
LA Police Gear Has The Stockings AND The Stuffers

December 7th, 2020

LAPG offered two styles of Christmas stockings, the Atlas and Uniform models. They’ve also got loads of stuffers on sale, so check them out.

Finally! Department of the Air Force Removes Waist Measurement from Physical Fitness Assessment Composite Score

December 7th, 2020


The Department of the Air Force announced physical fitness assessments will now resume April 2021 and will no longer include the waist measurement component.

To ensure social distancing practices remain in place during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and to give Airmen and Space Professionals time to prepare, testing was delayed from October to January and is now further delayed to April.

While the waist measurement is permanently removed from the assessment, height and weight measurements will resume October 2021.

“We trust that our Airmen understand the standard of good physical health practices and we are all finding innovative ways to stay fit,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. “We also trust that leaders will take the appropriate steps to keep their Airmen safe while making every effort to provide fitness options during the pandemic.”

Fitness assessment cells, fitness center staff, physical training leaders and members performing fitness assessments will adhere to physical distancing protocols and other local precautions as determined by installation commanders once assessments resume.

Commanders may delay official fitness assessments beyond April 2021 if necessary, based on the recommendation of local public health officials, the continuation of closed fitness centers and extended state-wide restriction of movement and gatherings.

Space Professionals will adhere to the physical fitness policy of the Department of the Air Force.

Airmen and Space Professionals may determine their next fitness assessment due date by visiting the Official Physical Assessment Due Date Matrix on myPers which will be updated and available Dec. 8. Fitness assessment due dates will primarily depend on the date and score of the last official test.

“Originally, we hoped to resume testing by January 2021,” said Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass. “However, based on the number of cases nationwide, the right thing to do is focus on keeping our Airmen and their families safe. Delaying and reevaluating the PT test is the best option for our people.”

The test will still consist of a 1.5 mile run, 1 minute of pushups and 1 minute of situps. However, the composite score will be calculated with full points for the waist measurement portion until system changes can be made.

Department leaders are also looking to reevaluate certain testing criteria moving forward.

“Along with removing the waist measurement, we are also exploring alternative strength and cardio components to our current Air Force fitness assessment,” Brown said. “We believe these potential test structure changes will impact Airmen in a positive way and help with a holistic approach to health and fitness standards.”

For more information, Airmen and Space Professionals should contact their fitness assessment cells and visit the COVID-19 Fitness Guidance page on myPers.

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Blaser Group Acquires Liemke Thermal Optics

December 7th, 2020

San Antonio, Texas (December 7, 2020) – Blaser Group is pleased to announce the acquisition of Liemke Thermal Optics.  Headquartered in Bielefeld, Germany, Liemke is the dominant thermal imaging brand in Germany trusted for its performance, reliability, and outstanding customer service.

Delivering high-definition images with fast refresh rates for smooth viewing, Liemke thermal optics will soon be available to hunters and shooters in the United States through Blaser Group.  Introductory offerings include the Merlin, Keiler, and Sperber lines.  Merlin thermal imaging devices can be clipped directly onto any hunter’s daytime riflescope or be used as a monocular while the Keiler family of products are designed for use as hand-held monoculars.  Sperber scopes are multifunctional and can be used as a monocular or as a thermal riflescope.

“We are excited to add this premium brand of well-priced, high-performance thermal optics to our product portfolio,” said Jason Evans, CEO, Blaser Group.  “Liemke is at the forefront of technology, delivering the precision and performance of German engineering, making it a top choice for hunting, game detection, and nighttime shooting applications.”

Originally developed for military use, thermal imaging technology detects infrared energy emitted as heat and the various temperature differences of everything in view, allowing the observer to see what would otherwise be invisible.  All objects, living and manmade, emit infrared energy.  Today, thermal optics are especially popular for hunting hogs and predators, and an invaluable tool for low-light observation applications. 

For more information, visit:

The Z365 Octane from ZEV Technologies

December 7th, 2020

Monday December 7th, 2020

Centralia, WA – ZEV Technologies formally announced the launch of their new Octane Z365 gun mod. The new Z365 and Z320’s are an official collaboration between ZEV and Sig Sauer®. ZEV’s P365 offerings include PRO Barrel, Combat Sights, and the optics ready Octane slide.

According to Tom Taylor, SIG SAUER Chief Marketing Officer & Executive Vice President, Commercial Sales “We’re excited about this collaboration between SIG SAUER and ZEV. The design of the Z365 is excellent, making it a high-performance carry gun.”

Marine Basic Module from Mission Essential Gear

December 7th, 2020

If you remember THULS then you’re already familiar with the concept of the new Marine Basic Module from Mission Essential Gear.

It’s been revised for FY2021 with updated information from various sources. It might have been written for Marines, but it’s a great aide memoire for any ground combat force.

CRO Thermal Regulation System

December 7th, 2020

The Thermal Regulation System is a single unit thermal regulation blood transport container produced in Montana by CRO Medical.

• 400mL or 550mL single unit blood transport container.
• Temperature data logger for blood cold chain validation.
• Meets AABB hemovigilance standards for whole blood transportation. 
• Tear-away panel included for versatile mounting options.
• Velcro mounting option for inside medbag.
• Instantly and reliably heats to 104 degrees F for two hours. 
• Built-in pressure infuser.
• Insulated line kit for filtered tubing included.

The container can heat to 104F and maintain this temperature for two hours on a single charge. The heat passes through an air barrier surrounding the blood to provide safe and consistent circumferential, indirect, and radiant heat intended to prevent freezing in temps ranging from -64.6F to -54.0F. An insulated line kit for filtered tubing is included to prevent thermal changes in the admin line during resuscitation.

*This product is not intended to be a warmer for blood administration. 

The transport container maintains temperature below 10C for 12 hours at 40C ambient temp using the cold pack provided. Polyethylene closed-cell foam insulation with aluminum radiant backing directs heat inward across the air barrier.

Pressure infuse your blood at the point of injury without removing the blood from the pocket.   

Integrates into the blood cold chain using built-in infrared temperature sensor. The sensor is accurate to + or – 0.4F and logs time-stamped temperature data into the on-board hard drive for simple retrieval in .csv format. This allows the operator to remove blood from the refrigerator and begin data logging temperature readings in real-time. If the blood warms above 10C during transport, an 8-hour countdown begins, indicating viable shelf life. If the temp remains below 10C, the blood can be validated using the temperature data log and returned for the remainder of the cold chain life cycle. This follows the best practices of cold chain validation for resource conservation and hemovigilance.

The LCD screen is preferred for operating in blacked-out conditions. No alarms or audible noise.

MSRP: $480 

Please contact customer service at CRO for quotes:

December 7th, 1941, A Date Which Will Live In Infamy

December 7th, 2020

With those words, President Franklin Roosevelt told America, and the world, that we had entered the war.

Today is the anniversary of the surprise Japanese attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor. Sadly, we no longer even hold ceremonies commemorating that day.

We have raised generation after generation who take what we have for granted and vilify the sacrifices of our forebearers. They make us out to be the bad guys.

Every year there are fewer and fewer of out greatest generation among us. Let us always honor their sacrifices to keep America, and the world, free.

I’d also like to take a moment of silence for the 2402 Americans who were lost on that day, along with the hundreds more, who were wounded during the attack. We are forever in your debt.

Great News for Surviving Spouses Regarding Survivor Benefit Plan / Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Offsets

December 6th, 2020

The Defense Finance and Accounying Service Sissies this note regarding Survivor Benefit Plan / Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Offsets:

As you may know, Congress enacted changes to the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) that will eventually eliminate the offset for surviving spouses who are also receiving Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  The changes will take place in three phases.

January 1, 2021 begins the first phase.  In 2021, surviving spouse SBP annuity payments issued by DFAS will be reduced (offset) by no more than two-thirds of the amount of DIC (issued by the VA) rather than by the entire amount of DIC, even though eligible surviving spouses will continue to receive the full amount of DIC from the VA.

Beginning January 1, 2022, the second phase, surviving spouse SBP annuity payments will be reduced (offset) by no more than one-third of the amount of DIC (issued by the VA) rather than by the entire amount of DIC, even though eligible surviving spouses will continue to receive the full amount of DIC from the VA.

On January 1, 2023, the SBP-DIC offset will be fully eliminated.  That means, beginning in 2023, SBP payments will no longer be offset by DIC.  Spouses will receive full SBP (issued by DFAS) and full DIC (from the VA).

For more details and frequently asked questions, see our special SBP-DIC News webpage: