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Archive for the ‘SOF’ Category

NSW Units Receive Inaugural Battle “E”

Friday, March 24th, 2023

CORONADO, Calif.  –  

Rear Adm. Keith B. Davids, commander, Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) announced the winners of NSW’s inaugural Battle Efficiency (“E”) award Jan. 19.

NSW Group One’s SEAL Team 3, NSW Group Two’s SEAL Team 2, NSW Group 4’s Special Boat Team 20, and NSW Group Eight’s Special Reconnaissance Team 1 received the awards for their respective groups.

This year marks the first time in NSW history that individual special operations teams are formally recognized for outstanding operational performance, proficiency in expeditionary skills, and contingency mission readiness in both day-to-day performance and battle readiness.

Rear Adm. Keith Davids, commander, NSWC, said the primary goal of the Battle “E” award competition is to strengthen and evaluate both command and overall force warfighting readiness and that he hopes the award encourages all units to strive for the highest possible level of performance.

“Naval Special Warfare’s people are our greatest strength, and the creation and award of NSW’s inaugural Battle “E” recognizes this truth,” said Davids. “I congratulate every single awardee for upholding the high standards of Naval Special Warfare and demonstrating that operational successes are underpinned by our ability to sustain the highest level of warfighting excellence.”

According to Command Master Chief Daniel Boyles, NSW Group 4, the idea to implement a Battle “E” award program for NSW was initially born from informal discussions with other NSW leaders on how to recognize operational excellence and superior performance within the community. Boyles helped explore the approval process for implementing the award with the command’s administration officer and eventually presented the idea to NSWC for approval.

From there, NSWC’s administrative team worked with the Director, Navy Staff in Washington D.C., who approved delegation of the program in April 2022. By May 2022, the command codified NSWC’s first ever Battle ‘E’ instruction, putting each NSW Group in charge of establishing categories and grading criteria and selecting a winner from their group.

“From previous surface and aviation tours, I have seen commanders effectively use the Battle “E” program to motivate their Sailors performance, instill pride in their work, and use as a marker of excellence to push towards,” said Lt. Paul Stallbaum, the flag secretary to Davids who played a key role in drafting and coordinating the new Battle “E instruction. “The same way a Sailor can be justifiably proud of being part of a Battle ‘E’ squadron or destroyer and the recognition that brings, now our NSW Sailors can do the same when they return to the fleet.”

Now that the NSW Battle “E” award program is officially established and recognized, every year NSW commands will conduct boards, select their winners, and forward results to NSWC by December 1. Winners will be announced via official message on or about January 15.

By MC1 Felicito Rustique, Naval Special Warfare Command Public Affairs

SOFWERX – Maritime Capable Tethered UAS Assessment Event

Friday, March 17th, 2023

SOFWERX, in collaboration with SOF Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (SOF AT&L) Program Executive Office Special Reconnaissance (PEO-SR), will host an Assessment Event (AE) 15-19 May, 2023 to identify solutions for a small tethered Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) that can operate in both land and saltwater maritime environments for intelligence gathering, surveillance and communications. The system must have some built in capability for full motion video, but also enable the hosting of modular payloads to perform additional functions.

The tethered UAS should be capable of operating in a static or moving configuration while performing force protection and intelligence gathering functions. The tethered UAS should provide a basic full motion video capability, but also be adaptable to carry a variety of payloads. 

This assessment solicits white papers to describe off-the-shelf tethered UAS. The most promising candidates will be invited to demonstrate some performance attributes with vendor provided equipment and operators. The demonstration will occur at a remote site with representatives from USSOCOM. A stipend will be provided to defray the costs of travel and shipping to the demonstration site.

Interested parties must submit NLT 09 April 2023 11:59 PM ET.

Visit events.sofwerx.org/uas for more information.

SOFWERX – Combatant Craft Division Subsystems Assessment Event

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM and Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock – Combatant Craft Division (NSWC-CCD), will host an Assessment Event (AE) 16-18 May 2023 to identify solutions for fabrication, assembly, and integration of subsystems into a watercraft of both aluminum and fiberglass construction. 

The objective is to fabricate, assemble, and install non-electrical, mechanical and pneumatic subsystems into a watercraft (less than 50 feet in length) to facilitate the transportation of mission vehicles. The subsystems include a topside cover, L&R system, and a pneumatic system. A three dimensional computer-aided design of the subsystems and watercraft will be provided as government furnished information.

The topside cover subsystem includes inflatable panels that traverse the length of the topside opening on a track attached to the hull topside. The track is fitted with cross members on rollers to enable the panels to be retracted when the cover is required to be open. 

The L&R subsystem includes longitudinal bunks attached to the craft structure to support the mission vehicles. Side bumpers and a forward bump stop are utilized for vehicle alignment. 

The purpose of the pneumatic subsystem is to enable the craft to change draft for vehicle L&R operations. The pneumatic subsystem consists of inflatable panels (along the hull sides and bottom), hoses, a control panel, and other hardware required for the inflation/deflation of panels.   

A hollow watercraft hull, made of both aluminum and fiberglass construction, will be provided as government furnished equipment to the awardee to complete the installations of all the subsystems. The final deliverable will be a completed watercraft with all subsystems installed.

Interested parties should submit NLT 11 April 2023 11:59 PM ET.

To learn more, visit events.sofwerx.org/subsystem.

Enforce Tac 23 – Trivium Head Protection System by Hexonia

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

German company Hexonia was recently purchased by Norway-based NFM. They displayed quite a few technologies from both companies but what caught my eye was the new Trivium Head Protection System which was recently adopted by the German Bundeswehr’s Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK). While Trivium is new, it finds its roots in the IdZ (Infanterist der Zukunft) helmet and is designed and manufactured in Germany.

The Trivium helmet system for the KSK comes in a hard case and includes nearly 20 components.

Ballistically the base helmet meets VPAM 3 25mm and boasts a V50 around 750 mps and will sustain 9mm on top with no deformation. The rifle appliqué dampens 7.63×39 mild steel core residual energy to 10 jule. Additionally, there are removable ballistic ear shields which are 50% lighter than precious versions and allow use of the side rails when attached.

The system includes two visors and a mandible.

The system includes both a ballistic helmet as well as a carbon bump helmet. Both helmets meet the EC mountaineering standard. The ballistic version is offered in Full Cut, Half Cut, High Cut and Super High Cut variants.

The suspension will look very familiar.

Air Commandos Co-Host SAWS, Champion Transformation and Partnerships

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023


Air Force Special Operations Command and the Global SOF Foundation co-hosted the annual Special Air Warfare Symposium [SAWS] and expo at the Emerald Coast Convention Center Feb. 28 to Mar. 2, 2023.

The symposium featured speakers from across the special operations aviation community that included AFSOC senior leadership, defense officials, industry representatives as well as allies and foreign partners from more than 10 countries that were focused on integration and cooperation to remain relevant as the threat environment continues to evolve.

U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Wolfe Davidson, AFSOC deputy commander, delivered opening remarks to symposium participants.

“The threat environment continues to evolve across the globe and we now have contested environments in areas previously not considered high risk due to the continued proliferation of threat systems,” said Davidson. “This [symposium] is an opportunity to get closer to our industry partners who are doing greats things in technology and are critical as we look to adapt our tools to the fight we have.”

Military and industry speakers identified an on-going need to collaborate to prepare, prevent, and prevail against current and future adversaries over the course of the 3-day event.

“We must continue to adapt and look for opportunities to innovate and transform our Air Commandos to remain the most capable, most lethal Air Force in the world,” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, AFSOC commander. “AFSOC, alongside our industry partners, has been transforming…and we continue to look for opportunities and avenues, like the Special Air Warfare Symposium, to do so.”

The ongoing transformation of AFSOC involves a new force generation cycle, the implementation of mission command, the development of Special Operations Task Groups and Units as well as creation of multi-domain theater-focused squadrons.

“Although change can be difficult, irrelevance is worse,” said Bauernfeind. “We have a proud history and heritage of transformation to meet the mission…and we too shall rise to ensure our nation’s security.”

By TSgt Jonathan McCallum, AFSOC

AFSOC Selects MQ-9B Skyguardian for UAS Family of Systems Concept

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023

GA-ASI to Deliver Three Aircraft to First U.S. Customer


SAN DIEGO – 06 March 2023 – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. is proud to announce a new contract with U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) to provide three MQ-9B SkyGuardian® remotely piloted aircraft systems to its first U.S. customer.

AFSOC’s acquisition of MQ-9B builds on more than 20 years as a GA-ASI partner and more than 14 years flying the MQ-9A Reaper, operating more than 40 aircraft in harsh environments around the world.

MQ-9B will feature a key role in developing AFSOC’s new Adaptive Airborne Enterprise (A2E) concept, which envisions AFSOC projecting air power for special operations forces from beyond the horizon, using a family of large UAS and expendable, small UAS from permissive to denied environments.

“We’re very excited to continue our great partnership with AFSOC well into the future,” said David R. Alexander, president of GA-ASI. “MQ-9B is the ideal platform for inserting air-launched effects into potentially hostile environments. The MQ-9B’s combination of range, endurance, reduced manpower footprint, and overall flexibility will make it a true centerpiece of AFSOC’s future family of advanced UAS systems.”

MQ-9B represents the next generation of UAS, having demonstrated airborne endurance of more than 40 hours in certain configurations, automatic takeoffs and landings under SATCOM-only control, as well as a GA-ASI-developed Detect and Avoid System, among other upgrades. Its development is the result of a company-funded effort to deliver a UAS that can meet the stringent airworthiness certification requirements of various global military and civil authorities.

MQ-9B has garnered significant interest from customers throughout the world. After the UK Ministry of Defence selected MQ-9B SkyGuardian for its upcoming Protector program, the Belgian Ministry of Defense signed a contract for SkyGuardian. The Japan Coast Guard is currently operating MQ-9B in the SeaGuardian® configuration, which the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) also recently selected for its Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance (MALE) RPAS Trial Operation Project beginning in April.

193rd Special Operations Wing Welcomes New Aircraft, Mission

Saturday, February 25th, 2023

MIDDLETOWN, Pa. – The 193rd Special Operations Wing became the first Air National Guard unit to receive an MC-130J Commando II aircraft Feb. 2 as part of its mission conversion to a flagship mission of Air Force Special Operations Command.

“This is a monumental day for the 193rd, ANG, and AFSOC. The Commando II mission will ensure the 193rd SOW remains not only relevant but also at the forefront of the battlespace for years to come,” said Col. Edward Fink, 193rd SOW commander.

Led by the efforts of Lt. Col. Benton Jackson, unit conversion officer, the wing has been preparing for its mission conversion since 2021. Jackson believes the hard work of 193rd SOW Airmen and the support of the community led to the completion of this first step.

“Seeing the Commando II on our flight line is a tangible symbol of the progress we’ve made as a wing in bringing this versatile mission to central Pennsylvania,” Jackson said. “It’s an exciting time to be a part of this team, and I have the utmost confidence we have the right culture and people to continue with a successful mission conversion.”

For decades, the wing operated the EC-130J Commando Solo as part of the only airborne Military Information Support Operations broadcasting platform in the U.S. military. Col. Jaime Ramirez, 193rd Special Operations Maintenance Group commander, sees the move to the Commando II as a major shift in the unit, AFSOC and ANG.

“The Commando II is the special operations workhorse in that it performs many different types of missions and performs them well,” Ramirez said. “There is no doubt in my mind the aircraft that landed here today will be integral in any future conflict.”

Ramirez said the wing maintained the full operating capabilities of the outgoing aircraft while simultaneously preparing for the arriving mission.

“We were ready to maintain the Commando II well before it arrived, all while never losing a step in maintaining and launching EC-130s,” Ramirez said. “That only happens if you have the best people. I’d put our maintainers up against anyone.”

While the 193rd SOMXG is prepared to maintain the aircraft, the 193rd Special Operations Group is postured to fly them immediately. Col. Gordon Frankenfield, 193rd SOG commander, said his Airmen are very familiar with the aircraft and mission set.

“We’ve executed similar mission sets for years, which likely contributed to AFSOC trusting us with this critically valuable aircraft,” Frankenfield said. “Our goal from Day One has been to operate the Commando II with the same potency as an active duty unit, and our aircrews are trained and ready to make that a reality.”

Frankenfield sees the Commando II’s arrival in Pennsylvania as an important strategic move domestically and abroad.

“The 193rd now offers something the U.S. military didn’t have before,” Frankenfield said. Special Operations Forces based in the Northeast now have a crucial air asset in their backyard to build their combat readiness. Combatant commanders have a much more robust and versatile capability to project air power in different geographic regions.”

The aircraft’s arrival at night was perhaps appropriate given the nature of its mission. The Commando II flies clandestine – or low visibility – single or multi-ship, low-level infiltration, exfiltration and resupply of special operations forces by airdrop or air land and air refueling missions for special operations helicopters and tiltrotor aircraft, intruding politically sensitive or hostile territories.

“The Commando II is the embodiment of Agile Combat Employment and will present complex dilemmas to our adversaries. It’s a shadow in the dark and sends a clear message that the U.S. military owns the night,” Fink said. “The 193rd is ready today to add to the impressive lineage of the Commando II.”

By MSgt Alexander Farver, 193rd Special Operations Wing

SOFWERX – JSOU Geopolitical Mapping & Social Network Analytics Assessment Event

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM and the Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), will host an assessment event 25-27 April 2023, to find solutions for a Geographic Information System (GIS) generated Geopolitical Toolkit and associated Social Network Analysis to help SOF professionals assess and visualize where geopolitical flashpoints might emerge. 

The aim is a single operating picture that combines the GIS-generated Geopolitical Toolkit, leveraging data analytics to construct network models that inform SOF interventions.

Submit NLT 17 March 2023 11:59 PM ET.
