GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for September, 2013

Redback One Individual Protection Drill

Friday, September 27th, 2013

The Redback One Individual Protection Drill (IPD) was designed by Jason quite some time go.


The IPD was designed to provide inherent protection to a singleton operating alone or when operating as a member of a tactical team. Also, according to RB1, the “IPD provides organic protection to the operator in order for the operator to determine the type of stoppage on the carbine and select the best course of action.”


EdgeGuard from CTOMS

Friday, September 27th, 2013


The EdgePro™ provides a light weight and compact solution for rope edge protection. Moldable to edge shapes with ToughTek backing helps keep the EdgePro™ in place. Grommets at the corners allow for daisy chaining together or securing to prevent it from falling. Padded buffers on the sides prevent the rope from slipping off. SuperFabric® swatch on the rope track provide an excellent friction free surface for the running rope while adding significant durability to prevent the rope from burning through.


Armor Express Live Demo for US PALM

Friday, September 27th, 2013


In the attached video, Matt Davis from Armor Express conducts a controversial self-demo to demonstrate his confidence in his company’s armor products and their relationship with US PALM. He has not self-demo’d one of their ballistic solutions since 2008. This is his 4th demo, but the first with a .45ACP, and the first with their IIIa ballistic package [that US Palm runs exclusively].



This is not a parlor trick. Matt Davis is a professional and employee of Armor Express. The demonstration is dangerous. Do not attempt this on your own. SSD is not responsible for the stupidity of Mark (see comments) or anyone else for that matter.

BHI 2013 End-Of-Fiscal-Year Extended Hours Notice

Friday, September 27th, 2013


BHI is operating extended business hours this week and on Monday to facilitate your last-minute purchasing needs.

They will be open until Midnight EST today (Friday, Sept. 27), and from 0900 until Midnight EST on Monday (Sept. 30).

>> For immediate phone purchasing or to request a quote, call 304-457-1280.

>> FAX orders can be sent to 304-457-1281.

>> All email orders can be sent to sales@bhigear.com.

Sneak Peek – Skeletonized Magazine Retention from S&S Precision

Friday, September 27th, 2013

Meet the MOLLE Killer…it seems like S&S Precision has been quiet for quite some time unveiling only incremental improvements to their flagship product, the PlateFrame. But late last week they invited us in for an exclusive sneak peek at what they’ve been up to. Get ready to throw away all of your nylon magazine pouches.

The SMR’s (Skeletonized Magazine Retention) genesis goes back to 2004 when one of the members of S&S Precision hand built a mag carrier from Kydex harvested from a Safariland holster. It was used on multiple combat deployments as a belt mounted, quick magazine holder for that first reload.

S&S Precision was founded in 2007. Interestingly, in 2009 that custom built mag carrier concept led to the larger development of load carrying systems which caused S&S Precision to concentrate on the groundbreaking PlateFrame which, after two years of internal work, was released in 2012. Around the same time the Kangaroo Insert was created for use with the NSW issue LBT plate carrier but the team at S&S Precision wasn’t satisfied that it was as refined as it could be. Consequently, they’ve turned their attention back to the initial focus of magazine retention.

But they aren’t satisfied with just making yet another mag carrier. The point of their development is Magazine Retention with as little material as possible to properly do the job. Additionally, the design needs to be modular so that it could be adapted to a wide variety of platforms. Specifically, it had to Integrate with PlateFrame as well as first line belt and PALS.


The system consists of two primary components; the SMR which is the actual magazine holder itself and the BasePlate aka “The Docking Station” which serves as the platform. For additional use with belts and PALS, they’ve also produced adapters for single SMRs.


A Rhodesian-style chest rig is also in the works that accepts the BasePlate.


Sure, we’ve seen other Kydex and Polymer magazine pouches, but everyone of them has used a more traditional mounting system such as a PALS derivative or a simple loop. The SMR concept takes modularity to a different level and looking at it, I can see multiple other ways that these pouches can be integrated unto other surfaces. Additionally, as you can see, so far they are only for 5.56 mags, but I can see a multitude of other SMRs available as well.

Coming soon from S&S Precision.

Alpha Industries Reintroduces the M1951 Parka

Friday, September 27th, 2013

Alpha Industries has continued to manufactured many old school military clothing items. This time it’s the M1951 ‘Fishtail’ parka. While you seem to find these all over the UK thanks to their adoption by the Mod culture in the 1960s, you rarely see them in the US. They are great oversized parka shells and can be worn to protect or conceal what’s underneath.


From Alpha Industries:
The Army “Fishtail” Parka was part of a layering clothing system for cold, wet weather. The parka was named “Fishtail” because the back had a split skirt tail the resembled a fish. The skirt could be snapped into the parka when not needed but in wet weather the two parts would be wrapped around the soldier’s legs to provide additional protection from rain and snow when the solder sat or marched. The parka pictured here is the 1965 model, but it was first developed in 1951.
(Unfortunately, whoever put this together didn’t realize that they have the button in frieze liner wrong side out)

A commercial model is available exclusively through Urban Outfitters. (Never thought I’d be mentioning them on here). Heads up, it does not include the liner and uses an orange zipper rather than the original brass zipper and incorporates oversized drawstring keepers.

MDM – Additional Photos of ArmorWorks Protective Combat Shirt Mod2

Thursday, September 26th, 2013


On Tuesday we showed you the new Protective Combat Shirt Mod2 from ArmorWorks but I wasn’t satisfied with the photos. I want you to see the various features of this innovative design. In particular, check out the shawl collar, ventilated torso and short sleeves. Many in the SOF community cut off their sleeves in the heat and ArmorWorks has acknowledged this by pairing it with an FR long sleeved undershirt.


This diamond shaped section is a jacquard mesh for ventilation.


The OD sections of the garment are a proprietary two-layer, double-sided Kevlar knit/jersey construction first used in the Protective Under Garment (PUG).


MDM – HonorPoint

Thursday, September 26th, 2013


HonorPoint USA displayed several products in the Darley Defense booth. Above you can see a suite of pouches designed for use by Medics assigned to Army SOF and below is the AN/PVS-14 pouch. Next week, we’ll show you the Evolution Bag featuring Zip Off Technology.
