March 16, 1970
FSB PERSHING – Most combat infantrymen fighting in Vietnam really don’t worry too much if their wearing apparel isn’t in step with the latest fashions.
One exception, however, is Sergeant James J. Ross, who just might be a winner in the Army’s Suggestion Program. Ross now qualifies as one of the best-dressed Warriors of the 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry, with a coat he fashioned for himself.
Ross’s coat of many pockets is truly a unique garb to say the least. It features 24 large pockets for M-16 magazines and a pouch on the back to port a Claymore mine.
“I scrounged up the canvas material,” Ross said. “I gave the measurements to our interpreter and he gave the specifications to a civilian tailor who made up the jacket for me.
“It’s really great to have on an operation,” Ross said.
Other Warriors are following suit. “A few others in my platoon have had them made too,” said the functionally, if not fashionably dressed, Warrior sergeant.