
Archive for December, 2011

SOMA After Action – S.O.Tech and DynGlobal

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Apparently S.O.Tech drew quite a crowd at the recent Special Operations Medical Association conference in Tampa, Florida. This was in part due to their work with DynGlobal on tactical solar power and water filtration technology. We’ve actually given you a sneak peek of their collaborations during our Summer OR coverage.

Utilizing S.O.Tech’s new “VIPER” Plate Carrier, DynGlobal produced a “solar harvesting” panel to provide USSOCOM with significantly higher levels of “renewable” energy from the sun. In addition to the use of solar power and a lightweight battery system that integrates into the VIPER Plate Carrier and S.O.Tech packs, they also displayed a hydration pack filtration system that removes bacteria and other impurities including radioactive isotopes, a portable blood warming and cooling pack, an MBITR solar powered radio charger, and a portable micro air conditioning unit for vehicles and tents.

The center point of the display was a set of light weight foldable high output rugged solar panels that can power individual tactical electronics, medical encampments, FOB’s and command centers. As a reference to the importance of DynGlobal’s innovations, a typical solar panel available on the market today can generate energy to power a cell phone after 10-12 hours (less than 10% conversion efficiency), DynGlobal’s proprietary panels are so efficient that they can power a laptop in less than one hour at greater than 40% efficiency. These technology improvements mean solar power is now efficient enough to be deployed into the tactical environment. S.O.Tech and DynGlobal have been working with SOF over the past year to develop S.O.Tech’s new VIPER plate carrier and load carriage system integrating DynGlobal’s solar and power technology. Their system allows the Soldier to drop his MBITR radio into a S.O.Tech radio pouch which integrates a radio charger. It will charge the radio’s battery while in the pouch using power harvested from the solar panel and battery pack. Essentially, anything with a battery (GPS, cell phone, laser range finder, NODS, flashlight, tablet PCs, Sat Phones and survival beacons) can be similarly charged, reducing the need for heavy and costly batteries. SOTech’s Jim Cragg and Neil Trusso are pictured above wearing the VIPER Vest system and holding the vest mounted solar panel with a light weight 60 or 120 watt battery. Rob Hill, DynGlobal’s solar engineer and kit integrator is pictured holding a representation of warrior and camp-supporting solar power and water filtration system. Make sure you visit S.O.Tech at next month’s SHOT Show where they will be exhibiting this technology along side DynGlobal.

Don’t Forget – 12 Days of Tactical Christmas Are Coming

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Thought we’d share some of our inspiration. The 12 Days of Tactical Christmas begin 26 December.

Blue Force Gear D.A.P. Packs, Cases and Dappers

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Blue Force Brittney has put together a great video showcasing their D.A.P. line, with special attention for a couple of items on the “Last Call” page.

Updated Medical CatalogADS Inc

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

ADS has released their latest Medical Catalog. It features 50 pages of medical equipment and kits including products from some of the biggest names in tactical medicine including Cardiac Science, Combat Medical Systems, Skedco, Celox Rapid and Tactical Medical Solutions.

You can request read it online, save the PDF to your desktop or request a hardcopy. Get yours at

New Kifaru Woobie Image

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Since apparently guys wearing jeans can’t use woobies, Kifaru has succumbed to pressure from those who won’t buy anything from them anyway and put up a new photo of the excellent reversible MultiCam to Coyote Woobie.

Woobies rock. Get yours at and send us a photo of you using it while wearing jeans. We’ll reward you with an SSD morale patch.

Vertx Declares a Winner

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Larry P from Arkansas has won the first shipped MultiCam Vertx Smock. Larry, if you are a reader of SSD contact us for an SSD morale patch. If you’re not, well…tough.

The Haley “Skimmer”

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Setting out to give a 1911 trigger feel to a Glock, Travis Haley partnered with to develop the Skimmer. This Enhanced Carry Trigger System is a drop-in trigger manufactured from Glock factory parts which are individually hand polished to a chrome finish for consistent, reliable action giving you that crisp 1911 feel.

DCS Files Suit Against Hyperstealth

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Digital Concealment Systems, makers of the A-TACS line of camouflage has filed suit against Canada-based Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp in Georgia Middle District Court. It seems to be a peremptory move by DCS after receiving a cease and desist letter from Hyperstealth’s attorney regarding the new FG variant of A-TACS alleging that it is a virtual duplication of several of HyperStealth’s patterns including Ghostex Alpha and Delta, SpecAM, SOPAT, Eurospec, and CAMOPAT which have been public since 2005. Conversely, DCS asserts that their pattern was developed using different methods than those used by Hyperstealth and that A-TACS uses rounded shapes rather than straight, rigid pixilated shapes and contains far different repeat patterns.

Specifically, DCS is seeking judicial declaration of their use of the A-TACS Camo pattern and a ruling that A-TACS FG pattern does not infringe on HyperStealth’s designs.

Digital Concealment Systems v. HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp.

I’ve looked at the various patterns and I don’t see it but Hyperstealth must have felt they had good reason to send the cease and desist letter in the first place. Generally, these things don’t make it to trial and some sort of accommodation is reached. Hopefully, these two firms will as well.

Predator Intelligence has some great coverage of the issue including the exhibits that show the patterns in question.