
Posts Tagged ‘SOMA’

SOMA – Bio-Oil

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Originally developed in 1987 for recovering burn survivors, Bio-Oil is a non-greasy oil for dry skin. The ingredient PurCellin Oil reduces the thickness of the solution making it easily absorbed. This means no greasy feeling and I’m told a lot of deployed guys are getting care packages containing Bio-Oil to help deal with chapped hands and dry skin. It’s also good for scar tissue.


Its been available overseas for years but has just recently been introduced to the US. Bio-Oil is now available at most major retailers.

Yes, it’s great for the ladies.

SOMA – Day 2

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office

SOMA – Solar Stik Inc

Saturday, December 15th, 2012


We’ve been big fans of Solar Stik’s kinetic energy collection system for some time now. But now they’ve partnered with INI Power to offer their IntelliGEN flex-fuel generator which we wrote about earlier this year. They both offer a variety of energy collection and management technologies and what’s even better, they are more than happy to work together.

It might seem odd to see energy companies at a medical show but you have to consider that many medical devices require power to work. In fact, think about disaster areas. Not only is there a great deal of suffering that requires medical attention, but there’s generally no shore power either.

Look for more info soon on both of these great companies.

SOMA – Black Box Biometrics

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

Developed under a DARPA program, the Blast Gauge sensor system from Black Box Biometrics (B3) collects data about blast exposure.


One of the great features of the Blast Gauge is that it gives instant feedback after an event. Simply depress a detent on the face of the device and the Soldier gets a Green, Amber or Red light based on the level of blast overpressure. Additionally, the device can be interrogated and data about the last 10 events downloaded and reviewed by medical personnel to allow them to characterize the exposure and formulate a treatment plan.


The device is small and can be mounted on the rear of the helmet as well as the chest and shoulder allowing for more accurate collection of overpressure waves and their effects on different areas of the body.

I see a lot of advantages with the Blast Gauge. It is compact and lightweight, offering immediate feedback to the Soldier. Additionally, it assists in triage and subsequent treatment options as well as overall research into blast overpressure.

SOMA – 2XU Compression

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

If you’re a major league sports fan you’ve probably already heard of 2XU. They provide a wide variety of garments that offer muscle containment, increase circulation resulting in heightened proprioception meaning that the wearer becomes more alert and agile.


The human performance advantages of 2XU have already caught the eye of several SOF units who are in the process of trying garments out.

SOMA – ATS Tactical

Saturday, December 15th, 2012


The CASEVAC panel is now a common sight in many helos and combat vehicles. What makes the ATS Tactical’s version different is that it isn’t just a panel of generic GP Pouches. Instead, they manufacture purpose built pouches like this one for bleed modules.


In fact, look for these panels packaged with new Polaris MRazr.

SOMA – Rip Shears

Saturday, December 15th, 2012


Rip Shears showed us a prototype Kydex sheath for their shears by Survival Sheaths. Naturally, it is designed specifically to fit shears fitted with the excellent Ripper which is used in a draw knife action to rapidly expose wounds and cut away equipment. Prototype sheaths include MALICE clip and Bladetech Tek-Lok attachment systems.

SOMA – Mystery Ranch

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

This will give you a shot of the Mystery Ranch SpadeLock Med Panel in a 3-Day Assault pack.


As you can see, the pockets are mounted via hook and loop to the SpadeLock making configuration and use a snap.
