VANCOUVER, B.C. – November 22, 2016 – Mission Ready Services Inc. (“Mission Ready” or the “Company”) (TSX-V : MRS) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Marines Next Generation Body Armor development project (the “Project”) for the United States Marine Corps (“USMC”). Following a contract award by the Marine Corps Systems Command (“MARSYSCOM”), the Project was completed on schedule and under budget.
Managed by Francisco Martinez, Chief Technical Officer of Protect The Force (“PTF”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, the two year Project was funded through the Department of the Navy (“DoN”) Office of Naval Research (“ONR”) Rapid Innovation Fund (“RIF”), the revolutionary combat shirt, the Ballistic Base Layer (“BBL”), is now being readied for field deployment in keeping with the RIF objective to accelerate fielding of innovative technologies into military systems.
Mr. Martinez states, “The Marines Next Generation Body Armor is a Marine-unique development that integrates a number of life saving features. The BBL is a First-of-a-Kind protective combat shirt, specifically tailored to the Marine Corps equipment requirements, that addresses deficiencies identified by injuries recorded through Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. PTF is honored to have been selected by ONR and MARCORSYSCOM to develop the Ballistic Base Layer.”
The BBL is a revolutionary armored shirt worn under the Marines Body Armor Vest that integrates modular deltoid, yoke and collar protection into an athletic flame resistant combat shirt. Newly developed breathable fragment protective knits were integrated into the sleeves and lower torso for additional protection against fragments resulting from Improvised Explosive Device (IED) detonations.
The Marines Product Manager Clothing Infantry Equipment (“PdM ICE”) was the recipient of 100+ prototypes of the BBL and 6 additional prototypes with integrated micro climate cooling tubes.
Mr. Martinez further states, “The PM-ICE technical staff and all the contracting groups supporting the effort were a delight to work with and we are honored to have received their input and support. We look forward to working with the Marines PdM ICE as the requirements for the BBL are finalized and the item is fielded. Additionally, we wish to thank all of our employees, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers for their support in successfully developing the Marines Next Generation Ballistic Base Layer and look forward to continue working with them.”