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Archive for the ‘SOF’ Category

Become A Special Operations Tactical Air Control Party Airman

Saturday, July 14th, 2018

Do you have what it takes? The Air Force’s Special Operations Tactical Air Control Party Airmen, or SOF TACPs, are ground special operators who direct air power on the battlefield. Specifically, these Airmen call in air and ground strikes while embedded with a special forces team, such as the Army Rangers or Navy SEALs. These SOF TACPs are selected from the conventional TACP force to integrate air and ground in Air Force Special Tactics, with only 5% of TACPs serving in special operations. The majority of SOF TACPs are assigned to the 17th Special Tactics Squadron, who have been continuously deployed “outside the wire” since 9/11.

AFSOC Public Affairs Team

SOFWERX – Combat Ready Utility eXoskin

Friday, July 13th, 2018

SOFWERX, in partnership with Elysian Labs, has innovated the Combat Ready Utility eXoskin (CRUX). The CRUX is a Bluetooth device designed to allow the user to rapidly switch between user-defined Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) integrated capabilities.

The CRUX is fully programmable, can be set up in minutes, and is easy to operate between commands. The next step is to have the CRUX work with the Near-Field Magnetic Induction (NFMI) Personal Area Network.

Special Operations Forces K9 Conference

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

The first Special Operations Forces K9 Conference (SOFK9C) has been held near Warsaw (Poland) in June 2018. The topic of this year’s event was “Use of Service Dogs in the Fight Against Modern Terrorism”.

Operators, dog handlers, trainers and canine specialists from USA and all around Europe gathered to share knowledge and their experience. Various K9 techniques and tactics used in special operations are discussed, demonstrated and trained.

The goal for this event is not only to share knowledge in SOF community but also to build and strenghten relationships between people working on this very special and relatively new subject.

The conference is organised by SOF Project (Poland), Silent Technical (Poland) and Norse K9 (Norway).

The next SOFK9C will be held in 2019.

SOFCON: SOF CEMA 16-20 July 2018

Friday, June 15th, 2018

Warfighter Project Submission Deadline: 20 JuneSubject Matter Expert Deadline: 27 June

Speaker Call for Papers Deadline: 27 June

SOFWERX, in Tampa, FL, will host a dual track SOFCON Working Group with the theme of SOF Cyber Electro-Magnetic Activities (CEMA). The Project Track will provide an environment for SOF related technology exploration and innovative technology use based on direct interaction and feedback with Warfighters at the event. The Speaker Track will give Warfighters the opportunity to view presentations from expert speakers and select exhibitors.


Project Track

• Allow SOF operators and engineers/hackers/makers to experiment with non-standard commercial technologies in order to develop use case concepts and build a common repository of instruction sets.
• Technical training on CEMA related topics.
• Advanced capability exploration with representatives from SANS Institute. (Check back often for details as the schedule becomes finalized.)

Speaker Track

• Informative presentations from Subject Matter Experts (SME) on CEMA related topics.
• Exhibitor presentations and demonstrations on CEMA related products & services.

Focus Areas

• Cyber
• Electronic Warfare
• Signals
• Drones
• Additional Warfighter Nominated Projects


MAKING A NIGHT STALKER: A Special Operations Aviator Memoir

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

Now on Kickstarter, “MAKING A NIGHT STALKER: A Special Operations Aviator Memoir” is a memoir by Veteran David Burnett.

Rarely do we get a look inside the 160th, but I’m pleased to mention that the author has stood by his NDA and submitted his manuscript for DoD review.


Pre-order “CCT – The Eye Of The Storm”

Monday, June 4th, 2018


This premium 9×12 hardback ‘encyclopedia’ is filled with nearly 1,000 pages of now declassified CCT stories and hundreds of color photos; it will be a treasured addition to your library, office or man cave.

Celebrating eight decades of Air Force CCT history; this chronicle is filled with now declassified stories of CCT exploits.

CCT: The Eye of the Storm chronicles the exploits of Air Force Combat Control Teams (CCT). It is told in a series of short stories – many etched by a cocktail of blood, sweat and tears. The Combat Control story began in Volume I with the appearance of the first CCTs; i.e., command and control teams cobbled together by the WWII U.S. Army Air Force [USAAF] for Operation VARSITY. VARSITY, the airborne assault across the Rhine; was one component of a multifaceted ground invasion leading to the surrender of Nazi Germany on May 7, 1945. The CCT story continued in Volume II, detailing the 21st Century fight in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). Included are several humanitarian missions; two missions of epic proportion in Haiti and Japan.

In this new book, subtitled Medal of Honor (MOH) the CCT chronicle continues, incorporating the two previously published volumes and adding stories of ongoing combat operations in Afghanistan; now America’s longest war. The earlier, self-published volumes targeted a limited military audience of USSOCOM forces, families and friends. This new book is an all-inclusive compilation offered in a single premium publication expected to reach a world-wide audience of US and allied military organizations, families, friends and military enthusiasts.

CCT has been a critical linchpin in thousands of operations over the course of the careerfield’s history, yet they are one of the least known Special Operations Force. Pre-ordering this book will help ensure their story is told.

This book isn’t cheap, but if you’re a true history buff, especially of SOF, this is a must-have volume. What’s more, it’s sure to increase in value.


US Army Seeks Manufacturer For 338 NM AP & 300 NM Ball Ammo

Friday, June 1st, 2018

Oh ye, of little faith. I know some of you still don’t believe that the US military is adopting 338 Norma Magnum and 300 NM for the Advanced Sniper Rifle System. But it’s true. In addition to US Special Operations Command, both the Army and Marine Corps are also in.

Consequently, the US Army Contracting Command – Picatinny Arsenal, NJ on behalf of the Project Manager, Soldier Weapons (PM-SW) has issued a sources sought notice for the manufacture and delivery of the following cartridges for precision sniper applications:

• .338 Norma Magnum (NM), XM1162, Armor Piercing (AP) Ammunition (DODIC: AC32)
• .300 Norma Magnum (NM), XM1163, Ball Ammunition. (DODIC: AC33)

The 338 NM AP and 300 NM will be produced to Government provided detailed specifications and accepted in Government specified test barrels.

The Government contemplates an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for Fiscal Years (FY) 20-25 for this acquisition (five years from date of award). The estimated quantity to be procured for each fiscal year is up to 2M for .300 NM and up to 1.2M for .338 NM AP at a production rate of 150,000 per month per cartridge type. Award is planned to be made in 1QFY20.

All responsible and interested sources should submit their capabilities to produce .338 NM AP and .300 NM like cartridge configurations. The respondent must demonstrate and provide valid documentation that they have the ability to produce a minimum of 1M of each cartridge type, annually. If a source is not capable or interested in producing both cartridges, the respondent should state which cartridges they are capable of producing.

Once a determination has been made by the Government as to the capabilities of the interested sources, the Government will release the required performance requirements and/or the detailed specifications.

Visit www.fbo.gov if interested.

CANSEC 18 – Logistik Unicorp Advanced SOF Combat Uniform Prototype

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Last year, Canadian Special Operations Forces began their quest for a new Advanced SOF Combat Uniform. Several companies are currently competing for that business.


At CANSEC, Logistik Unicorp displayed their prototype for that program. It is made from Enhanced NYCO which is no melt, no drip and their own proprietary FR knit for the torso of the shirt. Also seen here is a prototype overwhite ensemble, complete with Pack Cover and handwarmer.


They also incorporated a few pocket innovations. For instance, the flapped upper arm pockets are right at the seam and inset. They feature covered, slotted buttons.


The pants have Knife slot as well as flaps for the front slash pockets as well as thigh cargo pockets.
