GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for October, 2010

Soldier Technology US Conference & Exhibition

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

Be sure to attend the Soldier Technology US Conference & Exhibition January 31st – 3 February 2011 in Crystal City, Virginia. Now, in its 4th year, Soldier Technology will host 48 military and government decision makers who have confirmed to deliver requirement and program briefs, and lessons learned including:

• Brigadier General Peter N Fuller, Program Executive Officer, PEO Soldier
• Lt General Micheal Vane, Director, US Army Capabilities Integration Center
• Colonel Wil Riggins, Project Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier
• Brigadier General Jess Scarbrough, Program Executive Officer, Program Executive Office, Chemical Biological Defense
• Major General (ret’d) Robert Scales, Former Commandant, US Army War College

The conference features Lightening The Load and Situational Awareness Focus Days. Download the full agenda here.

In addition to the conference program, the exhibition will hold over 50 exhibitors from system integrators such as: Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and QinetiQ and innovative solutions providers including: eMagin, Schott and Ultra Electronics.

Soldier Systems readers are entitled to a 15% discount to attend the show – quote code: 12607.004_SSY_1 when registering. You can register here.

If you require further detailed information please call Saima Qureshi on +44 (0) 20 7368 9465 or email soldiertechnologyus@wbr.co.uk.

Win an OCP Cap from ADS

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

ADS has produced a limited quantity of MultiCam Soft Shell hats. Constructed of the same material as the GEN III ECWCS Level V, these hats are exceptionally lightweight, breathable, and water resistant. All Velcro is OCP compliant Tan 499, 2×3 front and 1.5×1.5 loop for patches and IR tabs, and an adjustable Velcro closure. The cap includes an OCP compliant US Flag as well. Soldier Systems readers can win one of five hats by following the rules below. If you don’t win, come visit ADS @ AUSA next week, booth #1660, to get one. Remember, at AUSA these are very limited: first come, first served!

1) “Like” SSD on Facebook
2) “Like” ADS on Facebook
3) Post a comment on ADS’ Facebook page HERE about gear and/or equipment you’re looking for
4) Winners will be chosen at random based on post number by Randomizer.org
5) Contest ends on Oct 27th

Ultraviolet Reflective Camouflage

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

These days, camouflage is more than just blending into the foliage. It means blending into the background in the Infra-Red and Ultra Violet spectrums as well. Handheld IR sensors are widely found, even in commercial form and UV sensors are often employed as airborne sensors. UVRC (Ultraviolet Reflective Camouflage) by UVR Defense Technologies is a spray on application that controls UV reflectivity. Due to its properties, different preparations are used in varying concentrations to mimic to amount of UV reflectivity in the background environment. For example, a Soldier in an arid environment would use a 22% concentration to mimic silicates.

This video depicts a MARPAT uniform blouse. One side was treated with UVRC and the other side was not. The video was shot with a low resolution camcorder that had been modified to record images in the ultraviolet spectrum. Below is a with the treatment under normal visible light as well as UV. You can really see the difference.

UVRC is restricted to qualified Government clients. To learn more visit www.uvrdefensetech.com

Alpin Gruppe

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

Alpin Gruppe’s new website features information on their training programs, equipment they recommend, and even a forum for members to interact with one another. In fact, long time readers may remember our article on Alpine Tactical and their Military Fitness Manual. They are back with a new DVD series devoted to fitness (including Kettlebell) and movement techniques with military mountaineering debuting later this Fall. Additionally, Alpin Gruppe has been working with Wounded Warriors, and uses much of the fitness material offered in the DVD series in their program.


Field Gourmet – French Rations

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Here are some photos of French rations from one of our dedicated readers. Keep them coming!

This example is for gourmands of MREs. The RCFIR (Reheatable Field rations) are great if you can “stomach” luxury meals such as tinned Rabbit stew and other French provincial meals. They also have Italian and Moroccan meals in their list of options as well as tinned fish, cocoa powder, potato soup and good crackers.

However, according to our reader, the candy selection is world class and he keeps their hard and fruit paste candies in his survival rations kit ALWAYS. He also related that the dark chocolate is delicious.

He did not get the boxed wine we all hear so much about but is continuing his search for issue Red wine. They also weigh a ton, about 1 pound and while purchasing them in Europe is easy, shipping to the USA is crazy expensive. He closed out his report by relating that the absolute best part is the small pocket Esbit heater in each box with six heat tabs and 12 matches.


Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Bob’s Gun Counter recently ran an article on the Broadsword (Templar Custom Multi-Caliber System) from Bob Reynolds of Templar Custom. The idea is that the shooter can reconfigure his Stoner-style rifle from 5.56 NATO to 6.5 Grendel to .50 Beouwulf in under 60 seconds using a spanner and Allen wrench. Go check out the entire article.

McNett Gruntline

Monday, October 18th, 2010


Sometimes the simplest things make life better. For guys who can’t rely on KBR laundry, washing your clothes on a washboard and hanging them out to dry is a reality of life. Manufactured from braided rubber tubing the Gruntline stretches up to 7 feet and has clips on each end to attach it for use as a clothes line or as a tie down strap. Although its been around for awhile, its a classic. I carried one with me for years and it got lots of use as intended as well as to suspend ponchos in large tents so I could stake out some “me” space.

McNett Gruntline

Available from McNett.

Photos courtesy McNett

Nike M65

Monday, October 18th, 2010

For those of you jonesing for a modern M65, Nike offers their version. Manufactured from Gore-tex with modern embellishments, it retains the classic four pocket styling as well as tuck-in-the collar hood. Yes, the cuff says “NSW”. Available in White, Black, and Golden Harvest.

visit www.nike.com