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Archive for the ‘Foreign’ Category

Canadian Army Tests New Modular Ballistic Helmet

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Researchers have been concentrating on filling the gaps between current armor vests and helmets and that has driven the design of this new helmet system. They started with a light helmet with shock mitigating liner. Then they developed different mission-specific appliques, such as a ballistic shell, front mandible, ballistic visor and an rear neck guard that attaches at the back of the helmet which reminds me of those found on riot helmets. This has made it modular and scalable much like newer body armor. They’ve added a couple of other interesting features. As you can see, the outer shell includes an integrated NVG mount. Additionally, the liner helmet is high cut, exposing the the ear in order to decrease weight yet increase compatibility with hearing augmentation systems.

The helmet has been under development by Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) – Valcartier since 2007 and recently underwent trials with 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment (2 R22eR) (the legendary Van Doos) during the last two weeks of September. The 2 R22eR team put the helmet through its paces in a variety of scenarios including dismounted and mounted, range drills and weapons handling.

Video report and Photos by Sgt Sébastien Fréchette, Army News, CFB Valcartier

Hyde Definition Update

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

The PenCott family of patterns is gaining in popularity and producer Hyde Definition has seized the opportunity to update their website. They’ve made it easier to navigate and added information about their growing network of production partners. Also included is detailed information about the full range of fabrics now available featuring the PenCott family of camouflage patterns (NyCo and Poly-Cotton ripstop for clothing, in addition to 500D and 1000D nylon for gear).

Clothing and gear manufacturers interested in adding PenCott to their portfolio can also now request fabric samples through their new samples@hydedefinition.com email address. Unfortunately, fabric samples cannot be provided to individual consumers.


Urban Camo from HyperStealth – Updated

Friday, October 28th, 2011

This photo, taken this week at SecureTech, is of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corporation’s urban camo pattern called CUEPAT-2.

According to a post on Facebook, “This is the unconventional pattern in field trials, previous computer simulations showed this pattern to be quite effective for both outdoor and indoor urban environments. The perceived depth within the pattern throws off the ambient and focal vision from noticing the target.

This is CUEPAT-1 is a more traditional pattern.

Developed under contract for the Canadian Department of National Defence, Defence Research and Development Canada Suffield, (DRDC-S) to develop a Canadian Urban Environment Pattern (CUEPAT) based on the unique requirements of Canada’ss three major metropolitan areas, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.

These patterns are currently under trial and the winner will end up being used for CBRNE suits. We also hear rumor that the DND is talking about expanding the pattern(s) to CANSOF use.

BHI – Non-Standard Weapons Training

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Blackheart International Training has been providing foreign weapons training under the Mid-Atlantic Training Resources banner for many years. In addition to transitioning to the new name, they’ve also adopted a new mindset and one that makes sense.

The new 5-day Non-Standard Weapons Course combines classroom sessions with live range training. Students will be able to identify, disassemble, assemble, maintain, load/fire/reduce stoppages and safely handle various non-standard weapons, mainly orginiating from Soviet bloc countries. In addition to covering a variety of subjects such as operations and maintenance in both the theoretical and practical, students are evaluated on previous lessons to develop a building block approach to learning. Course instructors are experienced US Army Special Forces veterans with extensive knowledge of these weapons.

We use BHI’s excellent foreign weapon guides for reference material here at SSD and each student will receive the entire Non-Standard Weapon Manual Set (Soviet Bloc) in a three-ring binder as well as broken shell extractors for 7.62 x 39 and 7.62 x 54 mm and an AK sight adjustment tool. Additionally, students are lodged in their Sugar Creek Lodge facility. Naturally tuition also covers weapons use and ammunition for the course.

Check out this brochure to learn more about the training including a full listing of weapons trained and a course schedule.

BHI 2011 Non-Standard Weapons Course


MiliPol – TR Equipement

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

French company TR Equipement was at MiliPol in a big way. Let’s take a tour of their stand.


Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Sponsored by the Department of Public Works, the Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program is designed to allow companies to present new technologies to the Government without a requirement. While the program is open to solutions for use by all of Government, there are areas that can also find defense applications. Take for example the company Inversa. They have developed a system using the Deep Backscatter Tomography (DBT) technique that scans culverts and tunnels for maintenance problems so that waste water personnel won’t have to excavate pipes. It’s basically non-destructive inspection for sewers. Now, imagine using such technology to inspect culverts for IEDs.

Innovation often comes from small companies. Unfortunately, they often lack the expertise or staff to present their capabilities to the Government. Oftentimes, they are preyed upon by those who take their money, promising to open doors and grant Government access. In most cases, such access is readily accessible without the cost of a “consultant.” Another issue is that the Government’s procurement system is requirements based. If those writing requirements don’t know a capability exists, they can’t ask for it and may continue to do things the same old way.

It’s good to see the Canadian Government cut some of the red tape so that they can see the latest in technology and open opportunities to small business. It can be a win-win situation.

Forces Focus – 42nd Route Clearance Co Partners with Bundeswehr

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

While this isn’t an EOD project, it is a counter-IED exercise pairing the US Army’s 42nd Route Clearance Company and the Bundeswehr’s 441st Mechanized Infantry Brigade Rout Clearance Team in a classic Engineer mission.

Although in typical AFN fashion the clip is short on details, it does remind us how important our engineer forces are in providing route clearanceIt also shows that new equipment has been developed for this mission and some of it was adapted from EOD.

Thanks from SSD to all the folks in the Counter-IED business!

UFPRO’s Sniper Garment System in PenCott Greenzone

Monday, October 24th, 2011

Last week we mentioned that Uni & Forma was exhibiting the Sniper Garment in Hyde Definition‘s PenCott Greenzone pattern at the Parisian military expo MiliPol.

Unfortunately, all we had at the time was a line drawing of the garment, but Andrzej Krugler, Editor-in-Chief, of the Polish magazine Special Ops captured this photograph of the garment.

Be sure to visit them at www.special-ops.pl