GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for March, 2019

Grey Ghost Gear BAR-5200 Pack

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Grey Ghost Gear is proud to announce the release of its BAR-5200: the mightiest and most magnificent of modern rucks. Our BAR-5200 pack is an excruciatingly well-designed evolution of the old military ALICE pack. It features many improvements – and of course more than a little GG flair. 

Constructed from 500 denier Cordura Nylon with reinforcing on the high-stress areas of the pack, the pack consists of eight exterior pouches plus a claymore pocket on the top of the flap with an additional zippered mesh pocket underneath. On the subject of zippers, we’ve made provision for those times when you forget to zip things back up in the pissing-down rain. All of BAR-5200’s exterior pouches are built with drainage grommets in the bottom.

As for the main compartment, it can be accessed either by unbuckling and lifting the top flap or by opening the backdoor that’s zippered in the back just above the carry handle. Because sometimes you just want to get in the back door. Hook and loop panels are available for personal identification, but that’s not all. Extremely generous foam padding in the shoulder straps and waist belt ensure you can strap her down tight and still hoof a heavy load in comfort thanks to the included ASTM B221 lightweight aluminum frame, straps, and belt. 

With a total volume of around 5200 cubic inches, you’ll appreciate the added comfort when it’s loaded to capacity. BAR-5200 is currently available in MultiCam and Coyote Brown.

Check it out on the BAR-5200 pack page.

There is only one thing better for a warfighter to do than carry Grey Ghost Gear (and it’s still pretty close). Just ask this guy.

Even legendary barbarians love Grey Ghost Gear.

Brigantes Presents – High Angled Solutions – Helix Tactical Training

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Helix understand that first class equipment is only one part of the equation and that without a trained operator or user it is unlikely to be utilised to its full potential.  

This year, Helix Training are delivering a number of RoSPA approved, open three-day PPE courses. These courses are designed to qualify an individual as a PPE inspector with an understanding of the following:

• Health and safety regulations related to the choice, purchase and use of PPE and work equipment.

• Responsibilities for the inspection of PPE prior to, during and after use including management systems.

• Practical skills providing the user with the ability to identify damage and defects, and the procedures to retire damaged or obsolete items.

• How the above relate to government and military organisations and activities both within the UK and overseas whether conducting training, operations or adventure training.

The course is assessed with both a written and practical exam on the final day. On successful completion of the course, the qualification is valid for three years.

They have scheduled a number of non-residential open courses for 2019, which are delivered from our office in Llanberis. Helix are able to deliver closed courses internationally.

For more information contact international@brigantes.com

For UK customers: warrior@brigantes.com

FirstSpear TV – Episode 8 Moto Mobility

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Utilizing all wheel drive dirt bikes as mobility and shooting platforms, allows the user to be effective in a variety of combat situations.

USSOCOM Awards Contract to Sarcos Robotics for Delivery of Full-Body, Autonomously Powered Robotic Exoskeleton

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

SALT LAKE CITY and BELLEVUE, Wash. – March 18, 2019 – Today, Sarcos Robotics, a global leader in robotic systems that augment, rather than replace humans working in the industrial, public safety and military sectors, announced that it has been awarded a contract by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) to deliver a pre-production version of its Guardian™ XO® (“XO”) full-body, autonomously powered robotic exoskeleton. The XO is capable of operating for up to eight hours per battery charge, while walking at three miles per hour and carrying up to 200 pounds of payload. With the ability to “hot swap” rechargeable batteries in the field, XO run-time is essentially unlimited.

The USSOCOM XO contract follows Sarcos’ recent announcements regarding collaborations with both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy to develop and evaluate variations of the Guardian™ XO® for use cases specific to these services. With 17 years of development efforts and more than $175 million invested in R&D, Sarcos has been laser-focused on ensuring the Guardian XO Max is safe, intuitive and power efficient. Sarcos recently shared significant power and performance enhancements to the XO, including significant improvements in power consumption, control system functionality and load transfer.

US Army Small Arms Championship Winners Announced

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

FORT BENNING, Ga. – The 2019 U.S. Army Small Arms Championships, which is hosted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, concluded it’s seven-day competition at Fort Benning, Georgia on March 16 with an awards ceremony.

The annual competition, which is commonly called the All Army, is the Army’s premier marksmanship competition that tests Soldiers ability on both their primary and secondary weapons through 11 different course of fire. This year, more than 260 Soldiers from across the United States and all four components of the Army (active duty, National Guard, Reserve and ROTC) came seeking the top titles as they battled it out in both tactical and civilian-style rifle and pistol matches, as well as a multigun match.

This year’s winners are:
• The 2019 All Army Champion: U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Horner with the Army Reserve Careers Division. (Suffolk, VA native)

• The 2019 All Army Champion Team: The U.S. Army Reserve team from Army Reserve Careers Division. Team members are: Sgt. Joseph Hall, Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Horner, Staff Sgt. Rafael Fuentes, Sgt. 1st Class Charles Parker, and coach: Sgt. Maj. James Mauer.

• The 2019 All Army Lt. Gen. Benjamin C. Freakley Trophy awardee: Texas A&M Cadet Brannon Sickels. This marksmanship excellence award is presented to the top cadet having the highest combined score from all rifle and pistol excellence in competition matches. During the All Army Championships, Sickels earned his Distinguished Pistol Shot Marksmanship Badge.

• The 2019 All Army Col. Ralph Puckett Awardee: Texas Army National Guard Sgt. Jaymes Sendo. This for excellence in marksmanship award is presented to the combined top novice shooter from all the rifle and pistol Excellence in Competition matches.

• The 2019 All Army Multigun Champion: U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Horner with the Army Reserve Careers Division.

• The 2019 All Army Pistol Champion: U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. Christopher Liming.

• The 2019 All Army Rifle Champion: National Guard Maj. Samuel Freeman with the National Guard Marksmanship Training Center.

• The 2019 All Army Open Division Champion: North Dakota Air National Guard Senior Airman Gavin Rook.

• The 2019 All Army Top Cadet: Texas A&M Cadet Brannon Sickels.

• The 2019 All Army Novice Division Champion: U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyler Virgin with 1st Corps.

• The 2019 All Army High Drill Sergeant: U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Varela from the 198th Infantry Training Brigade.

• The 2019 All Army Pistol Champion Team: Texas Army National Guard. Team members: Staff Sgt. Justus Densmore, Sgt. Tyler Greene, Capt. Robert Lee, Sgt. Jaymes Sendo, and coach: Staff Sgt. Michael Richey.

• The 2019 All Army Rifle Champion Team: California Army National Guard. Team members are Master Sgt. Philip Brock, Sgt. 1st Class Jonathan Garcia, Staff Sgt. Wayne Gray, and Sgt. Obed Gutierrez.

• The 2019 All Army Multigun Champion Team: U.S Army 1st Corps Team. Team members are: Sgt. 1st Class Tyler Virgin, Sgt. Ashton Foster, Staff Sgt. Nicholas Wirts, Staff Sgt. Logan Frost, and coach: Staff Sgt. Jeffery Lewis.

Story by MAJ Michelle Lunato, US Army Marksmanship Unit

USMC Seeks 84mm Round Pouches

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

The Marine Corps wants to purchase pouches for the 84 MM round used in the Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System (commonly referred to as the Carl Gustaf).

They’ve solicited feedback from industry for pouches which meet these criteria:

– Accommodate one, two, or three 84 mm MAAWS rounds. Modularity and designs that allow for Marines to balance the ammunition on their existing load bearing equipment are preferred.

– Be compatible with the current Pouch Attachment Ladder System for attachment to current Marine Corps load bearing equipment.

– Provide a retention mechanism that allows for the rounds to be retained during normal combat operations.

– Must be comprised of materials that meet current Near Infrared requirements.

– Must be compliant with the Berry Amendment.

For full details, visit www.fbo.gov.

3M Scotchlite Thermal Reflecting Film

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Offered in several formats, 3M Scotchlite Thermal Reflecting Film is a flexible film that “appears” cold when viewed through an infrared or thermal imaging camera/sights. Under thermal image cameras, the film gives a high contrast, highly visible, and/or a realistic thermal practice target.

Unlike other products in the market, this tape doesn’t have to be emplaced at an angle. Day or night, hot or cold, you’ll see your target through thermals.

3M products are available for unit and agency order through ADS.

Darley Defense Days Comes To Fort Bragg

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Darley Defense Days comes to Fort Bragg, May 7-8, 2019 at the Iron Mike Conference Center. Register at www.darleydefensedays.com.