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Posts Tagged ‘SHOT Show’

Crye Precision Spartan

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

We gave you a tease of the Spartan during the 2012 SHOT Show and it’s easy to tell where it got its name by just looking at it. The Spartan design is actually a couple of years old and offers Maxillofacial Ballistic Protection without any modification to an issue Advanced Combat Helmet. Crye brought it back to the forefront as a possible solution for a US Army requirement for a “commercially available product that can provide ballistic, blast and blunt impact protection in the maxillofacial region to increase soldier survivability.

What really sets this product apart from others is that it is somewhat flexible and can be easily mounted and dismounted from the helmet. As you can see in the video it integrates with the NVG mount and can be pulled up out of the way when needed. Additionally, it won’t give you that claustrophobic feeling and you can still shoulder a weapon with it in place.

Available soon from

S&S Precision Shiv

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Here’s a photo of the S&S Precision Shiv we previewed at SHOT Show. Still no date on price or release date.

Maxpedition Luggage Lock

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Sometimes the simplest things catch our eye and the Tactical Luggage Lock from Maxpedition we spied at this year’s SHOT Show is no exception.

Available in Black, Khaki and Foliage Green, it is a 3-Dial combination TSA lock. This means it is good to go for air travel in the US and UK.

Magnum Boots Recaps SHOT Show

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Magnum Boots had one hell of a SHOT Show. Check out their online recap…

Weird Rail Accessories

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Tactical Fanboy caught this interesting Mil Std 1913 rail accessory courtesy of Spartan Imports.

SHOT 2012 Followup: Cabot Guns 1911 South Paw

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

As you are no doubt already aware, a substantial number of companies debuted new weapons this year at SHOT Show. Literally dozens, from the big names like Smith & Wesson, ArmaLite and Benelli to smaller domestic companies to those not as widely known or at least widely distributed here in the US (Caracal, Akkar). One of the pistols I took a look at was a 1911 frame built from the ground up by Cabot Guns of Pennsylvania for left-handed shooters. It’s the only true left-hand pistol on the market right now that I’m aware of. No doubt one of you Soldier Systems readers will have more to offer on the matter.

In fairness, I’m guessing I didn’t get as much out of it as some people might have, because I’m not a mutant. I’m right handed. This thing was smooth though, and had a very nice trigger break. The wood used on the grip was their own, which I thought was interesting (meaning it was wood from their own trees from their own property, behind the shop where they’re built). You don’t see that very often. They also take four months to build each gun, which is also not exactly standard. It’s made of 4140 billet steel, designed to exceed National Match accuracy out of the box, with their own walnut as mentioned earlier and also olive wood or box elder. The front sight they use is called the Rozic blind sight, which comes off the front of the breach face. Sights are tritium, white- or gold-dot.

“Twelve percent of shooters are left handed” said Cabot Guns President Robert Bianchin in an interview. “The industry has ignored the left-handed gun cohort and, while we do not make mass-produced guns, we will do our part to provide a true left-handed shooting experience for a select number of gun enthusiasts.”

If you want one, better get after it. If I understood them correctly they’re only building a few this year. I thought the Cabot representative at Media Day on the Range said a few dozen, the website says one hundred.

For more information, check out Cabot Guns on line. The South Paw is detailed on their website here.


Spartan Imports Black Site Raffle: Results Are In

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Remember the Spartan Imports raffle we mentioned from SHOT? It apparently went pretty well, and Tactical Fanboy has the results, as well as pictures of the airsoft weapons painted and equipped to mirror what Dalton Fury carried on the ground after 9/11 (which several members of the team went by and signed at SHOT). Nice work for a nice cause, Spartan Imports and Elite Defense. A Soldier Systems Flunky is almost finished with Black Site, by the way, more on that soon. Check it out on Tactical Fanboy.

Weapons and books from the Spartan Imports, Elite Defense BLACK SITE raffle.

SHOT 2012 Follow-up: Battle Comp Enterprises

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Pretty much as we expected, BCE was overrun with SHOT Show goers interested in BCE’s wares. You’ve probably heard of them before (we ran an article on their 2.0 a while back), but if not the simple explanation is this: BattleComp built something that combines flash suppression and recoil compensation into one piece (and yes, you can put a suppressor on there). The result, when fired, frequently results in what is referred to as “BattleComp Tourette Syndrome”. Nobody seems to expect just how well it will work, so there is always a sudden blast of profane admiration after shooting it.

Here’s a video of MilSpec Monkey shooting a weapon with the BattleComp mounted (part of the time one-handed, to show just how much it tames the recoil).

Here’s an M4 on full auto using a BattleComp.

Here’s another.


Don’t think that’s cool? Go to the BattleComp Facebook page. There’s a video embedded there of someone running an M249 SAW with a BattleComp attached and check out the lack of muzzle climb. Seriously. Go check it out. If that doesn’t impress you, not much will.