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Posts Tagged ‘SHOT Show’

SHOT Show – Crye Precision

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

Once you see what Crye has on hand as well as their Six12 project, some will just throw their hands up in defeat and wonder why they even bothered to show up. But most will accept the challenge and up their game.

Crye Precision has delved into new areas and continues to remain out on the cutting edge.

First off are the new patterns. On the left you have Arid pattern and on the right Tropical.


Next up, three new jackets for Spring.

FieldShell 2

They’ve redesigned the fit lock on the fieldshell.

Loft Jacket

The loft jacket is an insulated softshell with stretchy side panels and thumb hole cuffs. It also features a stowable, low-profile hood.

LWF Jacket

The lightweight fleece jacket is the first use of this new printed softshells with fleece interior.

LEO1 Pants


The LEO1 Pant was created to offer a low-cost alternative to the combat pant for law enforcement. While the stretch panels are not on this pant, the fit block is said to be well suited to mobility. The LEO offers the Crye knee pad and the front and side cargo pockets are integrated into a single piece to lower cost.




Hitcoat is a two component system designed for LE that incorporates a vest and a sleeves. You may note that the vest offers an offset zippered, front closure.


The sleeve component is a single, integrated unit that offers armor and shoulder and elbow protection.



Sizing will be similar to the combat shirt.



SmartPouch Suite

This is a real gem. Crye Precision looked at the Operator’s load and designed a suite of pouches that can be used for several different purposes.


For attachments, each pouch has a sleeve for use with AVS that will also accommodate a 2″ belt as well as PALS compatibility.


More on these soon.



They updated the yoke for the Adaptive Vest System.


Fieldsuit and Combatsuit


The Fieldsuit and Combat suit were designed for airborne operations,


They found that by offsetting the front zipper, they could keep the suit from riding up.


Airframe ATX


The Airframe ATX is an aramid option for the helmet.

And now what you’ve all been waiting for…Six12


Six12 is a modular, compact shotgun system that utilizes a rotary magazine ala a revolver.


Designed as an answer for the breacher, the patent pending system can be used standalone or attached to a carbine. As it is, the bull pup design a perfectly legal length. However, there is a short barreled NFA variant available for use with SBRs.


The compact design gives the breacher additional breaching rounds in a package that is integrated into his carbine, increasing both lethality and survivability.

Here, you can see the removable magazine.


Look for it by Christmas.

Crye Precision Silent Auction Preview

Sunday, January 12th, 2014


Click to view animated image

Last year it was the Q-Concepts Boba Fett helmet. This year, it’s an Ops-Core donated FAST Helmet and Mandible, decked out by Q Concepts as a Yeti Killer helmet.

GSS Gear At SHOT Show 2014

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014


If you’re attending SHOT Show 2014, be sure to vist GSS Gear at booth #6608.

Book Now for #BeyondSHOT

Monday, January 6th, 2014


During the week of Shot Show (Jan 14-17th), Operator Suppressor Systems (OSS) & Beyond Clothing will be hosting a off site in Las Vegas, NV with a handful of other brands. Interested parties looking to learn more about the #BeyondShot event should contact Beyond’s Mission team or Johnny Primiano (OSS).

Sneak Peek – 2 New Packs from Kifaru to Debut at SHOT SHow

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

Kifaru has just released 2 new packs and will have them at SHOT Show.


The first is the Nomad which really is a system that works with their Duplex and Bikini frames. You can also supplement the Nomad with the new Camp Bag. Additionally, they will be showing the new rifle carrier at SHOT.

The 2014 Kifaru Nomad from Rokslide on Vimeo.


Kifaru also just introduced the EMR II that was called the “Big Daddy” in development. It is the new replacement for their longstanding EMR that launched the Tactical division 12 years ago.

Kifaru informed us that they have a couple more items that they’ll be showing at SHOT, but just haven’t announced them yet.

SHOT Show To Add Industry Range Day

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

The first SHOT Show Buyer Day at the Range will be held during SHOT Show 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada and SHOT Show Media Day at the Range and SHOT Show Buyer Day at the Range will now be referred to as SHOT Show Industry Day at the Range. But this doesn’t mean that they will be held the same day. Media Day will continue to be held on Monday and the new Buyer Day will be held on Tuesday, with only 700 specially invited guests who will get to put hands on the latest shooting, hunting and outdoor products in a range setting.

To learn more as we get closer to SHOT Show 2014, visit

ADS Inc. TV Presents Shot Show 2013 | Round-Up

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

ADS Inc. TV brings the 2013 Shot Show to you in this sneak peak into everything you missed! Clips from your favorite brand’s booths: Daniel Defense, Blue Force Gear, LBT, Arc’teryx, Hazard 4, Princeton Tec, CRYE Precision, Under Armour & more!!

SHOT Show – Oakley

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

Oakley wearers have been asking for MultiCam models for awhile now and Oakley has obliged. Look for several of the most popular models in MultiCam.


In addition to MultiCam models they’ve also introduced Cerakote editions.


Additionally, you’ll see new boots. The SI-6 and SI-8 tactical boots share styling and differ by the height of teh upper. These assault boots feature a smooth toe and with fully tightened laces evoke the styling of the old GSG-9 but with a significant makeover in materials and construction. The upper is synthetic that features Hydrofuse construction. Look for sizing from 6-13 and then on out to 17 in full sizes. Offered in Black, Coyote and Desert Tan.


And now, they’ve introduced something completely new. The SI Belt is a Coyote Brown 1-3/4″ loop compatible belt available in S, M and L sizes that features the Raptor buckle.

