TYR Tactical

S.O.Tech To Attend SOMA 2014

December 7th, 2014


S.O.Tech will be attending SOMA 2014 in Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Convention Center, December 8-11. They will be located at booth #132, displaying their Medical Survival Slings, Viper Flat IFAK and other SOF Medical staples. The Survival Sling Medical version will also be on display in the Tribalco booth, and is available to the US military through Tribalco. It was developed in collaboration with Fenton Pharmaceuticals, who is distributing them in Europe. Fenton will also be at SOMA showcasing the sling.

This year, S.O.Tech will also be having Dustoff Medical at their booth debuting their new Splint device. The Suspected Orthopedic Fracture Splint was created by Special Operations Medics for quickly immobilizing orthopedic injuries. It is manufactured from carbon fiber and Cordura nylon and is made in the USA.


Gearward – FireBox Mini Firestarting Kit

December 7th, 2014

Gearward FireBox

The Gearward firebox is a miniature fire starting kit designed to fit in a pocket or survival tin. It contains 20 pieces of Fire Cord waterproof tinder, a 2″ mischmetal firesteel, and an ultra-hard alumina ceramic striker, all in a container roughly the size of a Zippo. Its primary function is as a backup fire starter, in case a primary and/or secondary firestarter fails.

Fire Starting kits vs FireBox

Above, you can see the FireBox (far left) compared in size to a Spark-lite, Zippo Emergency fire starter, magnesium bar, and Light My Fire fire steel. The video below shows the FireBox in action:

FireBox is Made in the USA out of US, Canadian, and German Components.


John Hollister to SIG SAUER

December 7th, 2014


A couple of weeks ago John Hollister tendered his resignation with suppressor manufacturer AAC. Rumor was he was going to SIG. Based on the photo he posted on social media, looks like it’s official. Those guys in New Hampshire keep putting quite the team together.

A Date Which Will Live In Infamy

December 7th, 2014

President Roosevelt called December 7th, 1941, “A date which will live in infamy.”

This is the 73rd anniversary of the Japanese attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor. We no longer even hold ceremonies commemorating that day. Last year I made the argument that, “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” This year, I just want to remember my grandparents and everything they sacrificed to keep America free.

I’d also like to take a moment of silence for the 2402 Americans who were lost on that day and the hundreds more who were wounded in service to this great Nation.

Kalashnikov Concern Introduces Its Development Strategy Through 2020

December 7th, 2014

The Kalashnikov Concern has introduced their development strategy through the year 2020. The full release can be read below:

Moscow, December 2, 2014
Press Release

Concern Kalashnikov, a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation, has introduced a new development strategy till 2020, within its frames it will be planned to increase production activities, expand global sales and grow revenue by a factor of four times. The total investments volume is estimated as more than 4.5 milliards of rubles. The production modernization has been already started within the strategy realization.

The development strategy aims the increasing of the sales level at the nearest years with the benefit growth at the expense of production modernization and management efficiency improvement. By the 2014 overall results Kalashnikov shall be on the breakeven level and deliver to the customers more than 140,000 units of small-arms weapon, that more by a factor of two times than in 2013.

Concern Kalashnikov CEO A. Yu. Krivoruchko said: “The one of priorities of the Concern will be the position reinforcement at the internal market and active promotion of military and civil production to abroad. At the expense of taken actions to 2020 the maximum production facilities of Kalashnikov will be increased by two times (at 100%), and employers work effectiveness – by four times.Besides, the Concern’s revenue from the sales of small arms weapon is expected to be increased by four times. Kalashnikov will support the full life circle of the product from development till utilization and also will provide the scientific-research and experimental-design works for the perspective systems and arms complexes creation”.

The Concern Kalashnikov takes about 95% of small arms weapon production in Russia. At the same time, the 80% of all production does for the export. The one of priority is to search new markets and to expand existing markets. Fifty countries have been detected for this aim which have the biggest potential in the terms of “Kalashnikov” production purchasing. The Concern has already started the new markets development, and at first the Asiatic-Pacific region and Africa. India and Egypt are more perspective. The contracts with Thailand and Indonesia have been concluded recently. The active discussions take place with the Sothern America countries. And the most attention will be planed for CIS countries where the concern production demand is high traditionally.

The important process within the strategy till 2020 is the product line harmonization. After the first marketing studies “Kalashnikov” took off the production the unclaimed models releasing the resources for new weapons production. For today for these aims about 200 engineers of design bureau work on thirty great project for full weapon spectrum – from new sniper rifle to the gun. Closed presentation the first achievements for the Ministry of Defense has been already planned at the beginning of the next year. Also the realization of the complex Russian army rearming will become the one of the work direction including within “Ratnik” military outfit.

To increase production competitiveness and quality the Concern has started up the scaling program of technical rearming. More than 4.5 milliards [billion] of rubles will be provided in 2014-2017 for complex general repair work and new construction. Particularly it will allow to increase the buildings and constructions product life, decrease operating costs. Also it is planned within these resources to renew the machine park at 90%, herewith the average payback period of every machine is from two to three years which is extremely low index in the field. By the modernization completion the one new machine will replace three old and this will allow to optimize the production areas and therefore to reduce the expenses and effect on the environment during continually increased production volumes.

Also new global brand of the Concern is to assist for business development and production promotion as it is an important expansion element to the new markets and sales expansion in the civil sector. New brand will become as the base for promotion campaigns, distributors universally formed areas forming and also for dress line and accessories creation.


Corps Strength – The Never Say Die “Myths Of Fitness”

December 6th, 2014

fitness myth

Recently I came across a an article in a popular monthly magazine about the top ten “Myths” of fitness. Some of their list I agreed with, some I didn’t, but I found it an interesting article. In any case it got my brain working on what were some the biggest fitness myths, I that I encounter almost daily as a trainer? There were many that came to mind, but here are a few stubborn ones that I’ve heard a lot over many years. I have to say up font these are my own opinion, based on my personal experience, first hand observation and research over many years and I’ll be the first to say I don’t know everything about fitness, and I’m glad to be learning all the time, but some things I do know, as I learned them the way most Marines do, the hard way.

#1 There is one single best exercise, False. To be in superb overall physical condition you need a balance of strength, aerobic conditioning, flexibility and muscular endurance. No single exercise can provide this. Just swimming, running, or lifting weights alone won’t get it. People wrongly tend to think what their good at is best, but balance is the key to true overall conditioning.

#2 You need to take dietary supplements, False. The fact is if you eat real food in the right amounts you’ll get all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need for optimum health. I do recommend that everyone take a simple multi-vitamin as an insurance measure against not always eating a well balanced diet, other than that, IMO it’s just a waste of money. Extra vitamins or protein will not provide any real benefits unless you are deficient in that particular nutrient. The bottom line is that if your body doesn’t need it, it won’t use it. People can (and will) argue over this one forever, but I have witnessed first hand untold amounts of money spent by Marines and others on expensive supplements, (over many years) and have seen very, very little (if any) benefit from the vast majority of them. Other than the supplement industry, which is cleaning up to the the tune of about 30 billion a year it does nothing in the vast majority of cases but end up in our sewer system. Ask yourself a simple question; With more people taking more supplements than ever before, why is are more Americans overweight, sick and out of shape than ever before?

#3 You have to lift heavy weights to be strong, False. I have lifted weights for most of my adult life. I have competed in olympic and powerlifting competitions and have lifted some pretty heavy weights over the years. However other than for actual lifting competitions, or for sports like football and bodybuilding, lifting heavy weights is not needed to develop real world useful strength. In fact I think lifting very heavy weights, (more than your bodyweight) is not worth the injuries that are sure to come from it. Doesn’t mean training with weights isn’t beneficial to develop strength, it is, but bench pressing 300 lbs (which I’ve done) isn’t particularly useful. In comparison 50 lbs sounds light? However put that 50 lbs it in a pack and hump it 20 miles up and down some hills and you’ll see the difference in real world fitness I’m getting at here.

#4 Running will eventually damage your joints, especially your knees, False. Its been proven that distance runners have some of the healthiest strongest bones and joints of all athletes. Most of the people I’ve seen with knee problems are people who don’t run (or exercise ) at all and are overweight. I have been running almost daily since I was about 12 years old and have never had any knee issues. Not that I haven’t injured myself once and awhile over the years when running, I have. I just don’t think that following an intelligent program of running while wearing wearing properly fitting running shoes will cause knee problems, and honestly. its sounds more like just an excuse not to run than anything else.

#5 Staying in shape and maintaining a healthy bodyweight weight is extremely hard thing to do, about impossible if you are a busy person, especially as you get older. It takes 24/7 discipline, hours of daily exercise (in an expensive gym), and a monk like diet that requires special expensive foods. This one is completely false, actually it’s beyond that, it’s total bullshit. A balanced workout routine of 3-5 hours a week, combined with a commonsense eating plan and average “Adult” level discipline can yield not only good, but great fitness and health. Like most things that are worth having, people make this much harder than it really is. Check out my book Corps Strength for how to do it, no drama, no BS, just results. Try it.

Have a safe and happy holiday season

Semper Fi



Gunfighter Moment – Ken Hackathorn

December 6th, 2014

Of the vast number of people that carry guns for self defense, only a very small number are competent with them. In my business to provide an enhanced level of combat marksmanship to the private sector, law enforcement, and military customer for the past 30 years, I have noted a number of trends.

While the overall quality of most training and practice has provided a higher level of skill, the increase of people from all three markets that now have access and carry sidearms has progressed very little than it was decades ago. Yes, we do know much more about how to train and prepare people to use their sidearms for self protection. But, that does not equal necessary skill across the spectrum. I am often asked to provide a skill check or ‘test’ for those that take their combat marksmanship serious.

I offer the following ‘Wizard Drill’. It is very simple, requires only five rounds of ammo, and can be shot on any range that allows work from the holster.

IDPA or IPSC (USPSA) targets are ideal. Place a 4″ circle centered in the head of the target. The handgun you use should be the one you carry, in the manner you routinely pack it. Ammo should be the self defense or duty ammo you carry as well. The time for each string of fire is 2.5 seconds. Start at 3 yards. On signal, draw and fire one head shot strong hand only at the head. Repeat at 5 yards, but you may use both hands.

Repeat at 7 yards, again both hands are permitted. Last, at 10 yards draw and fire two (2) body shots in the allowed 2.5 seconds. When you are done, you should have three head shots and two body hits. A miss is a fail. You can drop 2 points and past the test, anymore is a fail. Set your timer at 2.5 seconds. I allow 2.7 as that is about the length of the buzzer on most timers. If you are using a pocket carry mode, you may start with your hand on the gun in the pocket. Otherwise, hands normal at sides, no touching of the gun until the buzzer. Hits in the 4″ head circle or cutting the line are considered down zero, outside the circle but inside the head perforation is down one point. Competent and practiced shooters may consider this drill simple, but let’s be honest these folks make up less than one tenth of one precent of the people that carry firearms for self defense.

Try it, you may be in for a humbling experience. Don’t be surprised to find that those little 2″ airweight .38 special revolvers and pocket 380 autos are nearly impossible to pass this drill with. In police work we call this “a clue”.

-Ken Hackathorn

Old Guy With A Blaster

Ken Hackathorn has served as a US Army Special Forces Small Arms Instructor, Gunsite Instructor, and NRA Police Firearms Instructor. He is currently an FBI Certified Firearms Instructor, Certified Deputy Sheriff with Washington County SO, Ohio, and a SRT member and Special Response Team trainer. Ken has trained US Military Special Operations forces, Marine FAST and SOTG units and is a contract small arms trainer to FBI SWAT and HRT.

Ken has provided training to Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and been active in small arms training for the past 25 years. He has written firearms related material for Guns & Ammo, Combat Handguns, Soldier Of Fortune, and currently American Handgunner and contributed to at least six other gun/shooting journals. Ken was also a founding member of IPSC and IDPA.

To see Ken’s Training Class Schedule visit aliastraining.com.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer SSD readers hard earned words of wisdom.

Viewpoint Tactical Magazine Issue 1 Now Available

December 6th, 2014


Viewpoint Tactical Magazine is a free online tactical magazine. It promises to be the most diverse tactical magazine in the industry, with articles from all corners of the tactical community.

This first issue covers the following topics:

  • TACMED Training: The Real Deal
  • Gates of Fire
  • The Story of Medal of Honor recipient Sammy L. Davis
  • Russia Israel: The Proxy War
  • Cyber TCSM
  • When LEDET meets Legend
  • Dick Kramer Interview
  • SAWMAN talks Rhinos
  • Shoot-Move-Communicate
  • and much more
  • You can read it here: issuu.com/viewpointtactical/docs/viewpoint_tactical_1dec14?e=14637418/10413609
