
Archive for the ‘Multicam’ Category

What Did SSD Say When This Whole Army Camo Program Started?

Monday, November 4th, 2013

The Way Back Machine takes us to December 13th, 2010 when I published this opinion piece regarding the Army’s upcoming requirement for a new family of camouflage.

I attended the Army Camouflage Improvement Industry Day held last week at what was once called Harry Diamond Labs in Adelphi, Maryland. Before I can comment on any of the information presented at the conference, and there was a lot, I feel it is important that I address the underlying issue at hand; the requirement itself.

Overall, is the requirement valid? In my opinion yes, but to a point. The Army should continually assess technologies to reduce the signature of the American Soldier. My issue is with the implementation. The program’s timeline, which I will discuss in more as the week progresses, ends with a plan of action being presented to Army leadership at the end of FY12. This means a decision won’t be made until then at the earliest, with implementation not taking place until well into FY13. The problem with this? We are at war now.

My biggest issue with this program is that the authors of this latest requirement have failed to learn from the past, and worse yet, the recent past. In fact, by working to field multiple specialized patterns, they are repeating failures from THIS war. Prior to the adoption of UCP, the US Army relied upon Woodland and Desert camouflage patterns. All Soldiers were issued Woodland clothing and equipment regardless of posting. The 3-Color Desert pattern was considered specialty equipment and only issued to select personnel based on operational requirements. Unfortunately, during 1991’s Operation Desert Storm many American troops wore Woodland clothing due to the shortage of desert issue. Ten years later, this same situation was repeated during the early days of Operation Enduring Freedom and what’s worse, once again during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Unlike post 9/11 operations, the military had ample time to procure and issue specialized desert clothing and equipment prior to the commencement of hostilities with Iraq, yet they failed to accomplish that task. Consequently, we had troops that wore a combination of desert and woodland clothing while some received no desert issue at all. UCP was envisioned to overcome these issues. One pattern for clothing and equipment so that Soldier’s could deploy at a moment’s notice, anywhere in the world. While the implementation was lacking, there is no need to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I have some relevant experience here. I spent much of my career in the 72-hour contingency business serving in both the Army and Air Force. Even in a unit that issued all deployable personnel desert equipment, September 13th 2001 found me rounding up DCUs and other field equipment for support troops that were not slated to ever go to war. Their specialties were normally accomplished at home station but the unique nature of the burgeoning War on Terror required them to deploy forward. These technicians literally reported for duty that morning with news that they leaving on a flight that evening for an Intermediate Staging Base in the Middle East. Fortunately, we kept ample supplies of OCIE on hand, but this still held up their processing for deployment. Standing in line for uniforms is the last thing you want to do when you are deploying that same day. Make no mistake, had we not had unit stocks of equipment, these men would have deployed in the wrong uniform. So long as we issue specialized patterns, individuals as well as entire units will risk deploying in the wrong uniform.

The Family of Camo Pattern program will produce exactly the same set of circumstances in future conflicts. Soldiers will fight with the equipment they have rather than the equipment they desire. The perfect piece of kit sitting in a warehouse somewhere has zero effect on the outcome of a battle. And really, what’s worse, is that two or even three patterns won’t be enough to truly provide 90% or better camouflage in the world’s disparate environments. A woodland pattern will still have to be a compromise for all woodland or jungle areas. The same holds true for desert. Based on this current requirement, the Army is asking for generic patterns that will work well in some environments and not so great in others. The chance that a Soldier’s camouflage will work against him actually increases based on this requirement. The more specialized patterns the Army develops, the fewer places the Soldier can use them. At the conference, I kept hearing that this is about performance and not a fashion show, but spending money on a camouflage pattern that won’t work most places sounds like a fashion statement to me.

Which brings me to the next point. What makes this issue even worse is that it seems that no one is taking into account the shrinking defense dollar. Purchasing multiple patterns is not cost effective for the standing Army and associated Reserve and Guard force that our country fields. Consider that the Army issues a garrison uniform (ACU) as well as specialized combat apparel (FRACU and ACS). The Basis of Issue for these garments multiplied by the size of the force calls for a uniforms requirement in excess ten of million. And that is just to start. Factor in sustainment and you can see that we just can’t afford multiple patterns.

While dedicated camouflage patterns are fantastic in the environment they are designed for, they work against the Soldier in other environments. As you can see in this graphic shown at the Industry Day conference, the Army has learned that Soldiers in Afghanistan traverse multiple micro environments during a single mission. If the Army adopts dedicated patterns, Soldiers will potentially be safe as houses in one micro environment, but as their mission progresses, their uniform will do the enemy’s work for him, making them stick out like the proverbial sore thumb.

As you may have read in Kit Up!, the Army is not going to include the current Army standard UCP as a baseline in the evaluation phase of the solicitation. Essentially, COL William Cole, PM for Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment said that the 2009 camo study showed that UCP was not an effective pattern. Instead, they are going to baseline results against OCP and what is essentially already a DoD Family of Patterns, MARPAT Woodland and Desert and their cousins AOR 1 and 2 which all share similar geometries.

In 2009, the Army chose MultiCam for use as the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern (OCP) based on a rigorous test protocol that will essentially be repeated in this latest search for a Family of Camo Patterns. While testing focused on the Afghanistan theater, candidate patterns were assessed in a variety of micro terrains. In that test, MultiCam proved to be effective 70% or better in EVERY environment it was pitted against. No other pattern reached this mark.

OCP is available now. As a GOTS solution, it has been tested, and is in production. Of all of the multi-terrain or “transitional” patterns available during the last round of testing, it proved to be the most effective. Consequently, the Army adopted it.

In the end, the requirement is there. It is important for industry to put their best foot forward and participate. But, in my opinion, the Soldier is losing out as the can is kicked down the road. Remember, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Let’s field a viable solution now and take our time with the science projects.

-The Editor

OCP Is Dead; Long Live OCP

Friday, November 1st, 2013


(US Army National Guard photo by SGT Eddie Siguenza)

According to information received by SSD, the US Army is changing the military nomenclature for Crye Precision’s MultiCam from “Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern” to a more simple, and broad “Operational Camouflage Pattern”. This means they won’t have to change much documentation describing the pattern and the new moniker will more aptly describe the pattern’s role as the Army’s principle camouflage.

Misty Mountain’s Cadillac Tactical Harness Now Available in MultiCam

Monday, October 28th, 2013


Misty Mountain Threadworks has begun offering a MultiCam hybrid Cadillac Tactical climbing harness for military and tactical climbers looking for a comfortable, durable, lightweight harness for climbing and rappelling. The Cadillac Tactical was chosen by the US Army for the new SOF Squad Mountain Leader Kit. It features double buckle adjustability and adjustable leg loops. Four gear loops are load rated to prevent premature failure, and leg loops feature strong auto-block loops for rappel backup. Wide, padded waist belt and leg loops and comfortable Misty Mountain design make this harness suitable for extended hang time. The Cadillac Tactical has passed requirements for the UIAA Safety Label and is rated to 15 kN. Contact Goose Kearse – – if you have questions or would like to purchase the Cadillac Tactical in MultiCam hybrid, or in solid colors Coyote Brown or Black.

Misty Mountain Cadillac Tactical climbing harness is designed and made in the USA exclusively by Misty Mountain Threadworks, Inc., and Berry Amendment Compliant.

If The Army Adopts OCP Will The Air Force Follow Suit?

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

At this point it has become glaringly obvious that the US Army is adopting the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern developed by Crye Presicion and known commercially as MultiCam. The question now is whether the other services follow their lead? Elements of USSOCOM were already wearing MultiCam when the Army adopted it for use in Afghanistan in 2009. The Air Force also jumped on the OCP bandwagon, issuing it to all OEF bound Airman. Additionally, ahead of their Army counterparts, USAF Battlefield Airman are wearing MultiCam during stateside training and in some cases as a garrison uniform. Already in DoD, MultiCam abounds.


From the very beginning of the Camouflage Improvement Effort the Air Force has monitored the Army’s progress and unofficially signed on as a stake holder. While there has been no announcement from the Air Force (or the Army for that matter) on the future of their camoflauge program, we believe that they will adopt OCP shortly after the Army (and hopefully get rid of that abomination of a uniform in the process, the so-called Airman Battle Uniform). The government source who informed soft goods manufacturers that the Army would slowly transition to OCP earlier this week at AUSA said as much. So that puts the Army, the Air Force, and the majority of USSOCOM in MultiCam, leaving our maritime forces as the odd man out. But will pending legislation for a common camouflage uniform be enough to persuade the Navy and Marine Corps to go along with the crowd?

US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort Update – US Army Awards Contract to Crye for OCP – MultiCam Is Now Your Principle Camo Pattern

Saturday, October 12th, 2013

Recently, we surmised that the US Army was going to abandon the Camouflage Improvement Effort and adopt the current issue Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern (OCP) known commercially as MultiCam and worn by troops serving in Afghanistan. According to the Justification and Approval (J&A) published yesterday by the Army Contracting Command on Fed Biz Opps, a contract was in fact awarded to Crye Associates on September 24th, 2013 for a license for OCP. Furthermore, according to details in the J&A, OCP will be the Army’s principle camouflage pattern for the “…” Unfortunately, the PDF left out a few key details like what OCP actually will be used for. But, based on what I am hearing, it’s for all US Army, regardless of unit of assignment or operating location. Meaning…goodbye UCP, hello OCP.


I’ll add additional credence to my assertion that this is the Army camouflage by citing paragraph 8 of the J&A.


While the J&A discloses that a license was contracted we still have no DoD contract notice to determine the exact value of the contract. However, we do know, based on the J&A that the value is somewhere between $150,000 and $650,000 which is much lower than the street value of this contract. But the exact estimated value has been redacted in the online announcement. Currently, no contracts award notices are being issued by DoD due to the shutdown so this is odd that a notice was not issued in September. I am quite interested in seeking what the Army paid for the license as they were getting three patterns (that the Army insisted in needed for readiness) for a song under the Phase IV contract. By licensing OCP, the Army (and by extension DoD) gets just one, albeit true, universal pattern.


At this point, the Army has not announced the cancellation of the Camouflage Improvement Effort but based on this information, I’d say that the fat lady is backstage warming up. They all but tell the four finalist vendors for Phase IV, that is over as they’ve chosen an alternate course of action.

So not with a roar, but a whimper, the US Army announces their new camouflage pattern. Let the run on everything MultiCam begin!

Update: A couple of points here. This COA means the Army will not be purchasing rights to a family of patterns. Although, I’ve never been a fan of the multiple pattern requirement because it’s a logistical nightmare. Additionally, the Phase IV finalists haven’t been notified one way or another. The Army had no issue with halting the Individual Carbine program so I’m not sure what the hesitation is here. All of the companies have stiff armed multiple opportunities to sell their patterns to other customers pending the Army’s decision so this is costing them money. However, do not expect to see some of these finalist patterns available commercially for a variety of reasons. There are many in industry watching what the Army is doing here and taking cues about participation in future programs.

US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort – Will They Just Adopt OCP?

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013


A few weeks ago I wrote a story about Sergeant Major the Army Chandler’s comments at a town hall meeting in Afghanistan regarding a new MultiCam camouflage (also known as The Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern) variant coming. Prior to this I mentioned that the US Army had announced plans to negotiate a license agreement with Crye Precision for OCP. Last week, Chief of Staff of the Army GEN Ray Odierno held a virtual town hall meeting. His comments were captured in a US Army press release and are most revealing.

Addressing the Army uniform currently being worn in Afghanistan, the OCP, or “Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern,” Odierno said the Army is studying the viability of that uniform.

“They appear to be the most effective uniforms that protect our Soldiers, and are most effective in a variety of scenarios that we’ve looked at,” he said, noting that he expects a decision soon on whether the Army will stick with that uniform.

All along, the Army has been comductng a multiyear, multi-million dollar effort to find a new family of camouflage patterns. Announcement of the results of this undertaking have been delayed several times. According to sources, the latest date for the announcement is during the AUSA annual meeting later this month. However, the Army has yet to notify the four finalists (ADS Inc, Brookwood, Crye Precision, and Kryptek) on the results of the solicitation and subsequent evaluations. This step is critical to the procurement process as it gives the participants the ability to launch protests if there are irregularities in the decision. A late October announcement becomes more and more difficult the closer we get to AUSA.

So the question is, will the Army discard the Camouflage Improvement Effort and just adopt MultiCam under a new name such as Army Camouflage Pattern? The evidence certainly seems to indicate that this is the case.

Procure Government Purpose Rights for Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern

Friday, September 13th, 2013

This should have been done a couple of years ago. Yesterday, Natick published a special notice that they intend to “negotiate and procure government purpose rights for the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern (OCP) from Crye Precision LLC.” OCP is Army-speak for MultiCam. Right now, the Army pays a license to use MultiCam with each yard of fabric it consumes. A license could mean a substantial savings for the Army. However, such arrangements are open to abuse as disreputable vendors could use the Army license to print MultiCam royalty-free. If I were Crye I’d negotiate vigorously.


Solicitation Number:
Notice Type:
Special Notice
Added: Sep 12, 2013 5:00 pm
The US Army Contracting Command, Natick Contracting Division, Natick, MA, has a requirement in support of US Army PM-SCIE to , of Brooklyn NY, the licensee of this pattern. This pattern is currently being used by the United States Army on uniforms and equipment for Soldiers deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom. By negotiating government purpose rights for the OCP pattern, the government will realize a considerable cost saving for future acquisitions of OCP uniforms and equipment for deploying Soldiers. This acquisition will be procured under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) (1) as implemented by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), paragraph 6.302-1, entitled quote mark Only One Responsible Source quote mark . Telephone calls will not be accepted. Questions may be sent to Roberta Boswell, Contracting Officer, via e-mail at

Additional Info:
Contracting Office Address:
ACC-APG – Natick (SPS), ATTN: AMSRD-ACC-N, Natick Contracting Division (R and BaseOPS), Building 1, Kansas Street, Natick, MA 01760-5011
Point of Contact(s):
Roberta Boswell, 508-233-4946

RAAF Blue MultiCam Variant – The Rest Of The Story

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Remember this photo we posted of a blue variant of the Australian MultiCam Pattern developed for the Royal Australian Air Force? Apparently, it promoted a query to the Department of Defence.


1.) Are there any variants (colour variants or otherwise) of the AMP being tested, considered, or evaluated. In particular, is there a ‘blue’ RAAF version as seen here (
2.) Are there publicly available results of the comparative camouflage testing in which AMP featured? If not, when are these expected to be made available.
3.) What is the timeframe for the rollout of AMP to various units (including an variants), and will CPCU uniforms also be replaced?

A Defence Spokesman responded to all of the questions with this statement:
RAAF and Army currently wear the same Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform (DPCU). RAAF is currently considering alternative patterns and/or colours which would easily identify Air Force personnel from Army personnel. The new uniform would provide the same protection from the elements as DPCU.

The image you are referring to is a prototype only. It was developed to provide a visual comparison to DPCU. This prototype is not being further considered. Patterns and/or colour variants of the new uniform are currently under development, hence no further information on timeframes can be provided at this time.

While we’re happy to see that this isn’t something that the RAAF plans on fielding, we have to wonder what these other variants might look like.

Thanks to N for the heads up!