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Posts Tagged ‘ADS Inc’

TYR Tactical Tuesday – ADS Warrior West

Tuesday, March 27th, 2018

It’s just around the corner! TYR Tactical® is proud to announce its participation in ADS Warrior Expo – West. Stop by booth# 813 to check out the latest products from TYR Tactical®, Huron™ and Revere K9™. For questions or to set-up a meeting, please email

ADS Warrior Expo – West
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr.
San Diego, CA 92101
April 18-19, 2018
Booth# 813

ADS – Stabilizing Retention System for AN/AVS-6 NVGs

Monday, March 26th, 2018

ADS Inc recently published a case study on work they did to stabilize Color Night Display Modules for Army Aviators.


Army rotary wing pilots flying with AN/AVS-6 night vision goggles (NVG) and Color Night Display Modules (CNDM) reported excessive vibration during flight.

This vibration created blurring of the CNDM displays, as viewed through the NVGs. This blurring rendered the CNDM displays unreliable, causing aircrew to discontinue use of the CNDM altogether.


ADS and partner Syncro saw this challenge as a critical operational deficiency. In response, the team designed and developed a custom stabilizing retention system for the Army’s AN/AVS-6 NVGs to reduce vibration during flight.

The ADS/Syncro NVG Stabilizers system equips Army AN/AVS-6 NVGs with retention collars to maximize their stiffness and stabilize the CNDM. The NVG Stabilizers allow the full range of NVG movement and adjustment.

To read the rest of the story and get the full details, visit

ADS Fort Bragg Warfighter Expo

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018

The 2018 Ft Bragg Warfighter Expo by ADS is next week at the Iron Mike Center. It’s free to attend and open exclusively to all Active Duty, Reservist, National Guard, State and Local Federal Customers.

The vendor list is impressive.
ARC Products
Aspen Water
Atlantic Signal
Avadim Technologies
Basic Concepts
Berg Mfg.
Beyond Clothing
Cardiac Science
CAVE Systems
Cinemassive Displays
Crystal Clear Technologies
Darn Tough
Decon 7 Systems
Dix Defense
ESS Safety Systems
First Light
Gantz Mountain
HDT Expeditionary Systems
HHI Corp.
HUPP Aerospace
INI Power Systems
L-3 Technologies, Insight
Litefighter Systems
London Bridge Trading
Meggitt Training Systems
Military Systems Group
Mirion Technologies
Mithix Pro
Morphix Technologies
Mystery Ranch
Operative Experience
Ops Dirt
OTIS Technology
Outdoor Research
Princeton Tec
Rini Technologies
Riveer Environmental
Rocky Brands
S&S Precision
SAAB Barracuda
Scientific Analytics (DARI)
Spacesaver Storage Systems
Tac Med Solutions
Tactical Electronics
Truvia Group
United Tactical Supply
Wilcox Industries
Wiley X

Get Training At Warrior West

Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

Warrior West is coming up in just under a month. In addition to seeing some great technologies, there are opportunities to receive training.

Here’s a list of what’s in store:

Advance Your Agency: Principles & Practices for Training

Participants will learn the most effective way to develop, test, and deliver cutting-edge curriculum for their agencies and units, evaluating results where performance counts-during training and in the field.

REGISTER: Wednesday, April 18 | 1400 – 1530

Battle Born Leadership

What type of leader will people willingly follow into harm’s way? How do you become that leader? This instructional clinic on operational leadership answers these questions through lecture and short exercises.

REGISTER: Wednesday, April 18 | 0900 – 1030

REGISTER: Thursday, April 19 | 1330 – 1500

Modern Use-of-Force & Legal Review

Some use-of-force scenarios are unavoidable, based on studies of career offenders and assailants. Therefore, armed professionals must be educated, aware, and prepared-physically and intellectually.

REGISTER: Thursday, April 19 | 1115 – 1315

Streamlined Procurement: An Open Forum

Following a discussion on End of Year (EOY) funding strategies, attendees will participate in an open forum Q&A session with speakers from NIB, GSA, DLA, and Source America.

REGISTER: Wednesday, April 18 | 1100 – 1200

Performance Drone Works Presents: Introduction to Advanced Manual UAV Pilot Training

Interested in the most cutting-edge defensive and offensive drone tactics? Performance Drone Works (PDW), the premier developer of custom UAV technology, will present a summary of their five-day manual UAV course.

REGISTER: Wednesday, April 18 | 1230 – 1330

REGISTER: Thursday, April 19 | 1000 – 1100

To register for Warrior West visit

2018 Warrior Expo T-Shirt Unveiled

Friday, March 16th, 2018

The ADS Warrior Expo 2018 T-Shirt is a Samurai theme. To learn how artist Parker Williams created the design, visit

Remember, the only way to get one is to attend Warrior West or Warrior East. To sign up, go here.

SHOT Show 18 – SMAW Mod 2 by ADS

Wednesday, January 31st, 2018

The ADS booth contained numerous technologies, including the Mark 153, Shoulder-launched, Multi-purpose Assault Weapon Mod 2.

Weighing in at 16 pounds, the system consisted of the MK153 Mod 0 rocket launcher, MK3 high explosive, dual purpose (HEDP) encased rocket, MK4 practice rocket and the MF 217, 9mm spotting cartridge. Additionally, there are High Explosive Anti-Armor (HEAA) and Follow-Through Grenade (FTG) warheads. The 80s-era 9mm spotting rifle has been replaced with a Modular Ballistic Sight (MBS).

SMAW Mod 2 is manufactured in Lynchburg, VA by Wegmann, USA. The MBS electronics are by L-3. ADS is the System Integrator.

Mustang Survival Launches Next Generation SOF Life Preserver Unit

Friday, January 12th, 2018

For the past several years, Mustang Survival has been working to introduce a new inflatable life preserver. What they’ve come up with is so low profile and lightweight, it changes the way we will look at them. While the SOF LPU only weights 1 lbs, it provides 40 lbs of bouyancy. The biggest contributor to this weight savings is a new ultralightweight membrane film, used for the inflation chamber.


But Mustang Survival didn’t build this new system in a vacuum. I first saw a prototype at last summer’s Warrior East. At that point, they’d already been working for five years with ADS to refine the form, fit, and function of what would eventually become the Mustang SOF LPU. But over the last six months that collaboration, conducting some pretty significant customer engagement and feedback, as well as market analysis, looks to have really paid off. In fact, the two companies have been working together for 20 years, since the whole Diving Equipment Prime Vendor program started.


Since my first look, they’ve brought in long-time partner CM Hammar to develop a new programmable inflator which allows the user to configure it to trigger inflation by depth, time submerged in water, or a combination of both. They are also working together to identify and validate a next generation electronic inflator technology for the SOF LPU.


However, the SOF LPU will be offered in three configurations which fit the operational profiles of most LPU users. The MD1500 utilizes a Programmable automatic inflator, MD1501 utilizes HIT Hydrostatic inflator, and MD1502 utilizes Hammar’s new manual inflator.

That video was shot during a demonstration in a Norfolk pool in November. When we discussed the history of the project, Mustang Survival reps told me that a SOF customer had initially approached them, asking if they could integrate a new life preserver into their armor vest. Mustang Survival took a look at how many different vests had been in use at that organization and suggested that they instead create an appliqué which could be attached to any vest. PALS compatibility seemed like the best answer.


It’s being referred to as a SOF LPU, but everyone who currently uses some form of inflatable LPU is going to want this. Not only can it be attached to equipment via PALS webbing, but they’ve also created a stand alone harness so the LPU can be worn alone. That’s great for over the water Helo passengers, parachutists during admin jumps and small boat passengers. Additionally, SOLAS retro-reflective tape or GLINT can be attached to the inflation chamber via hook and loop to support those TTPs which use those markings.


Because of the SOF LPU’s low profile, the wearer will barely know it’s there. It’s not going to impede movement or situational awarenes. In the event of inflation, the chamber is out front, above any equipment such as ammunition, first aid kit, or radios. That way, the wearer can still access that gear.

The SOF LPU will be offered in Sepia, MultiCam, Coyote Tan and Black.

ADS and Mustang Survival will be jointly launching the SOF LPU at SHOT Show 2018 (January 23-26 in Las Vegas).

ADS Inc – First Annual UAS + Counter UAS Industry Day

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

ADS Inc is presenting their First Annual UAS + Counter UAS Industry Day on November 7th & 8th at the Military Aviation Museum in Va Beach.


This is a very interesting topic for me. New capabilities roll out regularly for Unmanned Aerial Systems. But maybe even more important, drones have become the number one asymmetric threat due to their wide proliferation. Their payloads increase while their cost goes down making them a solution of choice for adversaries seeking low-cost ISR and precision weapons. Developing an adaptable strategy to counter them is critical.

During the two-day event, vendors will present eight, one-hour sessions to educate attendees on their technologies.

This event is not open to the public.

Hope to see you there. To sign up and to review the daily schedule, visit