TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Warrior Expo’

Warrior Expo – MATBOCK

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

After a long wait, I understand that the Rigid Lightweight Integrated Field Transport (R-LIFT) will finally be available for order. Weighing in at 6.5 lbs, it breaks down for storage making it a great option for a small unit rigid litter.



Warrior Expo – Lighter Than Air Systems

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Imagine having your own aerostat. That’s exactly what LTAS offers. It can support not only EO/IR sensor pods but also communications relay.


Additionally, they offer a mast mounted ISR system as well as a unique tethered rotary wing unmanned aircraft system. Available in two models the Electric Tethered Aerial Platform and Liquid Tethered Aerial Platform are both tethered for fuel as well as data via the umbilical. That’s right, the launcher pumps either electricity or a combination of fuel and air to the UAS so it can stay aloft indefinitely. It can also stay aloft while the trailer mounted launcher is moving so it can be integrated into a convoy for overmatch and comms relay.


For more info visit www.ltascorp.com.

Register Now for Warrior Expo West

Friday, January 31st, 2014


Register now for Warrior Expo West, April 23-24, 2014 at the San Diego Convention Center.

Warrior Expo is the premiere industry event that brings end users, program managers, and procurement specialists together with industry-leading manufacturers in an environment designed specifically for government and defense organizations. Attendees can also take advantage of demonstrations and educational breakout sessions addressing safety, survivability, communications, energy efficiency, acquisition, and much more.

I go to a lot of industry events and the Warrior Expos are very focused on bringing customer and vendor together. If you can make it, I highly recommend it.


Can’t Make Warrior Expo East? Follow along with ADS TV!

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Even if you can’t attend this week’s Warrior Expo East in Virginia Beach, you can still follow the action, live here on SSD with regular updates on new products as well as interviews with ADS TV.

Learn More About NEMO Shield at Warrior Expo East

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Be sure to visit NEMO Shield at Warrior Expo East in Virginia Beach July 11-12 as they display their impressive line of tactical shelters and sleep systems.

SWITCHBLADE™ 1P SE: designed for setup on a standard COT or ground. The Switchblade™ 1P SE is ideal for training or deployment and is fully Berry Complaint.


SABRE™ SE MultiCam®: Derived from the same proven AirSupported Technology® found in NEMO’s Gogo™ SE, Sabre™ is designed specifically for combat environments in desert, temperate, and mountainous regions. It’s lightning fast to set up, ultra compact, discrete, and highly functional.


TARGA™ Mobility Bag SE: Lightweight and highly packable, the Targa™ Mobility Bag SE is designed for enhanced usability while both sleeping and active. Targa™ allows the warfighter to remain comfortable in a static position without limiting im¬mediate action capability for weapon use or movement while still in the bag.


MEZZO LOFT™ SE Sleeping Bag: The versatile Mezzo Loft™ SE rectangular sleeping bag uses PrimaLoft® synthetic fill and incorporates a fitted sleeve for NEMO’s Cosmo™ Air that keeps the pad in place.

FAS™ JUMP AR SE GEN III: The 3rd generation waterproof shoot through weapons bag that now incorporates a bleed valve, MaxiGrip redundant closure system, and ATPIAL window.


These products and more will be on display at the NEMO booth. Stop by to learn more, enter their daily raffle for a Tanto™ SE with Rain fly in Tan and receive a 30% discount card for all NEMO Shield™ products.

To arrange a meeting at Warrior East, please contact Mike Sullivan, Vice President, NEMO Shield™, at mike@nemoequipment.com or Kate Ketschek, Revolution House Media, at kate@revolutionhousemedia.com.

TYR Tactical to Exhibit at Warrior Expo East

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013



See New Juggernaut Cases at Warrior Expo

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013


The new Samsung GALAXY S-III -NC and S4 -C Juggernaut.Case™ CNC Prototypes will be at the ADS Warrior Expo East this Thursday and Friday here in Va Beach. Check them out at Booth #1119.

Untitled from Juggernaut Defense on Vimeo.


Beyond to Release New Gear at Warrior East

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

We are extremely excited to hear that Beyond Clothing will be releasing several new items at Warrior East leather this week.


Beyond told us that the first 20 people that mention “SSD” at the BEYOND booth during Warrior East will receive a special gift.

For sales or product information: Mission@BeyondClothing.com or visit www.BeyondClothing.com.