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Archive for the ‘LE’ Category

Action Target Opens Registration for 2016 Law Enforcement Training Camp

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016

PROVO, Utah – June 7, 2016 – Action Target Inc., the leading manufacturer of shooting ranges, today announces the opening of registration for their highly anticipated annual Law Enforcement Training Camp (LETC), which will be held September 12–16, 2016.

Now in its 24th year, LETC brings world-class instructors and a superior training curriculum to over 140 firearms trainers at a week-long, fast paced, high volume shooting camp. LETC is designed to aid firearms instructors from across the country in their training effectiveness allowing them to pass those skills along to officers in their respective agencies. 

“LETC is a way for Action Target to give back to the LE community. It is extremely rewarding to hear the high praise and positive feedback from LETC attendees each year. LETC intensifies our commitment to continuously improve our training programs and products,” said Kevin Tomaszewski Action Target V.P. of Engineering and Marketing.

LETC instructors are some of the best in the industry. Instructors are hand picked from some of the most respected training institutions in the world and courses are chosen and developed to address the current needs of modern law enforcement agencies.

This year’s curriculum includes the following courses:

    Shoot Fast and Move with Kyle Schmidt
    Reactive Shooting with Todd Haller
    Rapid Deployment Patrol Rifle with Steve Horsman
    Master Pistol Instructor with Tony Caspers
    LE Bullets & Vehicles with Tony Caspers
    Low Light Tactics & Force on Force with Wes Doss
    Shoot House Instructor with Neil Honkala
    Ultimate Shotgun with Brian Hoffner
    LE Precision Rifle, instructor TBA

“What separates LETC from other schools and courses is the depth of skill, knowledge, and passion for learning and teaching that comes together each year at LETC” said Seth Ercanbrack, Marketing Communications Manager at Action Target.

With new and improved course curriculums and the introduction of vendor demonstrations, this year promises to be better than ever. The range at LETC is equipped with the latest advanced target systems by Action Target allowing participants to train on world class facilities including a shoot house, reactive steel bobber range, turning targets, runners, and the worlds best portable steel targets. LETC has built a long-standing reputation for great training, great people, great food, and the best value anywhere.

Participants will also have the opportunity to put their skills to the test in the annual Cory Wride Memorial Match for a chance to win prizes and bragging rights.

Agencies and trainers who would like to attend LETC are encouraged to register quickly to ensure space is available in desired courses. Attendance is capped at 140 participants and sells out quickly each year. Full course descriptions and registration information can be found at

Thyrm – Back The Blue Badge Campaign Raises Funds For NLEOMF

Thursday, May 19th, 2016

Thyrm has introduced a limited edition blue color for their popular SwitchBack and Cell Vault products. Their Back The Blue Badge Campaign raises awareness of the sacrifices of the law enforcement community and for each purchase, Thyrm will donate $5 to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

Get Off The X: Lessons Learned From The Ambushed Orange County Deputies

Friday, May 13th, 2016

Last month, deputies from the Orange County Sherriff’s Department responded to a possible suicide call. One minute after arriving on scene, a man with an assault rifle ambushed the deputies.

Recognizing their tactical disadvantage, the deputies minimized their silhouette and maneuvered out of the kill zone. The deputies involved stated, “We did what we had to do to survive. Training just kicked in.”

Recently released dash-cam footage of this event is so powerful because it demonstrates why we must model flat range training after what actually happens in the real world. If the deputies involved had subscribed to the trendy and unproven methods being pushed on law enforcement (i.e. “stacking pillars”, and treating windshields as cover) disaster would have ensued.

Outstanding performance gentlemen.

Portions of this article appeared first at

Author Aaron Barruga is the founder of Guerrilla Approach LLC.

FirstSpear Friday Focus – Thin Blue Line T-Shirt

Friday, May 13th, 2016

In this week’s Friday Focus, FirstSpear recognizes the men and women of Law Enforcement with this Short Sleeve T-Shirt. In honor of National Police Week, May 15-21, FirstSpear will donate $10 to the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund for every T-Shirt sold between the 15th and the 21st, including their new TBL shirt, available now.

Banshee QD Plate Carrier – Selected by the Long Beach Police Department

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016


Shellback Tactical is proud to announce that through a bid and selection process the Banshee QD (Quick Deployment) plate carrier has been selected by the Long Beach Police Department. The Banshee QD Plate Carrier will be apart of a kit that they are distributing to their patrol division. They will be issuing approx 600 Banshee QD’s and Kits that include a med kit and armor.

Shellback Tactical is proud to have been selected to be apart of this life saving equipment. We applaud the Long Beach Police Department for investing in their personnel.

If your agency is also interested in outfitting your agency with Plate Carriers, Hard Armor, med kits and commonly referred to as active shooter kits. Please contact for info, quotes (RFQS). We would be happy to help.

Shellback Tactical was founded in 2003 by a Police Officer. We have over 18 years of Law Enforcement experience and we have been designing gear and other life saving equipment for over 12 years. Trust in us and our experience to get your agency and officers protected.

USSS Releases Rifle Requirement

Monday, March 14th, 2016

The United States Secret Service has released a requirement for a new rifle.  They plan to hold an industry day April 4th, 2016 to discuss the requirement in depth with rifle manufacturers.  The planned contract life is a minimum of five years and 10,000 rifles with 10 magazines each.

Based on discussions with individuals close to the requirement and documentation obtained by SSD, it seems that they are seeking a 5.56 NATO replacement for the MP-5.

Ultimately, there’s nothing shocking in the requirement. They want a 3MOA carbine with a 10-12″ barrel capable of 20k Rounds. Word is, offerers get bonus points for an adjustable gas block and folding stock.

From the Draft Statement of Work:

Dimensional Requirements:
Height (no taller than, w/o accessories) 8.5 inches

Weight (no heavier than, w/o accessories) 7.5 pounds

O/A Length (no longer than, w/stock fully extended) 34 inches

Barrel length (min – max)
10-12 inches

Rifling (5.56)
1 turn in 7 inch twist RH

The barrel shall have a minimum service life of 20,000 rounds.

Operating System
The weapon shall utilize a direct-impingement gas-operated system or a short-stroke gas piston system.

Mode of Fire.
The weapon shall be selective fire, i.e. semi-automatic and full automatic. A “burst limiter” in the full-automatic mode is not acceptable.

Fire Selector.
The fire control selector shall be ambidextrous in design, and be a single lever paddle mounted on the side of the receiver, adjacent to the rear pistol grip, thereby not requiring the shooter to significantly break their firing grip when actuating.

The fire control selector shall be a rotary type and shall have three positions; safe, semi-automatic and automatic and shall rotate manually without binding from one position to another.

While the rifle must have a Picatinny compatible free float rail, the requirements for the trigger, butt stock, pistol grip and charging handle are all very straight forward. It sounds like Mil-Spec is just fine. Backup Iron Sights must be compatible with the Aimpoint T-2.

Learn more at

First Tactical Is Launching The New Specialist Line

Saturday, March 12th, 2016

During IWA I had a chance to sit down with First Tactical to discuss their next wave of products as well as their direct to consumer sales strategy. Next week, First Tactical is launching their new Specialist Line which includes shirts and trousers.


What makes these pants different is that they are a great value for someone looking for an inexpensive pair of duty pants. Sure, they look just like First Tactical’s other offerings and have the same fit but they’ve changed fabrics and removed a couple of extras from the design like rivet reinforcements from the belt loops. But that doesn’t mean that aren’t built to last; the pants are still triple stitched. The material for the Specialist Line is a double ripstop polyester/cotton blend with no mechanical stretch and a Teflon Shield+ stain repellent finish. The Specialist Pants come in BDU, Tactical, and EMS styles and will sell for $39.99.

The Specialist Shirts feature three new shirts in Tactical and BDU stylings and are designed with a strong, ripstop polyester/cotton and a Teflon Shield+ stain repellent finish. Built-in ventilating system gives wearers durability, freedom of movement, and breathability. The Specialist Shirts are priced at $44.99.

EOTech Sends Email To LE Agencies and Dealers Asking Them To Acknowledge Performance Issues Before Shipping Sights

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

This is the contents of an email sent to LE agencies and dealers by EOTech requiring them to acknowledge the Holographic Weapons Sights performance issues.

Good evening,

Please be advised that any EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight orders that are to be shipped to an agency are currently ON HOLD at EOTech. In order to get those orders released you must follow the process outlined at the bottom of this email. Most all current orders on hold are available to be shipped as soon as this process is complete. This is a fairly simple process in which you identify the order number and agency POC, and then, copy and paste an email template to the agency that includes a workable link. Inside that link, the agency POC will be able to read and acknowledge EOTech’s current specifications. At that point, once acknowledged by the agency on the web link, the product will auto ship to the agency. Some of you have seen this process as you had agency orders in queue when it rolled out, and I notified you of the steps. It was my understanding early on that this was only for current orders in queue, so I notified only those customers. Currently the directive is to continue this process until further notice, so I am sending this out to everyone. If you have a law enforcement order waiting to ship, this process must be completed. If you have a non-LE direct order that needs to ship for stocking or consumer level sales, please send me that PO number and I will get the order released. Some of those orders may have been held up if you were flagged as an LE dealer/distributor in order to ensure no agency received sights without acknowledgement. Do NOT under any circumstances attempt to circumvent this process. If it is going to an agency, it must follow the procedures. If you are a commercial, non-LE account and you received this email, you may disregard. Please, if you have any questions at all, feel free to give me a call. The process is outlined below.
Below is the LE Acknowledgement instructions in regards to releasing orders. This is LIVE and ready to go.


Step 1: Identify agency, obtain Point of Contact information

Step 2: Email the agency the standard email language (Below) with Sales Order # referenced, including embedded link to HWS performance specs on EOTech’s website.

Step 3: Agency contact completes form and acknowledges review of HWS performance specs by clicking in the acceptance box. Note: Both acceptance boxes need to be checked.

Step 4: A copy of the agency POC acceptance is auto generated to EOTech’s order entry and to relevant sales personnel.

Step 5: The law enforcement order is released from ship hold and is shipped.


~~~~ START ~~~~


With respect to your backorder of EOTech sights, S.O. #<INSERT ORDER NO.>, we are ready to ship but need your acknowledgement of the HWS Performance Specifications. Click HERE to review that information and provide acknowledgement. Allow approximately 1-2 weeks for delivery.

Thank you for your attention and assistance.

Direct Link:

~~~~ END ~~~~