Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

Rezlo – Euclid Running Shorts

Monday, March 13th, 2017

If you’re looking for a pair of running shorts that were actually designed for running, check out the Euclid, from Rezlo. They are made from 93% Polyester and 7% Elastane.

This image gives you an idea of the fit of the 4.5″ inseam.

However, be aware of the reflective iconography on the shorts.

The Euclid is offered in Sand (seen here and a decent match to Coyote), Charcoal (Black) and Eggshell (Tan).

Special Forces Basic Combat Course – Support

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

The Utah Army National Guard runs a two-week course for 19th Special Forces Group’s support troops called the Special Forces Basic Combat Course – Support (SFBCC-S). Other, similar courses have sprung up for other SOF Enablers since the war began.  However, I don’t of any others that are firing mortars. 

Whiskey 5: NLB Tactical

Friday, March 10th, 2017

Whiskey 5 is a recurring Soldier Systems Daily feature that asks “Who, What, Where, When, and Why” of industry leaders, manufacturers and instructors — to let you hear how they describe themselves. It’s intended to give you a close and thorough look at some of the people that make our industry unique. We’ve found these basic 5 questions to be the basic keys to understanding. Past Whiskey-5s have included business from Provengo to Kryptek, and all sorts of other companies in between.

Today we’ll be sharing an overview of Virginia Beach’s, NLB Tactical formerly No Lie Blades.

NLB Tactical is a training company located in Virginia Beach, operating MTU’s in the United States and Europe. It is run by Hank Hayes, a veteran close protection specialist, senior Mil-L/E combative instructor and the inventor of the No Lie Blades feedback training knife. Hayes’ experience alone would make NLB worth looking into, but NLB’s instructor staff makes it that much more (the go to solution) enticing. NLB is made up of literally 100’s of years of superior tactical and field combat skills with over 51 instructors world-wide with instructors in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany with the bulk of the MIL-L/E instructors on the east coast and mid-west states. NLB, also formerly known as No Lie Blades, manufactures various feedback training knives and offers a host of unique courses available on the United States government GSA products and services schedules. Additionally, NLB has more letters of recommendation on government letterhead than its 5 industry competitors combined.

NLB is one of the best solutions for edged weapons combat simply because they provide an immediate feedback tool that no other US government training provider offers. From the first days of NLB it was clear they were onto something with their very direct, straight-forward, and highly effective fighting system. Its methodology is rooted in violence of action, shutting down threats and uses HVT (High Value Target) striking, pinching, biting, gouging, ripping and tearing to name a few of the neutralization tactics.

Operators have found that with these proven methods that work for dealing with an edged weapon threat those exact same tactics and methods will work for dealing with blunt or impact weapons and also in dealing with empty hand subjects. Departments and agencies saw that NLB could handle several of their needs and started asking for more training from us. Currently NLB offers combat solutions in the follow areas.
Edged Weapons Tactical Training
Impact Weapons Training
Instinctive Reactive Firearms Training
Dynamic Transitional Fighting from Weapons to Empty Hand, etc.
Active Shooter Response Training

NLB’s transitional fighting course is something virtually no other organization provides. This is where the student transitions from one weapons system or empty hand to another weapons system up and down the force continuum. The root of the NLB system translates directly to impact weapons, empty hands fighting and direct access to firearms weapons over the shoulder or on the belt line.

The NLB company story is an interesting one. Like most inventions they are either made from frustration, necessity, mistakes or creativity. NLB’s was a little bit of everything. After an edged weapons training session with some instructors from Quantico in 1997 and a large dose of frustration Mr. Hayes felt the strong need for a training knife that could provide immediate feedback just like a simunitions training ammo round. He needed evidence to show what was working and what wasn’t. Many claimed that their techniques worked when they clearly didn’t, but proving this was a challenge short of an actual knife encounter.

Later he started doodling on a napkin and after a few months and lot of help he had a prototype marking training knife. So as you often hear the rest was history. In 1998 NLB was open for business and within a year the US government approached to purchase the product which is how NLB became a US government contractor. About 2 years after that NLB received another call from the government stating they had a problem. They said the tool does exactly what it says it’s going to do and that their men have found their fighting programs had major holes now that the training knife revealed all their tactical knife fighting flaws. They wanted to know if we had a training program, they needed help. It was in those moments the training side of our company was born.

NLB Tactical is based in Virginia Beach, Va minutes from Dam Neck Military Base, Naval Air Station Oceana and close to the other 25 Military bases in Virginia Beach and neighboring states. NLB operates as an MTU (Mobile Training Unit) or MTT (Mobile Training Team) dispatch team. Although NLB administrative offices are located in Virginia Beach and have small teams and senior instructors ready to be active as needed for any training operation in the US, Canada and Europe.

There is an overarching reason and 3 key things to point out. The main reason why is that the Military and especially the Law Enforcement communities make it so hard to get good, solid training. The standards are often set so low to meet the skills of some complaining pansy who went and got the minimum skills requirements lowered even more. When US lives are being lost at the rates that they are and with easily 50% of those deaths avoidable with proper skills adjustments, something MUST BE DONE! NLB takes on that responsibility to do something about those skills that are needed.

The components that make NLB a must hire solution are 3 key things. First is the marking feedback training knife. NLB is the inventor of the marking blades technology and are so far in front of others when it comes to training with this immediate feedback it makes them the most knowledgeable and the leaders in the knife fighting arena. It has been said that NLB would have to be really stupid to profess they have a tactical edged weapons solution without it being outstanding as the marking blade reveals everything with each mark representing injury/blood loss.

Second, NLB is world known for being very direct, straight-forward and highly effective. It’s methodology is rooted in violence of action, shutting down threats and uses HVT (High Value Target) striking, pinching, biting, gouging, ripping and tearing to name a few of the neutralization tactics.

Thirdly, NLB ownership is highly focused on serving departments, agencies and commands with the absolute best people and service in the industry. Mr. Hayes has been said to be fanatical about the people that come on board with NLB and demands their best. Mr. Hayes says the A game is the only game accepted.

NLB Tactical can be found online at
Phone 610.442.5539
You can also acquire NLB training services on GSA through their Prime vendor partnership with MJL-Enterprises at

Mission Spec Talks Dry Fire Practice

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Brent from Mission Spec talks about dry fire practice. What do you think?

Hollywood Tactical Gun Club Precision Rifle Series Match Results

Monday, March 6th, 2017

Okeechobee, FL – Hollywood Tactical Gun Club celebrated their 1st anniversary with a one day Precision Rifle Series Match on March 4th.

1st Place shooter was Grunt Style/Core Shooting Team’s Spenser B, 2nd was Bill Nix and their was a tie for third between Hollywood Tactical Gun Club’s Mike Moxley and event sponsor John Hoolihan of Snipe Shooting bags.

“Mike Moxley and Keith Camilo of Hollywood Tactical Gun Club put on a first rate match with some challenging winds and a first rate facility. It was an honor to shoot at their place and secure a win for my sponsors Grunt Style and Core Shooting, “said Spenser B. “ Grunt Style looks forward to putting a welcoming face back on shooting sports and inspiring pride in self, military and country at every event we attend.”

Hollywood Tactical Gun Club was started a year ago by Mike Moxley and Keith Camilo, both retired Florida LEO’s when they saw a big gap in law enforcement long range skills and training facilities that were available to them on the job. They built one of the only 1,000 yd ranges in south Florida and are poised to up open a second range for carbine, pistol and shotgun on their 400 acre facility.

Hollywood Tactical Gun Club is available for agency, instructor and match rental.

Fibrotex’ Annual Multispectral Camouflage Workshop –8-9-10 May 2017

Saturday, March 4th, 2017

Unseen, unbeaten!

Fibrotex Technologies, and Profile Equipment are happy in invite your unit to participate in our annual multispectral operational camouflage workshop. As last year, the workshop will be held in Winterberg, Germany and will include Static & Mobile, Team & individual camouflage systems. This year’s first focus is on the operational practical aspect of how to build and Where to best place the systems to be able to integrate completely with the environment by ‘getting your hands dirty’ and using all the systems. Our second focus this year is on Mobility, introducing our 2nd Gen Mobile kits on moving platform and show casing the ability to dramatically decrease the signature of moving platforms, alongside present & future threats presentation and more.

As technology is very accessible nowadays, not always by the ‘right’ people, we are facing a whole new world where not only advanced friendly militaries and governments but also paramilitary groups and terror organizations have access to ‘state of the art’ tactical devices. With this ‘new’ component in the equation and the fact that there are major gaps between what the units need and what they actually have, we often find ourselves in an inferior position in the battle field.

By testing the systems in the workshop with your tactical devices and the training on how best to use them with the environment, we would be able to introduce some new tools to overcome these obstacles. There for we urge you to bring your sensors to the workshop (UV-VIS-NIR-SWIR-TIR and RADAR) and hand test the gear.

This year, we are happy to host an Israeli Sniper & Pneumatic Simulator Company. We will have an indoor shooting range where you would be able to shoot at Static & mobile targets with a variety of weapons (including your own if present).

Due to the nature of the workshop and the discretion of the attendees, all participants are required to stay onsite throughout the event. We provide and recommend the all-inclusive, onsite arrangement, including meals, drinks, basic (army style) sleeping arrangement and running hot water for showers.

It will be a pleasure to see you at the workshop. As places are limited and for logistic purposes, please RSVP before March 31st. After which will you we receive an invitation letter by name.
Best regards,

Eyal Malleron
Fibrotex Technologies

Pike Moerland
Profile Equipment

For full details, including registration information, download this .pdf.

SureFire – Field Notes Ep. 8, Vehicle Tactics with Aaron Barruga

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Aaron Barruga of Guerrilla Approach discusses low-light vehicle tactics.

Guerrilla Approach:

Filmed and edited by Eugene Nagata of Kiri Studios.

B-roll from Silent R Productions.

RE Factor Tactical – Hitman Target

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

The Hitman Target is designed to offer long range shooters a comprehensive zeroing and engagement system for precision marksmanship. Printed with a grid overlay system in both Metric and US/Imperial measurements, shooters can see their impact offset and be adjusted onto different zeroing squares. The squares have been sized 1-3″ for maintaining a 1 MOA zero at 100, 200, and 300 yards with precision aiming points at their centers. They have also been colored to contrast with red and black reticles for improved sight picture. Lastly, the target can be rotated 90º for MILDOT measurements for wind call adjustments.

Measures: 23″ x 35″
Metric and US/Imperial units of measure
Grid overlay system
Made in the USA