Buddy is just half a term. Blue Falcon sounds so much better, whether you say it in jest or with your teeth gritted from restraining the urge to throat punch some jackass that so desperately needs it.
We’re not talking about the Batman-look-a-like and his biomechanical dog, of course—as cool as they made Saturday mornings back in the day, their ongoing fights with Fishface, Swamprat, and other escapees from Big City Prison lack sufficient umph to become an integral part of the American military lexicon. You have to be a true Bravo Foxtrot (to use the convenient acronym for it) to earn such a revered place in military parlance. Bravo Foxtrottery (aka Blue Falconing) will probably be with us for a long time, or at least until a newer and better term comes along.
Besides, if you enlisted any time after the turn of the century you may not remember them (though the power of Boomerang reruns is not to be underestimated).

In any case, there’s little doubt you already know what it means if you’re reading this, and even less doubt (following this same line of reasoning) that you’ve witnessed one appear. Perhaps you’ve even seen it several times. It can happen anywhere, at any rank, and can run the gamut from task-oriented Blue Falconing at the squad or platoon level all the way up to truly prodigious HQ style Blue Falconing closer to the flagpole. It is frequently seen in billets or at bars and, in its most egregious appearance, immediately prior to a deployment.
Of course, it can also be used in response to a practical joke or ribald event that should never be talked about at the dinner table.

In any case, if you need a patch to pass along to someone that truly deserves it, the redoubtable MilSpecMonkey has come through for you. MSM has a Blue Falcon crest that will no doubt find its way into many a barracks or shop. It’s being retailed in several places, including Going Loud Tactical Outfitters and MilSpecMonkey’s own store. Incidentally, there’s a pretty funny organization blog on line at www.BlueFalcons.org that’s worth reading, and if it’s not updated as frequently as we’d like, the contents always good.
Gitcha one of these crests fo’ sho’. If you purchase from either of the two places we mentioned, let ‘em know you heard it from us. We’re trying to get free swag for folks that submit pictures.
As always, should you possess sufficient perspicuity to realize how cool it is to be associated with us, please enroll in our blog at www.breachbangclear.com or join us on FaceBook at www.Facebook.com/madduo.
Mad Duo Clear!