GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for March, 2010

Cooling Vest from Mustang Survival

Friday, March 12th, 2010

Mustang Survival, manufacturer of survival and dry suits has introduced the ECV-100, a new evaporative cooling vest. Currently under evaluation by US Navy’s NAVAIR for use by maintenance crews, the vest was on display at the NAVEXFOR expo in Virgina Beach held earlier this month. The vest is manufactured from a WL Gore fabric that allows water contained in a continuous tube formed in the fabric to slowly evaporate through the material. It attaches to a standard hydration bladder for a water supply. It really works, as soon as I felt the vest my hand immediately cooled. In a hot dry environment it would feel great. Additionally, it was very lightweight weighing a scant 25 ounces when full.

Mustang Survival Evaporative Cooling Vest

The display sample was a combination of orange and black but the government test article is all black. However, any color(s) can be produced and it can be worn under or over outer clothing so it could very well serve as a safety item or tactical equipment.

Mustang Survival

EOTAC Updates Website

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

EOTAC's Direct Action LineEOTAC has introduced numerous enhancements to the site but probably the biggest is under the “collections” tab. Other than displays at SHOT Show this is the first time they are fully unveiling the new Direct Action line. Consisting of the Recce Smock, Shirt, and Pant, the new line will incorporate pockets designed to complement the wearer’s load as well as durability enhancements. Additionally, the Direct Action clothing will be offered in Sand as well as A-TACS Camo in a full range of sizes. Visit www.eotac.com for more details.

ExiTool from CRKT

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

ExiTool from CRKTThe ingenious ExiTool from CRKT includes a seat belt cutter, a tungsten carbide window breaker, and a bright L.E.D. flashlight in a package that attaches directly to a vehicle’s seat belt. Designed by knifemaker Russ Kommer, the blade is inset so that you won’t be accidentally cut.

Available soon from CRKT.

Kyle Defoor Sponsors Charity Auction

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Tactical firearms trainer Kyle Defoor is holding an auction consisting of a full kit of new gear. The auction will benefit the Autism Society of America. Bidding starts at $500 and the auction closes Monday, 15 March, 2010.

Blackhawk Raptor Pack
Blackhawk Duty Belt
3-30rd Magpul Mags in tan
2-20rd Magpul Mags in black
Surefire Flash Suppressor
Daniel Defense VFG
Larue Aimpoint Mount
Magpul CTR buttstock in tan
Insight M3 Pistol Light
EOTech 3X Magnifier
Peltor Tac 6S
Vickers VCAS sling
Smith Aegis Field Kit
Smith OTW Goggle
Oakley M Frame Array
Otis Tactical Cleaning Kit
Troy DOA Flip-Up Rear
Safariland 6004 ALS for Sig 226 w/light
Glaco SSS Belt Scabbard for Glock 17
Hatch Knee Pads
Slip 2000 Lube

To participate visit www.kyledefoor.com.

Internal Frame Load Bearing Armor Study

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Current “lighten the load” efforts focus on shaving ounces from the tactical load. The thinking follows that if you can decrease the actual load carried, you can decrease the rate at which you get tired. Inversely, this should result in increased performance. However, based on the current state of the art and desired protection levels, this approach may take some time to produce a significant difference. On the other hand, a recent load carrying study undertaken by North Carolina State University seems to validate an entirely different approach. The basic claim is that use of Archangel Armor’s Internal Frame Load Bearing Armor (IFLBA) removes the load from the neck, back and shoulders of the wearer, and redirects it to stronger load carriage muscles groups. The major effect indicated is a reduce rate of fatigue.

Redistributing the weight from the back neck and shoulders, prevents translating the weight through the neck back and spine in order to be carried by the strong load carrying muscles of the hips and legs. Many of the effects of fatigue can be felt between the neck and the hips. This system literally bypasses this sensitive area, and there fore the negative effects they suffer.

Defense & Security Technology Accelerator NC State University

The end state of redirecting the weight is to reduce the rate of fatigue. An objective measure of this was conducted at Fort Bragg, NC last November. The pilot study was sponsored by the Partnership for Defense Innovation, and conducted by NC State University, Ergonomics Center. Additionally, the data was peer reviewed by Dr Richard Kuhns who conducted an independent Medical and physiology review.

“The Archangel IFLBA re-directs the load bearing to a stronger, more secure area of the body, which will reduce injuries to the spine and its supporting structures. It allows greater range of motion in the head/neck/shoulder are regardless of loads carried. The nominal changes in total measured weight are negligible especially in light of the idea that the Archangel IFLBA creates less fatigue which equates to greater levels of job performance and decrease injury occurrence. The Archangel IFLBA also provides ergonomic support for the spine. The added benefit of this will be evident with prolonged periods of standing, sitting, walking, running, laying prone, and laying supine.” Independent Evaluation, Jan 2010, Dr Richard Kuhns

IFLBA Weight Measurement

During a measurement conducted at the NC State University, Ergonomics Center at Chapel Hill, NC, this graphic was produced to provide an objective measure of how the weight is removed from the back, neck, and shoulders. On the left is a Improved Outer tactical Vest (with soft armor and full plates), the right is that an IOTV – IFLBA retrofit. In addition to the armor load, the Soldier also carried a rifle and pack with 30 pounds. As you can see from the graphic, the use of the IFLBA retrofit resulted in over 80% of the load being removed from the shoulders.

400 meter Litter Carry

The study at Bragg used several objective events to measure a baseline load configuration against the IFLBA system. The Modular Body Armor Vest is fielded to SOCOM units.

Independent variables:
• 2 types of equipment (Fielded MBAV – Existing, IFLBA – New)
• 2 loads (armor + 25 lbs, armor + 40 lb pack)

Three tasks: (Average over 6 hours)
• Litter Carry (simulated casualty) – 400 m
• Fireman’s Carry – 100 m
• Soldier drag – 100m

Litter Carry
400M Litter Carry
This task was conducted more than 20% faster with the IFLBA than the MBAV.

Soldier Drag and Fireman Carry
Fireman’s Carry, 100M lane
This task was conducted more than 30% faster with the IFLBA than the MBAV.
Soldier drag, 100M Lane
This task was conducted more than 40% faster with the IFLBA than the MBAV.

Borg Scale of DiscomfortAdditionally, NC State researchers collected subjective data from study participants rating levels of discomfort experienced. Data is based on the Borg Rating Scale of Discomfort which is often used in the medical field to allow a patient to communicate pain levels to a physician. On the scales shown below, the MBAV is on the left as the baseline and the IFLBA on the right. The results shown are as the mean of multiple iterations over a 6 hour period. Also please note that the IFLBA team demonstrated a lower level of discomfort after 6 hours than the MBAV team showed on the first iteration.

Whole and Upper Body Discomfort
Whole and Upper Body Discomfort

Upper Extremity Discomfort
This data set covers the muscle groups used to operate small arms

Back Discomfort
This shows Back Discomfort was lower for those wearing the IFLBA

Lower Extremity Discomfort
This shows how the fatigue in the legs and lower extremities was decreased as well. The decreased fatigue in the lower extremities is explained by Dr Kuhns.

“When unencumbered, the body is used for upright posturing, and the lower extremities are used for locomotion. When under load, the body must compensate for balance, starting and stopping, and more muscles are recruited for these tasks. This increases the amount of work placed on them constantly. The increased demand on these muscles makes them tire faster, and prevent recuperation, i.e. “fatigue”. “When carrying loads that increase spinal load bearing you can either remain upright and compress the spine itself or bend the upper body to take the pressure off the spine and use the lumbosacral muscles and waist as a fulcrum, especially when running, jogging, carrying something with the hands, as this only further compresses the spine and creates more discomfort. The decision to adjust body posture to minimize spinal impact is a self-preservation reaction that people will instinctively due as pain or pressure builds in bony structures. The resulting fatigue is due to the fact that the lower extremities are now tasked with using mostly the leg muscles to balance and carry the weight that is not evenly balanced over the core of the spine in a non-spinal bearing fashion. If the weight is balanced over the core structure on a non-spinal load bearing and spinal supporting method, then the person does not need to bend in any unusual manners to compensate for an unnatural fulcrum created out of discomfort or fear of injury.” Independent Evaluation, Jan 2010, Dr Richard Kuhns

In summary, the information presented in the study illustrates three main points:

1. The IFLBA redistributes the weight from the back neck and shoulders to the stronger load bearing hips and legs, as measured by the NC State University Study.

2. This decreased the rate of fatigue and increases performance as measured by the NC State Study.

3. An Independent Medical and physiology review by Dr Richard Kuhns provides scientific explanations for the enhancements exhibited during the study and how this system can reduce the number and severity of the spinal compression injuries suffered by the wearers of tactical equipment.

The final report for the study as well as the review by Dr Kuhns are available to Government acquisition officials in addition to select parties contact Archangel Armor.

Hyde Definition Releases New PenCott Colorways

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Director of Hyde Definition Ltd, Dom Hyde, will be attending this year’s Internationale Waffen Ausstellung (IWA) in Nuremberg, Germany, from the 12th to the 15th of March 2010 which is the second largest trade-show of its type, after SHOT in the United States.

Dom will be visiting companies in the outdoor clothing sector to promote Hyde Definition’s innovative PenCott Multi-Environment Camouflage™ and to reveal additional new colorways addressing arid, mountain, urban, snow and low-light operational needs.

Hyde Definition introduces new colorways for their PenCott Camo pattern

“This show is a fantastic chance to show the industry what we’ve been developing, but I’ve got a lot of leg work to do – the venue is huge and I’m meeting companies from one end to the other across the weekend!” Dom said.


Apps for the Army Contest

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

A4AThe Army is sponsoring an internal applications development challenge, called Apps for the Army or A4A. Open to all Soldiers and Department of the Army civilians, A4A offers Army personnel the opportunity to demonstrate their software development skills and creativity. In return, the Army hopes to improve its current capabilities or to add new ones.

“We’re building a culture of collaboration among our Army community to encourage smarter, better and faster technical solutions to meet operational needs,” said Army Chief Information Officer/G-6 Lt. Gen. Jeff Sorenson.

“Soldiers and Army civilians will be creating new mobile and web applications of value for their peers—tools that enhance warfighting effectiveness and business productivity today,” Sorenson said. “And, we’re rewarding their innovation with recognition and cash.”

Participation in A4A is limited to the first 100 Army personnel (active duty, Army Reserve and Army National Guard on active duty, and civilians) who enroll. Teamwork is encouraged but not required. The Army will recognize the top submissions at the LandWarNet Conference in August 2010 and winners will receive monetary awards; the total cash pool is $30,000. There is still room to enter the contest.

A4A applications may tackle any aspect of Army IT – distributed training, battle command, career management, continuing education, or news and information distribution, for example. A4A will further deviate from traditional development practices by utilizing the latest in collaborative development media.

“Apps for the Army features an innovative cloud computing service for participants to use during software creation,” Sorenson noted. “This is key because it eliminates the constraints of hardware provisioning prior to prototype evaluation.”

The service, provided by the Defense Information Systems Agency and known as the Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE), offers access to on-demand virtual Windows and Linux development environments. Participants will be able to pursue Web application development using all available programming languages supported by Windows Server and the Linux, Apache, MYSQL and PHP (LAMP) frameworks. They also will be able to build emulated Blackberry, iPhone and Android applications.

Forge.mil will serve as the collaborative software repository for competing teams. The tools inherent in milBook and AKO will facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas, problems and solutions relevant to the Apps for the Army initiative.

The registration form, rules and instructions are located at the Apps for the Army Web site on the AKO portal: http://www.army.mil/ciog6/armyapps. Rolling registration begins March 1, 2010. Apps must be submitted by May 15, 2010. Questions can be addressed to CIO/G6ArmyApps@conus.army.mil.

Integral Designs Sold

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Canadian-based Integral Designs has been purchased by Equip Outdoor Technologies Ltd. the parent company of Rab USA. Integral Designs is a manufacturer of technical outerwear and equipment and is well known in the outdoor industry and has some niche followers in the military mainly concentrated in the SOF community under the Integral Tactical brand. Integral Designs will remain an independent brand under Equip Outdoor Technologies while sales support, warehousing, marketing direction and other administrative functions relating will be transferred to Louisville, Colorado. The Calgary-based plant will continue to manufacture Integral Designs products until mid-2011.

Evan Jones and the current team at Integral Designs will continue to own and operate the Calgary-based manufacturing center where they will manufacture specialized non-consumer products for government and institutional accounts under the Integral Tactical brand.

So the commercial side of ID was sold and the tactical brand will remain.