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Archive for the ‘Camo’ Category

SPECOPS Unveils Uniform Prototype in Mirage Camo – Updated

Monday, February 21st, 2011

This is a SPECOPS MBS-1 uniforms in Bulldog Equipment Company’s Mirage camo. This pattern will run against Roggenwolf, A-TACS, Multicam, PenCott (updated), and possibly a Hyperstealth developed pattern in the upcoming Polish Army Camo Trials. We have already shown the Roggenwolf versions.


Military Wraps May Mask More Than Just Color – Updated

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Even though the Army issued guidance last year on how to paint rifles in order to better blend in to the environment, it seems that the practice just isn’t that wide spread. One reason may be that it is so difficult to restore the weapons to inspection order. Another issue is that the guidance was only issued for rifles and carbines and not for the myriad of other weapons that find themselves on the battlefield. UPDATE: In fact, we have recently heard that there are no plans to authorize painting of additional weapons.

For the past two years, Military Wraps has produced MW Gripz. They are die-cut applique kits that can be applied at the operator level to various individual weapons. The material is also available in sheets that can be cut to shape as needed. Additionally, the non-marring material leaves no residue when removed. As you can see from the photo below, they do a great job of breaking up the visual signature of small arms.

But there’s more. During a recent demonstration, it was noted that weapons covered on MW Gripz didn’t emit a significant thermal signature. In fact, it appeared to be about half that of unprepared weapons. Based on this, Military Wraps has secured lab time in order to determine exactly how much Grips mask the weapon’s IR signature. We look forward to their report and will pass on what we find out. In the interim, MW Grips can be applied and removed repeatedly with no damage to the weapon not additional cleaning requirement. It is important to note that the current versions of Gripz is designed for use with weapons that are employed in the semi automatic role, a new version is on the way that can take the increased heat of sustained automatic fire.

Updated: Military Wraps shared these photos with us of a few weapons wrapped in the Gripz technology. As you can see, the MultiCam (oops, OCP) makes a big difference. Additionally, an evaluation by a military unit came in over the weekend from Afghanistan stated that while a single kit is designed cover two carbines it could also easily be adapted for use with other weapons. Additionally, the break up of the weapon’s outline was significant in both daylight conditions as well as under night vision devices.

MW Gripz are available in a variety of patterns and can be manufactured using to match the operational environment. For more information visit www.militarywraps.com.

First Lite Merino Wool Clothing

Friday, February 18th, 2011

First Lite specializes in Merino wool clothing for hunting. We have gone over the many merits of Merino in the past but summarize; warm even when wet, inherent anti-microbial which inhibits odor, and inherent FR. Several friends of SSD have been raving about First Lite’s garments, particularly their underwear and hats so we thought we should introduce the brand to you.

This is the Gila Hunting Pant. It’s tough to find wool pants these days, and Merino has an increased comfort range so you can wear them in a wider variety of environments than most pants. Plus, if you get wet, you’ll still be warm and if you sweat, you won’t stink to high heaven. Plus, Merino isn’t scratchy like traditional wool.

You will notice the odd camouflage pattern which is called ASAT. To give you a little history on ASAT, you need to know is that it stands for All Season All Terrrain so it was envisioned as a “universal” camouflage pattern. Dating back to 1986, ASAT was developed for hunting and features a Tan base. Interestingly, in the late 80s, Brigade Quartermaster commissioned an “urban” variant using a Grey base with dark bands. Based on this, we guess you could look at ASAT as a family of patterns dating back over 20 years.

Remember, First Lite manufactures hunting clothing and their color options reflect this. They offer Black, ASAT, Mossy Oak Breakup Infinity, and Real Tree Max-1. Additionally, some products may be offered in more of fewer color options. Since we are in late winter, many colors are currently sold out.

Finally, in addition to the Gila Hunting Pants above, First Lite offers several next to skin layering options as well as headwear.


A-TACS SHOT Show 2011 Roundup

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

Digital Concealment Systems released a great roundup of all things A-TACS from SHOT Show 2011. Rather than steal their thunder, we thought it best to show you a couple of our favorites and then send you on over to check out the entire list.

We’ve mentioned the upcoming TAC-U combat shirt from Propper. It’s unlike anything you’ve seen before.

Tactical Assault Gear unveiled their Combat Sustainment Pack at SHOT Show. We figured the web would have blown up already over this one but it looks like it is starting to receive some attention. Designed to be used to augment a chest rig load or as a bailout bag, one of this pack’s coolest features is that it includes a CCB (combat casualty bag) used to carry a down man’s kit while he is being moved, treated and extracted. Our friends at TAG have sent one along to us so be on the lookout for a review soon.

Make sure you read the whole thing so you can dig into the details at A-TACS.com.

Roggenwolf Warg Update

Monday, February 14th, 2011

Last month we mentioned that the Polish company SpecOps would be incorporating Roggenwolf’s Warg camo patterns into their line. At the time we showed you the forest version. Newly produced, we can now unveil the desert pattern. This pre-production MBS-1 uniform features the 5-color desert variant of Roggenwolf’s Warg. Additional trial uniforms are now being shipped to Polish SF units and to Australia for field trials.


Great Pre-Order Deal on A-TACS ACUs

Friday, February 11th, 2011

Predator BDU contacted us to let us know that they are offering a special pre-order deal on the A-TACS ACU from Propper – $129.97 for the uniform and boonie hat with free shipping.


SOD to Offer PenCott Camo

Friday, February 11th, 2011

Italy-based Special Operation Division (SOD) has announced that they will be offering Hyde Definition’s PenCott family of camouflage patterns. PenCott will be added first to the European market and then to SOD USA once it gets under way. Eventually, SOD plans to offer the entire line in the family of patterns. Below you can see SOD’s Spectre Shirt in three different versions of the PenCott pattern; GreenZone, Badlands, and SandStorm respectively.

It is important to note that these are not actual garments in the PenCott patterns but rather photographs of SOD clothing modified to give you an idea of what they will look like once they enter production. You can click on any of the photos to enlarge them. We have included a couple of interesting items to give you an idea of what various gear will look like.



Win an Arc’teryx Combat Jacket in UCP from Grey Group

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Naturally there are a couple of stipulations. This contest is open to deployed military so if you fit the profile you could win a UCP Combat Jacket by Arc’teryx LEAF. The next step is to prove how cold it is in your AO by providing 27 8 x 10s with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one (actually, they only need one photo accompanied by an explanation). They are giving out more than one but haven’t disclosed exactly how many so be sure to enter.

For full details visit www.greygrouptraining.com