RMJ Tactical – Angry Steve Thumpers

May 4th, 2019

Sometimes things need thumped and sometimes they need to be small and compact. RMJ Tactical has that covered for you with the 12″ Angry Steve Hickory Thumper! The 12″ is small enough to fit in your EDC bag, glove compartment, computer case, etc.  These are small enough to never be left behind.

Hand made from Tennessee Hickory and built for bashin’! Why hickory, you ask? Well aside from using local Tennessee materials, hickory excels far beyond many other types of wood for impact resistance and is very dense so it absorbs and withstands impacts very well. 

Other sizes also available at

The Baldwin Files – The Fighting Load Continuum Part II

May 4th, 2019

It has been a couple of months since Part I of the Fighting Load Continuum (FLC) series. I am not going to re-plow the same ground, but I will be referencing points from the first article. Consequently, it would probably be helpful for readers to review Part I before reading this iteration. We will start where the last part ended. “leaders have to face the fact that for the majority of dismounted combat operations – even relatively short ones – it is all but impossible to avoid at least some overloading [and]…the goal of effective load management should be to keep as many of a unit’s soldiers as possible in the more combat effective green range [of the FLC] – for as much of the time as possible – rather than the cautionary amber or high-risk red zones.

I gave away the “bottom line” of my own FLC concept last time. There is no magic solution and there is no trick to effective dismounted load management – it just requires timely, hard choices and deliberate trade-offs between firepower, protection, and mobility. However, units can be considerably more tactically effective if leaders make better-informed, pre-mission load management decisions. That involves consistently practicing the fundamentals like planning the mission first, then the load; focusing on successful prosecution of the fight, rather than equitably distributing the weight; and practicing and mastering deliberate and hasty load transitions. If a unit is following the age-old principles I outlined last time, everything carried is needed and represents capabilities deemed essential – not just unrelated or superfluous burdens to be endured.

Leaders need to acknowledge their limitations and not waste time agonizing over factors that they cannot “fix,” mitigate, or eliminate. Consider body armor for example. For extended dismounted combat operations involving “closing with and destroying the enemy by fire and maneuver,” I am – and have been – comfortable with lighter plate carriers and helmets. I accept the tradeoff between reduced protection and enhanced individual mobility. If in a static defense or mounted operations more body armor (protection) may be more appropriate. For dismounted reconnaissance perhaps no armor at all. What the leader cannot fix, mitigate, or eliminate in combat is the likelihood – sometimes the certainty – that some of your soldiers will die or be seriously injured no matter what choice you make. A leader has to live with that truth and shoulder than burden alone.

Likewise, recognize up front that load discretion is actually quite limited. Fixed weight items are a constant. Weapons, clothing items, body armor, and technological aids weigh what they weight – and if deemed necessary will be carried. NBC protective gear would be another example. If there is a realistic threat that the enemy will use chemical weapons there may not be a choice – the gear will need to be carried. On the other hand, consumables, like water, food, batteries, and ammunition, must be carried in quantities based on the anticipated rate of consumption and frequency of planned resupply. Longer duration missions, and those with limited options for external resupply, naturally force a unit to carry more of all consumables. Still, a unit should only carry what it truly needs, wasting nothing, and not burdening itself with “nice to have” items.

There is nothing new about that tactical reality. In fact, US Army doctrine on load management has been remarkable consistent for decades. ALL of the doctrine has repeatedly recommended that the “fighting load” not exceed ~48 lbs and so called “approach march load” not exceed ~72 lbs. However, FM 21-18, Foot Marches, as far back as 1990, explicitly acknowledged the inescapable conundrum. “Unless part of the load is removed from the soldier’s back and carried elsewhere, all individual load weights are too heavy [emphasis added]. Even if rucksacks are removed, key teams on the battlefield cannot fulfill their roles unless they carry excessively heavy loads. Soldiers who must carry heavy loads restrict the mobility of their units. Overloaded soldiers include the antiarmor teams (individuals carry weights of 111, 101, and 90 pounds), mortar teams (individuals carrying 83 pounds, even after distributing 100 mortar rounds of 3.5 pounds each), fire support teams (carry 92 to 95 pounds), and M60 machine gun teams (carry 78 to 87 pounds). All radio operators equipped with the AN/PRC-77 and KY57 VINSON secure device are also loaded above the maximum recommended combat load (84 pounds). AT4 gunners and low-level voice intercept teams are overloaded as well as Stinger and engineer breaching teams.”

That goes to show that recognizing the problem does not in and of itself solve the problem. One might incorrectly assume that today’s excessive loads can simply be attributed to changing public attitudes about casualties and some element of subsequent risk aversion by modern uniformed and civilian leadership. Except, the overloading of soldiers has always been a problem in every army and in every era throughout history. Generally, soldiers went to war with less capability, a.k.a. “lighter” than their opponents only because of the logistical limitations of their side in the conflict – not by choice. It is also true that lighter forces alone can reasonably delay, but rarely “win” toe-to-toe fights against heavier forces. Think Operation Market Garden.

Much has often been made of the fact that, in many cases, insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan can run away faster than we can pursue on foot. Sure, small groups of locally based fighters that have no intention of seeking or accepting decisive battle can operate and travel extremely light. Indeed, blending quickly back into the general population enhances their chances of survival –not firepower. That is frustrating but in no way indicates that the insurgents are “winning” individual skirmishes. As a matter of fact, because of the more substantial capabilities we routinely carry and can bring to bear, we have – on average – been killing more than 100 insurgents for every one of ours lost for the last 18 years. Even overloaded by comparison, it is extremely rare for us to be at risk of losing any tactical engagement. Granted, it is also true that the prosecution and ultimately the strategic outcome of a war has very little to do with relative body counts, or whether we succeeded or failed to manage individual soldier loads, or even win tactical engagements.

Let us focus for a moment on one consumable class of supply in particular – ammunition. Can a unit or individual have “too much” ammunition. If in a static defense the answer may be no; however, if that ammunition has to be carried on soldiers’ backs the answer is yes. Ask any overloaded trooper who drowned in the inland canals or wading ashore at Normandy. Excess weight is excess weight. As mentioned in Part I, the baseline or standard “fighting load” has been defined by whatever the “basic load” of ammunition is for a rifleman in a given timeframe. Frankly, there has never been much “science” behind determining what a basic load should be. In the First World War, when the 1903 Springfield was the standard rifle, a soldier’s basic load was 55 rounds. 50 in his ammunition belt and 5 in the rifle. For the M1 Garand it was 88. 80 in the belt and 8 in the rifle. For the M14 it was 100 rounds, 80 in ammo pouches and 20 in the rifle. During the initial fielding of the M16 it was 140 (seven 20 round magazines) – although in Vietnam soldiers habitually carried twice that or more. After Vietnam, and the standardization of the 30 round magazines, a basic load stabilized at 210 rounds (7 magazines). I am not being facetious when I say that, historically, it seems the number of rounds or magazines a solder can carry in the issue ammunition belt or pouch has dictated basic loads – not rigorous scientific study.

Do modern riflemen actually need to carry almost three times more ammunition than their World War II counterparts? There is no quantifiable evidence that I am aware of that supports any such conclusion. Logisticians have developed scientifically derived and reliable food and water consumption rates for soldiers in combat. On the other hand, ammunition consumption rates are essentially subjective; and therefore, are of limited utility and not reliable at all. Simply stated, based on even a cursory review of modern (WW II and later) historical combat engagements, the more ammunition available, the more ammunition a unit in combat expends. This is true whether the unit ultimately wins or loses any particular fight.

If a modern unit does legitimate mission analysis and concludes that double or triple basic loads – i.e. 6-9 times what the WWII infantryman carried – is necessary to take an objective, maybe the task is simply more appropriate for a larger unit to tackle?  In any case, I would respectfully suggest that the unit establish an expedient range and expend that extra ammunition to improve soldier shooting skills and confidence before going on the mission instead. I can just about guarantee that would be a more effective use for that ammunition than carrying all that extra weight out of an overabundance of caution or fear.

In other words, it is much more likely that excess ammunition will be wasted rather than used for good effect. As seen in the attached picture, blindly pointing a weapon in the general direction of the enemy and going cyclic until running out of ammunition or a weapon inevitably fails is usually referred to as the “spray and pray” firing technique. Indeed, even calling it a “technique” lends it some semblance of unwarranted legitimacy and is far too kind. Let us call “spray and pray” what it is – panic fire. While panic fire may be emotionally cathartic for poorly trained leaders and scared soldiers, it produces no positive tactical results – and wastes a great deal of ammunition. In short, despite its reportedly widespread use by American forces in Vietnam, panic fire is NOT effective at eliminating the threat or winning the close fight. How do I know that with a high degree of certainty? Simple, no Army has ever had programs of instruction or ranges designed and dedicated to teaching panic fire techniques.

A unit that allows soldiers to panic fire every time they make contact does not need more ammunition – they need more training and a lot more fire discipline. Fire superiority does not mean that one side makes more noise or simply fires more rounds than the other side. Fire superiority requires synchronized fire and maneuver to gain a relatively dominate position to suppress, fix, and ultimately finish an enemy – while simultaneously thwarting his efforts to do the same to you. That means, upon contact  – if not prior to contact – soldiers shed their excess load, return disciplined, aimed, and effective, fire in order to seize the initiative, out maneuver, and decisively out fight their opponents.

Historically, cohesive units with more combat experience tended to carry less rather than more ammunition into battle. Arguably, the unpopular draft, individual soldier and officer frequent rotation policies, and shake-and-bake-NCOs made the experience of some American units in Vietnam the exception that proves that rule. Conversely, American Airborne units of World War II were a great example for modern leaders to study. The paratroopers certainly jumped overloaded to get as much materiel into the fight as possible. However, the troopers dumped or cached the excess ASAP and went into the fight with not much more than ammo and water. That is because the Airborne training program emphasized speed over firepower. The ability of relatively lightly burdened troopers to secure tactical and operational objectives as fast as possible before heavier forces could react and reinforce those positions was critical to mission success. Therefore, the individual troopers and leaders trained with a focus on the lightest possible fighting load, not the necessarily heavy jump load.

Similarly, today’s leaders must triage the fight ahead and adjust load priorities accordingly to facilitate mission success. Do not confuse what you CAN carry with what you NEED to carry to win that fight. Determine what is needed, who needs to carry an essential item, and where (what echelon of the FLC) does the item need to be in to effectively support each phase of an operation. I would suggest that – except in extreme circumstances – a basic load of 7 magazines should be considered the hard ceiling for an individual rifleman’s load. Indeed, smart small-unit leaders know that their bigger organic “boom sticks” can produce better tactical effects against a determined enemy. Machineguns, recoilless rifles, and mortars provide more combat bang for the buck than individual carbines. In other words, instead of carrying more M4 magazines, a unit’s mission is likely better served by distributing more of the heavier ammunition for the crew-served weapons.

In Part III, I will discuss techniques for mastering those load transitions and some training strategies that can better prepare units and leaders to successfully manage every aspect of the Fighting Load Continuum.

LTC Terry Baldwin, US Army (Ret) served on active duty from 1975-2011 in various Infantry and Special Forces assignments. SSD is blessed to have him as both reader and contributor.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

May 4th, 2019

Thanks PG!

XTech Tactical Expands Partnership with GOA with OEM47 10/30

May 3rd, 2019

Mesa, AZ

XTech Tactical, one of the fastest growing firearms accessory manufactures, is now shipping its OEM47 10/30 (MSRP $19.95) as an expansion of its “Commufornia Special” magazine line. Like the MAG47 10/30, $1 for each magazine sold off the company’s website will go towards Gun Owners of America to fight for gun rights. The magazines will also ship with a $5 off annual membership offer to Gun Owners of America.

The XTech Tactical “Commufornia Special” offers a field strippable 10rd magazine in a 30rd magazine body. This permits much easy mag changes and insertion into the rifle, while still permitting the user to clean the magazine. The term “Commufornia Special” is intended to remind and encourage the company’s customers to get involved in protecting their rights as firearms owners and supporters of the Constitution.

The OEM 10/30 will not function if its blocker is removed due to its reduced spring, and the magazine is only marked as a 10-round magazine.

About the OEM47 Line:

The OEM47 line is a result of numerous requests from rifle manufactures for XTech Tactical to offer a lower cost AK 7.62×39 magazine option to include with the sale of their rifles. However, the company would not settle for simply making a less expensive option without optimizing the value and its competitive placement in the market. The OEM47 line features an all polymer construction using a proprietary composite blend.

After 9 months of development the polymer permits the 30rd, standard capacity, version of the OEM47 to pass drop tests that more expensive US Made AK magazines will not.

The OEM47 line currently is only available as the OEM47 10/30 with the standard capacity 30rd option soon to follow. The OEM47 line up offers a great value to those looking for magazines for recreational and range use. For those looking for a battle-ready magazine, the MAG47 offers the most advanced US manufactured AK magazine on the market. The MAG47 features the most advanced polymer, stainless steel feedlips and locking lugs, where-as, the OEM47 is an all polymer construction.

Dealers can contact or Zanders Sporting Goods.

For more information on XTech Tactical please visit



Camouflage Neckties from Whiskey Two Four

May 3rd, 2019

Whiskey Two Four did a small initial run of neckties; five each of GreenZone, A-TACS FG, and Multicam.

Intro price is $60/ea shipped in the US via USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Box. Add $10 for Canada and UK.

Email to order.

TAC-9 – Modular Pistol Caliber Platform introduced by Sol Invictus Arms

May 3rd, 2019

Melbourne, FL. (May 1, 2019) – SOL INVICTUS ARMS, a premier American firearms manufacturer, is pleased to announce the release of its new TAC-9 – the ultimate modular pistol caliber platform. Introduced to the public for the first time at the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana April of 2019 – the TAC-9 was purpose built with adaptability in mind to suit a customer’s needs.

The TAC-9 is an affordable modernized 9MM Sub gun feeding from Glock magazines. It offers a durable and accurate weapon system in a compact yet modular platform. It features a blowback operated system ensuring reliability for the most demanding conditions. It is not another AR – The entire action is housed in the upper receiver and there is no buffer tube needed.

The Sol Invictus Arms TAC-9 was developed for motorcycle patrol officers who are often the first responders to active shootings. Armed with only their sidearm, many officers expressed a need for a compact weapon system that could be stored in their saddlebag and deployed quickly. Using the same ammunition and magazines was a key requirement during the development of the firearm.

At the heart of the TAC-9 is an all steel bolt which works with a standard AR-15 fire control group. This offers superior reliability and maintains the same manual of arms that users are accustomed to, decreasing training time on the new platform.

The TAC-9 is also equipped with a modular quick disconnect barrel system. This enables the user to switch from a pistol configuration to a carbine in minutes and without the need for special tools.

In addition, the TAC-9 also includes an adaptable rear trunnion that allows the customer to use a folding stock or standard AR-15 buffer tube. This makes pistol and carbine brace/stock configurations endless.

The TAC-9 is chambered in 9MM and comes with a 5.5” or 8.5” 4150 Chrome Moly ordnance grade barrel. The barrel, bolt, and steel receiver all feature a Nitrided finish for excellent corrosion and wear resistance.


TAC-9 Pistol Configuration – $705 TAC-9 Pistol w/SBM4 Brace – $824

For more information go to or email

The National Tactical Medicine Competition Returns to Charlotte

May 3rd, 2019

National Tactical Medicine Competition


Special Operations Aid & Rescue, Ltd. (SOARescue)

2 May 2019

The 2019 National Tactical Medicine Competition will be held at the Gaston College Regional Public Safety Training Center just outside of Charlotte in Dallas, North Carolina on Sunday May 5th, hosted by SOARescue. The event will be held just prior to the Special Operations Medical Association Scientific Assembly. In total, 12 two-man teams will compete for the title of 2019 Champions. This year’s competitors come from across North America from California to Pennsylvania and included three international teams.

Each team will be tasked with a grueling 4 stage course that is both mentally and physically challenging. The stages transition the competitors through each of the TCCC/TECC phases of care. Teams are challenged with a variety of skills, from providing care under fire in a hostile environment, to treating casualties with critical care medicine using limited resources. These are the same skills that tactical medics must utilize when they are faced with a wide range of calls/missions, such as a school shooting or evacuation from a far-forward austere setting.

Tactical medics are also challenged with rescue skills, negotiating obstacles or difficult terrain with a casualty. Casualties may have to be hoisted or lowered depending on the situation to move them to a place where they can meet an evacuation asset. The public is welcome to come, and watch teams compete. Spectators can watch teams working through treating various casualties and overcoming the obstacles of challenging scenarios. Teams will be competing from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday May 5th.

This competition has been an incredible opportunity for civilian and tactical medical professionals to work together in friendly competition. The training competitors engaged in before the competition has made each competitor a better medical provider and competing allows them to find any weaknesses they may have. We hope to continue and grow this unique competition, to better prepare our responders, and to help the community better understand the services provided. The unfortunate reality of this world hit far too close to home this week. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte was struck by evil, when 6 students were shot, two of which fatally. This is only one example of the many similar situations that strike our nation annually. It is our deepest desire to foster an environment for our nation’s responders to hone their skills, so that if the unfortunate moment comes, they are better prepared.


The 2019 National Tactical Medicine Competition will be an incredible success, thanks to all of our contributing sponsors, role players, patient actors, judging staff, and adjunct facilitators. 

Some of our Sponsors are:


-Qore Performance


-Blaze Defense Systems

-Haley Strategic

-Zenith Firearms


-Condition Grey

-5.11 Tactical

-Lion Apparel

-First Line Technologies

For further inquiries, please contact:

Event PIO:

Andrew R.

SOARescue Returns to SOMSA 2019

May 3rd, 2019



May 2, 2019

Charlotte, NC

SOARescue is excited to exhibit at the 2019 Special Operations Medical Association Scientific Assembly. This year’s exhibit will be a true testament to the growth and evolution of the organization.

While our look may change our continued dedication to exceptional operational medicine training and equipment will not. Being one of the few CAPCE accredited and BCCTPC approved training organizations, we strive to deliver world-class training to those who need it most. Our focus will always be on the tactical medical practitioner domestic or worldwide.

This year’s major projects have included transitioning to a new 25+ acre training facility as well as expanding our offering into the critical care and en route care setting with true subject matter experts.

Some of our evolving solutions include:

-Expanded training catalog to include the Technical Austere Medical Evacuation (TAME) program. Providing actionable education for standard and non-standard en route care providers worldwide;

-Comprehensive CASEVAC equipment sets, developed by end-user input;

-Increase procurement capabilities, and rapid fielding of complex custom suites;

-Expanded CONUS and OCONUS training and equipping capabilities;

-Rescue and critical care evacuation operations support;

-Significantly broader product offering;

-Expanding online training catalog;

-New with industry leaders;

And so much more.

We hope you will stop by booth 412P at SOMSA in Charlotte, NC on 8-9 May to learn more about the evolution of SOARescue. Visit us online anytime at