TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp’

Hyperstealth Releases ANA Camouflage White Paper

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

In response to allegations in the Office of Special Projects of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction report issued in June and entitled, “Afghan National Army: DOD may have spent up to 28 million more than needed to procure camouflage uniforms that may be inappropriate for the Afghan environment”, Afghan National Army camouflage developer Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp has issued a white paper. The SIGAR report itself is available for download here and my critique of the contents of the SIGAR report can be found here.


Author Guy Cramer provides quite a bit of information to put into perspective the primary talking point in the SIGAR Report that Afghanistan is only 2% Forest. Get your copy of the Hyperstealth white paper here.

Hyperstealth Supplies USMC With OPFOR Camouflage

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp displayed their new USMC OPFOR (Opposing Force) camouflage in the ADS Inc booth during last week’s Special Operations Forces Industry Conference.

This is not the cut of uniform adopted by the Marines for use by their OPFOR. Instead, their uniforms use this camouflaged fabric but are in the MCCUU cut. Below is a close up of the pattern.


SHOT Show 17 – ADS Inc / Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Guy Cramer and his team are on hand in the ADS booth, displaying their ever-growing colelction of camouflage patterns which have been adopted by military and LE forces worldwide.

Hyperstealth’s camouflage development services are available to units and agencies through ADS Inc.

Philippine Army Adopts Camo Pattern Developed By Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

Late last Fall, the Philippine Army adopted a new camouflage pattern (Army CAMOPAT) developed by Canada’s Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. Hyperstealth has been quite successful in developing patterns for other international clients including Jordan, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Jamaica and the Mexican Marine Corps as well as developmental efforts in support of both the US Army and Marine Corps and the Canadian military’s CBRNE unit.

The Rappler.com published a sighting of Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, wearing the new pattern during a gisit to Lanao del Sur.


Warrior West – Canadian Urban Environment Type III

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Here you can see Hyperstealth’s Guy Cramer wearing their Urban Environment Type III developed for a Canadian requirement which originated in 2009 by the Department of National Defence, Defence Research and Development Canada – Suffield, (DRDC-S) in Alberta to develop a Canadian Urban Environment Pattern (CUEPAT) based on the unique requirements of Canada’s three major metropolitan areas, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. CUEPAT was intended for use on CBRNE suits.

Back in 2012, we showed you their developmental Types I & II.


Both are seen here along with arid coloration samples (CUEPAT 2 is left, CUEPAT 1 is right). While Types I amd II were meant for use in highly urbanized areas, the Type III at the top is tuned for use in the suburbs where concrete transitions to greenway.


Congrats To Guy Cramer, CEO Of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Wealth and Finance International magazine (with a global audience of 130,000 subscribers) just awarded Guy Cramer of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. “CEO of the Year in Canada for 2016”!

Hyperstealth Bids Farewell To Hollywood

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Hyperstealth released this rather well laid out statement regarding the decision to end their long relationship with the film industry.

(July 13, 2015, Vancouver, B.C.) Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. is a successful camouflage design and development company with over 4,000,000 military uniforms issued around the world which use their licensed camouflage patterns and over 12,000 camouflage patterns under worldwide copyright.

Hollywood came calling nine years ago and since that time Hyperstealth has worked on developing camouflage used on many hundreds of uniforms for both TV series and blockbuster movies. The worldwide box office grosses for those movies which used Hyperstealth camouflage uniforms is $4.9 Billion U.S. dollars including 3 of the top 6 movies of all time. If you add the movies Hyperstealth has provided camouflage for pre or post production then the number goes to $6 Billion U.S. Dollars and adding those movies which used patterns developed by Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth but are independent of Hyperstealth then the total worldwide box office gross goes to 7.3 Billion U.S. dollars.

Hyperstealth provided very fast short run production at fairly inexpensive rates. Whereas large textile printers require 10,000 yard minimums with considerable upfront costs on screen cuttings and color sampling and screen cutting alone could take weeks before the printer could begin production of the material. Hyperstealth also had a vast library of patterns to select from and the ability to change colors and scale to the studio requirements or even creating new patterns in just a few hours.

The last thing a studio needs is to find themselves in is an expensive copyright infringement case which can occur if the studio used or developed a pattern close to another camouflage pattern owned by someone else and used it in their movie without permission of the original owner. Hyperstealth pattern use provided the studios that copyright security.

So why has Hyperstealth decided to walk away from further Movie/TV business? This is not their core business. When times were lean a few years ago, these contracts helped supplement Hyperstealth’s revenue but the time constraints of all these productions required that Hyperstealth drop everything else and focus 110% on the movie or TV project working 12-16+ hour days and over weekends and holidays to meet their deadlines. Quite often the Science Fiction movies and TV series want something futuristic, a new material and/or a new pattern, something that no one has seen before. These Movie/TV requirements are usually more than what a country development program would require for a new military camouflage pattern, and country camouflage pattern development is currently the core business of Hyperstealth.

In business there is an element of marketing, promotion and/or branding to offset the costs associated with the extra work required for these special short run jobs. However, getting a studio to authorize a press release or even allowing Hyperstealth to announce their pattern was used in a film or TV show was at best difficult. Hyperstealth was under strict NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements) with the studios and productions and Hyperstealth didn’t even show up in any of the movie credits.

Out of all the big movies Hyperstealth has worked on, only Marvel Studios provided a one page press release a week after the release of “Avengers; Age of Ultron” but would not allow the release of photos from the movie or production showing the camouflage uniforms. Hyperstealth had to take a photo of their camouflage material in their office to use with the press release.

Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth “While we have been highly successful with the movies and TV shows, it has interfered with our key business and when you are unable to make that your highest priority, then we are putting Hollywood ahead of our main clients, that being country camouflage programs. We don’t need their (Hollywood) money, we can’t really afford the extra time and given Hollywood’s track record on credit, we don’t see any real benefits from further movies or TV shows.”

As an aside I’d like to show you the camo pattern they are referencing from the “Age of Ultron“.



You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Friday, July 11th, 2014

I ran into my friend Guy Cramer at Warrior East and he was sporting our giveaway reflective patch on his US4CES pack.


If you’re at the expo, stop by CeJay Engineering to pick up yours.