GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for October, 2023

DNS Alpha Shows Solidarity with GORE-TEX Products “Proudly Made in Ukraine”

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

20.10.2023, Stuttgart – Rather than being deterred by challenges, DNS Alpha has maintained its production sites for many of its GORE-TEX products in Ukraine. This strategic move serves not only economic interests but also aims to provide support to the people and the country. Every GORE-TEX product made in Ukraine now proudly bears the label “Proudly Made in Ukraine”.

More Than Just a Patch

The design of the patch is also noteworthy, which the Ukrainian producer consciously chose: “In the colors blue and yellow, it represents the borders of Ukraine as they existed before the occupation,” explains Tim Vetter, Managing Director of DNS Alpha. Beyond indicating origin, the patch also symbolizes Ukraine’s enduring integrity and sovereignty amidst current challenges.

Solidarity in Action

“By manufacturing our GORE-TEX products in Ukraine, we are sending a clear message of solidarity. We are proud to have successfully kept production in Ukraine, as it was important for us to show support in this way,” adds Tim Vetter. “In a time when actions speak louder than words, we at DNS Alpha are making a clear statement with our approach.”

Ironside Military – Tactical Fuel Canister Cover

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Australia’s Ironside Military is offering a camouflage cover your field stove’s butane / propane fuel canister.

It also mutes the sound that the loose canister might make. Available online and in store for the 230g jetboil fuel. More sizes coming soon.


USA Special Sale 20% Off

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Save 20 % on our tactical equipment and all other Zentauron products. From 10/23 until 11/05. No code is needed, the discount applies at checkout if the country of the shipping address is USA.


GAFPB: A Powerful Symbol and More Than a Badge

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Soldiers endure discomfort and pain for many reasons. They may do so as part of their wartime duties, or in training. Everyone reaches a point where they choose to quit or drive on. Military awards – particularly badges – are earned, not given. Each course or task demands some level of sacrifice.

Many servicemembers particularly value the chance to earn a foreign award. No badge is worn by as many U.S. servicemembers though as the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge – GAFPB.

My introduction to the badge came as a 19-year-old draftee serving in the German Air Force, Luftwaffe, after graduating from Berlin’s John F. Kennedy School. This opportunity presented itself to me courtesy of my German mother. My American father served as a U.S. Army JAG officer attached to the U.S. embassy to Germany at the time. I recall that the sewed on GAFPBs adorning my basic training instructor’s uniforms served as a symbol of their competence and professionalism. Everyone in my unit wanted a chance to prove themselves and receive the badge.

My understanding of this particular award would evolve over time. I would earn, and then encounter, this badge throughout my career.

The badge in German is formally called the, “Abzeichen für besondere Leistungen im Truppendienst.” This term more accurately translates as, “award for special performance in military service.” In U.S. military service, we refer to it as the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge, but it is officially the German Armed Forces Efficiency Badge.

Army Regulation 600-8-22, Military Awards, stipulates that foreign decorations will only be presented by a designated representative from the awarding nation. As such we work with our German partners as part of each event, and they generate and sign award certificates. Army Regulation 600-8-22 also includes the German Armed Forces Efficiency Badge as a specifically named foreign badge specifically authorized for acceptance and wear by both enlisted personnel and officers.

A U.S. Army commander may also approve the wear of the foreign badge. Many units publish memorandums that authorize acceptance, retention and wear of the badge or use the DA Form 4187.

Events required to receive the GAFPB include completing various sport exercises including a shuttle run, flexed arm hang, and a one-kilometer run. Servicemembers must also pass a first aid exam and demonstrate proficiency in their chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear protective equipment. Pistol marksmanship is also key, with shooters required to engage three targets using five rounds. Most events conclude with the required ruck march, or the challenging 100-meter swim and uniform doff.

German servicemembers wear the badge on the left breast pocket of their utility and service uniforms, while U.S. Soldiers may only wear it on their Army Service Uniform coat and shirt and Army Green Service Uniform coat. Soldiers may only wear one foreign badge on their uniforms, centered, or aligned with the right edge of unit awards or nameplate, above the right pocket and unit awards.

The West German Bundeswehr established the award in 1971 and servicemembers of all branches may earn the badge. It is an award of the Federal Republic of Germany’s Bundeswehr and available in three steps, or levels. Gold, silver and bronze. Interestingly, the German military places more value on gold than we do in the U.S. military. U.S. O-1 rank is gold across all services and branches, while O-2 is silver. German officer rank is silver, while all general officer ranks are gold. As such the gold GAFPB is more difficult to earn than the silver or bronze.

The badge prominently features the Bundesadler – the federal eagle – surrounded by a wreath. It’s interesting and relevant that Germany and the United States of America share an affinity for the same bird and use it as national symbols.

After I left the German military, I attended university in the U.S., enlisted in the Army Reserve, and then later commissioned as a Regular Army officer. During the Basic Officer Leaders Course, German liaison officers detailed to the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence offered another opportunity to earn the GAFPB. I witnessed hundreds of young U.S. Army military police 2nd Lt.’s earn their badges.

Some years later I was assigned as provost marshal to 2d Cavalry Regiment based in Vilseck, Germany. I again saw our formations regularly host German partners during various GAFPB events. Units and individual soldiers drew close to German units and servicemembers.

Last summer I served as officer in charge during a large GAFPB event held at Camp Shelby, Miss. We worked closely with German servicemembers assigned to the German Armed Forces Command in Reston, Va. and the defense attaché staff detailed to the Federal Republic of Germany’s embassy to the United States. We hosted over 300 servicemembers during the event.

Most recently I attended the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) GAFPB event. Historic Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall served as a backdrop for the competition. Abutting Arlington Cemetery and a stone’s throw from the Pentagon, the installation is also very close to the German embassy located in Washington D.C.’s Foxhall Village neighborhood close to Georgetown. The defense attaché staff again took time to run over 250 servicemembers through each event. This time I covered the event as a public affairs officer.

Supporting GAFPB events is both time consuming and expensive for German servicemembers and their commands. Each GAFPB event may take two or three days – not including travel. This takes leaders away from their missions and staffs out of their offices. We must acknowledge the sacrifices they make as well.

So why do we go through all this effort to earn a badge? Its great training. Each event builds teams and camaraderie. Individuals reach their limits – and push past them. The badge is a visible symbol of an enduring partnership.

Over the years I watched men and women fight through pain, fatigue and doubt. This year a young soldier marched the soles off his feet, his boots red with blood and skin sloughing off. He made it past the ruck march. I’ve watched well prepared swimmers cramp up in the pool, sink to the bottom, yet manage to remove their uniform blouse and trousers to complete the swim. I’ve seen senior leaders compete alongside their young soldiers, earning a badge – and respect – after over 25 years of service.

What I enjoyed seeing most though were the conversations and insights shared between allied servicemembers before, during and after a GAFPB event. The briefest conversations between the Germans and our troops sparked interests that led to much greater understanding.

German Navy Rear Adm. Axel Ristau, the German embassy’s defense attaché, emphasized both moral and physical fitness after the latest GAFPB. He also highlighted the alliance between the two countries. “It’s a visual sign of our outstanding bilateral cooperation, and we both, the Americans and German soldiers who earn this badge, can be very proud.”

Ristau earned his badge in 1987. He marveled at how this award binds two nations together – “It’s a sign of a transatlantic link. I wear, and my comrade here, wears the same badge on a military uniform.” He told me this as 213 U.S. servicemembers, their friends and families celebrated their achievement in Fort Myer’s Conmy Hall, its massive display screen showing enmeshed German and American flags braced by the gold, silver and bronze GAFPBs.

While not as far removed from earning my badge as Ristau, I also appreciate its importance and feel much the same way. What at first to me was a badge worn by my respected instructors and superiors in the German military, has now as a U.S. Army officer become that symbol of proficiency, and of true German-American partnership.

By MAJ Joshua Frye

MAJ Joshua Frye is the public affairs officer for the Military Intelligence Readiness Command, U.S. Army Reserve.

DroneShield to Host Inaugural Counterdrone Event at Indo Pacific

Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

• DroneShield to host its Inaugural Counterdrone Event at Indo Pacific Exhibition held in Sydney on 8 November 2023 

• Speakers include leading minds across military, industry and policy sectors

• Registrations available for Military, Industry and Media

DroneShield (“DroneShield” or the “Company”) is pleased to host its inaugural event counterdrone event at Indo Pacific Exhibition, held 7-9 November at the Sydney Convention Centre.

The event will be held on 8 November, with further details available here.

The event is free to attend at no cost, for all Indo Pacific 2023 trade visitors, exhibitors and conference delegates. Registration can be done here.

Angus Bean, DroneShield’s CTO, commented “Unmanned Systems have been extensively involved in warfare and terrorism across virtually all conflicts globally over last several years, and continuing to rise.”

“We are pleased to host the very first dedicated Australian event in this area in conjunction with AMDA, where the audience can hear from thought leaders across military, industry and policy areas. The backdrop of Indo Pacific, the largest military exhibition in Australia in 2023, provides attendees with a complete experience.”

PEO Soldier Showcases Technologies for the Army of 2030

Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

Pre-Order – “The Wrong Wolf” by Christian Craighead

Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

I’m sharing this on behalf of my friends Christian Craighead and Matthew Klein to promote their new book, “The Wrong Wolf.”

I am proud to announce the publication of my first book, The Wrong Wolf, illustrated by my good friend Matthew Klein. It’s not the book you’re all waiting for, but nevertheless I’m still extremely proud of it. The book is out November 29th and available for pre-order now (link in bio). I think you will all love it.

The Wrong Wolf is a metaphoric story about a WOLF who becomes a SHEEPDOG. The book was inspired by episodes in my life and was written by me, from the heart. Whilst principally a children’s book, it sends a positive message that will resonate with both the young and old.

Proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Frontline Healing Foundation, a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports programs addressing the unmet needs of suffering servicemen and women and gives individuals and communities the tools they need to become self-sufficient.

Please spread the word and pre-order the book now. It’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book stores.

Next-Generation Simulation Solution Wins Backing from European Commission

Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

Coordinated and led by Rheinmetall, the FEDERATES consortium, which stands for Federated Ecosystem of European Simulation Assets for Training and Decision Support, has been selected by the European Union for €30 million in funding. The European Commission has picked the consortium to implement a prototype service-oriented innovative solution for distributed synthetic training and decision support. 

The “distributed synthetic simulation environment” draws on a multitude of different simulation resources which, though spatially separate, are linked in a common network infrastructure. The objective here is to enable joint utilization of the resources of EU member states in a networked digital ecosystem, comparable to NATO’s Modelling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS) architecture.  

For the nations of the EU, distributed simulation and training are important prerequisites for preparing and qualifying their troops as thoroughly as possible for today’s complex military operations with increasingly sophisticated systems and equipment. 

The consortium intends to integrate and jointly use existing resources of member states such as simulators and training systems as well as advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, cloud technologies and virtual reality in simulated environments for ground, sea, air, space and cyberspace operations. 

FEDERATES will support the joint procurement and bundling of simulation resources as well as the formation of a new marketplace for corresponding services. This will result in improved availability and shorter construction times, culminating in lower costs, greater access to training and faster development of future solutions. 

Comprising 32 companies from 14 EU member states and Norway, FEDERATES stands for robust, comprehensive European cooperation. It encompasses small and medium-sized businesses as well as large corporations, research facilities and universities. FEDERATES relies on their complementary areas of expertise and experience in simulation and training systems as well as integration and cooperation with military users.   

In its role as coordinator, Rheinmetall Electronics of Germany will support the FEDERATES project as part of a core team, consisting of Thales (France), Leonardo (Italy), Indra Sistemas (Spain) and HM EI (Hungary). It will foster adherence to the technical and contractual obligations between the European Commission and all participating parties. 

More information on the results of the call for the submission of proposals relating to the European Defence Fund in 2022 can be found at: defence-industry-space.ec.europa.eu/funding-and-grants/calls-proposals/result-edf-2022-calls-proposals_de

Disclaimer: This project is being co-financed by the European Union. The content of this press release reflects solely the views of the author; the European Commission assumes no responsibility for subsequent use of the information it contains.