GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for November, 2022

Old Ironsides!

Monday, November 28th, 2022

The uniforms for the Army vs. Navy game have been unveiled and are inspired by the 1st Armored Division and the 80th anniversary of Operation Torch.


Photos by Army West Point Athletics

Chase Tactical Cyber Monday Week Long Sale

Monday, November 28th, 2022

23% OFF

Coupon Code: CYBERMONDAY23

Sale Dates 11/28 – 12/04


‘Tis The Season

Monday, November 28th, 2022

‘Tis the season for ugly helmet scrim from MIC Gear, which is Made In Canada.

Marines Update Female Hair Style Guidance

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Based on the final results of Uniform Board 220 and released in MARADMINS Number 615/22, the Marine Corps has authorized the following hair styles for female Marines:

Short hair length for female Marines.  Per CMC decision, twists are authorized for short hair (in all uniforms).

Medium hair length for female Marines.  Per CMC decision, medium length hair is defined as hair that does not extend beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge; however hair length must not obscure the collar rank insignia.  One unsecured half ponytail or up to two unsecured half braids (unsecured in this context is defined as hair on the crest / crown of the head is pulled back into a ponytail or braid(s) and the rest of the hair is left to fall naturally) that provides a neat and professional military appearance are authorized for medium hair length with the MCCUUs, flight suit, or physical training (PT) uniforms only.  Half ponytails / braids must be secured over the crest of the head but no lower than the crown of the head with a ponytail holder that is consistent with the hair color, and cannot extend beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge or interfere with the proper wear of any headgear. 

Long hair length for female Marines.  Per CMC decision, long hair is defined as hair that extends beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge.  When styled, long hair will be secured up so that it does not extend beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge, except when authorized in the physical training uniform.

There is no requirement to have tightly pulled back or slicked back hair at any length.

As always, Marine Corps Uniform Board information is available at www.hqmc.marines.mil/Agencies/Marine-Corps-Uniform-Board

5.11 Holiday Gift Guide – LV10 Sling Pack 2.0

Monday, November 28th, 2022

I sat down with my friends at 5.11 Tactical a few weeks ago to discuss some gift ideas for SSD readers. My goal was to present a small cross section of products, with varying functions and prices. I know it’s a tough year and I wanted to be able to suggest value. We ent over their vast catalog and narrowed it down to five items that most anyone can use. This week, we’ll present one of these products each day.

Today it’s the LV10 Sling Pack 2.0. This 13 liter bag will accommodate your off-body EDC needs whether on the job or just running around town.

There’s plenty fo room to
organoze your gear including smaller laptops and concealed carry of a firearm. The main compartment is lined with loop material, laser cut to accommodate MOLLE pouches. The laptop sleeve is padded and the rear CCW comortment features their “hot pull” system, loop panel, and removable holster retention strap. The fleece top zipper pocket is perfect for eye pro storage. You’ll
also find a water bottle pocket and there’s even a channel for flex cuffs at the rear.

The color is a nice shade of Green called Python.

Today is also Cyber Monday, so you also get a deal on this bag at 20% off.


USSOCOM’s Armed Overwatch Aircraft Designated OA-1K

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Earlier this year the United States Special Operations Command selected the L3 Harris AT-802U Sky Warden as their new Armed Overwatch aircraft. It has now been designated as the OA-1K. Aircraft officianados will recognize the OA designation which identifies the combined Observation Attack role.

The decision to reuse model 1 is an odd choice considering 7 is the next number in line for Observation aircraft and 14 is next up for Attack aircraft. It seems that they are attempting to assert some sort of SOF aviation heritage on this completely new airframe by reusing the model 1 designation shared with the Skyraider and assigning variant K to the Sky Warden.

Thousands of Douglas A-1E, A-1H and A-1J Skyraiders were operated by the US from 1946-1973 with significant service in AFSOC’s forebears, the Air Commandos, during the Vietnam War.

The Armed Overwatch program provides SOF with dedicated Close Air Support, precision strike, and airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) from austere locations in a permissive environment.

USSOCOM plans to procure 75 OA-1Ks and form then into four operational squadrons of 15 aircraft each and an additional 15 for use in training. Special Operations Squadrons operating U-28 Drago and MC-12W Liberty will replace their aircraft with OA-1Ks. However, AFSOC plans to keep some Dragos in service.

Blue Force Gear Cyber Monday Exclusive

Monday, November 28th, 2022

POOLER, GA—Blue Force Gear is offering an exclusive Cyber Monday deal on select MKTN!™ items. For Cyber Monday only, get 20% off pre-filled trauma kits. Additional sales include:

• 20% off sitewide* including pre-filled trauma kits, sale and clearance items

• Up to 70% off sale and clearance items

• Free shipping

Shop now at BlueForceGear.com.

*20% off discount does not include battle belts, unfilled/empty trauma kits, or medical items

525th E-MIB Military Intelligence History Minute

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Each week the 525th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade presents a video showcasing moments in intelligent history. Here is the latest: