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Archive for 2009

ARC Magazine Update

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009


As an update to our article on TangoDown’s ARC magazine, we wanted to tell you about an additional color. The new Translucent has been added to Black, Flat Dark Earth, and Foliage.

Also, word has it to be on the look out for a new 20 round version coming soon. UPDATE
Our friends at Military Morons have one of the 20 rounders and suggested we share a picture with you. Thanks Guys!

20 Round ARC Magazine

The 30 rounders are currently available from several retailers including G&R Tactical.

Lock Pick Business Card

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

I once worked for a guy obsessed with getting his business card just right. He would try raised lettering, different colors and even had his sized slightly larger than everyone else so his would stick out. But nothing that guy did even compares to the card below.

Kevin Mitnick's Business Card

The guys over at ITS Tactical Blog clued me in on this beauty. It is the business card of Kevin Mitnick, infamous “hacker’ turned security consultant. The business card has all of the pertinent data engraved on a stainless steel card. That alone is pretty cool, but the card also includes a set of laser cut picks. The cards are made by Metal Cards and are pure genius for a guy running a security firm.

I am not a lock picking kind of a guy but from what the article at ITS Tactical says, they aren’t the best picks in the world but rather, really shine as a back up set stored in a wallet. In fact, they suggest purchasing two and practicing with one of them.

To echo the warning from the guys at Imminent Threat Solutions, check your local laws regarding carrying Lock Picks before you rush out and get one of these.

I am a big fan of the ITS Tactical Blog and visit about once a week or so. They have lots of how-to guides and some cool reviews. Check them out.

Kifaru Now Offers Printed Webbing Option

Monday, June 15th, 2009

Kifaru International

American pack maker Kifaru recently discussed the issues that surround offering printed webbing on their web forum. Due to the cost involved with stocking additional materials in various sizes to manufacture packs with both printed Multicam and UCP webbing, combined with low market demand, they have decided to delay altering their line. However, they announced that they will now accommodate special orders, with a slight catch. You will have to provide the webbing.

Anyone interested in this option will need to contact Janice at the shop to get the correct Bill of Materials and be prepared to pay a 10% surcharge for a custom pack. This is the same procedure for other custom pack options they have offered in the past.

To order any of the Kifaru line of packs visit www.kifaru.net.

We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Kifaru International as a new sponsor of Soldier Systems Daily.

Air Force Finally Mandates Tucked Boot Laces

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Not bad, it only took them 62 years. I can’t believe it was never a safety issue before this. I mean someone had to have tripped on those big bunny ear loop laces hanging out of the Corafram Jump Boots at some point. Despite having never made it into AFI 36-2903, they insist that Airmen wear reflective belts day or night.

Please take a moment to peruse the whole list of approved changes to the Air Force uniform. But even better is that the Air Force includes all of the suggestions that didn’t make the cut and some of them are whacky as hell.

Read the entire list here.

Rucksack Stretcher System

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

The RSSâ„¢ Rucksack Stretcher System from the British firm Centurion is exactly what it is called. It is a day pack that converts into a stretcher. There is a removable daypack consisting similar to the Crusader/PLCE design consisting of zippered side pockets as well as a first-aid kit. Additionally, the RSS can be configured with an optional lightweight backboard. There are also integral straps which can be used to immobilize the casualty.

RSS in Stretcher Mode

In the stretcher mode, it can be configured for carry by two to four bearers and can be reinforced with makeshift poles.

Rucksack Stretcher System

The RSS comes in Red, Black, Woodland, or Desert but custom colors can be accommodated. Check it out over at rucksackstretcher.com.

Programmable Matter

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

DARPA’s “programmable matter” program aims to develop material that can be ordered to “self-assemble or alter their shape, perform a function and then disassemble themselves.” According to Henry Kenyon at Signal magazine, researchers are making some progress.

Programmable Matter

One day, that could lead to “morphing aircraft and ground vehicles, uniforms that can alter themselves to be comfortable in any climate, and ’soft’ robots that flow like mercury through small openings to enter caves and bunker complexes.” A soldier could even reach into a can of unformed goop, and order up a custom-made tool or a “universal spare part.”

One team from Harvard is working on a kind of “generalized Rubik’s Cube” that can fold into all kinds of shapes. Another is trying to order large strands of synthetic DNA to bind together in a “molecular Velcro.” An MIT group is building “self-folding origami” machines that “use specialized sheets of material with built-in actuators and data. These machines use cutting-edge mathematical theorems to fold themselves into virtually any three-dimensional object.”

The program, currently in its fifth month, is supposed to wrap up in the Spring.

Check out the entire article at Signal Magazine.

Spartan Bead

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

Lots of our readers make or use lanyards for everything from keychains to dummy cords. Spartan Blades has introduced something new that will help give your kit a little bling.

Spartan Bead

The Spartan Blades helmet bead is made in the USA from lead-free pewter. It is a half inch in diameter and fits a double strand of 550 para-cord as well as most other accessory cords.

To purchase visit Spartan Blades.

Sling Loop Ambidextrous Plate

Friday, June 12th, 2009

We are beginning to see products that cater to ambidextrous use of the carbine. We recentkly ran across one such product, the Sling Loop Ambidextrous Plate. Designed to facilitate the transition from one side of your rifle to the other and back without having to unhook your sling. Additionally, it will accommodate many different styles of hooks as well as 1″ webbing.

Sling Loop Ambidextrous Plate

The SLAP is cut from a single piece of carbon steel, bent, and phosphate coated. As they are not cast or welded there are no weak points to break or make noise. If anything it’s worth purchasing one just because of the website name; ikickhippies.com.