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Archive for July, 2012

Grey Ghost Gear Pack Contest Winners

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Willie Ben Bivins III, currently in Misawa-shi, Aomori Japan Sandstorm camo pack

Brady Schoepp of Sullivan WI Greenzone camo pack

Beau Chastain of Wichita, KS Badlands camo pack

Thank you to Grey Ghost Gear for including SSD readers in their generous contest.

US Army Seeks M110 Compact Semi-Automatic Sniper System

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Project Manager Soldier Weapons has released a Sources Sought Notice for a Compact Semi-Automatic Sniper System (CSASS). A Sources Sought Notice is a tool used by acquisition officials to query industry on their ability to satisfy a requirement before it is finalized. It serves as a sanity check for a requirement from an industry standpoint as they provide feedback on their capabilities and their capacity to satisfy the need. Additionally, it may uncover a capability that was unknown to those in Government.

In this case, they are conducting a “market survey to identify potential sources for manufacturing a complete system or reconfiguring some or all of the existing 7.62 x 51mm M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System (SASS).”

The current M110 is a lightweight, direct gas operated, semi-automatic, box magazine fed, 7.62 x 51mm rifle intended to engage and defeat personnel targets out to 800 meters.

Specifically, the are looking for the ability to reconfigure existing M110s or, manufacture new complete systems to meet the following criteria:

1. Operation: Semi-automatic
2. Caliber: Compatible with 7.62x51mm NATO cartridges
3. Accuracy: Capable of 0.60″ AMR at 100m or better with match ammunition.
4. Size: Overall length shall be reduced using a shorter barrel and/or collapsible buttstock. Maximum overall assembled length of the rifle shall be not greater than 36 inches with the stock at its shortest position and no sound suppressor mounted.
5. Weight: Weight shall be no more than 9.0 lb for the unloaded rifle without optics and accessories.
6. Grip: A modular, adjustable pistol grip.
7. Trigger: A non-adjustable match style trigger.
8. Hand guard: A fore-end that includes a fixed 12 o’ clock rail with configurable 3, 6, and 9 o’ clock rails.
9. Sound suppressor: A muzzle mounted, detachable sound suppressor.
10. Muzzle device: A compensator/muzzle break compatible with the sound suppressor.
11. Bipod: Tool-less detachment featuring cant and pan/track capability.
12. Day optic: An Army specified variable power day optic and compatible rings.
13. Back up sights: Iron sights offset 45 deg from the DOS.
14. Sling attachment: Flush cup, quick detach sling attachment points.
15. Barrel and Receiver Life: Significant improvement from M110 requirements while enduring higher rates of fire.

In addition to the above listed enhancements, the CSASS must meet the operational and environmental requirements that were fulfilled by the original M110 SASS.

This means that the Army could be opening up the Compact Semi-Automatic Sniper System or M110 Carbine, as a free and open competition. There are some major implications here as Knights Armament Corp is the current incumbent for the M110.

The Government envisions the production requirement for CSASS is at an estimated range of 125 per month with a capability to ramp up to 325 per month.

For interested parties, the response date is 14 August, 2012.

Kryptek LEAF Highlander Camo Available from Cabela’s

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Cabela’s is carrying clothing in the Kryptek Highlander pattern. Seen here is the Kryptek Vidar Scout Vest. Kryptek Highlander is their transitional pattern in their family of camouflage patterns selected as a finalist for the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. These patterns are currently in Operational Testing with the US Army.

Damage Industries Celebrates AR August with 10% Savings

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Use coupon code ARPARTS10 for 10% off all AR parts. This coupon works for all products under the AR15/M16 categories as shown in this screenshot-

Disruptive Tech – 3D Printed AR-15 Lower

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Tactical Fanboy picked this up the other day. Despite assertions elsewhere, by no means is this the first 3D printed firearm. It’s starting to make its way into the Main Stream Media and of course timing couldn’t be better so the ‘plastic’ gun and ‘anyone can print a gun’ talk has already started. To be sure, 3D printing is the next big thing. Industry is way out on front of Government on this issue as they are more concerned with patent and copyright infringement than anything else. Expect to see industry propose legislation to attempt to throttle printers in order to suppress certain types of items being produced.

The big issue in this instance is that a lower was produced. As far as ATF is concerned, that is the firearm. It is legal to build your own gun. However, as this technology proliferates, what would stop someone who cannot legally possess a firearm from printing critical parts and assembling a gun from the parts he couldn’t produce in house? A heavy question that balances liberty and social responsibility.

Will LE one day be on the lookout for unlicensed printers connecting to the network? Will everything we print have to be approved by a central server? Will printing certain items become illegal? These are all issues we will face in the not-too-distant-future. The capability presented by the 3D printer makes it an absolute Disruptive Technology.

HaveBlue of has managed to create a working polymer AR-15 lower made from a 3D printer, specifically a mid 90’s Stratasys 3D printer. So far, the lower has been combined with a .22 LR upper, with over 200 rounds fired and no issues. A 5.56 upper was also used, with some feeding and extraction issues, however according to the creator this upper has also had problems with a standard aluminum lower.

A few other articles I’ve seen on this project have instantly jumped at the chance to (incorrectly) claim people now have the ability to create fully-functional firearms using just a 3D printer, so in the name of truth and fairness, I feel it’s important to mention that only the lower was created with the printer, not the trigger assembly and other required components. thread detailing the project

Daniel Winkler Flint Striker Set – Update

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Winkler Knives has made a few updates to the Flint Striker Set we recently covered. Crafted by Master Bladesmith Daniel Winkler, has updated the set a little.

The capability the kit offers remains the same; traditional firemaking, but a few components have changed. For example, the pouch is now made by Primavera Leathers. Additionally, the striker knife is no longer available as a folder. However, the current fixed blade model is made from 1095 file steel with the spine edge of the handle hardened to consistently throw sparks.

The set includes a belt pouch containing the char-tin, flint, and tinder, as well as “how-to” dvd starring Daniel Winkler. The price has also come down to $450.00 which includes the striker knife by Daniel.

Proposed High Capacity Magazine Bans and the Military

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

From 1994 until 2004 the American firearms industry suffered under a form of prohibition. The “Assault Weapons Ban” not only covered weapon features but also magazines over 10 rounds. This legislation did nothing to alter crime and, once lifted did not result in any increased gun violence. Overall, it was useless legislation.

These very magazines and weapon features that were banned under the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994” have been crucial to the US Department of Defense’s and our Allies small modernization as part of operations in Iraq as well as globally against piracy, terror and general mayhem. During the 10-year period of the AWB, US businesses curtailed small arms innovation. The point of a business is to make money. When there is little market for a product (as was the case during the AWB), the business case is not there to service it. This was most definitely the situation with magazines for the M9 Beretta Handgun. Many who served early in the war will remember poorly produced high capacity magazines for that weapon. This is because there was no competition in the marketplace due to a lack of market. Rather, government contractors for that magazine were able to produce products that performed poorly on the battlefield. There was no competition. There was no innovation.

Since the ban was lifted, an entire industry has grown and flourished, producing innovative solutions for both law abiding citizens and our military alike. American troops are the best equipped in the world and other countries look to us for technical innovation in small arms.

On the heels of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, opportunistic members of Congress have attached an amendment to (S.A. 2575) to the “Cybersecurity Act” (S. 3414) that would once again restrict these magazines that are critical to our military.

Contact your Congressional representation (switchboard 202-225-3121) and let them know how you feel about this proposed legislation and the hijacking of the Cybersecurity Act by opportunists. A strong American firearms industry contributes directly to our National Defense.

Blue Force Gear Introuduces R.E.D. Sling Swivel

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Blue Force Gear, widely known for their VCAS sling and Helium Whisper load carriage technology, has just released the R.E.D. (Rapid Emergency Detach) sling swivel. The patent-pending R.E.D. swivel takes the industry standard QD sling attachment concept a step further, allowing the user to attach and detach the sling with much greater ease.

Unlike the traditional QD sling swivel which requires a push on a very small recessed button, the R.E.D is activated by a pull on an injection molded nylon toggle on a stainless steel cable, which provides great purchase even with gloves or sweaty hands. In the event that the user is snagged by their sling, or in an emergency egress situation, one pull on the toggle will release the sling from the QD cup and allow the user to free themselves or the weapon. The push-button QD was a great leap forward for sling mounting technology, and has been overwhelmingly popular as an aftermarket attachment as well as being integrated into the design of various weapons and accessories. As many users can attest, sometimes activating the button on the swivels can be frustrating due to it’s size and location inside of the sling loop, which prompted BFG to develop the R.E.D. swivel.

In addition to the obvious benefits of being able to rapidly detach your sling with ease in any situation or emergency, the R.E.D. swivel is a breeze to attach as well. BFG has a number of products that will allow to the user to rapidly reconfigure their sling as the situation dictates, and the R.E.D. swivel enhances a number of these . BFG was a pioneer of the rapid configuration weapons sling with the SOC-C package. The SOC-C is adaptable to almost any platform and could be used as a 1, 2, or 3 point sling. With the development of the R.E.D. swivel the wildly popular VCAS sling joins it’s sibling and can go from an adjustable 2-point sling to a single point in a matter of seconds. By attaching the R.E.D. swivel to a forearm mounted QD cup and using a BFG UWL with push-button socket, the user is able to pick between 1 and 2 point configuration instantly and securely.

The R.E.D. is constructed of zinc phosphate coated heat-treated steel, and accepts any sling up to 1.25 inches in width. BFG will have a 1” version available as well. As with all BFG products, the R.E.D. swivel is made in the USA and is backed by BFG’s Lifetime Warranty.

Reference part number P-PBER-125 for the RED swivel from your BFG dealer or directly from Blue Force Gear at