GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for March, 2012

Soldier Dogs, by Maria Goodavage

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

War dogs have been a part of military operations pretty much since canines were first domesticated. Back in February we reported on the book Soldier Dogs by Maria Goodavage (original story). It’s out now, and the author has recently completed a series of radio and television interviews about the book (like this one on Fox and Friends).

“…The garrison were asleep after an orgy, the dogs alone kept watch and the fifty pickets fell on the enemy like lions; all but one were casualties. Sorter, sole survivor, retiring from the conflict, fled to town to give warning and roused the drunken soldiers, who came forth to battle. To him alone were the honors of victory, and the grateful town…erected a monument engraved with his name and those of the forty-nine heroes who fell.”  From an account of the Pelopponesian War cited in War Dogs, Michael Lemish

Soldier Dogs is a very good book, covering a number of different aspects of the Military Working Dog program, though if you’re looking for chapters and chapters about Cairo and canines assigned to USSOCOM you’re going to be disappointed. For obvious reasons there isn’t a lot of information about that side of things. Don’t let that stop you though, even if that was the catalyst for your interest in Soldier Dogs. You certainly don’t have to be a puppy pusher to enjoy it. This is a great read, covering dogs and handlers from the acquisition process to Lackland AFB to the Yuma Proving Grounds to paws on the ground downrange. There’s a full review over on Under the Radar, or you can go straight to the book’s official website and just buy one for yourself.




Ares Armor Effin-A Compensator in .308

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Ares Armor advises they will be releasing a version of their EFFIN-A Compensator or the .308/7.62mm breed of rifles. The previous .223/5.56mm version has built a loyal following among black rifle shooters because of its effectiveness at taming muzzle climb to shooter-specific standards with its unique “tuning” design. According to the Predator Intelligence Blog, though the first picture released was for the AR-1o platform in .308, you would be able to get an AK47 7.62×39 version as well. More information on the site, and numerous reviews and videos are available.

Ares Armor EFFIN Compensator for AR-10 .308

MilSpec Monkey SHOT Follow-Up

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Anyone that does the media tour of SHOT Show will tell you how overwhelming it can be, and how much information that will stack up. Our friend Milspec Monkey has uploaded some more material from his 2012 SHOT Show sortie.He advises that it was “…even slower than usual, but making sure to get the media on up. Shotshow went overall smooth this year, no crazy rainstorms and better wireless service. Scored a cold as usual from the handshake factory, but thems just part of the experience at this point. Summary words of the show, I’d say: Light-Weight and Zombies. Check out my YouTube channel for the usual pile, made it all the way up to 3 cameras this year…”

He also advised there’s a new gallery up by his “ol’ buddy Pye.”

Here’s one of the videos from his channel, an interview with Kyle Lamb of Viking Tactics.

RE Factor Branching Out

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

RE Factor Tactical, makers of some very cool morale items as well as a few very useful operationals aids, has announced that they are currently and developing a line of full on tactical gear.

Projects include:

-Operator hat
-Operator wrist band
-Tourniquet holder
-Trauma sheer holder
-Tactical rain fly
-Kydex Holster
-M4 Pouch
-Plate Carrier


You Never Know What You’ll See on Capitol Hill

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012


Here I am, walking along amongst the Senate office buildings on Capitol Hill in the city of Washington, when what do I come up upon?

This CROWS was hard at work demonstrating its integrated capabilities to Congressional staffers.

Win a Copy of ‘Recoil’ Magazine

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

New gun culture magazine ‘Recoil’ hit shelves after SHOT Show and almost immediately sold out. At least almost everywhere. We are in DC this week and ran across several copies just sitting on the shelf in a books store, so we decided to liberate them and give them away to our readers.


As you can see, there are three copies of ‘Recoil’ and each will be given away to a different reader along with some SSD swag. Yes, these include the psycho clown target.

Here’s how we are going to do it. On this post on SSD, tell us your story on how you just missed getting a copy from the news stand. Three winners will be chosen at 1200 GMT on Friday 30 March, 2012. Make sure you comment with a valid email address because it’s how we will contact you. You’ll have 24 hours to claim your prize from when we send the announcement email to you. If you don’t reply with your address, we’ll select another winner. Void where prohibited. Must be 18 to enter.

Feel free to share this with your friends.

7.62×40 WT Project

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Over the past few years there’s been a lot of work in the ammunition world to develop rounds that offer improved ballistics over 5.56 mm NATO yet can still be used in the Gene Stoner developed AR platform. The big draw to these new .30 rounds is that they offer increased range and hitting power over 5.56 but have a lower recoil than standard 7.62 loads.

We’ve seen 6.5 Grendel, 6.8, .300 Blackout as well as a few others. In case you hadn’t heard, 7.62×40 WT is Wilson Tactical’s entry into this weight class. As you can see, the round is based on a resized 5.56 case. This allows it to be used in a properly barreled AR-variant and the ammunition will work in a standard AR magazine but with fewer rounds per mag. In fact, the only unique requirement is a new barrel.

Its ballistic performance makes it an interesting choice for hunters as well as those who are looking for increased punch from their AR-platform. For example, from a 16-inch barrel, 7.62×40 WT 110-grain bullets offer around 2,400 fps.

Naturally, since Wilson Tactical developed the round, they are offering ammunition as well as full weapons in the caliber. They offer four different guns as well as five different ammo loads.

To learn more, visit www.wilsoncombat.com/762x40WT.

Source Hydration – Their Development Philosophy

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012
