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Archive for the ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’ Category

Spectra Group Business Continuity Plans Withstand the Test  

Saturday, July 4th, 2020

Spectra Group (UK) Ltd, the world-leading provider of high-grade information security and communication capabilities, is emerging from the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions confident that their business continuity plans have withstood the considerable challenges faced by the company. Over the last 4 months, Spectra Group has achieved 100% of their sales forecast whilst remaining fully compliant with all Government Guidelines and restrictions.


Throughout the lockdown period, Spectra Group has protected their staff by rapidly implementing IT systems and processes that have enabled the team to work from home, whilst ensuring production and deliveries can continue. Having activated a pre-rehearsed Business Continuity Plan, that included home-working lap-tops for all staff and a rapid switch to Microsoft Teams, Spectra Group experienced a seamless transition to a new way of working. Training for customers, partners and sales representatives continued using virtual methods supported by an accelerated migration to a new VPN endpoint, that was already in the pipeline to maintain compliance with Cyber Essentials.


In the process of manufacturing and delivering significant numbers of SlingShot systems to clients during the lockdown period, Spectra Group has helped sustain jobs across a multitude of companies in their supply chain through the placement of large orders for components, to support production. In terms of customer support, The Network Operations Centre (NOC) was moved to a distributed model to maintain project support and Service Level Agreements (SLAs), with no loss in service.

Spectra Group is best known for its revolutionary Slingshot technology that has become a true game-changer in the world of tactical communications.  SlingShot is a unique system that enables UHF and VHF radios to use L-Band Satellite frequency, allowing users to instantly extend the range of their in-service tactical communications equipment to BLOS (Beyond Line of Sight).  Conceived and designed to meet demanding Special Forces requirements, SlingShot offers a significant number of benefits for users requiring secure, reliable and robust communications on the move (COTM).  Over 3500 SlingShot systems are in operation world-wide in the Manpack, Vehicle, Maritime and Aviation variants.


Simon Davies, CEO of Spectra Group said: “after the initial shock to the system that we all experienced as the lockdown restrictions were rapidly introduced, we got our heads together and moved quickly to implement the changes needed to continue to work, operate and deliver Services to those that continue to keep us safe. I’m exceedingly proud of the fact that we were able to adapt and overcome the challenges we have faced, whilst protecting our staff and all of those around us, supported by our supply chain and partners”. He added: “we’re lucky that we have not been adversely affected by the Covid-19 crisis so far and understanding that this has not been the same for all, I do wish everyone the best as we emerge into the new world and begin to build our lives and businesses back up to and beyond where we were pre-Covid”.

Domestic N95 Mask Production Expected to Exceed 1 Billion in 2021

Sunday, June 28th, 2020

WASHINGTON — Thanks to work by the Defense Department’s COVID-19 Joint Acquisition Task Force, U.S. industry is expected to greatly increase the production of N95 masks next year, the task force’s director said.

During a House Armed Services Committee hearing yesterday, Stacy Cummings told lawmakers that nationally, the U.S. was consuming about 50 million N95 masks each year. During the COVID-19 crisis, demand for masks increased substantially to about 140 million during a 90-day peak-use period.

DOD investments to help domestic industry ramp up production of those masks and other equipment will help ensure that in the future the U.S. will better be able to meet demand for personal protective equipment with domestic production, she said.

Based on the investments made by the department, Cummings told the House panel, an increase in production of 450 million masks a year will be attained by October, with a rate of more than 800 million masks per year by January.

“Starting in 2021, we anticipate our total domestic production to be in excess of a billion per year,” Cummings said.

Ellen Lord, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, told lawmakers that increasing domestic production capabilities has been a focus of the department.

“In order to decrease our dependence on foreign suppliers for medical resources, DOD has focused on increasing domestic industrial capacity and capabilities,” she said. “To that end, we executed some $284 million in industrial expansion efforts during the first two weeks of May 2020. Reconstituting domestic production or creating new production that shifted offshore years ago often requires capital expenditure, capital equipment expenditures, retooling and retraining of the workforce.”

Lord also said DOD has been focused on maintaining the health of the defense industrial base during the COVID-19 pandemic. The DIB includes a wide array of businesses that produce weapons, equipment and supplies for the U.S. military.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses that make up the DIB suffered as other U.S. businesses did, Lord said. Should some of those businesses fail as a result of COVID-19-related disruptions, it might result in the department not being able to procure important defense-related supplies, equipment or weapons, she added.

Lord said the department is using $688 million of CARES Act funding to address impacts to the DIB by directly offsetting financial distress and providing investments to regions most severely affected.

She also said that increased communication between the department and the DIB were key in allowing defense officials to better understand where the industry was hurting most, and where the need existed most. When first she stepped into the A&S leadership role in 2017, she said, she set up quarterly meetings with DIB representatives to better assess their needs. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated that communication.

“When the pandemic hit and we saw how catastrophic it could be to our defense industrial base, what we did was just really amped up those engagements,” she said. “So starting on March 17, we had our first [teleconference] with industry, and we broadened beyond just the three industry associations that we worked with, to really start including nontraditionals and others.”

The number of industry representatives involved in those meetings also increased, Lord said, “For multiple weeks, we had calls three times a week. One of those calls per week was focused on small business, and we listened to what the problems were,” she said. “As a result of that, … a lot of the leadership of A&S listened to what the issues were, and we tried to start taking the first small steps.”

Lord said as a result of that communication, the department worked to simplify how to do business with the military, including raising the threshold for micropurchases and increasing the progress payment rate from 80% to 90% for large businesses, and from 90% to 95% for small businesses.

“This change will infuse an estimated $3 billion in cash to all levels of the DIB,” Lord said. “Further, the department has partnered with the major primes to ensure this increase in cash makes its way throughout the supply chain.”

By C. Todd Lopez,

Coronavirus Defense: Navy Develops 3D-Printed Tactical Masks for US Forces Korea

Thursday, June 25th, 2020

ARLINGTON, Va. (NNS) — The coronavirus pandemic has caused a global shortage of surgical face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE), including for warfighters stationed at U.S. Forces Korea.

To address this, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global TechSolutions is working with multiple partners to develop prototypes of 3D-printable (also called additive manufactured) masks for use at Camp Humphreys in South Korea.

The prototypes are designed for warfighters needing masks for use with tactical gear like combat helmets and protective visors—security personnel, for example. Printed from medical-grade plastic, with a replaceable filter, the masks form a tighter seal around the nose and mouth. This forces breathed air through the filter only, instead of through gaps between the fabric and skin, reducing infection risk.

“This shows the power of effective collaboration in meeting an urgent need,” said TechSolutions Director Jason Payne. “It enables us to do whatever we can to slow the spread of coronavirus and keep it contained to the best of our ability—so it doesn’t prevent our warfighters from performing their missions.”

TechSolutions is ONR Global’s rapid-response science and technology program that develops prototype technologies to address problems voiced by Sailors and Marines, within approximately 12 months. The PPE collaboration involves the U.S. Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command, U.S. Forces Korea and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Keyport.

The project stems from efforts by Mark Buffum, the ONR Global science advisor assigned to U.S. Forces Korea. When the coronavirus pandemic began, South Korea emerged as a hotspot, resulting in PPE shortages throughout that country. Other regions of Asia saw similar shortages, including multiple suppliers to U.S. Forces Korea.

Buffum researched creative ways in which command personnel responded to PPE shortages. He coordinated with the Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command to leverage a donation of bulk filter material from a Pennsylvania-based manufacturing supplier—as well as a mask design from an Army officer stationed at U.S. Forces Korea—to 3D-print masks. Unfortunately, the “hobby-grade” machine available at Camp Humphreys could only produce seven masks daily. 

Seeking to expand this capability, Buffum contacted TechSolutions and partnered with Payne’s team and NUWC Keyport—which has industrial-grade 3D printers able to manufacture hundreds of masks a day.

TechSolutions agreed to sponsor a project consisting of multiple products:

—Several 3D-printed prototypes for evaluation

—500 3D-printed masks comprising all prototype styles

—Resin molds of the prototypes. Creating masks from resin, instead of medical-grade plastic, enables hobby-grade 3D printers to produce 10 times as many masks each day.

—Technical data packages with instructions for 3D-printing or resin pouring, as well as maintaining mask designs 

U.S. Forces Korea and the Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command are evaluating the prototype masks. Once they decide on a design, they’ll work with NUWC Keyport to 3D-print large quantities of masks.

“This is a good test of how we can respond to the needs of the fleet in an emergency,” said Ross Wilhelm, principal technologist for NUWC Keyport’s Maintenance, Engineering and Industrial Operations Department. “How many masks can we produce and how fast? We hope this serves as a model for Department of Defense commands worldwide.”

In addition to tactical applications, Buffum hopes to see versions of the masks made for medical personnel and first responders to use during the coronavirus pandemic as well as future health crises.

“These masks can play a key role in strengthening our medical infrastructure of preparedness,” he said. “That way, people won’t be scrambling for supplies at the beginning of another pandemic.”

For more news from Office of Naval Research, visit

Story by Warren Duffie Jr., a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications.

US Army photo by KCpl. Hanmin Yun. 2ID/RUCD Public Affairs

DoD Identifies Commercial Decontaminant for Field Use Against COVID-19

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD – A chemical and biological decontamination solution improved through testing and evaluation by the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Chemical Biological Center has been identified by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as an effective COVID-19 disinfectant.

Center researchers have been working with Atomes, F.D., a company located in Quebec City, Canada, for more than two years. The Center provided testing and quality assurance to determine the general chemical and biological disinfecting effectiveness of their product, Bioxy. After conducting a literature review to examine disinfection options against COVID-19, DTRA identified Bioxy for use as an effective in-the-field disinfectant against COVID-19 and other viruses, according to Vipin Rastogi, Ph.D., a senior research biologist at the Center.

Rastogi and his group have been testing the effectiveness of Bioxy since the beginning of the Center’s relationship with the company, which led to the DTRA-funded literature review. “Originally, the company had no idea whether it would be effective against chemical or biological agents. They were marketing it as a sanitizer and disinfectant for medical and veterinary clinics,” he said. “Our work with the company was a partnership in which we performed detailed effectiveness testing against chemical and biological agents. We were able to provide Atomes with very specific advice on how to fine tune the product so that it could provide optimal protection to warfighters and the public against a broad range biological agents, spores and viruses.”

The Center research group, led by Rastogi, determined that Bioxy works well against a wide range of chemical and biological agents, as well as the family of viruses which includes the pox virus, Feline calici virus and the Ebola virus. His team performed its testing using the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. It is an international regulatory method for determining the efficacy of antimicrobial chemicals against spores, cells and viruses. The method is used by the 37 OECD member nations as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, much of industry and many independent laboratories.

“We place 10 microliters of live agent on a glass or steel test surface called a coupon, dry the agent for 45 to 60 minutes, place 50 microliters of Bioxy solution on top of that, then after a 10-minute contact period, add a neutralizer to inactivate the active components of test solution in a vial,” Rastogi explained. “The vial contents are vigorously mixed to retrieve the viable virus particles remaining off the test surface. We then perform a count of the viable organisms remaining.” The effectiveness of the disinfectant is determined by the percentage of change in the number of viable organisms in control coupons compared to those remaining on test coupons.

Chlorine bleach has long been known to be an extremely effective disinfectant; but it is highly corrosive, making it unsuited for disinfecting the sensitive electronic equipment found in military vehicles. Peroxide-based disinfectants such as Bioxy achieve a high level of effectiveness without being caustic. “The active ingredients in Bioxy break the molecular bonds in the virus,” said Rastogi. “Chemical bonds underlying the lipid virus envelope are what give the virus particle its structural integrity, so breaking them renders the virus particle nonfunctional. The active components may also destroy or break down bonds within the DNA or RNA that enables it to reproduce.”

A Powder, Not a Liquid

“Both variants of Bioxy tested, Bioxy H and Bioxy Enviro, provide many practical advantages to its military users because they are powders, and not liquids,” Rastogi said. “Bioxy, marketed as a powder, has three advantages. It’s not corrosive. You can ship it without any fire hazard precautions, and when you need it, you mix it with water and you have a ready-made decontaminant.” It works by generating peroxide when mixed with water.

While Bioxy still requires water to activate the peroxide, the amount of water needed is far less than the hundreds of gallons typically used by decontamination trucks. “We conducted a limited scale study where we tested a 5 percent solution,” Rastogi said. “If you want to translate that to ratios, 5 percent means five parts powder, 95 parts water. But if that much water is not available, you could make a 10 to 25 percent solution.”

Using Bioxy at these higher concentration decontaminates the biological agent with no adverse effects on the Soldier. “It is safe for the skin and is biodegradable,” Rastogi said. “It decomposes to innocuous end products, oxygen and water.”

It is also inexpensive and commercially available for application to warfighters’ personal protective equipment, vehicles, and any other potentially contaminated materials in the field with far less logistical burden than hauling large quantities of water-based decontaminants.

Program Pays Dividends

The relationship between the CCDC Chemical Biological Center and Atomes, F.D. is the product of the Foreign Technology and Science Assessment Support Program, known as FTAS, which is funded by the Office of the Secretary of Defense. It provides seed funding for scientists to perform initial research, technology assessments and test and evaluation studies on promising defense technologies developed in other nations. Participating U.S. Army organizations, such as the Center, select foreign technology initiatives on a competitive basis. Army researchers seeking an FTAS grant submit a proposal which is evaluated by a panel of Army experts, and winning applicants are funded for one year to provide proof their technology’s effectiveness in meeting an Army need.

“Had we not formed this relationship with Atomes, DTRA would have never known about Bioxy and what a valuable broad spectrum disinfectant it is for biological agents,” said Rastogi. “It is very satisfying to know that because of this work, the warfighter and the public have an inexpensive, non-corrosive environmentally safe and highly effective technology in hand.”

“The Center’s use of the FTAS program to contribute to the development of a new technology as useful as Bioxy is a prime example of innovation in action,” said Eric Moore, Ph.D., director of the Chemical Biological Center. “Good ideas are where you find them, and we are glad we pursued this one – doubly so because it turns out that it is proving itself to be an answer to a brand new threat.”

DTRA is now funding Rastogi and his team to test the effectiveness of a number of other commercially available disinfectants to destroy the COVID-19 coronavirus using the OECD method.

By Jack Bunja

How Covid-19 Has Changed How We Communicate

Friday, June 19th, 2020

Coronavirus is changing the way we all live. With some businesses that rely on communication still operating, 3M Peltor headsets sold by First Source Wireless can help companies communicate from a distance.

Eldersburg, MD – June 19, 2020 – Coronavirus has changed the way we are all communicating. During these changing times, businesses are struggling to follow the strict guidelines that vary by state regarding social distancing. Before we get back to a new normal, we must figure out how to communicate in business without disrupting operations, while at the same time ensuring our employees, customers, and partners remain safe.   First Source Wireless has partnered with 3M by adding additional resources to provide businesses with new ways to keep communicating while remaining at a safe distance.

“We understand it is important to stay healthy during these times and recognize the need to improve communicating from a distance”.  Says Nick Hohman, Vice President of First Source Wireless. “Communication in businesses and between team members has changed drastically, meaning we need to find new solutions to protect not only us but everyone around us.”

Essential businesses are still operating which means oil refineries, manufacturing plants, and distribution centers are still working tirelessly within our communities. Communication is changing right in front of our eyes. Maintaining constant communication, like how we have before, is important during these challenging times because:

• Distribution facilities and production facilities are still open and need to be able to operate business as usual.

• The lower number of workers making communication harder between teams

• Laws require at a safe distance which means the way we have communicated before is changing.

First Source Wireless provides 3M Peltor hearing protection headsets that let you communicate with others while still keeping at a safe distance.

“People rely on communication to effectively do their job. That’s why we have increased our inventory to still provide optimal Peltor headsets to our communities that depend on them in their business.” Says Taylor Thomas, Marketing Specialist from First Source Wireless. “We want to provide options to business professionals that allow them to be extremely productive will remaining safe by maintaining the social distancing protocols that have been put in place around the world.

First Source Wireless has added new 3M Peltor headsets to their inventory to improve communication for industries that converse closely to allow them to talk from a distance.  In addition to allowing workers to communicate from a distance, the Peltor series headsets and accessories provide noise cancelation capabilities that prevent hearing damage to users.  All of the litecom headsets have a built-in two-way radio and can connect to smartphones via Bluetooth. The Peltor LiteCom are used by distribution and manufacturing plants to converse with workers in any part of the facility. These headsets are wireless and have a range of up to 1.25 miles line of sight. Some of the Litecom headsets feature environment listening microphones that can amplify low-level noises providing full situational awareness to users.

They also have capabilities to protect the users from hearing if exposed to loud noise during the workday. These headsets allow you to transmit and receive critical information fast, and effortless with the use of VOX technology better known as voice operated switching.

First Source Wireless is staying open during these times and shipping orders as normal to give our business professionals the equipment they need to stay safe during these challenging times. The Peltor Litecom wireless communications headsets are available in a variety of models that provide various features, functionality, and pricing. First Source Wireless also offers 3M Peltor accessories like electronic earplugs and replacement items that give our public safety professionals more options to choose from when it comes to how they communicate.

First Source Wireless provides optimal wireless solutions to public safety professionals and commercial customers who depend on reliable communication every day. They are partnered with 3M Peltor, Pulse Larsen, Harris, and BK Technologies. Since 2003, they have been a trusted leader of wireless communication products. Waveband Communications, a partnering company of First Source Wireless selling two-way radio accessories, is also remaining open during these times.

For more information on this press release or additional comments please contact Taylor Thomas at or 800-991-4569.

ADS Inc – Remote Health Solutions – SDNA-1000 COVID-19 Saliva-Based Test Kit

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

ADS Inc is the exclusive distributor of Remote Health Solutions’ SDNA-1000 test kit to the Department of Defense. it is the only FDA EUA at-home COVID-19 saliva-based test kit for sale directly to U.S. government entities.

-The only FDA EUA-authorized Saliva -Collection Device for COVID-19 testing
Proven to stabilize and protect -COVID-19 RNA during specimen transport in all extreme
temperatures over 10 days
-Engineered to reduce at-home user and self-collection errors
-Sample collection is done through saliva (spit) as opposed to nasal swab
-97.50% sensitivity
-100% Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
-97.56% Negative Predictive Value(NPV)
-24-hour laboratory turnaround time (not including shipping time)

For a quote, visit

Special Tactics Wing, AFRL Develop Smartphone App to Mitigate COVID-19 Risk

Thursday, June 11th, 2020

HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. – The Air Force Special Tactics community is known for looking at complex problems and finding new ways to accomplish the mission; when COVID-19 became a global pandemic, it was no exception.

Medical and Preservation of the Force and Family (POTFF) team members of the 24th Special Operations Wing, headquartered at Hurlburt Field, Florida, teamed up with the Air Force Research Lab to develop a way to monitor ST operators’ health status during the pandemic straight from their smartphones.  

The team quickly responded by taking an existing human performance software known as, Smartabase, which identifies health risks to the force, and adding a “COVID-19 Check In” feature to monitor pre-and post-deployment health.

“We recognized the need for real-time monitoring of the force and readiness impact from COVID-19,” said Col. John Dorsch, 24th SOW surgeon general. “COVID-19 screening was a natural extension of our efforts since it is another risk to force like others for which we are monitoring, such as TBI, musculoskeletal injuries, and PTSD.”

The app feature is designed as a daily survey where users input daily temperature, possible symptoms, risk factors, exposure as well as mental health state. All the data from the ST operators is collected and alerts medical and command teams if there is anything out of the ordinary that needs to be addressed.

“This ensures commanders have important information related to their operators and allows them to make the best decisions about who goes where and does what,” said Craig Engelson, 24th SOW POTFF director. “In the past they have had to coordinate with multiple departments and multiple systems to get the same information.”

The idea stemmed from the wing’s long-standing efforts using technology and innovation to maintain operator readiness as well as ensure Special Tactics teams’ ability to perform optimally on the battlefield for years to come.

“[Special Operations Forces] can’t be mass produced,” said Dorsch “Special Tactics is a small, but incredibly important and highly specialized combat capability.  This system helps protect this capability for combat operations, and our partnership with AFRL has been invaluable.  We must continue to leverage technology to help us solve the nation’s hard problems.”

Dr. Adam Strang, a human performance research scientist and AFRL’s director of the Signature Tracking for Optimized Nutrition and Training (STRONG) team, has been leading the back-end development of the database as well as finding new opportunities for improvement.

“As a scientist I like to lean forward and stay on the cutting edge,” said Strang. “Often that requires taking big swings and being comfortable with risk. Special Tactics functions similarly, which makes a good pairing.  Together we push the edge of technological capability in ways that AFRL could not accomplish alone.”

The technology proved successful in monitoring returning deployers, safeguarding families from health risks, as well as helping outgoing deployers meet specific country clearance requirements. The 24th SOW team also helped integrate the technology at the 1st Special Operations Medical Group at Hurlburt Field and 27th Special Operations Medical Group at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico to monitor pre-deployment health for almost 250 Air Commandos.

“In truth I believe that we are only scratching the surface of its capabilities,” said Engelson “As our providers and commanders integrate with the system even more, there is no telling how much more useful this system could become.”

Special Tactics is the Air Force’s ground special operations force that leads global access, precision strike, personnel recovery and battlefield surgical operations. For more info on Air Force Special Tactics visit our website or follow us on social media: Twitter: @SpecialTactics_ Facebook/Instagram: @Airforcespecialtactics

24th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs Office

CarbonX Launches Defender Masks to Address Industrial PPE Shortage

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

For workers who require protection from COVID-19 while working in dangerous areas with threats of fire or arc flash, the CarbonX® Defender Masks provide a safe solution for both.

At Tex Tech Industries, we’ve added CarbonX® Defender Masks to our line of flame-resistant (FR) PPE to provide the protection industrial workers need. These masks are reusable, comfortable, washable, and offer superior protection against most common industrial hazards.

The CarbonX® Defender Mask

At CarbonX®, we strive to do our part to provide protection in applications where safety is of the utmost importance. Our FR Defender Masks are created from breathable, non-flammable CarbonX® fabric front covering backed with a non-woven filter made from polyester. All masks are customizable with your company logo. We offer two different mask varieties:

CarbonX® Defender Mask 1

The CarbonX® Defender Mask 1 offers the following features:

High breathability at 50 cfm

Captures 65% of particulates larger than 0.3 microns (±10%)

Three-layer construction: Two layers of non-flammable CarbonX® TK-60 knit (front and back covering) and a single layer of 6 oz polyester non-woven filter media (middle layer)

Machine washable, hand washing recommended with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Air drying recommended

CarbonX® Defender Mask 2

The CarbonX® Defender Mask 2 provides the following:

Breathability at 37 cfm

Captures 75% of particulates larger than 0.3 microns (±10%)

Three-layer construction: Single layer of non-flammable CarbonX® 6 oz non-woven (front covering), single layer of 6 oz polyester non-woven filter media (middle layer), single layer of 3.5 oz 100% hypoallergenic cotton (back covering)

NAFTA/USMCA compliant

Hand washable with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Air drying recommended

For comparison purposes, the N95 mask offers 95% particulate filtration and breathability of 32 cfm. Of note, the Defender masks are designed for industrial and commercial use and are non-medical grade. The above statistics are the result of in-house testing by Tex Tech and have not yet been verified by an independent third-party. 
