GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for May, 2015

Phokus Research Group – Warfighter Bundle

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Warfighter Bundle – built to suit every operational need!


Warfighters are called upon to serve in various capacities. Whether on the FOB, assigned to a security detail, or on patrol, the Warfighter Bundle ensures your lifesaving medical gear is always at the ready.

Each Warfighter Bundle is comprised of Phokus Research Group’s top selling kits, pouches, and a Combat Application Tourniquet. Bundling provides immediate access to vital life-saving gear regardless of your uniform for the day.


Armour Wear

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Body Armor Company engineer’s affordable ballistic protection for all

May 11, 2015: In the wake of school shootings and terrorist attacks, Miami based Armour Wear, LLC has set out to solve a problem: How to create lightweight and unobtrusive ballistic protection for everyday use that anyone can afford. 

In late 2014, Armour Wear, LLC launched its own line of American made hard and soft body armor, as well as tactical nylon to the US market to make sure the people of the United States have the opportunity to protect themselves and their families with the best quality at a reasonable price. With prices starting at $35.99 for soft armor panels and $114.95 for hard armor, protecting yourself and those you love has become a reality.

Learn more at: www.armour-wear.com

Vickers Tactical – BCM KeyMod White Light Mounts

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

In this video, Larry Vickers goes over BCM’s KeyMod White Light Mounts, as well as gives tips for setting up a home defense carbine with a white light.



Black Canyon Labs – BCL SGS3 – Shotgun Safety Selector Switch

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

SGS3 1

The SGS3 – Shotgun Safety Selector Switch is a drop-in part which replaces the traditional cross bolt safety found on many shotguns with a 90 degree selector switch safety similar to many modern sporting rifles or military service weapons. Black Canyon Labs developed the SGS3 to allow shooters to maintain the muscle memory of manipulating the safety on an M4 rifle when transitioning to a shotgun.

The SGS3 can be configured for left hand, right hand, or ambidextrous use with the included dual side paddles. Its design requires the use of a pistol grip shotgun, which further reemphasizes the muscle memory and weapon manipulation of the M4 platform.

Variants of the SGS3 are currently available for Remington and Benelli shotguns, although other brands and models are planned for the future.

Rally Point Tactical is the exclusive supplier of the SGS3. Individual purchasers can get the SGS3 here: BCL SGS3 – Shotgun Safety Selector Switch. Government purchasers and dealers interested in carrying the SGS3 can contact RPT directly at Dan@rptactical.com.

Zero Point And Kopis Mobile Pay Homage To Draper Kauffman – Part 1

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

Draper Kauffman Tribute

In a 3-part series to honor the Father of US Navy EOD and US Navy UDT/SEAL, Zero Point and Kopis Mobile will pay tribute to Admiral Draper Lawrence Kauffman by presenting a few key bullets from his remarkable career, unveiling a few custom designs attributed to his exploits, as well as working up donations to contribute to SOWF and EODWF. Don’t miss it – and visit their booth to find out more at SOFIC – Booth #1818.

Draper Kauffman

Draper Kauffman (left) as a Sub Lt RNVR after defuzing a German bomb

Part 1 of 3: Draper Kauffman Aug.4, 1911 – Aug.18, 1979 – America’s first Twin Pin (EOD/SEAL)

Draper Kauffman is well-known as US Navy’s Founding Frogman forming the Naval Combat Demolition Units (NCDU), early predecessor to Navy’s Special Warfare’s UDT/SEAL. However, less known but equally important is he is also credited as a Founding Father of US Navy EOD. This is a small tribute to a Naval Officer, Leader, Visionary, Patriot, and a true American Hero.

• Graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1933. Denied commission as a “regular” officer due to poor eyesight.

• Following his denied commission, Kauffman joined the United States Steamship Lines in an effort to assist in what he felt would be the inevitable war against Germany.

• 10 May 1940: volunteered as an ambulance driver for the French Army in a region of Alsace-Lorraine, just 10 miles from France’s “impenetrable” Maginot Line.

• 22 June 1940: captured by the Germans with his ambulance co-drivers and became a WWII POW. Repatriated several months later.

• Holder of the France’s Croix de Guerre.

• Late 1940, became a member of England’s Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve. Volunteered for the Royal Navy Unexploded Bomb Department shortly afterwards.

• December 1941, one of the first to defuse a Japanese UXO. Awarded his first Navy Cross.

• 1942 Jan 04: LT Kauffman returns to Washington D.C. and established the US Navy Bomb Disposal School; 1942 Jan 23 First U.S. Navy Bomb Disposal class convened at Washington Navy Yard.

• 1944, Kauffman drew from the ranks of the US Navy Bomb Disposal School to begin what would be the predecessor of UDT/SEAL, Naval Combat Demolition Unit.

• Later in 1944 and ’45, Kauffman would conduct several combat demolition operations in the Pacific Theater, earning his second Navy Cross for actions specific to Saipan.

• Just prior to the surrender of the Japanese in Tokyo Bay, Kauffman led a team to ensure the bay was safe from possible kamikaze boat attacks during the surrender ceremony.

• 13 October 1945: the UDT veil of secrecy was lifted when a Saturday Evening Post article entitled “They Hit the Beach in Swim Trunks” was published.

• In 1946, 13 years after graduating Naval Academy, Kauffman finally became a Regular Naval Officer.

• 1946, Kauffman participated in some of the first Bikini Atoll nuclear tests.

• August 1946, organized and commanded the U.S. Navy Radiological Safety School.

• 1947, Finally became a Line Officer in the Regular Navy.

• 1948, Kauffman took command of his first Destroyer, the USS Gearing.

• 1960, Promoted to Admiral.

• 1970, Last tour of duty was as Commandant of the Ninth Naval District, Great Lakes Naval Training Center.

Multiple Sources: America’s First Frogman – Elizabeth Kauffman Bush, Wikipedia, Retired Naval Colleagues




Tuesday, May 12th, 2015


Click to view .pdf

The BCMGUNFIGHTER 1911 is the product of a collaboration between Wilson Combat and the experiences of the BCMGUNFIGHTER Instructors. A limited production offering, the BCMGUNFIGHTER 1911 is designed to handle like a race gun with the dependability of a BCM rifle.


Each BCMGUNFIGHTER 1911 is the result of over 30 hours of custom hand work and precision machining, built and inspected by the team at Wilson Combat to insure the highest standards of quality.

The BCMGUNFIGHTER 1911 features:

– 5″ stainless match grade barrel & bushing, hand fit
– 3 1/2 lb – 3 3/4 lb trigger pull
– Wilson Combat Battlesight with tritium front night sight
– 5″ carbon steel slide
– High-Ride Bullet Proof beavertail grip safety
– Bullet Proof thumb safety
– Bullet proof one piece X-Tac magwell
– Tactical accessory rail


Additionally, the BCMGUNFIGHTER 1911 has X-Tac pattern front strap and slide serrations, exclusive G10 X-Tac grips, and comes with an accuracy guarantee of 1″ at 25 yards, with an included target.


2015 Gelande Quaffing Championship (UPDATED)

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

Edit: The location of this year’s Gelande Quaffing Championship has changed. If you plan on attending, the new venue is the Flambe Restaurant – 615 Channelside Drive #123 Channelside Plaza. The date and time have not changed.


With SOFIC just around the corner, that means it’s also time for the third annual Gelande Quaffing Championship. Join Smith Optics and S&S Precision May 19th at 1700 at the Flambe Restaurant – 615 Channelside Drive #123 Channelside Plaza, for an event full of comradery and friendly competition, all for a great cause.

If you’re attending, be sure to bring a bit of cash as there will also be a silent auction for some great gear, with the proceeds going to support the All In All The Time Foundation. Auction prizes include guns, knives, grills, coolers, suppressors, ‘Save The A10’ longboards, a Polaris Ranger ATV, and much more!

Not sure what this whole Gelände Quaffing thing is all about? Read this and then check out the video.

In 1986, the skis were skinny and the snow was fat, during a 14 foot storm, the infamous underground crew of the Jackson Hole Air Force was going stir crazy in the Bear Claw Café, waiting for the mountain to open. In those days the bartender would send a freshly filled beer mug sliding down the bar to the patron who ordered it. One fateful night a beer mug slid off the end of the bar, took air, was caught seconds before a glass shattering catastrophe, and promptly pounded. Gelände Quaffing was born. Apres’ ski competitions followed, testing the unique skills of all who entered, and provided exciting entertainment for all spectators. But somewhere along the way Gelände Quaffing was lost and the après ski spirit forgotten.

Stay tuned for more details on the auction and how to sign your team up early.


US Army Rediscovers It Needs Ventilating Insoles For Jungle Boots

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center, in support of Product Manager Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment issued a Sources Sought Notice last week seeking informtion on ventilating insoles for combat boots. The goal of this effort is to identify offerors with capabilities to provide/design/develop boot insoles for use by the combat Soldier in various different terrain and conditions, to include tropical jungle environments.

Specifically, the insoles must:
1) Be constructed of materials that do not absorb water;
2) Be designed to allow water and sweat to drain away from the foot while walking;
3) Be highly breathable, to allow for air to circulate under the foot when worn;
4) Be durable enough to last for six months of combat use in jungle environments where high humidity and repeated submersion in water are expected;
5) Must not cause pressure points, discomfort, or irritation during walking/running on uneven, rugged terrain throughout the useful life of the item;
6) Be rigid enough to resist moving or bunching under the foot;
7) Be able to not interfere with normal walking/running or reduce Soldier performance in movement through varied terrain;
8) Be resistant to degradation due to fungus and bacteria;
9) Be able to provide shock attenuation;
10) Do not require a break-in period; and
11) Must meet all requirements of Berry compliant manufacturing.

Well no kidding. It only took them a year after they released an RFI for jungle boots that it finally dawns on them that they might need ventilating insoles. PEO Soldier has at its disposal the entire technical and historical holdings of the Natick Research, Development and Engineering Center but it seems as if no one wants to find out how a requirement was satisfied in the past.  It’s been done before. Hit the books to find out how.  

For those of you unfamiliar with the Saran Insole issued with the Boot, Hot Weather, it looked just like what you see above.  It was designed to keep your foot up off of the floor of the boot and allow some air to circulate in hopes of staving off trench foot.