It pains us as a nation to see how many law enforcement officers over the last few weeks, specifically here in TEXAS, have been killed in the line of duty. These men and women are our neighbors, friends, and family, here to protect us from evil. We have to give our officers the ability to match force with force. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the fallen officers as well as the wounded officers that were trying to preserve peace. We cannot sit idly by as these horrendous acts happen…
Today, we are taking the initiative and starting a campaign to help protect as many Law Enforcement Officers as we can in the case their department doesn’t issue an officer a rifle. We are putting plans in motion to help Law Enforcement Officers get peace of mind back to be able to match or exceed the force they are put against.
We are accepting direct donations for Radical Firearms Blueline rifles that will go directly to a Law Enforcement Officer, starting with officers in Dallas, Texas.
With every $500 donated, one of our Radical Firearms Blueline rifles will go directly to a peace officer within 24hrs.
There are two levels of donation:
A) $100 Level
Every person that donates $100 will get a Radical Firearms Gift Bag Filled with goodies.
B) $250 Level
Every $250 donation will get a Gift Certificate for $100 to use at
There is no limit to how much you can make a difference in helping our law enforcement family.
Direct links to donate can be found here:
$250 Donations:
$100 Donations: