skills they learned during the training scenarios, the team was put to the test in a final two-day, one-night exercise. During the exercise, Blue Team tracked a simulated downed pilot while traversing the terrain undetected from potential danger. Once they retrieved the isolated personnel, the team made their way to an extraction point.

After a sleepless 24 hours and hiking 6 kilometers through grueling terrain, the team completed their mission.

By the end of the two-week course, Blue Team gained the knowledge necessary to refine their TTPs for the unique jungle environment, thus enabling them to operate effectively in the Indo-Pacific region.

“The culmination of this exercise validates the effectiveness the rescue teams will have in a contested jungle environment,” Rogowski said. “The lessons and skills learned here will further expand the way we operate in the INDOPACOM area of responsibility. We’ll take these lessons and shape our TTPs for the future of special operations, personnel recovery, and combat search and rescue.”

By SSgt Devin Boyer, 23rd Wing Public Affairs

Georgia National Guard Tests New Live-Fire Range System

Sunday, April 10th, 2022

FORT STEWART, Ga. – The Georgia Army National Guard’s 122nd Tactical Support Detachment traveled to Fort Stewart for the April 1-3 drill weekend to train and qualify Soldiers on the M4 carbine rifle and M17 pistol.

The training, conducted annually to ensure unit readiness, was unique due to the software that Soldiers from the 122nd TSD operated from the range tower to control targets, score shooters and provide statistical feedback. TRACR II had been an untested Army system; the 122nd TSD was the first unit to use the new technology.

Targetry Range Automated Control and Recording (TRACR II) provided these Georgia Guardsmen with firsthand experience on a fresh interface that addressed many of the after-action reviews and suggestions made by previous operators of the legacy system.

“No Soldier has ever operated TRACR II yet,” Alex Stinefast, Program Executive Office Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI) program manager for TRACR II, said before the 122nd used the system on the range. “The intent is to leave it in Fort Stewart for 120 days and gather Soldiers’ feedback so that we can make improvements prior to going into full-rate production and send it out to all of the Army.”

The legacy TRACR software has been in use since its development and implementation in 2005-08 and has been updated approximately six times, according to David Howard, TRACR II program engineer.

“We’ve gone from the old Java-based type of application to more of a web-based application, which you see now on your phones,” said Howard.

Soldiers of the 122nd TSD said the software had a familiar app-like feel and was easy to learn and use when supporting range operations.

“I think it’s very beginner-friendly,” said Sgt. Desmond Albright, from the 122nd TSD.

Within 30 minutes, he learned the program and navigated the controls. The new colorful display on the system allowed him and other users from the detachment to select multiple targets, create scenarios, and assign motions to the silhouettes on the range. The leaders overseeing the training and qualification could provide individual scorecards to all the shooters to let them know which targets they had engaged or missed.

“It was a great experience,” said Albright. “As far as being newly introduced to [TRACR II] for the first time, it was pretty easy to use.”

Supported by the new TRACR II software, all participating Soldiers successfully engaged the required amount of targets with their assigned weapons and recorded qualifying scores.

The TRACR II team hopes the new software provides a platform for better training in Fort Stewart and throughout the Army.

“We are expecting the new equipment training to be significantly shorter,” said Stinefast. “We are hoping that the range operators can come in and figure out how to operate it and then start running the range.”

By MAJ Charles Emmons, Georgia National Guard

After Denmark, Lithuania Joins the Growing List of Small Arms Training Indoor Simulator (SATIS) Customers

Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

On March 17th, RUAG Defence France and the Lithuanian Armed Forces signed a major contract for the delivery of Small Arms Training Indoor Simulators (SATIS), following an international competitive bid process.

SATIS is a high-fidelity simulator for indoor shooting training at individual and unit levels. It is an evolution of SITTAL, which is used by the French Armed Forces in more than 50 garrisons countrywide, and by the Ivorian Armed and Law Enforcement Forces. Lithuania opted for the mobile version, allowing fast and easy deployment from garrison to garrison.

Enhanced, tetherless technology

Supporting a variety of tetherless weapons, SATIS helps individuals improve weapon handling, accuracy, and shooting procedures. Instructors can monitor and analyze all relevant data, including firing position, aiming, cant, cast and pitch, shots, and trigger pressure. SATIS features an automatic after-action review (AAR) to improve the assessment of all shooting parameters and results.

Customizable combat scenarios

The Lithuanian Armed Forces will also be able to use SATIS to strengthen decision-making and coordination competencies by running exercises with groups of up to ten soldiers.

SATIS supports AI (artificial intelligence) managed combat scenarios customizable by the instructor and taking place in a great variety of terrain ((urban, countryside, semi-desert, …).

Strong market position

With this new contract, RUAG Simulation & Training further reinforces its position as a benchmark in the field of combat simulators.

TMS Tuesday – The M.A.R.C.H. Algorithm – Hypothermia

Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

The M.A.R.C.H. algorithm is laid out differently from Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) which uses Airway, Breathing, and Circulation (ABC) as the order of treatment to instead use Massive Hemorrhage, Airway, Respiration, Circulation, Hypothermia/Head Injury for prioritizing lifesaving treatments. Among these critical steps, hypothermia is included in the algorithm’s final phase of care.

Despite advancements in trauma care over the past three decades, trauma remains among the leading causes of death. In penetrating trauma, what you cannot see occurring is the lethal diamond of hypothermia, hypocalcemia, acidosis, and coagulopathy. The lethal diamond is recognized as a significant cause of death in patients with traumatic injuries. Thus, failing to stop any one of the diamond’s complicating factors leads to worsening hemorrhage and eventual death.

If a patient has lost blood, they have lost body heat meaning you are fighting an uphill battle to intervene. If you are not preventing hypothermia, then you are not properly treating your patient. So, what should you do?

According to TCCC Guidelines, these are the steps that you should take:

1. Take early and aggressive steps to prevent further body heat loss and add external heat, when possible, for both trauma and severely burned casualties.

2. Minimize casualty’s exposure to cold ground, wind, and air temperatures. Place insulation material between the casualty and any cold surface as soon as possible. Keep protective gear on or with the casualty if feasible.

3. Replace wet clothing with dry clothing, if possible, and protect from further heat loss.

4. Place an active heating blanket on the casualty’s anterior torso and under the arms in the axillae (to prevent burns, do not place any active heating source directly on the skin or wrap around the torso).

5. Enclose the casualty with the exterior impermeable enclosure bag.

6. As soon as possible, upgrade hypothermia enclosure system to a well-insulated enclosure system using a hooded sleeping bag or other readily available insulation inside the enclosure bag/external vapor barrier shell.

7. Pre-stage an insulated hypothermia enclosure system with external active heating for transition from the non-insulated hypothermia enclosure systems; seek to improve upon existing enclosure system when possible.

8. Use a battery-powered warming device to deliver IV/IO resuscitation fluids, in accordance with current CoTCCC guidelines, at flow rate up to 150 ml/min with a 38°C output temperature.

9. Protect the casualty from exposure to wind and precipitation on any evacuation platform.

These recommendations are from the TCCC Guidelines which can be found at: www.deployedmedicine.com/content/40

Tools to Aid in Hypothermia

TacMed Solutions™ offers a variety of products built to assist preventing and treating hypothermia including the HELIOS® System, Emergency Bivvy, and more. To stock your kit with these essential tools, check out TacMed Solutions™ at tacmedsolutions.com/collections/m-a-r-c-h-tccc/hypothermia.

SureFire Field Notes Ep. 68: How to Draw a Handgun with Robert Vogel

Friday, March 25th, 2022

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Robert Vogel of Vogel Dynamics discusses how to properly draw a handgun. This video references a previous video on grip: youtu.be/688tyvWxaYg

Robert Vogel is a professional marksman, competition shooter, and National/World champion. He is the only Law Enforcement Officer ever to win World and National Championships in the Practical Pistol Disciplines of IPSC, IDPA and USPSA.



VSS and Centre Support Offering Foreign Weapons Training, Manuals & Procurement

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022

Vigilant Security Services in conjunction with Centre Supprt has become a one-stop shop for foreign weapons and ammunition procurement, training and technical expertise.

If you haven’t familiarized yourself with the use and maintenance of foreign weapons, now is the time to do it.

They offer Non-Standard Weapon Familiarization, Armorer training and custom courses.

Students will also receive a complete set of 11 Non-Standard Weapon Manuals which cover weapon specifications & variations, operation, disassembly & assembly, firing procedures and misfire & malfunction drills.cover weapon specifications & variations, operation, disassembly & assembly, firing procedures and misfire & malfunction drills.

Additionally, they can fulfill your unique non-standard weapon requirements, including ammunition and munitions.

*Services are restricted to US Government Agencies, DoD & qualified Law Enforcement officers

For more information contact support@vig-sec.com