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5.11 Releases Call to Service: The Final Rescue of 9/11 Documentary Short Film

September 9th, 2021

IRVINE, C.A., (September 9, 2021) – In honor of the 20 the anniversary of the September 11 the attacks, 5.11, Inc., the global leader in innovative, purpose-built apparel, footwear, and gear, has released the 12-minute documentary short film, Call to Service: The Final Rescue of 9/11. The film commemorates the stories of several New York first responders to arrive at the Twin Towers on 9/11, and also recounts the patriotism that supported, motivated and comforted them in the days, weeks and months ahead.

A preservation of oral history, the documentary short film shares the firsthand accounts from several members of the New York City Police Department and New York City Fire Department in explicit detail. The challenges, the fear, and the danger they faced on September 11, 2001 were unparalleled. Their innate desire to protect and serve, in combination with the national sense of camaraderie, fueled their charge to search for survivors.

The September 11th story of Patrick McGee, NYPD-ESU (Ret.) and Scott Strauss, NYPD-ESU (Ret.), were originally documented in the 2006 Paramount Pictures film World Trade Center. In 5.11’s Call to Service: The Final Rescue of 9/11, Strauss recounted, “The film was one of the few times Hollywood made something less intense than it was. There was no room to get out if we had to… I asked my kids to be good. I asked them to take care of mom. Make me proud. And I apologized for getting myself killed, as I crawled down this hole thinking I wasn’t going to get out.”

Strauss continued, “September 12th brought us the support we needed. The patriotism went on from September 12th for months – the entire country came together. It wasn’t just firefighters and police, there were civilians helping civilians get down those stairs.”

“These individuals truly embodied the preparedness and self-reliance we strive for as a brand,” said 5.11’s Chief Marketing Officer, Debra Radcliff. “Always Be Ready means more than just your gear – it’s your mental state and strength, your emotional stability and control; being able to remain calm when lives, including your own, are on the line. Their actions and words are inspiring, and we can all use their experiences to be motivated to live the spirit of 9/12 every day.”

“Our motivation for producing this documentary is to show our unwavering support for those who serve our communities and our nation,” said 5.11’s Chief Executive Officer, Francisco J. Morales. “Our focus as a brand has always been serving those who serve. This film is a tribute to honor and remember the law enforcement, fire, emergency services professionals and even the public who banded together to support one another in a time of crisis that our country will never forget.” In closing, Morales shared, “September 12 this now called Patriot Day for a reason – let us all remember the strength of humanity, our nation, and all those who serve and strive for the greater good.”

The short film documentary Call to Service, The Final Rescue of 9/11 is available for viewing now. Over the coming days, the full interviews with each of the participants will also become available for viewing.

For more information on 5.11, please visit Connect with 5.11 on Facebook, Twitter @511Tactical and on Instagram @511Tactical and #511tactical.

SITKA Arrowhead and TSSi Announce GSA Availability

September 9th, 2021

Arrowhead Equipment announces that its products are now available on the General Service Administration (GSA) schedule via partner dealer TSSi.

This allows for Federal, and participating state/local governments to purchase Sitka Arrowhead products quickly and easily. From base-layers to Wet Weather Protective gear, Arrowhead Equipment’s Modular Combat Layering system comprises of pieces that are both Berry and/or TAA compliant.

Focused on developing and manufacturing purpose-built technical products, Arrowhead Equipment is a natural extension of SITKA Gear. Founded upon SITKA Gear’s DNA and considered approach to design, the program leverages the materials science expertise of Gore to provide purpose-built solutions for the Global Special Operations Forces end-user.

Qualified buyers link

Arisaka Defense – Stock Angle Adapter – SL

September 9th, 2021

The Patent Pending Arisaka Stock Angle Adapter is meant to aid alignment and recoil management on semi-auto gas guns like the LMT MWS and KAC SR25 by upgrading the Magpul SL and SL-S stocks for precision use with two important features:

1. Changes the recoil pad angle so it is perpendicular to the bore axis.

2. Adds height and cant adjustments to the recoil pad.

Mike Olivella from Praecore Performance was the catalyst for the Stock Angle Adapter:

The Stock Angle Adapter is the first installment in a series of precision rifle focused, ergonomic upgrades. The geometry of most popular carbine stocks support a variety of shooting techniques and work well within those requirements. However, if we take a look at any modern, precision focused bolt gun chassis, you will note that all of them feature a 90 degree angle for the recoil pad. This isn’t by accident. This geometry promotes greater contact surface area for one of the critical alignment components of a shooter’s position behind the rifle.

Arisaka took my requirements and went a step further by incorporating a simple and lightweight solution to the critical fitting components of recoil pad height and cant. Different optic mount and shooter requirements have shown in testing there is almost no wrong configuration, but I do have my favorites. The finishing touch that can’t be overlooked is how Arisaka made this accessory to not only work with a few common carbine stocks but also allowed it to accept a popular aftermarket recoil pad. For gas gun precision rifle shooters, this upgrade offers your rifle a lightweight, custom fit solution for your recoil pad with an extra bump up in surface area for your rear support.

352d Special Operations Wing Deploys to Ukraine

September 9th, 2021

VINNYTSIA, Ukraine – Members of the 352d Special Operations Wing and 24th Special Operations Wing deployed to Ukraine for the month of August to demonstrate commitment to the Black Sea region and strengthen relationships and combined capability.

The wing deployed two U.S. Air Force MC-130J Commando II aircraft to conduct bilateral training with Ukrainian Special Operations Forces and Ukrainian Air Force members.

“We focused on interoperability with our Ukrainian partners through a multitude of training events during the month of August,” said U.S. Air Force 352 SOW mission commander. “We were able to exchange (best) practices during many training events to include mission planning, low-level flight operations, personnel airdrops, field medical practices, aircraft maintenance and physical security.”

Training as partner forces increases lethality and enhances interoperability, allowing U.S. and Ukrainian forces to counter regional strategic competition and coercion. The 352 SOW worked closely with Ukrainian military leaders, ensuring both militaries were given the opportunity to hone their skills and increase readiness.

“No nation can confront today’s challenges alone. We value the close cooperation with European allies and partners to enhance deterrence and counter a range of regional threats,” said Maj. Gen. David Tabor, Special Operations Command Europe commanding general. “Conducting multinational operations in the Black Sea Region ensures stability throughout the region.”

During the training exercise, Tabor, Ukrainian Maj. Gen. Hryhoriy Halahan, Commander of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Iryna Vereshchuk, Ukrainian Member of Parliament, members of the U.S. Embassy Kyiv and many other U.S. and Ukrainian military members participated in a low-level flight over Kyiv, Ukraine in a MC-130J.

“We were very happy to be in Ukraine again and during the celebration of Ukrainian Independence,” continued U.S. Air Force 352 SOW Mission Commander. “The 352 SOW recognizes and celebrates a strong history and relationship with our Ukrainian partners that is a critical part of these continued engagements and strengthened partnerships.”

Over the past few years, the 352 SOW has participated in multiple exercises with Ukraine in the Black Sea region, to include Seabreeze and Fiction Urchin.

Story by SSgt Izabella Workman, 352nd Special Operations Wing Public Affairs

SKYDEX and ArmorSource Partner on Helmet Technology Innovation to Protect Military and Law Enforcement Communities 

September 8th, 2021

ArmorSource to offer new SKYDEX Iso-Fit Helmet Protection System to Military Troops and Law Enforcement as latest innovation to improve operational effectiveness

DENVER, COLO. (Sept. 8, 2021) – SKYDEX, a global leader in advanced impact mitigation and energy absorption solutions, today announced that the company has partnered with ArmorSource to enhance the company’s combat helmets with state-of-the-art technology and a new generation of protection with the SKYDEX IsoFit Helmet Protection System. 

A strategic move that will revolutionize the tactical helmet industry, SKYDEX and ArmorSource will combine forces to bring their best-in-class solutions and technologies together to create a helmet that features a custom fit liner and unbeatable protection for military and law enforcement communities. As a leading manufacturer of tactical helmets, ArmorSource is well equipped to leverage the new SKYDEX IsoFit system and lead the next generation of helmet protection. 

“SKYDEX is proud to partner with a like-minded company that shares a similar standard of excellence and purpose to create solutions that protect people,” said Alvaro Vaselli, President and CEO of SKYDEX. “Between the recent advancements that ArmorSource has made with its helmet shell technology and our innovations in designing an unrivaled fit and impact protection, our solutions will help reshape the future of helmet protection on a global scale.” 

The SKYDEX IsoFit Helmet Protection System features superior impact protection with an industry-leading energy-absorption pad system that can be easily integrated into any tactical helmet. With a patented micro-adjustment system, the IsoFit liner provides a customized fit and unmatched helmet stability to minimize distractions while users are in action. An added benefit includes open-airflow, designed to keep heads cool and dry in hot environments, combined with superior protection and fit. All of these elements offer users a safer and more comfortable experience, improving operational effectiveness.  

“As a leading manufacturer of helmets, our mission is rooted in improving the survivability of military troops and law enforcement officers and ensuring our products represent the latest innovations for protection,” said Brad Grunden, President at ArmorSource. “By teaming up with the design experts at SKYDEX, we’re confident that this unique collaboration will elevate our company’s ability to leverage the most advance technology for military and law enforcement organizations and help grow the business substantially.” 

To learn more about the new SKYDEX IsoFit Helmet Protection System available fall 2021, please visit

Virfex Inc, Announces The RAVENTM Level III Ultra Lightweight Body Armor Plate. Its Lightest, Stand-Alone Plate Is Now NIJ 0101.06 Level III Certified

September 8th, 2021

Virfex, Inc is pleased to announce its “RAVENTM” Level III Body Armor Torso Plate Insert which offers multi-hit protection against .308 NATO M80, .30-06 M2 Ball, 5.56x45mm M193, 7.62×39 FMJ and 7.62×39 MSC is now fully NIJ0101.06 Level III certified. This is their lightest plate to date. Using DSM Dyneema(R) Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene and Virfex’s proprietary manufacturing technologies, they minimize weight and thickness while maximizing multi-shot protection. The RAVENTM is designed to provide “all-day protection” for police officers,

federal agents, first responders, prison guards, private security, cash-in-transit drivers, and others in need of protection from the vast majority of domestic threats.

Plate Specs

Weight: 2.5 lbs. (10×12 Shooter Cut) Thickness: 1.1″

Curve: Single

Warranty: 10 Years

Plate Applications: External Carriers, Plate Carriers, and Tactical Body Armor

Origin: All Virfex Body Armor Plates and Carriers are designed and manufactured in Massachusetts. All of the RAVENTM’s raw materials are proudly Made in the USA!

Virfex, Inc’s President, Gus Dehni, stated, “We are very pleased to receive full NIJ 0101.06 Level 3 Certification for our first multi shot plate entry into the body armor market. We believe with our technical expertise and raw material partners, Virfex will have Level III+ and Level IV plates NIJ 0101.06 certified within 2022”

About Virfex, Inc: Virfex is a U.S. based body armor manufacturer specializing in lightweight and affordable personal protection products. Virfex also designs armor carrier systems intended for professional duty use amongst Law Enforcement and Military Agencies.

About National Institute of Justice: The NIJ is the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. The NIJ promulgates standards for body armor used by law enforcement agencies in the USA. The NIJ reviews submitted body armor against their standards including the review of the armor’s design, test data from NVLAP accredited labs and on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities. The NIJ Level III standard requires protection against six shots from a reference .308 NATO M80 bullet.

FragOut Magazine Issue #34

September 8th, 2021

Contents include:

– Merkava Mk4 MBT
– ZSSW-30/RCTS-30
– Terrorism: Made in Poland
– SPKP: Warsaw Police SWAT
– MAPA Tactical
– New uniforms of POLSOF
– Fabryka Broni GROT 5.56 vs. 7.62
– Direct Action Bearcat

Read it online here.

USSOCOM AT&L: Virtual Industry Engagement Event

September 8th, 2021

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM SOF AT&L, will host a Virtual Industry Engagement Event on 12 October 2021 in order to advise Industry about how to do business with SOF AT&L and receive Industry feedback. During the event, participants will be given the opportunity to learn about current and future needs of SOF AT&L and how to take part in future business opportunities.

Request to Attend NLT 07 October 11:59 PM ET at